8 The Canadian Champion, Wed., Aug. 25, 19W They were out ... Then residentbo f Milîono Gcnland Cren gel Janet Smith. Kn Holsn a togenher Satnrday for corne racquetbal. Spaacnc nquaed off agalcof e softbail. barbocueng and dancing. Amng Samn Shnrat Publie Seh thone who atfndnd the second annual diaond. Goland Cre. sofîbail mnatch ocee. 1. ta r., tit I rI BOSTON andi OMAGH PR ESBYTER IAN CH URCH ES Sunday. Aag. 29/82 N erve- .1 An to foa Omagh 10:00e e-- Servinceson tee n11ea 22nd nAIy THE PR ESBYTER IAN CHUIRC- IN& CANADA KNOX MILTON 170 M,,nhîE 7806066 Organst CIe-n Direct., Sanday, Aug 298 1000eem.- W.îolnp Sc, Adn lt S.nep,ood Na coin CHURCH 0F CHRIST SanoIay Ang. 29/82 Clana Fn, AI Anons il 00.e- Mn7"ngWn.a 0h7 3ndînotaîdo hmeno thn Gonnel Tharsday 7 30 pe Bible Stnd MILTON GOSPEL HALL Sanday. Aug. 29/82 000- OîoanioBread il 00 e-m Gspnel S-50 Wednesday 7:30 Pm Prayend Bible Reding Ail Ae Wcoeo F., Cnîîcî Aso H00, Once For The Aninol meat Se MonI ,ng Lis T. Gnd 1 SI. PAUL7S 0F THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Sanday, Aug. 29/82 10:00 a- Sommet, Wor nOIe Swen Seaker: Nursery Onhani TP Y'ITY BAPTIST CHU ROI- 4272 Apebo Le Son. WlE Pne Sanday, Aug. 29/82 945, - 0î10 SInOn b, a"1 ailes 110e,, Mo,ng,,Wb, orn Pelo Penne Pîech- miloden, 7000 p- EnonnoSeo, Wedieoeiay 800p- e- PraeîMeeting and B ie SInOn EPIPHANY LUTH ERAN CHURCH 180 Wilson Dr. Son. iSooro Pienne, Sanday, Aag. 29/82 9:0 .e e- Sandon Ode-ni 10:30 a.- FOe-Iny Son,- on Sandano 800e e.- CK0C 110 12300e- CIN1540 MILTON BAPTrST CHURCH Sanday, Aug. 29/82 1700000- Mornng Woship. Gnest Speake, Mr. 100e e - SuaOScn00i AIIfiecd w,15 ih0 Bapeio Convntnion of Ontario b MITON ALLIANCE CHURCH L Sudy Ag 29/82 9045 e- Sondai nol for thleonoole-ily 11:00 .e- Moînoanhlnln 6.0 p.e- ConoluidngService of theMilton Aiance0 & Ee-e-nau e-l int Onnon Cllaînh Doe-inioStorepakng otLaurier Contre. Mualoin,strnOn "GospeliMuan LloydKn0n7 Eooe-nne Wecnne Naînoîn FaciltiesAt Aft Sces Tuesday 7000oe- Paer St Fraisa Churcnt Offieo. 295 EMMANUEL Fenîn, K.nCee-nb.1t B A 001ý70000 Sanday, Aog. 29/82 10.00a.e e- Fee-in 0,01 Son, 0,070 SInOn o, 100a.e- FerîloWornipîoua 6:30p- - -Church on Wheels' Joînîlo nponnornd On the Miltn Aiamnce and le- eeanie BptistChuînnoo, aithe Dominion Parking Lot. LarierCentre, Laurier and Ontario S,ooIo CLloyd Khe-anl a030 pe- ' YoalsOnoro A.7ndonoo7noonl porae"fo yonîhno ll Thisnwemk prnnnî,n0the dî,eoai flm FIne- Convict to Chrinn The ,rlling Stoîn of the Convorsion of En Philadelphia Gang FighIe, An thonyZoIi, Wedneodey, 7.30 p. m. Mdook Bible Stadand Praer _'InneHer Oof nMilton, wt o,1 non OonîSOOîît' HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH aSo, Ron. Guido Alieri78-3358 Sandey, Aug. 29/82 0:4. e- SunOySchSlal lo iln il 00a.re, MoolngWoNbi Nursery Eoo veilSn aooîo On Wadnnadays 9:0 a. e- llnar oPnor401glweoe-noo ., 7:00 p.n Bib15oole Su oetteChaenn - Thursday 7:00 p.m. - Yot Hoco Maple LOdge losesits ightSTOCK REDUCTION NIpeLoîdin I i Lid hlost a iiga i, l against the federai go,îernmeett itn mrS L lion chiekeno frem the United States for Il pro- * aS L cenning plant on Winston Churchill Bf vd. jO 1 The Supreme Court of Canada ruld reeently the SW O/D Discount on Sets o goneroimeol can noecise dîncrelion over which anbpn tc fîrnan il aimeo lai bring in lion ehiekens ooer and an pn tc ahane quofan eofablinhednthenirdo. 8SELECTED PA TrERNS In the1 iequotas, whieh reairicel the numra Prîcan fl. $de arine of livn fowl whieh eoald be importei, wcre impie- 5pcn. Place Setting 50.00 24.90 menled by thnegovernimenf. Bob May, en-owner af Mapin Lodge Farms, caid 20 pce. Sel 199.00 90.50 ait the lime hin eompany oren imparling abouto o ites lîmno the Ingal trait fa fi iln ordeen. *45 pcen Set 489.95 244.98 The eompany was ai finof ailaffeil napple- *92 pe Sel 969.95 484.98 mnary pennolo for the noira ehiekens 5y th 45 pae an enladnn placennen parler open federai gonermeni bol cabsoqun perilot orere cega lenn, srE cousin refuned, Mr. Maynsays. 92 pieSs elade 12 placens, aemait&ediae- The nenr argand halaltougb quotaswere pattr ua Et n oufin arav boat,1 fnapo, implnmenndi toi proleel Canadien produeen, 12fri ape rompenino ee eliownd 10 appfy for suppie- Tairn Adonlan of thé@ annaI OllernMPO meniary pernalos if the Canadian markne ouinot as" 'olM"w nM' aapply nnough chieben. .J "We ennlbaeebtolthegovernmnlseveral loues 1%.. ~ nao bol on neyer gol permoits," hie seid "Thenoyonon t Set ap for the protectinof nihe publie lis ol Sng îI~ LL J(~ Scn md Pal Kelly. edberred fo. M i'1-d* eh ailler ai te Mr. May addel lihn inebilily la gel perlnits Man us e.&Bt ontl bnonball "crealnd havoi"forthne ompeoyeandheielem la.,W.d ono the firm vivis fredlci u utils production by 60per Thaco fi bFrcdnys 878-006 ent beause it oaid notgel nnougbcentoip asl9 ila; nders. SURPLU, ackson's B a rn ICE TRE LESS FRILLS...,,LOWER FOODBIL 140 REBECCA ST. OAKVILLE 3235 FAIRVIEW ST. BURLINOToN 174 MILL ST. miLToN -on 1 Save si.e7