Improvements?) Squlrt au.-hbN ula Odunbelybîbulll Peoduir Trait nd AuN b iFlb , iI bl P îlFII Eg,, -0 Il So Y Il 111aIi f ph i. w Ils 1n Pb 2 but 1 1 lIýh, t .1- .le j. " ,î Il'î1ý - 1. ý1 1 Breaking new ground Constructiun begnl seb lu lbe building oul the Sunudun. E.C. Denny busnessn adminlululer B.A. newuaity lue the Miltun Tenis Club nt Dennry Mitcbell, Mayor Gucrd Keantu. MTIC pesulueul Scheul. Thue lacillty ubouuld uce lut ntin in Cuy hauer. MIllun purlui and recentin ieecton abutl a unul Gatherung luer the geud-benblng Ltuîey Arbie. andl Bruce Bond. ne tebu lulendus lu reenni w r1 luft rigbt archîteel Tuuy ue the Pucilîty t lbis full udvnage. ýIr '0Êý,ý @@( f Squirt Pu W F L Il PP Il-AU Ilut 1u0bu 01 21 J. lobl 11 1 .11 .1I . IItIubbdulullI ft hall wutg lub ie Th,1111 .r babd .tn luttab Joduiu-k dl VUdd LesPIubbn 121 rnuauttntbbl PubuilTlbbuINmbuutbN L21ut utb,! t-uu h.ulîlubl bulFlub bibtuNth suo us bIloutli lbtbend, th nLuu bubî ulu unie Ihîbntrvatlls Pullte .NI liblu ln tlltso the lubulnul ubIl Muaryu loin tN b ber bel .P theîtb b f u ....W utuefblenan. tl The1 fbbnit] bsrunb PI- lie hiutt h nb.1 pni weLe l.tluulbbbesanuts i Laun, exc tlln l uuwr nd CbulAbl-butblbblt thrtîlu op" .&ctetblub.ttI lbe hibut . FpPhs gI.I Couriers deliver B packages to Acton Web il bas jîst gtl lte gui there b awth 1e Milton sqta Miltin Pîrultiulr Coarier ubmuor route tu t Ilir destiua uboquite rep Ieam golth11e package Acîbu suab gît oustin tbrutugh. The paîluagc-a so Prcddy cuu tIle Plrst lb ball. Thc destinationu, Aclou'u net lhrbugb aid ued a r Thc ubesuengeru, MaOk Harrison, higb and in. aibu delivered fttur packages, Scott Sctt Devlu, thecI DIevli Pulth ibree deliercb, aud th1e took a bub rute aruba twollei] Steves, Preddy aund Brioue, dispalther. Neut. M wîit one each. PIugIbI his ubat lluutug Other messnger for trallîp lb coNplele Othe ubeueueru thr e Fbulowitg lutn Steve Cllbriers Ipfrward Rtuluy Mîluud, bIually Trrainsu 1211 oniy ablle lte cape his Nuuuagcu dispatch cteutre, dcliv Il the Prout dolr Fu11 buocks Bill Irob, the righl ulde. Melityre, Daniel Belvedere and Steve's rute exiclt Mark Heatlutote, euperlly luallulebi seconud pareî arrive. the parcelu initial lcg of thue journIy. Aller a ive-misut At th. diupatcb centre, gunbie Leecormpetllout gut u. Fîuch. intercepted! ueveral parcelu Courieru neenued a lte be Porutardcd ou te lits men. confidenlt ilu pulut Thiu recutrd breakiug rua luéo deliver lub =uu u place Tllurudat' eveduug. The lluey gutt ou route aga Coariers had ouly dune drivers, Harriuor and Scott aigatouât Aclou's il plu a upare, i dcliveriug lllb parcel lis bIbipctition 10 ne utho coud ouly mauaged te ui deliîcr the mnl purcelu in 70 trough Ilefîre 1the lire mutesI Couariers Ileaded tir Il Thle P rut hll ut #.le rumpetit utu dclivcry ratio. Major bugs felled dl quicly uts liou whdle th1e trafPic. Slevc gel lits parcel bIle thaï, wan cul lte arrive. il the Actons au-k Harrisonu h some heavy blu deiivery. Browne, ubho loue lt 1the ered Mai higIt Mauek toliowed lte have lus te truck stop derway. Thc li111e bveC- adliActou uua euleore in, with Mark Devibu bolb seach. Autut ip une more .ewasup. Thle bue witha 9- in wind-swept gamre Aller Pailisg lb telle alivantoge of ucored luise uueladlug oue wite jouI the ueiud i the tirul hall, Milton 1wmuinutes leIt lu tee ball. Ontario Tree Fruilu major Mosquitot Milton baul a hem scutriug opo- boccer repn ubeit on lu a -0 deteat te uluitie eaely in 1the second bai a Kitchener Thuradut' ut Brtou Seul Pailed to cobverl th1e chances Park allomiug Kitcenuer 0utIo e doub uud addtwImboregublthi lead. Despile piayisg inte tee mîsd fbr Milloi's top pluyer lor 1the game tbe lpcing 3b minutes, Kitceneer wau JePI Truumel A pleee of Iurauce... Y...' pouce of minld For Ail Your Insurdnce Needs 4~44~Insurance 20 Main StarMo 878-2M Cuuul bbnhe .kuPuns uble lubupnulNn Ilîb PlNy bu Zpll, Inutît. fr2 NIlM bb7 pl. bull PIn N buna l bll lb nul Bantamn sif. Cbrubbu bultent = I uý publudn aNrlle lUtba olIutil F be iCIIUns r- buP. tl utuubbttbî lbut i. thb goal Il. the on]uy gel lb the p-, ub-utbtuplullllltlI Curby ndLubuUuttMddle»u bIttlPng t llltlllItIb Videos Olrl 11nîb u, N b Bntauhgua7 122 46 màbbnunutilara 3ulb ubunuubb u . W. u! et ebun: pbu ialullul YP blu ul uiuln Ur tnî Clububudul Inuavebu -Uu .Ph iniyhllb soubif ub. Pin Puni -ble bbîi, îtOuI ne l bunllu Scae be aibubu g. andMatew r G-bbb- bIbr et ie Rya.irbIbIt f. a]fle 6-O.. e Pinse. ..nb bne. bI tn Aluu NbulDat - b 2eb PaelnuCnele oiNnautePell lnlblluUubnn C.iNuu. aNdnnuuU Pnineunub buuadu luuhi. uNlanUnn.1uPMark uhnyluNuy CubIumnd Une hutoWb bbr PMb *N Patib David inerru. Mosquilto oNnbal andI uuWb Lb uT F P J-nu bNldbnlp playod unIt bInctae n n un bu GraNl -.lfeHllb.Put uuyhy.. 6 0 P u nlluuuuNbunlnub ubb 1 .1 b N- RiuPb t WN- DllbN blt, 4uup ub Dunîîl ltwnebu. NndUn 2 0 1ub7bblb PuhIptyB nnéldm lubbb. inbhYula bb e s ubtitI bnpnuu ubIubunnbnOb gno - uuluns Rv yklt.u ed th luhe bit PuyNlu n Un nunnnphnu blubutlid b atlblu bu bullhax uybuyM »bNnlnbu sblensti nlnulnbut the ubnluuu luIt litbNbt all ul e lnnhbnbpdbu drain. ThelUW 01 u nnn u T-« FueCht ob VlnlunU t~eu = nNbbnbbbuig bu N.0 MutIt TOMi Puburntb Cnyn- àlinuu noi plnyers dunnub unBuhNunllytNtll Pnou ue Tblu e"tib len. CluSubeu Nu. Eubtanbl lin gbgb lbunbn b bu snu nt plu Fl lweu e i buul £1 - rus1u Sbbnbbal ath th-,t Chef Pubu. o lallbbb Mark unbnbbebnbuIbk ut fInd fo Industri wu bList Sp"c Woulwdu Rata - Cal F.w Det%& " Lynx - i 12 CCIIIs RENT-A-CAR Wîîdî Frlu ut Zeel u Club WIagons Cne a E a 5 14Fî Wl Sei ouF12ut,; b-g dte 23 A 3 IMS. lMU Peter Van Egmond and Sons Ltd Ruck Block BuelîngtanO 878-8966 639-7666 1982-1983 HOCKEY REGISTRATIONS Boys (Minimum Age 6) Registrations are limîted. Tuesday. August 31, 1982 6:00Op.m. 10:00 pýrT Tueîday, September 7th, 11. 6:00 p.m. -10:00 p) 111