AMs.ol9abd Conwd Nes - aoenu Mhn~ m iu1m wCM ETE COI WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMEER là. lmn Thia attractive twoatSre home basaall thefeaturesafanily ceuld want. Tasteful eoaig It flvn walkout ta a rer deck make tlia hseacmethingapecial. A apacioua, main foyer leads ito the varians living areaa. A fermai living raom la enhanced by large picture windowa. An ad ing dining rom la perfect forer apecialduna. The kitchen which inchldea a ~e aized breakfaat area, haa indiret- ligin and bouta extra cupheard aue are four bedroonam ctu a matoe edram tatcneawi4its own esuite bath. Therear twoo$ bathroama. Shding glaaa domr lead frein the main level famuly room toalaie, tlemmudroem%Jatasdryreeai. Deauttfully Iaad.caped, tIsa It la Muted at $114MO with. geai flacg at » and tbreq.rte pur cea. Fr n~o tn te t. éu, Dy LINDA KIRSY pluas eMial Duiia at .E. Champion Roporte L*agL.atISlO.