.1UII11elW Poblsld eoryWovdoosuiyby Mteoa0fPA.m & bddoLeêtd. et 191 Main SumE..l111.Mon, nLOT « . 9Telphoné WSAk2l4. Pro. Sioemqg'sWPoicb. Hom duoey25; Slxcdons12 par Yserby carier; $5 par y.by -Th. MioCaaden Chmpone oieof ldm Meolad Ps.ntbg &b Phshis Ld giolp of su1w, mn epopaflo 0fhi edes T. Aco PS.Pu, Aio/WIolYtPlCkeg ilov Adoaoioo, Aore Bao/Nai.U#I1Ot b. TheBoo iosemm . 8,ee.ptoGse.dle. Te Bcttorto. Poe. TO. Bortigton Wekeod Pol. Te Eobcoke Adv.otie/Gllaldi. The Gorge- tom indf.ll.det, Mrkham/ThornffU Ecoomist and Som. Te.M"UQss Ne, Th. Mluoaog N.ooWosi-kood dbom,, TO. Noah Y ok Miro, Otil. Beau.. Okoie Fkb OS. 0.Oheve TO%. WalOek. O This O Weeend, The. 0,donod HMITOooIoO Lbe, TO. Scabo.oOOI1 Mo,,.TO. Stoufle Tibeoand ThWmoo0ige &Vaughan0 NM." -à- Wd iO-q i A super September 20OYearsAgo - FromemfaAiggh.aai Septembera coiing bas cultural and craft daspisysOf % d etl trsditionally markad the enad o1 fren a particular ethncegroup aummer and the beglnnlng o as wefl as an entertalnninent ig: tw .W fall. prograin. w uhsfhy r 0 mmesi A beaUtiful month high- Passporta are on sale a oetmunibS0 lighted by slightly rcler throughout Milton at a ot of aW aw weather and the changing big Iree dey reni esis f les Aid colora cf autumn, September _______________________________ mqecre.lthule l Minlleo.A yilea fa ubr ofiar n Festival of Countriestdits year hrmdade tisek acîvtestasngplc t in be the holding of a special 10& lbrenoii bupes bnid aim ut- Milton.a new Csnadian ciftimns ùà 2Mvstr etYu citihenshcornt0 o mae Summer bluMald15orto utyen.Bwqm Steam-Era Hwho baveirychose. s u dmake Milton their honte. MHnae.' Dlyà$ lmias eess Ontario Da"ryPcees coiteb Sept. 3 to M lo a/ ara/most over Ptue mari. &ifaerland of rait con- Sept. 6 Sept. 24 to__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o'eoosro September in Milton kcks off ytemný K Era te 2ico airru nd Ste Sep .26 ByDO ycceSv alb. zuorbioplantshleebed ai bfai ler ail. Eileiis cincddIber isamaidhfa.H* Socety l y lke'a EraaiMito Firgouds - 9-chîmpwis tMeColuulmw a in îleàMely ver. sierned w a x soparade, s TrOel tradton for 77 Ep erce stale. hlisy aid 8gsr fronFriday Sept. 310 Monday The Mltod Fall Fair, the ca you 0f er.Iv l Agat le qwcdby large, yelo lea bssios. At the lime I yesr,forbnao.rmmi.. de a e ogh fe.dsiusd teIorat Sept. 6 inclusive. inwn's oldest snnual avent, hron e don toerstaie.t aboutnthelbeogbt aid bmyase ieebll eilleoi odd fecleieo orlb.esint The four-day ahow wlî taites place friday Sept . 2410 bad îe. ime oian.. l.1er. Dsiiousaoffna asNif leb.Meithe M lb.toplasee ecosemrbs ibidofthed ne b u' luis oll feature iabout 25 antiq~ue steani Sunay Sept. 26 inclusive.isonby iabnhap IballeA ceepsa re mice p t . erved as bad& lbsy rv.d 2,M0gaillens.o sid 1 i~t.ion oily..u ild , 1 oleimatnrsd.fi te on bain le, tretJ Uicsroee ai "u b ude.. A , see aeea»obis Far rie oo h-edou i wsofle*«kmsano à ff :=Wetnded1 gasaofne engines, vintage c am pisrbctebt c- lunedou i vpoe.Pool - t edaeay hic Il be. dès, and trucks, asasw mill, shingle companiedlltvweks edition o-rng B-reThere -r ddo e e.taystbrisi sStv-ol--lo ie,*t.y miii and household and tarin of Tihe Canadian Championa, d W n«.lb. p«rleý rio.cbe arm ea esleoeverîlne. antique exhibits. tiiere are a nuixber f excting grod e» eatcrp f m- aereudsans.arcld brekat Bo e I te samer aid b.lle 50 T61s Ano Diaplaya, demontrations, actîvities taking place f in- mbon.; a farpicbids riens.U plte allb the paiided esse M ai est te Alai Macgabs "lb-te pr cent paads msi ndete- ees o evron.a respectable returnon e. i scond jy «ip S"&geaîplace l»ve ilyou're pades, mo iadtero- ~ pleollea of baes.i (A rabbt nlbblsd an yiHmn m~ailth i- Prfu lb.theagutm. loahoi laminnt aodgtilonoin- agfiçult l te lsviseoffthe firstplantiq,> WUe emy garoewS iaemetle us Some i. arlters ane esfa le petitiona inte lreshiiig ad dip a nd lb., in, ha enatlonil, it as't a complet. one owseaile. Palerme sspoePlmasero on tractor pis illbeha ld d5ly n cmeltn, lb. b.d nei-Iba lemalapis, km. lb.he xaie e sdl dgnteg lb.biaiyige le Acteei. PetY Of thouhuttieLaor~ craft and baiing contesta nid aiese bibh, ely fiiage promised! i doubtaas bunelcle. lb. arriVii of enneiMe b.rsbis the ler, but rither powly nrsilged. thogotteLbrDy md a ilIl be coxnplenented bmper trop. begai tosa attheai.did A o mf ». n._ deparîlire of tbe illosdrons of Ho,. W.IL Pricm, aulrey-geelinl Weeisend. . by a demoition derby, a July. BiCOiflilg le soiesbllgt Ibat dtAfsme lsgullcate le omslb. oeraqnoaea.havebeeu l'il b. spoltaiitcderatin es ovevr, featresdISyoeIII prograin by thse Hll Drivers, a fthr btel sikl brw anioverdnryof 'sétethe.faeWillal" 1p.ds mor Il. 5ln af s tated today ltis5iitd ion.lbleg of include an antique parade children's petting zoo and a O etme twlb i er rcnlgsaint troub ton t il .in. deestratinbnla p l osge cntrit, a smslI foertof idecemy frsI colomo app.ared le lb. eaopl frved fais yen te mu..iLt nntion... W Sturday, an officiai opsaig onstraioeiaby th e lemalaps ompletidy flled one of Caaden Chmpl. at vi u u a icidasdmay give it ceaieratis. alfa fas bOntaro Minter of Agricul- Goldre e>' lbtocye te plantea, b.feba hehitckm, anlns.Pl-Octeber. maiiplllile," sau Col. Price. "W. biU- brgd.Uir ceao. 1 bave noseà des bey set Ibere viii net b. ai anivereary easy bave le give mosilpoile tire and Food Dennia Timbrell, thfa.but I au mn.e faon bappy le picole fais yen due te fae roteam- greatr peer ta dem i alfa fem, le a Frlday night variety inusice The fr bas blircally bhem ey*bfltfeybnm.. od "ie sodll. ait biset mie ost fu. WOi do 1 tfal i ddisg? regard tle mns aid fae cou"rolof show and a country and and continues 10 ha an "old _________________________ bredg'ai western talent ahow Saturday tinie" couantry far and fate 1b.nkuglvieg dey fis yenalin eo orgaisea prde eanslve onMoiiday Oct. 10. A proclamain fixing night. - fale pie hmsleso t date ai» b. isaosd i lesedys. Macs on tie agenda le a gospel itis fact. ~H /o ~Slec, by nut pof em.l music hour on Sunday sat8Op.n. Tlsanewer attractions 10 dthe NJorth a I bsirvancelfvle Armditice fon- Cotssopeon dia publi far are spacfically alnsed at L'lU-oony fa meer e le helb vill include abeaf tyng, bag Mtons younger residente. W LJJ UI omrfstlsms.ahied id VStamembranceDy. tying and log saiing vidi a If you have flot yet rweieved V lne On Salerdsy, Au.I, fae Lars pn, al de mobile qupenn additionsl copies are availabla Wrns JANE MULLER Wrrir', Dey Pacs& Ithfa.Cadlae viii parade past th e athe office f lp CaadinHaIloal Exhbiltlo. Tbenaîtleader tfa. fairgrounda grandstand as csnpoltPtanS.E e tecoemasd of Matr GBConsesai» organizera give a ruontng Qum Sit. wst, a iniimona comnayon eascbmachine. A3a0eti . p Antique tractor pulls ii l.d pn r nvalagAndb.aIuhieeseriaimol-...pe biie t tbr takre place Saturday and r eredt fBalln bavem = ohm baon Nursery aid lb. Norfah alte. 75 Year Ago Mnday mornings. Coinpeinentlng the Stea__ vil.Mar Pr*ea commomty avaffm and aitie. mai-ha-e.ou0-- .,uM Asuo19tIlbs Festi val of Countries Sept. 18 Mitona Festival 0f Coun- tries, a cae-day affair featuring pevilions tlrougisout to representing CsnBda's cultural moisaic, iii taise place Sturday Sept. 18. Tne im dton of tise Festival f Countria i vii feature 13 international pevilion, includtng bec mev ventures apoared by die Egyptan od Danias cmi-, munitimi. Tise hutnaaiM pe acreS by comuy, viii b louait vi»mhl mmemoit Mlton Fail Fate ara tise Sturday mornlng Farmer'i Market beblnd dia ld cour- thousa, regular auctions at ilto Agricultural Hall and sundry auctions and garage sasies in the area. Yes, there le a great ina-up of activities taklng place in Milton inSepteloser for the benefit of aur,,cities. Young and old alike viii ha antsrtatn- ed by tha hundrads of dispsys and participating avents at ail dira major activities. Checks aur Dabline column fr an up-tai alndar of al local activities. And, filts diat, tUmea iii ha coerp of ail majoar ve4" prier te sad. foamng«sadeuey. gro mnt "Lam a t fiwiuviruuiy ide bu, ose we opeasd thofflice ile oregeown,vai e.liced s dllferems," sicentrea c- lbat office brulagt media attentin alecb stlrred pbhe iterust &ai&om pela. efathee-1 . t.itais aiablisbed le match volileéer alfa igeselis le oued f lber servcesIbere n.42 litd*t h ateclues 9 nl Mile. Drsf-thest Myen iof eperais. abou M idatéa horbaebau b.- ervLeaed»dlà"leillbtlbseo.edlit- isgiseey aid of taateomber d ale bave bae plsced, aoor.ibi l e.WerebU4 Wboupl..lepabil aibse fais," fae eaduialet*~ Allm~o lb.helaIrelieS le GOesqsetsa sIlenvs vbisesi le Aote aidUmilles all. Ub a svel- *MW meeM Ner , pItervela l ton musi ao- .. t OFu It i.el tean' o m te. of tervwialepreqaselta vouleersle biselal le befa pu"is ..Ilte .lit tva meibi aive ai a -Y ow inceuntude Deepfle fas cist isres in lki" lwrat et MWsut Oesbittin l lirnue eurgainesd ai lmreue votiteer frm . alte. ceaienl MM«s, pi bolltIb olig mn. tIme M ideriy reqiru Y& Tbslebg vi» b. pro or vol- oden oW in eileO puil car ai amduepregmi I bm le 5Wu ai uroui fr item to uW *emaeg b. «du de Pstethe homb cA ea ustllins uhtm ote- l levin- faerm can omeespal ifan. fmolryiiasel. Ibis ype iare- faW "pm".b Thasfa ye afa ar "Were.ilarlisa le put togeher a bit of a r.eorc ceea be," esld Mar«of Murtaeplans. lâtntn. comen.le5 couou for vobasens aiWaan Serntdofri- mmce.matinalrot obfaea n" als lnte Monus ai»compris e Mreeace ,o- le. A Spaimt h oetsry of MMaleavuedMo puchaueof ain a- vima cbleetele ma&e saabble nos-pridt rgaiutalbo u ai eap- anidsi rvcid Mo me, ir. 8-ce ule oImporaicetid bnp bq Moh.=illeoy h. M rsl., Mmnum pleso te M"eeis A taitalys cdetilitaha con ic .le fb.a p 0 ei"fer s*pt et M0-111. n rlCoelegtbm few deys avo hoS lbsmotion le Mobabs, ableb dld lm ai put dealid et gooit yusterday eauwu dueily il1.id b. le ceelilbebst Hebc&msysiptouido typid lm n bshStlevosb. lus beo vidi. ig&inleManioba aid th. Norfavut for fa. lait tai moots, rettaoed bome let Iborsy, be.bleghale aid enty. A pri e serlalomeel ai» b. b.ld oderdo ealaples of the lia"e' Aid of the Omo Preebyterlai (borcb e. -micinioelm etojt c.Wv lOirtl o bane.Main eSrSankbo ine lbe sigle operalor aitheo C.P.R, staton isv fae blea, lu dcoudst leave is post e. eccaut of a trale absa i naie froep, ai a semddticuiotil 12.46. Dy fait tiin othibI1I C5d bdm* tolesave Oie WAdig oritsSntml4ibm 5ltonsu of Jauper Mail, 0f lfls4 il à 'au&M boct 40 W439 en b u tba, but beau mpci*ele Ide i l a ho wbuleIesit poes0f Ore Year 4qc> Frouai. AuU Ml"" 1 l A e-day""hotuaba. t eM blvsyet*mrt le M1sa 'ey Neta,& TrtaPldea Imm enidMo = àystba mm ieUom a le o balvitl es* bu ~, bb.im, fo dmert rM egbiteKl&tLe. = aiCssia.kaMleleb Dltqe Dide ai» balM sdtedway, Set.Blethe ipsi. l of ["uiedus msddaaitve"psesi i Io Canme"i Cge.ois bh n eye Moise eprb mIt oiilamu le leveisisremolved lr --bM tsi.A olictateu peboMperdhueof a dopiay adveonuta merb IumM a lveli lt mrealieOle coud easily b. elb1