st #aw tet W#i e t onwooor ut a. ai al. tn~. 1 wdiô wo4f ww #» wuSntttiaefiaardaon. m e , a 8nto itafr I .dms dIne *BdiosiitiniUe, netfgthi irnli ioniyhi ib" amnr id el clipsre, trat. a r.nclagecanatryon mech emnai Vrte.tjr týaent tam hea ah chmin fl h nxotanfl gttat7am P.-.),o laÉ4I mi aam al Sardoy eai Sp. t . &n mfaxy 1- li ld * mfr thae radier ti ar, 1. Htn Oihm ambe arca aei glan>s = =n Sa o ath.01ngcmhlnt banueiat. a L yndn~ h Thne àDiK% mat Joe DUIft ¶amm eatd Cambio Rinobile et.da'tJustnmaufacture tnumcoahje Gaeg. and JaaGardie Jr.Fortry. .hobtthey rie telr hiha.regularlv and sponsor an Ontario aee page AS. (Photo courtesy Te ita.laaga Neses>. andI a national Camble Ria. teint. Frin 1. te r. are Dr.tfllchle. ~ke &nMan ~Inpo A Metroand Community Newspaper- Serving Mltonin its 125th year kILuM 122-HUMEURl HILTO)N, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1982 32 PAGES -30 CENTS gods Mt tjaiI * ina.hna t lata li maremthon=tyr ags .Umne, am pi ontao whla lit ent Inh.nad ate $t th itrawhewuidS bavoaitted n afaillai W. taao st1ighe in at l a . os Pt1.atwhe ah e~d ;ear-i.-ý, - adthe e=edli entiontaon aOdfad- psrtyard orir ta contitaha 1h.dg t. tht. ares, aha Wd bat ceea t.ah ana Walcatether hada ra oia a am nvotr .1.Oi laton, nhe r A Uk.lnn itnni.tVedtt AapnOf thee I ty Stonin Era cl- e heattans this Deteshion shouc w~. eekend, The- Eraogan ctars Rtuthuta.i% i PeulgeBt .g.... ..........A gui Imtt.I.................... I .. ... ... Hofland admi and detentm hwn home swm both 1 bme pemw à m te 10 YOI04 Ouen* wwk th" 4wea 1 cou* wag i OF lw lm 1 die « daycare to get funding Preparing for the feast and eni.nIbe Fatnlly Carn Featival t. an annel generat manager Bah Car.ert bel at teanre 'Ilthemantennsahlrhtdalera a tet t yngirliendaDave GUI lait> andhbis ,e- th. ploneer atyle harveat notiies. Mnaanm Gregary,.lhnahtaame caha. ýtention flot punitive JANE MULLER hava h.vering nat1h. manimaum levai at alght- mnspian Reparter. and-a-hall The ha»l figare ta deeivad froin dot b oohed atas puih averg>g placements. mtrates the ll oervan-tieon motrtio d ther oseationnd detetee mne far juvendle offatders.lita homes in tht pravnme. Tht lana levai ayntemi r. àPeel and fitallie. rotonsaThe wacdngatdhahavsaarhyaddednmvllgoanddis- monslosli. bviontor at p uletag nwc-ap.tlve fan enina he t. e- XIm lit a maximuma ai 30 dnyn moval ofertan prlviigna à pemannt lacmen bytbe If 1h. juvanilelt ca-aperative durt.g the ail- - ptcOli misi.. pr.cadar..h. lh.a la inhangod hb 1. ele sicae.e-pia!ntailavul tu. Tlvrstwnlavai t. ronatved ehen Cuaa td. vair 1h. fte thon. aiha are nti'1tog1h. Sion,"noyn 1he; itna htionY"ah Aonc. diectar bwtenw~mdorth.*.ct One ai the. fonctigans ai the obsertvationsadm et U~e icammo* nlt a delettian boute ntaff tlaanan 1th. tempteaey il et a volante«airo r estnit aniMroeammond future placentt 'o bosnt. prima earbar a ans-mnaon * san. har aidiaitr.relatlnahp hitwn anraniM W a staff memw. " crrés *o o to a mandt 0-bm .tlýem maiOer 1M km wu Mauaneptunt - YMcul 1 'iénff "fiat t i*6tom*l t, doie Wons hler ta t I W bo uIt hevieur aumnar. Ry STEVE ARNOLD Champion News Editar Hlton officiaitco look for a «itII. mare money fromn Onario, ha> nowhere near as mach as they watt. Tha' ha message repreteot- atives of thteOtario Mnistry of Commuo>ty and Social Services de- livered te Hall..n aff tartier tii week. At ossue is mooey reqaieed io keep Hallos nat.idioed day tare pro- geama optraling past tha end of this year. Grat caîhacks hy the Provioce have lat italton officiais with the pomsiiity of calliog off sat.idised day cae altSe endo f lhm pear. If tha pogram is to coontu, a turther Povitial grant of $150,900 w- ill beneeded, Io efforto le pey more mooey front the Proviotial Trtasary, local off- iciaIs have tliot the aid of Cahiott memhtr Jîta Snow, caretly Miiser of Tramspoclalios and Commonicatioos. In a telaithoot interview Mooday afteevoo, Mr. Soowsaid he npohe <ite mith Frank Dem, Miister of Commooîty andiSocial Services, aod that officiais of thal fapartmant mva os n <ert meeting wilh <aIton staff that do.- -they aregoing to eview theaen- tire progeata and snet. <hal cao h. ,Ips to dose to resolve ii prolem, .'he i.hrather Snem said. Saltonspolains have centeai around action takes last November o aslesd services 10 al tht chitdreo oho mare thenonos oaitiog lisîs for When the 1IM-03 day caee geanss weeannounctd hy tht Province, homever, theretmas sot esough mosay ta continue thont services or t> psy forextpansions plasned hy Halton for this ya. Although ha did not attend meetings helmato Provincial and local staff, Me. Snom said ha mas hopafal tomne money cold bc peov- idad t10 mIne tht local prolem. -f hava reasn s 10 elieva <at thera sel h.soneaextra fond. peev- ided. bt hallhyra ot gomng 10gel everyhisi lheyvt ashed for" he said. Me. Snom also rejettd statements that tha day tare pecdram in Halte» mould have to becasttlled htcaaoe of ha gras> -uts. Geants for of tht las> hree ytaen, ha said, have hem> ncrtastd, ha> tht increases <st havesI hbem> as large as local coocillers aod staff and mold lihe. "Il inst almays posstble foe tht Mintry 10 match tht total amoan> hat in rtqoested." he said, haut Ihere han hees a substantiel io creaaa allowad ovee .ie pears. Segiooal ofitials have pla>toed o castel susidizad day tara services 105385 lallos chdldrtn aI ha end o> Octoher if extea Proviocial grant ara net provldad. on the anan-.,.. aurotbem e ta i e oj vmato atnn 'han et.aaaaore hueach bmur- RmaM. taIpçra t.tlia îln t Ë&