Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Feb 1983, p. 10

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10 Tlh. Caadian Champion, Wod,Feb.10,190 Agency hopes to help adufts, youth, seniors lisere are few local busies proretors mis enasboat lesuthas to inieted o brean ad eter. Many have beau the victimeofoSmre tias one vaodalam ttack. lit oslycmna tes oseer a $5 fnetirougb tes insurance polcy te have tise indose repaired or a sevi, ock nstfled. lise teenger or yoongter a notallft caugt adIf apprebeoded. firt tboe off- eedros ssslly escape ilb a IIapou tisa wrlat. Tise ictins rarely feejustice bas bees served os tisa Per rimo o acaosed tees burt, iacouveniece and eiqeseae . This could cbange xiUi Uic introduction of the Cormaunity Resorce Services of Ha- Tise orgasizatioewb iSoperatefromt tise u9 e offices of tie Haltea Credif Uion buidssgou Mais S., offean amoaf other services, the opprtunity te blp vctime of certainecrimes. Worklsg clooey ih plice, tbe cosurts ansi thc mitry et crrectiosal services, Commwity Resource Services of Haltes avilI h responsible for adminiterng cm- masity worb rders, prevetative educationat pregrams and a projet kaawn as juvenile diversion. Worka Wel Thse latter orts e eSnha asituatiounseere a joveie offender for exmple, has no mmaey or means of eriog mosey, ansi wsbes te mabre ap for a bod deed by belping a victbo seiUi suhbtansboassaouw aboefisg, graus cuttng etc. 'Wbat ve are trylef te do ha 10 otS a sense of rspoiilily ha youUi ansd accoust- abilty for Uilctiona," explainesi Rob Mclentie, eecutive director ofthe agescy. "Victirne havebes i rosifantelong," said! M. McKeosie, addigthcepogam wti blp victime as eS as bopefatiy rebab- iliate Uic offender. Ise ides of cammuity work ordens ha hardy ses, bt the cocept gisiof rapid popularity boUhinhaand osutof court. A ise tee, oflen dooca itte to deten an offessier frons repeathag Uic crime, mbreaa a mrk rder cas lenve a mach ileper ie ageacy sel deat wiUi several diffen- et categoies-Ibose tee yoagtin, b pros- oruted, or perbapa coogt for Uic first ime asd given a "second chance"; those cbarg- ed and pcocessed Urough Uic courts and Uosgt ou eligible for the program asd Ibose sabo are setenasi by a proincial co'rt judge ta a nanher of consnuity ork bour. Police wms of tes refer seuil Uey celuie as goocandidates fonnauch a progran. Stfly volutary "Seme of Iese kida dont kboose oose home tiey broke hala and Uey corne face te face wiUi victir-Uiat's toagb. fI a alaoeam- REGISTRATION for Saptamber 1903 111EHMLTON MMIICAH=U SEPIHATE SCIG O 91 AssJAlNCE registratc iof hss Ochil5,sc Is mii betedi irderogamsceni theseaaan Scols in c Osingio, Oaksle. Min, Gesoreton and Acoc, mli behsi aail cai scholois o 1909010.WED#EAY AND THIIIUY PEDIGAIIO 2Mu ni u246,. 1M9 9:0 .B.. Io Noo AGI OF ADM ISION AND OIQLIREMENTS *Chlden areo s'l o d h5 years sof leon ssor e.becocrsi,1 983 B.0 had BatsmaCotict FOI macs heinormacin i ntDo ou Iaca the IF YGIJ M CUT OUT FOR US WE'LL CUT DUT TIIE OST 0F COING TO UNIMESITY Th CasaS,- 0ScuiS., Pl-, llh ,so.S,, a 0,cc,.a Whh.s. dsaci ll's s I -------------------. Heather Smi, emaager fr MOtean uilted Way, weloese Lorle Chapseas and Rois MeKcaie sor ssesslty Resource Ser- vices o Halte. were a yossg parsoosha recommeadesi for or, bt baus ot becs formaly charged wiUi an offence, Ue tenager hauder no obligation. fthinsricly a volulary decision, Ume gbM. Macenate admits il loo mucb better for Uic tees hvolvcd if be agrees lu compensate for shatevor damnages be ba dou. "I many cases, the kid can't pay ton Uic alosehadoor he brobe, but becon ab is- doss andfloro and that $100 i coovrtedt t so umybhournof labor. " Parente efthUe offenders are automaicat- ly requeted te ha hvolves in heicdecision ut a sorborder, saisi M. McKenzie. "We wil uually havcapanel of Ireembho wril hterview Ue yssth . Stes Uie victins mdll bon the panel." This allows the victtm Berne say about compesation. in a case sehere the offender la taktes ta court and e is deemed a geedecandidate for a mark order, a serittes recommnredation mi e tates to ceurt. Mr. McKenzie aaid ha f"oda a bgb par- centage et parents are receptive ta the idea andoffer "gond" support tothe prograss. "fi ta lntended te belf bals realise the ceseqencs t teiracosa," bcaad. Non-Proflf A nee-profit organisation, the Cornrunaty Resourcea Services of HaltIesta onee oftbree ouch groupesoperating in Haltes iSurlington had a sirniar service agency open ln f1M and Dabvalle recently atarted up a siater groupi andtsamcostser oftbeUottedWay. Funded tbrough tise Unted Way, Haltes Region andi the faderaI govecnmest, the local group iaotaffed by a fulltlrne persos te Milton, and with Berne assistence frorn staff in Burlington. As part of lis mandate, the organisation wiltconduct preventative prograrna te Milton scheols, with particutar attention te grades six in eigbt. Diacussios enIlcentre os mandatios, beuse estries, ceping witb peer pressure, parental and ocboot authority. "10e are conceroed about getting a mes- sage te, youth-respectisg the values of othero, respecting other persos' property and tise cosoquesces of their actions," oaid Mr. toctenate. "10e have choses the educatloal route as part of our mandate because resesrch bas shasen tteo te wbere our prograrn shoutd ha going. Ourauadience sin thseschoots. " "Hopefulty sehat wc are doing la going te teurboreoftbeyouth," headded. Thse estire progran ba takes ose year te develop and represens a unique service in Haltes, he saisi. conside-obte tane mas taken te examsine nimilar prograiin Atbra Manitebo and Qaebec and diacossios oe hetd witb Hat- tas Regiosat Police chief James Harding, the police yoatb bureau and faasily court jadge James Fuller. TIhe praject bas received tefull bocbing af ail parties contacted. said Mr. tocKenale. Ttsougb estabtiabed int Milton, tbe local of- fice miS ha sf1eriaf ita services in Actes and Georgetown. Heading tbe Milton office mitl be oran Chapesan of Milton. 5 The mother af two bas a background in .saciology andi payrbatogy a diptona oiaroc- oreatios lesdership andd a working ou ber bochelor of arts degree at the University of Waterloo. Mca. ijbapmas sebo ajoent tbree yeas morbing aitie Milton "Y ' sais ae took ou thc job becasse abe oujoya cballenges and finda "1mtst ida have a lot of pro- mise... tbey fustneedalttledfrectiss.' CORRECTION NOMiE sn the Wdnsdy t'ebraaty 9t11 193 adtii oI Iis oespaper Ihe tolosaîng intformation wan mtetosi Irto adveitisemnent paltainina ta the 'Ltentylo Tosels" promotion. Il abolltbne reass: «'FREE LIFESTYLE TOWELS", flItdetails lanxiii sores iProincal Soas TaxfxniO Wo' sincetely regret aoy incannonience Iis may bons casseti Br castaners. TIlanli ou lac shoppiag Dominio K»EW I o n e . pi 15% OFF .v~ 20% OFF ao~ WITH COUPON NO WOFFERING -AME DAY SERVICq ..-C'e Wiarningr Heat aidV fa e Canada adaises that danger ti ea lb onr easeswth amoant smioed-avoid niaing. hic age percgarete mg tar 5vg ncotine SUMMR ANADA%83 ANMINWSTMIN This somrmer, thousands of jobs wilt be created for students. The federal gosernment's SUMMER CANADA program wiii providetfunding to non-profit organizations and municipalties f0, help themn employ students, and g ive themn career-retated experience. * Students who cant find summier jobs dont develop the kind 0f work experie AIt helpa them bridge the gap between school and Wor I ieiên mean a student's education cornes to a sudden sop JUMER CANADA is designed fo change that - by helping emptoyers hetp students. * If you aresa student interested in real work emperience, you should register at your local Canada Employment Centre. If you are a member of a non-profit organization that would like funding to hire students, read on. SUMMER CANADA applcanîs seho toant funding to hire students to work on community-based proîects must be able to empioy three local students. Work nhouid resuit in tangible gooda or services to the communîity and provîde marketabie job esperience for the student workers. Communîty projects must last between sic and sighteen consecutîve weeks durîng the Community Projects Sponsor Appicaton Deatiine: March 4, 1983 Internahîpa suppiy fundîng to non-profit organîzations and munîcipalîties that wii hire students as temporary additions to their staff.t1 n emphasîs is on creatîng projects Ihat mili give deveiopmental work esperience in a weii supervîsed setlîng, These internahîpa (whîch must last six to eîghteen weeks durîng the summer) may continue for trse consecutîse summers. That gises tOn employer incrsasîngiy skîlind workers, and thn students secure summer empioyrnent that buids saiuabie work esperîence. Intemsohlp Sponsor Application fleadlna Mach 11, 1983 Appications ansi information auiabis ai your Canada Empioymsnt Centre and Empioymenf Devsiopment Office EmPloymenI and Empoi et n d f mmigrateon Canada Immgraton Canada Can d' Lioydi Awotly, Mînîiste Loydi Axortby Mnnr Ve $100 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd (ll a p tLiaigM Sblaill hu an , n1 g$100 off thr purchase of uîîy Subniarîne sandc i ah a Coke. It sauone day special gsod un any of sur frcsh delicisus Submarine sandwiches. FUWsmagood,

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