Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Feb 1983, p. 26

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C2' TlstaadWn sChestilu, Wed.; Neb. 9, IN' Here are sme uft he fiucul kuers ram the MUltas Figure Saing Club. Soume placd welliu a cnmpelllas lu Lodunihileailieru rcprceulned the Milon Cluai the Iuter-club meet over tle wvecbeud aiPr rodit. Summedid buth. lu the back ruw (leS lteright> arc Nancy MeDaucl. fMoua Hcuaebrry. KeDi Sewart, Callie, Thoruluu. Li Clauoy. Lccua Erwn, Heidi BroocsAs iaRchrdsoa,. Laura Marau aod Wady liruaeile. lu Uie front ruw arc Jalie MeDutle, Liua Nichai, Jeaanellnliday. Sheri-Asa lHcath, Laurie NcDaacO. riatilCaculcuro. Tracy McDutte. NaalicClarke and Disue Mawell. From Inter-club Five skaters going to Borden Fou abtera ram thecMMltan Fi- lirden panenta vilb a incesavwingi ju- goeSkating Club erncd tic righ nie Mtas club put an a trang vcnilc ladies tac tic top honor. taivnce InthicCntral Otario ubawing ut Port Credit. Seven area teeCais Section Inter-C-lub campetitian au a clubs sent their boni sater lu ecb TInratan vas Ibidieslc Heidi rouat ot their pertornances aver catcgary. Mitan sent 13 albuiers te Braoks alsn was third lu interrnc- thc weehcnd t Inter-Cab ut Prt Port Credit.cutldi. Credit. Ainong Uic individuai resalts a, eldis Krtt Canestraro, Jule McDutt, Kriti Canetrara inhbed a coco- tenailler reuits, Keli Stewart was Heidi Brooks andl Nancy McDiicl bincil second i pr-juvenita ladies secnd i senior bronesolo dance viSl join tan Gfieg, vho drew a bye, trac abte. *wilc Nancy McDoniel wassirti ai thc ectionais a Prcb I6ilisse Julie McDutte tolipeilail ber op- junior ilver laditeaoladaame. Dew breaks OFSSA record Pbhfip Dcv, one ot Mion tp ailetes, brobe an OPSAA record ai Uic Provincial igb.Schoon tedor 'racb and Field Champianniipo. la h Uitgi scisonidivision outhUicMaple Lout lndonc Garnes, Dcv did Uic 6Wyard ru i a record ime ai 1: 14.5 te in Uic evon. Ho is Uic Oirsi allete iMDHS sports hioay ta accoespSosh stba tot. Tie race itacit camited ut tour separate bota iUi competitrs rang ugaiesi the clockfrhtoipmes. adler Uis yor ho set Uic jusnior Canodian record in Uice160 mores. Dcv os apramialat Croudian ullete viUi a loi more potentiatectalpe. e is deiditely a name lao boarda more oftic as ime gam on. Scenda tocubot ase competed a intis vel-bova meet and braheboir persocl, and Uie chioni record in tie 3M n0e pn. Steesisot did eceptioolly voS raoning agint juniors and seniors (brsel a ridgci). se va n ts UiliofaiGergetonstop rosser, Lynne McPbail in Uic inugb race. Hec tinte von 11.1. Janet Drenan aise represoutcd taDH in thigb jump. la baukebtsà action. the seniors detcatcd Perdue Paners 5439 ina rougis guee. nie juniors maoagcd ta suiiab by 3733 toate asonUer vin nie eidgtaalaocameioutlun top 44-26 ta tura a trlpl-leade ito a triple victary. Ait a tauroumees in Pickerig Uic juniors evolved an conolation cisaim- pions ith a 2-1 record. - tIWjUrior girls volicybsis toe, thes tac usdeteaîcd, lst ouita E. C. Drary bust niursday in taugb play. Scores vere 15, -15 andl 6.15. Earier l ic vheocis Uey played o oroug mains and cameot on top gisi Actas. Scores vcre 1510 515,18-16. The senior girls toesm chalisci up tvo victrie, lani vei. t upped Uiir record 10 42 and o ie toc second spot. nioy boul Acton ino iiescc traigis gueses 1510,152, 152. E. C. Drury ais o succambed 10 MDHS 1510,151,15.0 .Jr. girls still unbeaten Tise junior girls volicyba sa i 'touri!tt" _______________ sedefetoule IlTleybave played 15gam.« and hbave van 13 and lst aly twicc (White Oubes ond Miltan are Uic only du ry teams ta win a guise off af Uei). MDEIS and Loyola. Agint MDHSUiche IIJIJol toes won lto Uic Ivagaines ta anc wes by esceptiosel play fron Anrea with Shannon and Tracey Yung. MAUREEN ,. Agint Layla, Drary won osily three SMT gameor taions, (1-1, 15-2, 15-10) 'Tb'e S IT toes vwas led by conitet arvng by Andre, Sbannon and Traccy Yising. Sania. Theemss succesi tar date non be Yestrday, Drary playcd tGeorgetown aiibstcd ta a god minaf irtia and but roonta were not availalo. second yor players and an bopraved The senoteanisiabu played Milton and spiing ability by ail apibera Tbe toes hila pot up a vaiant effort, butsccuesbed ta receîvîng ecellent coclsng by Mr.T a esoe otfenive sqond. Blades hold -reins on G'town The estecy wtUi bcb Miltan Sanvi la Uic openr, Milton golîeDon Durand Blades olînr bantarn o bld avec George- Pt on a dazzling display coeing sp with town coninseil over Uic wecbend o asiltt sevecal spectaculac nves. Ater Uic two wonoeand ied anoUier toil a 3-1 loud in clubs payed Uiougb Uic irai peiod in a -i their six-point OMRA qaliyng series. daw, Stade, cored Uic lone gosal fthUicse- Stades caploreil Uic opener by aS5-i mar. rond rame andl Sen pampeil borne Ucec gin Sonday in Georgetaonbetare Uic two qsîcb uameswered tales overthUirciir clota payed ta a 3-3 Moaday igt ai Morno- pcrîôd. ial Aren. Tie Uird gamo is set t'rIthurs- Diing Uic darnage tr Milton vore Doug day aI 6.3 p ..utiMamorial Arena. The Dresa, and Sott Hisas wiUitva goanta tortbh i set for Georgetwn Friday wiUi a apicce wile Tfravin Cle addsd a goal and tltUi garne, it neceaoary, bacb bra ai Milton tva oaista. Wayne Riveralrat Grvai Snday a016.30 p..leotPolen, Pt Bterandl Robbie Wison. Waring iOfl oiahd lsC anada inires liai dnger lu Ialsb iceass b 5,u sount M l-asiot îtallvg. hecaî per cigarette lq 'toi'0. Imgotin rae Medics are kin tough battie in one-iofUicte nitereti meien, iaMineDora à Dents misas atomaad oeowanret edupul Urec poitsaplecceitheir sau-ot-j five OMIIAnaoe qaalitylngMise.1 Ailer Medica teck Uitheser Mlet1 veeh 3-2, Gergetown bsttiled hock1 te eves Uhecsamies vith a 2-1 vin luti Toesday la Geargaiuvn. A atone ahitiSahardY te Mltboa pradcead yet unoihr come conlesi wiUi neiher prevaiing i a " svw-j Tva Geogtown #gaulaheUictuj period vere enongis te eclipo Uihec Medira bn mucher af Uic gaine icorodtein ltheicmiddle trame,adi dtUi suies wiUi a 2-1 Georgetawn Win. The homo tesin tock tUic-play t. Mil to ram Uic apcning face-ait viUi sucis deierelaatlon tUni Uic Medira vera daaind a siagle ahot on goal inheia Rng period. lisutfocrUc ottendlsg goal- tesdlsg uf Miltn&RyaPeidiîe, and onlid penaliy-hUllag by Jarcet lilanchard and Robbie Crasee i gaRciloular,' Georgeown righivcal vo bld as mfotuble.lead goig inta tise middle tramne. At 3.40 hi Uic second Medica laracil Uic tables wsen deeaicemun David hIrDuf le led o perfecirlinh- vide apsu la Damien Dobien an Uic loti sing. Duibes vorhcd is vuy aronnd Uihe ourdaand ld Uic puck bsch in front foc Crovo ta pop il borne. Georgeowes vened Uie core, tva mtinuteonhelbfil rame on a bceubsway, Uion fially vont 2-11 abodaitishe 5.27 muckhon apaver- play, tUier fi f lis te gume te Uatiu point.1 WiUi the minor astasoles lIed t1 anc gurne esdi, Gorgteo and1 Miltas retaroil ta Meeos lAren, Satarday. HOWN iga boy Fesolktea weuhllive wdl.e*esWied m oetIWOc' pem es3esseceiFeue hlup m nul. a - fuelW dm Is ousg besid a bey sels Q reupecisai nedehhLm" TOM GALLINGER supports BIG BROTHERS Bowl for Millions Feb. 5-12 ONT. BIG BROTHERS ASSGC. NEEDS VOUR SUPPORT Thisad sponsored by GOkiMeSece. ucamuaust s. . Utesnapeasil the scmling ai 7.32 aith Uitapriai!on a gaalrnauUi acraubte viUi Dublon starlog, aoisted iy Truvor lirandt and Todil Muley. Georgetowne ves ties core vlit 15 secondea cmanibg in Ue Ai 8.W aet tlise acond peried, Milten', Mid"ociCon ickbadl.cd bis vsy Inte-Uic taorgecovo sone. dekedUihegpalleoand score, vlithan asaitguig ta Kevbs Duvldaon. Georgeown agai eveacil Uic score ai 2-2, os a pover pay goal, vlith20 seconda letS n heicprloil. ViSuls de it 3-2 Miltes, ai 02.11 of Unc hird prlod. o an un uasslted pover-pluy goal vlUibgi s0h01te the stick aetollng an ed-te- end runh. seiley auaiied by Dubies, gave Milton a 4-2 leud i I î.Wi, ater Georgetown 1-O feod oe Georgetown put togfeiier a pby- iraiad potont sattkth tube a84-1 vin tram MUltes Optlelis ior peevees hi Uic opiner ai Uier besi- af-three final sore, Monday olgisi i Georgetovn. liievictery gave Georgetewns s 1-0 lesd hi Uic imdes. Georgetovn ta ot lohlng fac ce- venge ram lest year visesMUltas pt Uiom ot Ias esciting spaci Georgetevn damlnsied Uic con- tot scrcng bite in Uic irai prod andl Uen addlng ose emore hi Uic middle rumee hoore Miltes gai on Uic board vlihaevcn minutes lat i roguistion urne. Sbsvn Healcy scored foc MUteto ram Lc Fincis. Georgeteonsdded onc mre vilb four minutes remainino. Gso t egte' Uie - cen okadcapitllcas on tva power-playoapparbdbii, acbsig ai 7.35 andl iylog il 4-4. ai 4.ie viUi 2ia remuibs¶ Mulley aaur-ed agai, amse yCou andl Ccowe, but veretw aeonta o desled ue Uiey evened thse Oo34 w 5- SM J loftint rogubtica Urne, The porne Ues vent loto à ta- minute ovectiteoandl Sgiliascardai thc pay. Medies mude iS-Sunt 8.20 on Dsbie'sa second goal, a bordoshol trorntheUic la, viU assite ginglao btsiley and Michac el.. MOn cold not hong on Uitgb, - teogo*an'u late perloil ehia cionil, iying Il viitholy 1.13 reesalnlng. powers Otis Milon advanced aginss Gerge- laon wvtU a hrd-tangisi 2-i et wiloover Dundua. After dropiing thc opener 3-2 tet Monday, Ophi tangis bath la vin 5-2 Suia y teDundas betoro Iuig Uthme srvlitan extng 43vin Sanday aflesnrial Aena. Rabbi Tarner turneil hero hi Uic fial gainse ucring th ehùibg goal trmarna-ameble viUi b shixintes loftin th amUcgre. Milton chng la tise one-goal l tdUicrani of UicvuY te treserve Uic vlclary. Chisla Fbbra aniteil on Tsrner'a goal. Olhocwiue, Slsevn Sealey Wva one-esan wrecbing cccv.. nie cen- icaman utcack for savon of Uic teumaIls gopis hi Uic sertns, The oUirs weeo corcil by Mihe Stop- bon, wvtUitva, Fabico and Tarner. Yu dont have ta ebp 500" ta get the se kind of health coellge. A 8lue C.HI.P Package is for groups of 3amre. .(s Mot te u ia s e tit ilii *BLUE CROSS3

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