t They're warming Up SOS~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~l liM ui.hese arass f aiston Hockey Leaue tise toursey. Thsechsmpls.sblp et tbe tosruey vilt bsebelld Frlday et 8psI. sud lne- Stlso of refereelsg aeproestea iner sad esertaislsg ssstsb-up. uffletls. Tie vetoare pr ettolgIeem ies reqsled ovse for Qnly MFL race is for second wAS ise MtS Futbal Legue ervais bd f00 ot easb witb Don MDuffe maaged a i wit Oer. and as sfied bit by Jae Derig Itadie, Waa ose place reusalus to Fiftb Whieet rnosed au stase ta content, tebeeleru jussped ail over tasDuffe's alter rane came os ou des m. fosrtit plase sut bas boss for sortie, McDaffe starterBRobAmoas fsrusese RSt single by Frank Bobison la tse IL pia tis youslgat agoust tise timse weth a9-3 btoutosg of MsDuffe. irons la thse finit bo imings and fist laulag asd a molo borner by alRaU Mdtowue Beatty. and lia Hamever, tebeelers missed lis sosted lai thse early 1end. Mou's Dave Norton inotbefoartb. Iiatvet yousg grsup ai bail sbsnce ta tie for fouart thlie sent teammatas wereut musbbhelp la tle Qulers strasS qisly tor fous ras *yers, lobed tmp wits Tbrssway osgit wot the lro to Msltowse white field soasmittisa ltree erroru la beore an out in lte first îaslag and astersthlie assnt voteras ai MPL titaseisulaga. appeared ta base thte gome weIlli mg,. for sesond pisse taut weal 1I Ted Pasirna west tbe distance os bond. th apairofvitoris. T tie gamne thernoudand aiiawed just for hot Homeser, Barry Tmesrlee Essis toami posta s 1&-1- resord f r and oearsedrus, sn pisbisg sp the tasEocan ou tise mourud aflar tise bsve tbree gamas lait ou tise Frf2 is. He maibeti jual two and atrusis fiftit <tuer botter and altomed just t misas tise f00 sluba square Every ~ H btler in tbe Filts Wbeet carvicredil for thtete. at7 p.m atSBrauSest Park. liftle' IVI lune-up, except Kesis Smoish, bad a Btill Bruab glot tis roilisg for Mliawse appeared ta bave tise loaI ose bit wti savent dlfc.osnt Oilers in tise firot miita mal. Brase baud sssslng bath frsas a An astire selantati Matos Hockey latters gettisg bita oser the first tma tailler rased tinst as ou istield bait ( trost-7usta teswin 14 of the Laagns sbetogsramrnedlanto fve mutungu. beoae Wayne Ellîs itrase lame pat 17 gantes. le contraint, Titruway do s Iis oeasia Measoril Arna <tien Gardas ledt Fiflth Wiseel wits Brous oitb a stngle. Geoft O'Brien sbddded rasastly iouing six of svas r.a la sonjurastlos wltb Bruc to bitsowbiteTerry Morgan and Les rased ou an errars carisg tite se- la ose stretsb befare regraupisa tai llod's latesstiaso Ssbss of Forsti easis drovelin torus. sosd ras and Ray Taselli followed mis ieiatirdlan ucssionlstwees. Rai seeiss4 the six altLclubs plusa Tise sent nigbt, MsDatte wits a to-ran double. Ed Damn MlItoOe oscsuutered laine dit- tean sossprised ai selsasi afiils soramblid for bo rassis tise top of ment tise distance as lthe til for ficulty blastlag Flftb Wbeel 9-0 and bave baguât o sevos-gasse p rs tbe sevests tai poil affas important Oilers, mIs lead Miltamne and Lowvide 5-t wbdte Tbrsmay blaubed sry sases tram Monday ta Prlday 4-4 tie witit <tuera. Tbruway by six full garntes. LamviDeg-". 'ulinatug in o csasplaosidp In tise sevests, Keitis MeKissos NicS Gautitier slndc ont aine ta ofber gautts. Fitb tebeel game Frlday at 8 p.rn. at Mernoitol ledaoff witita single and Lee MePail bottera and allamed juat four bar- paoted alamping MeDuffe, Equip- Arasa. tsllomed oti a ptusb-blt smngle mies oingles is iead'ng Tbsumay meut 9-2 sebile <tuera and MeDuffe Tbe fsilasiug la tise rosaluder oi sssrimg MaeKinsos As tut eld out oser Loo lie. playedtIna4-4tde. tise sisedule for Ibis eeal: Dme Mortin starred as the ssousd Weduesday-Tbe Bacar's Edge a fer Miltamue bisuktog Fitlti Wbeel Miltamas Beatty, 8 asm.; Strulgist os bo ita and aise, oSuowis juut Una Fasse aMlo Cisysier- twoblian nouueasad rune, signifiat Dadga, $30 pas. Laseville. Martin strasis ast fIl Le- Tsday-John Burns Stable as sUtbattors. acoaittg fg*w Wa'Ptp ns=.- thbaftfieous 'c 8BWS SU,. - Mortin tant bis bld for aUIUO Prtday--Cbapioasblp gaos, 8 agost Loseile la tise siafis obus pa. Bau lordaad lad aff seith a ulugl, Tisera la se admsission cisarge durs- oua soorlfised ta aerasd and sc. ad isg the prelBminary round with ath unsanerror. sonail adaision fer liriday's Miltaosne esploded ast ai thse sbamplssstap gosse la wbat *Îeas siartfag gato agoist Laseville la fine prornisa tai bo as astertaiulsg fasblas stribisg for to ruas ln tise matcis. topa ofte fint. Theslab added single ta Moudayas tirat-cosd action, systO rIT I raus la tise fiftU, sixth and sevesIb ta iltroigit Line Fosse pailli alffa sas- seat thseseis. prise by dumng tant yesr's fisaiat, OUR1 WATER ANAYSI Bratiser Dose Martin poced tai Jobs Buron Stable 7.3 white Thte toees 10-lit attask is otti ree is Raser's Edge squeeaed by Milton hS. ai m ya- 550 er us and tseo RBs.Don Martin andStose CiryslerDogethessr îbaeeîaecssso asdealaîsofio Mal ousted from OASA a.aoa B A A fiboriataffed group oi aise play- ers tram Miltas Malt'a uisglaA taut- bal] tam froas tise MFL fii 4-2 ta Eat York Franks Vateres lt bo eliinated tramin furtlser play la tise Dnaos Amateur Saftboll Associa- tion ptaydowas tout Tussdy at Bria Seat Park. MUltas ueeded toplay to pitoberu sn tise field, seith Ed Duas ai tinst basle, ond Tssy Broussard sn the field. In ait MUltas sommltted uta. errans, inslsdlug titrea in a dis- outorous four-ras fourth ioulag. Maiton pitsbsr AI Fao ttrae ef- fertlvely b y ailowlsg jut titreae bita bot oa vistirnied by errara. In tise Veteres fourth, o ose-ras single asd a titrea-ran, four-base erras psovidad Vetoras a they aeeded. The rus-sorisg singlie wsea hit with teo out andaftesuesror 9 bad ollooed a presials rosser la* . ras ist. taillas scared osa is tise bottass of the tint asd aotiser ln tbe savests. BIB Brous lad ait olUs o buot sin- glle in lte tinst. Jobs Masse maved blint acrase ta second betase tisait O'Brien saasectedl for a rus-ssarlag single.PR O'Brieu's slagle la tise savants soared Masse seba reosbed second A D R base saurteay of o bo-base erras.Mitn al MUltas muatered st the bo taa ftra O'Brien and Brus flait sis-87 - gle la tise content. RICHARDSDN'S CHEV-LDS CONTINUES THE MAKE YOUR OWN DEAL SALE~ FACTORY TO DEALER INVOICE DISPLAYED ON CARS &TRUCKS -YOU TELL US HOW MUCH OVER DEALER INVOICE THAT VOUARE WILLING TO PA Y"' WE STILL HAVE A GOOD SELECTION TO CHOOSE fROM HURRY AND MAKE YOUR DEAL NOW SALE ENDS AUG. 31182 - 9:00 P.M. The Canadsan Champion, Wed. Aug. 25,1982 C3 Muticians get untracked Matas Muole scsred nice runs is Ibe top oi lthe whbite Jobs Burtwhistle iuded a borner arng nlstb posading out a 29-21 rns aver Mitwse bis foUrht. Beatty tast arel bandiog the Beaitors their first Tay Carey, Jirn Warren and Bob Cyr paced hoin the 1 ps iht ganiic Miltoiuui tou 1 h it s 'chi1 i't'chîtccî hâd bick a chaillenge Siün Fiochl Stieel frcon lioe 11 t place witb a 22-15 wcm ani Stokes Milt Tr-ansport Stokes Milk finally climbei out of the cellas rncaped tbe cellar for tbe Brut tine Ibis yoar dornaating tbe sontest witli an awesorne display passing Core-Fis Radlatorwitb a cornifortable 3&- of power. Ia ail, Stokes finisbed nitb 49 bîts 17 victory. Citris Cbarltos, John Macdooald aod Wayoe Colon Prise igsited Momie's sise-rus, s.istb- Leblasc eacb bit borne runs for Stokes. Paul Page iolg outborut witb two borners la Uhe isslag asd Sasdy Atqufasti led the attesse 'cith six bita gisisg bas tbtres for tise sight. Mittowse bsd whtote "Gentie Bes Anderceel Bob Wisder, carried a sarrsw 21-20 tead into thse sists before Citris Cbarltuaon aMacdosad eacb added fise watsbisg Musisias destroy it. Musis abs hbelli off tto Mltowse off the board in tise bo)ttorn of tbe nintb te, Jack Fraser soitet Core-Fis wîts lwo bomrns ernare tbs mis. and tise t attogether. flessis Cheser aise Prise added two singles and Irno doubles totohs sossected for tise bita mith Stese Marek rappisg titree borners for a lagbiy produstive esesing. tae ouf four t. Bitt Zarnritt and Graeme ig" Johsons, Dong Catberwaod Doag Crases asd Coises slapped in witl llsree bits apiese. Pool Caorna cbipped on witb fise bita apiere Tbe bottie for sesosd plase wns tu Hallos Alarrn tebisi prodused as eîgit rus. eiglt-issisg ltale comnmasd af the custent csîlb Fraokel Stleam ers start Steel. Neil Wotisparled the ally withbabomssr Dos Sistas aise puded ut lo circuit blaslu hils Ysan Poulin aotded a sulo sbstîü lus te on-i e pr ctic s AlrmSîttos led Alarm's 32-bit allacb uitb lise ita wble Cy Maspity and Dick Hewilsos addel Manager Pte Lee and Este, proabbly wltb four bits. coasb Tomn Martin wii seseral majar midget Ngrse Sltt paced Cure-Fis by btisg for tbr get tbeir tirot real look players tramt the sclit cycle witb a lames. triple, double und single, at perspective playera whisit defeated MUltas Bei-oie Biaulo belted a bomrne ang bisfu htusbi witt taillas Junior B Carneta on lasi year's aitile Carl "L.A. " Taylor and Jîm Flemmng alsu Steamners wbes tise scaub OMHA sesond-round smuneteU tas faur bits easb. Brias Juhsoun added litsl tse m iti twn .. suie Vid,, ft7 ,m -- - EXTEUR WU5 ErIMUL* 1 EXTERIOR ACRYUIC LATEX SATIN 86 sus W»i walpaffl boc iaftwnr&MBrt WITH OVER 200 STORES COAST TO COAST TO SERVE YOU Color Your World. Hum- 7Mu a.IPAR. Mm-asPe O&sLU4Pin. Set 525 ONTARIO ST. et LAURIER AVE. MILTON 816-1855 I