-Herty thanke Dear sir 1 %ied you a few weelsu ago, mouly ou of resperatios I must admit, inoisg iow a lt of noms- papoTa do fol lise tb prin "rharily' uluriols, b, came awuy feeling msuris btter. ierauue youu aid pou wuuld definitely liSe lu elp and wold rertaily try lu du sometiig for our rause. As tie Halton Co-ordiator for thse Ontario Hert Foundatios, I as deuperately searriig for a Cuen- palan Cialuponu for tise Milou agra, and nul knowlug tise area eti, or aspuse lu i, djd st isso wmisir way su turn. Yuu very iindly sug- ýested tiat 1 arise yuu an arruunt ut or oeeds and enfle barckground 4its, and yuu wuald tam Ito ba Yur soryrcameoutllinte Dec. 29 ,ýsseof your paper, and us De. 30, 1 U ereved a pisune ral from Mns. Ysarjore Muwiray. saysg tiat sie ,.vould liSe lu taise un tieiuge jois of peilug tise Miltun Area Campaigs Ciairpersun! TaiS about a surres story! 1 saber rorentiy, ad sie s ýlready iard ai mr. Wiat rfi 1 say-oarept a "big lisani youu' frum tise Otario Hert loundalion asd me personally. Tise Campun sure in a "Ciamp" in my books! 'Cutinued surrous lu you, yuur staff asd lise Canudian Champun. Shirley G. Brewn. Ustue C-Odlsator, Onstario lIees tFuudation Writer wrong .peur Sr: This bItter i isisg ritlen in reply lu Mr. John F. Middletun's leller p iotdn Tie Campion on Wod- nedy12. 193. I feel thul ie as wrong in aying Ibt "tise hspîtll saff is defensivo and argumenlivo pnd reals patients in n srsis and brulel meener On lie samne day, I rrived aI lise beupital t uppruximately 8.m0 a.m. 1 :rs a mite on immedially evon Wh~ite slalfwasbusyor hedoctor lo conne in a girl and er falisr rame n. TIrir pupers mre filled ul ïmmediately. This as t ap- proximtely 8.20 arn. About .41 a.m. er faîber romplained abou muaiting su long. I had ieen ailsng longer Iban lbey iad. Ho ms tld Ibal a doctur mnuld losu i t er as soon as bo bad ime. Tise nurse iad given her a raId rompresmien sbe Tise nurse surely as qalhified çnsugis lu fly mietir tise cul as a le aic 1 f ee attifasi accep Ihanhfi plain. If the ieing i Wher ies i approx Mr.à tative" patierc sively. liat li forehfi Was islaIe be soi lors.I Dearà Thes seedt Carul Tise soppcr M4.000 yearl ser vic( availai able t Halton cop bopped A Mlon plce fficr is off orts mils o psible raclurosi ja flluing an alercatson ai Tie Lusp B at 55 Soles Ave. over lise ateis end. Police reuposded luelie rna iovern and restaurant laIe Saturday nigis. Acconosîg t0 posce a patron miso nus bosned lrolise restaurast rlusrd tel ave, despsle lie requesI ni bots restaurant management and police. Wen ho as tbld ho outd brrosiod. be s- vted fficers lo go obead and a sinuggie folina- ed. Sveral policemen were apparessly puscis.d ansi iicbed, Constable Brad igrsgg sufleresi lise mosl serinas injury teohis jaw Tise suspect as evenluaiiy arresiosi Ciarged ils assa ultsils inloni lu resisul r- routis 27-year.sld Michael Wllam Higgins ot R 2, Haveluris. Ho is ftnier cbargod ih talngloi eave te promisos. A 34-yar-oid Mlon man ias ieen cisrgesi ilh sauul ils a epon and assaullsng a police officr in corsoorion wsits a domestie ir cideisl laIe Suuday nigisi Halon Rgional Poisce mre caii04 lu 598 Houpy Ave rgarding o dispute. Tiey arrive-b t0 finsi lie suspesthad alresdy lofti Tisoy laer allernpted te rresi him ai a Nassugamoya residenco. According tn police the mon bit an officer on hand andimonagesitloescape police, depsînsthe iosict wsanid-cuîiicsi lie as appriss.sissl Cisrgeslih asssaultssgsstha-s:sssponsind assaulting a police oficer su Paul icilricy Walier of 59 Hoiiy Ave. Meu tef A thisfiethisaufunny for oeat, mode oftfmslis ais estirnatosi $150 orts of seaks,lomis ansi lurkey attar ireaking int a Milon residence tata Friday. Hailo Regiosal Police recened a cailte10 Lrno Sobs Dr. absn a nigibour sa a aide dorvidoopen. Home uner Grog Mamsnas apparenlly amay for the doy. Polico arrived lu ind theoIbthisu d gaiued on- try tirugbuaistchen indow. lu addiinltetheIsoaet, sevon boie of hi- qauor eollosand 24miniature botlles ut tise saine.-Undo Klisby sd deatis situation. ommuity, ils a mandataelinuild e tiat M. Johsn F. Middleluu5 ecomnuily services. TiaIs sur- ie luard lise nursenas un- res. We mut nom grup tis nguiden table. Ho ms more agitalesi pprilteOu iuild a sreuger nom- sits daugItor mas. Hie dougitar msiyitis isutis bonds. cntent lu ail and nul om- We ishin10tianis Milluians for tise ieusniul, piysirul and moral oi dutor said someling abou support ut yur Unitad Ways inti in a iurry ie ms correct ie- cumpalgo. tbey mre ery busy. This mus a rel rummuity effor. n I loftI Liane ans ier ftlier Many peuple got isvolved ina bing louisesiater in tienui- vuiety ut a. Paynoll dodurtiors on lise baril. This i lee ms plans are nom bing implerntod nimately 9.45 ar.m.uasd e are rnost gratetul for this Middleoun aid tisaIlise nurses Vital support trn isdutry. We 'dotensivo and argumen- apprersuto and appluud you for your c"but lie, ierauseofut is je- corners. cueurilmont and fine et- me made il impmssible for tise forts. 10 tounIc any ay but deton- 010 msuld alen like ltisasistise y.Ho sternly stalod th-o fat Canadias Campion tue ita os-gisg e anted lia ail nu longer be- coverage mhisiribs made ur hs daugitor ms reated. United Wuy a visible and viable a lise fuel Ibal ie mus 1goin ucomposent ut tise murnuity, We te for worS nisal auses] im tlookb orard lu rontnuaed blp and impaient? In my opinion lie encouragement from tie media. i tauat.nol lise nuss and dur- Th is uofutpeuple misu bave cnue n my opinion lie dutrs and lrard during Cueupaigu '82 and ?s mre very iinsi and nour- wm is min1costinue tlu binvlvod in tie dveiupeuent ut ur United rilsreely yoenn, Way is eust improsuivo. Thseo Susan Aes neeler individuals wnUl stresgtaenouer Milonefledg eing organisation euurmouely instise Nom Yer. Commuiy upport in el roi- 8 ' a stail dent in our nom office uptairs uithlie Haltun Comrnity Crodil Union. »2Si: Tiis faility bas ieen pruvidesi free re Unied Way of Miltn feelu a o charge and ibisu gesture la ut 050v- ta inrespond lu lise cuvrageofutmous ielp t Iis ime ut develop- ýpains'82 in a recenl iue ut mont. We etendua cordial invitation boampion. to one and ail lu vlit usu Mondoys lu ecumpaign mowas ucisd lu Friday, 9.30 .m util 5.00 p. ®rI social services dspartoly Evonisg and Sturdoy appointments d nf fonds. We are sili huping ean bi arranged by elling 98-2500. seis $40.iOt-wbichis sfacrsort We outd like 10 pint oui tisaItise )ur goal-bo. neveriiseloss. Unted Way of Milons s a er-noud DO more lison non ra ised lasI operalion. and mie enourage yuur tAs a resutl oI ur onitesi effort, support and participation. ýy oilboieavoulable for social Yours sinceroiy, se needs liraIlas nover boen AL. "Gus" Goulousii ýaie bifore We ili josi nolib Proidenl 10 do lise type nI job sisal ce Bord ofDirecturs. Iis per Hosever. a siri s bolier lirn as ustarri ai ail. ansi ë can nnlp us for coninued and greoler com monity support 1inlire peoru 50 comne. Tise United Woy devetopo lise social conscience, supports proven- lion and nord, and oriss lomrd theo deinstituolioiinion n ofv feloos cilînens. The Unied Way is an op- porlonslp for sdividuis fronm ovrp moiS oflifrluiseouome iivnlvd in lie decision-makisiof procs usaI louches us ail in one way or anolisr rigiri miere ise liven ov linos. A Unied Wap ise diriect vs- pansu to lthe crilicai cries niflise social service agoncres osto are simpip no longer able 10 cope ssth lise commonniiy mocis oad Tie Unied Wey ut Milon is sumesta- irisbed s an iniegrai part of iis 9 heur Si s relus vee in ialosr cc resident Durn Brome i. eards fa isy ties charge Tirou Slow down Being a regulor reader ni our nomspuper, if yoo ihave rso I mould really appreciato il if pou coutd put Ibis litîle puem soromishero in our nord odilion: Hello lu pou in lise blue Malibo pou lftI a girl ils o broison ierl aison pou boocisod er cal off uns Brownies et Yoo didn'l juI bomp mm ntnd 3ubversive? sol oeo you spreud iim ail ovr tise streel. àr:lisen jul spesi amap mitisuOl any verpono booms lise post office puse tant lu irag about ilu dii- and lotI liaIdeud cal ut ber ftort s prserving ita record ut er- )tise eommuity. 1Iterl ils Happy Nom Yeur 10000 n t len mup sbould bo sisred ils lise Mlibo, Ils of Milon. I isupe misen youre driving 10 iid g tise puet tom yers Millns yo'l remom ber tisaI ct anda os have dlivered Cistiomas boubou isarl hid r lieir riondo. acnompanied for nous lime il could bocbid singing of Crismas curolu msR.i SHEILA SERGEANT ave iad tise tamerily to 015 Churchill Avnue Si5c for tibuSericeMOts,8-M4r gis ils inelligencenetorisk,032 BAILEY HEATING &COOLING OPERA TED 8 Y AL FEW & BRUCE BELL Eloclrsc, gos and ol furnaîOs, power humidîlsers, eleclronic air cleanors. central air condiionnng, boul pumps. GEORGE B. THORNBORROW &SON BP AGENT Home ansi arm fuol oi, diesel ansi gan, luise nls, tsry ort, gos andsieisel 24 HOUR EMERGENC Y SERWVCE DAY OR NIGI4T DAY ONLY 878-4821 878-8004 87846538 -Eý Ilue tSpcace CL jANUARY SALE Our rego ice $o 44.50 nur reg. prsce $34.50 Sa5jle Prise $25.50 Sale mPee21 .00 a WHIESccUPEcS MOT nur reg. prsuo $40.50 Saele poire9.50 o Our reg. prsco$39.50 k,ýgaelefle 8$1 8.5 ro ae "MOS eAxmueuce 218 Main Street East, MILTON 878-5923 INSURANCE Di--C@R b WI PETER R SERR ISUACE aTjj WOF&WwORL 85608YER DRIVE i (3111) ILTON. ONTARIO 78-4774 ! 2 INS RAN EB OK8 8LT . 871-7217 L90 IN&S878o78t lKNIGllT INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED Don Knght AIA.C. 8788459 Mlo C youw Persone' Agent ls Alwsys At Your Service daluedly plu.tolu lterfere aitis ber eterprise. Acordingly tise Bruasies isuve bers inorrnod tiaI if tisey rontinuie Iis subversive ise- bavieur tisey fane pruserutiosi. Surely une and ail mst applaud lie rourage ut tise pet ffireoin eballengislg suris a puwert ut grsup. Ail liet remains is tueusu to doler- mise a suituble remrd for suris an- ion. Vours neey truly. Boiroy ienderens, Milton, Otario. Donors thanked Dear Sir: On brisaIt of tie Rosi Ceeus I miis lu, lisusi tise 10 lnod dosurs misu supported sur Clinir in lise Milon Mal rereully . A speriul tisaniss lu lise Cusudian Champion, lu sur sponsors A.E. LePuge ansitie Milton Malt, and tise mny volun- toors miso made our liir u surnoms. Tisanis yuu Catisolir Wumonsn Leugue. Legion Ladies Auiiary, Air Cadets, Dr. Aiiinbead, Colin Bot. Terry Sandersun. George Swans, Jars Roaro, Vern ONeil, Sam Sierratt Srbol, Martin Sreet Orissl, Milon District Higi s Orol, Trillium Snbsul, Norths End Dalsu and Bsusefield's Apple Farm Sisrorely Maegs Kent (lIed Croen Vounteer) 1 tise peut uffire Ieuesed of tistu I uA pion ims We're bringing home the future. P.obertspLOordon LENNOW ciare , 'ObIsen FITZGERALD INSURANCE BROKERS ITD. 216 main st- Mi Iton, Ont AUD& CHOU IN THE vAvu- H78 2326 Denture Therapy Clinic COMPLETE DENTURE SERVICE 878-'l 100 1 55 Main Sire et, Milt on ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP in the MILTON DIVrRICIr HOSNTAL FOUNDAMON must be obtatned on or before Wednesday, January 26, 1983 in order to vote ai the ANNUAL MEETING OF THE FOUNDATION WED. FEB. 9,1983 mof;ý,mÈ>ership may be purchased et the business ceofthehýpita1Mon. Fri.,8:00a.m.-4:30p.m. John Ostler President Milton District Hospital Fwndation ry .111 fijl' il hq i' "fi. iLý111(1r( 111 th(' (-,LIS (il