Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Aug 1982, p. 4

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H4ERS CROWrHE51 LES FEERO JOHN CHALUNON MIKE HALL e.IvueêIsesimi? t e awNMO li 0"lea mne M.L»". UtO e mwy Vdod5ieia by R4*«ermaeMatiq & Pubise iet 11 in ~S EsavseMon, LT4O. asix M241 ee we h.&ic SMM e TeAtn rm r.Apd- ierMie l. NÉEs Nm PwiiiaiPosyet eecteybvMeted iul e bMbieug Lad ai19 Mie oii-a.Mier WhuitOmam Threi esOamd heone NTwha mc i. Piu. The orcuttvph iseor The Smffsile TMmseed The Woedlde & Vighes Nee." Sa .Ea.mw SeiemSalr Eeee.5egeOee,,.LiiwE~ Ad'.0m@ Phon$87&MU' Day care grants crucial A rmcia deciajon by thaeOn- tarla gaverinit ta culthaa levaiof support il give. ta day careintaHalton in o f ha.moit cruel ami capriciaus scitemes ever Iatchod by Ibm Quaan's Park mandarins. I Navembr af 1081 Provin- ciel cfficiais pronlismd Halloit ieougitmonmy ta gravide euh- sidised day cari services toasi m0 cildrmai who viere HUie on a watlil bat. AssmitheIb monmey would ho coeldrid part f Ibm base frottieticthair 1002budgt woeld ba clculted, Halton cf- Icile made plans ta add anotter 85 ciildrmn ta Ibm suit- sldizmd total. Titan came Ibm surprise. The 103 grantad lat year rare not part of Ibm base, Ibm 85 pannid for His yesr rare refused and tae total amotint of money granted hy Ibm Province rouldn't ho mougb ta ffertha. servicetHat was avalabla ta ý The nmnd boggies at the oellouanese ritHawich it Ie ladeaio Ibm rulng provincial Cemsirvativea play riHathae lves ami bopes af people ta Milton, lialton and aIber paria f Ontario. Subiîdzed day cari is of- frad by the Region ta stagle parint tauiilies, uaually hoad.md hy womes, as part f a total package o services desgnd ta houp tham gel off weltara par- msnmnly amditt productive empoyment. Il ic one liaI used ta houp pao- pie stand on thair arn again-ta regata Ibm pridm and hope taI ara itrippéd trom Ibm asi terugtyaars aI themtmer- cy of an uncarlng weltam systeen. Mioslof theiitudies Iat :ava L egisia tion What the majority a! Canadieisa do't wanl or itou ta n la e rased gevenmnea reguletio cf it. Any frae entarpiser wraid iattuiasicaly sbicriho ta Hat noimI Hawmer, Iberi are certain segamats cf saclety viher govmmsent plcy ami tegila- ion are riqdrid--et couwa, alraya on thaeatimnpilmetf serving thebmt haitmbraof Canadiea. Ii in ltcff Hae tact Ca"sfas population la e gtg eider at a rapid rate (abut 6per cent ci un il ho ovr Ha. ageocf 058by Ibm yaar 2,M0), thaefidiral gaverneent &Mitha. prvince aboudi hiplanni n aml- - - nliisinar ttn il «uget ciizim-balt youqgA"i ad-ta cffe rith dthslmi. 1 t - Hat raoed litoge bhum - fpqratmetc (,* Raàl-Rmi 1k-Aine- ben ccnductad Into Iis aria conchida tHat very dollar spent otnetbidlzd day cere iyala s ammuch asi $3taken ff gemnIealifre cots. Takan in tHat light, thei effort by the Mnstry cf Conmiinity and Social Services to cutlisb csti by reducing te eneey it spinda on subidlzed day cari la nothing short of fooliait. Ctearly a larger nunber f dollars a cn a saved by itlping piople ta brekout f tite cycle cf welfare and tata stipporl. Alresdy wî are selng te pitenomena cf second genera- liit wlfare familles. Even now ctsldren are bing raisid hy parents who gmttIhor oely suip- port tram Ibm stata. They are grawng Up witha IbmidestHat evryting lhoy need willho givanto ta Ieenby a magnanimotis "Big BraIber. " It ides seil ho Ibm deatit cf ibis damocrstic socety as we knaw Il and il muesaI holppd naw. TIom&9y ure wsy ve cati achiewe Ibat goal le by helptag people la make Ibm changea tat meat ho made if taey are 10 learnto lsupprt Ibamilves. We cannaI stop people tram bavag childran: Witeeibdie obldren are borti t seins ta o ite pravail- ing attitude Hat tha motter ahoeld sufer becaWe sahi was foolleit anougi tota elpragnint. and lo delivar liv offspring. Inthet aend, vihile Ibm roman suirly sut! ers horrilty a i te bands f ur social stem, vie as assclty sufer more. A gond progrin faces Ibm tHreat f belng scuttleid by Ibm mis-gulded efforts cf Provin- cial poice and vie muet pro- test Hais tolatrdy and self destructive action. is needed lis rathar titan ragulatroy Act- lavi ln e virtual buraauc man'slend& ilalton-Burlitigton Juilan Raid bas catit Ministry af HeaIHta o bini en der its rin semae pirit of cami bu tale ta nursing ha ihtI ay, sùandardo davalopad and appil Minislry juredielon tbe homes incre respoasle tla tha. and, ultimately, thae instbir cmr. witHadibemareiming hantes, grop bhm tmdglng bmuse ari play ta aur aaciety ha lmg, tha. Mintry 0 mhould ho drefting 0 priaistagialallonas poigible biler.U- ta eitait sae circu tHa.peint vime. l bt hoc hiMdpaif the dsuit) hm iby a ng Iban catia lia kmpp e cm te Wû@Mý@WTo whom it Wtil LINDAIIiR5Y Trageiycltrlc for theeicooi tise, la km thaon tisre.eela t ai eoLake. Be, tala ime the uimi lvae yoesigaer-c t-yir li boy, one ofi2 chisirae. na bus trp te NM» fo1r the irai lime. A loteof qeionsre itilcailiise uadouetdly mmemoe or piermetseit kc hati reqilslafor tue segidy TireIci-tise staffi mmbe icotMhe lmeta Tomto ola tItitwAm"Il Accrdlcgtla sapokupimcfelictise Detino Mlisry of Municpl Affaite snd Hoeolag, the Croup votlii hava bregtieIla"ow. liigcaric, bul w. ver. tld Kelem li e fllesl." It wie frtair polahmi ouit t ceiesemtronge tise yoensaer hai iloned Inlalseoifl liivie etM o Ifecri elaio. lhislfereece ila tmperbaps ol emmgatt leninva petdit y the liigiieri e tiToronla vtelter. Umortieatsty, to meey peopl l- ctcdlng somme parais whvisabcg tIir chittaein lKelo Lieefor the day, vier ifègar~eds iaaglamo ied bebycitlar. "Plm mnd he ne n te nvy soil wht ua omp intse mSek ahop,"la th 1--ii- rquan ma&of iimgardla. Il deaici mater that taeIltfgerd la raipmasibli lic vatcingsla veret lmud motar citllei te k alar (hal of vitici aremi"a ingblima hatateg nalla). Telifigur la taire il a massivai, la cmmilaherewmcet an lsle&lpicem or amalt in eacdent. Ha or ealamontIen la vatcisan ladvislalcliiior lisp a e" e. e spiftCniroup. No lmtaon 300 bide vii iialy bhala th aé otea a nrmu avrse, vaildy, may concern tiDOGMeCANN ami tisat figure triplai 00d1wkees. Tvo ioin lfegerds aid nmi lisp as eye se every slagle baliser. It la tisse tome parentsustucicsei t a litie more reeponsfflltly forr iisr chargse. hukmi of polallng thefNiger et esmieh u. A dayoathe bech la bondly on otiag for the parent. Il smes o sonselaesteiofma cfiii and tIat la nobody elere job, bol the remis or deslgiieiguardien. mitses iroies tasinletaia miel =i orve n lymonma vaiesiier Ziadccmpaied the ciiiren tea t ale. Vas titeri mai oemiser sotair or lmrh viouli have Sa m af, or ciiid an elptcgkeep am eye om 23 iac eieti eU&,taloutioM a si cravi d iapat mes Dtire i'itale ftna. aiui .Smeliut mat hast ami tleem ae hi l aa ssii or admit tendi vitales fouerminteesaomidlip- &ring lank vhelwar, ha or sehas ai eeng chanoce of rcmvectag viitalu la damage. Mimutesare valeaileeandiatalascm, was 20 simiutehaere Slepite emst ws e ottt. e semafouecin la oitarsefautlof or, mltfer frmssoseandvlitaite es ha hai bain playlng. Uoruâey taI ma sverciswe lhe are. beIire hae.ufedia Peasep demimr eevoluntaice id have mavii praclot tise. He ri b ave banfourni eh briatang tha selgisihave bkm ondeubelore h ks upoual tl revive hlm. cBut easblai vises he aapulWm M ofktevoter. Timer. vwu no pelai difforts la clat hm breetaliie Smn falumi. S, vito do yma blase.' itire virce ramy ae lvpiopile iould have probibly previclii tala gIs eeicg. Imielthae aud, towver, t1kl th egartla di iverytisg itmenty tibl la sase thetoi. taki rist A continuing series during Miltonra 125th nnnivemry lto il Former Citizen Of The- Vear George Swann à cavid ho id tider S »W dsM t lc iice=sle»Me ý-neahng Miton eve itau ise vievS Rer a m m iil oet sci a miteolir ami c e am - ader is atdg nMilaaeg. easlmgly mil= S matie.iof Ne cr. Mlii Wanig d carkhvecm baaer aclieealla, eain=-ein lahasay Lrathiicslteesciations 'he d clisax a ey atsfc9 1,hvabiesitha eebb ogontoals the1k4-Hl, thé hise aWI sitti verc eliai altes Plovbsg Matcis, Iteertional Mr. âwm tu #a pmmuhePloveg Matchs, Mitln Foii Pair cnd raue rail d Hayit it ula bruchs" siuEs-ra. mesai ~ rveIsi"tctpliFor hie mony yars omi e o. amli ~ta ai ,go~~vis ftl.ti.mmdseciccecM thecommulytY. r. So eehuaaseewueamipaaiivaneid ilaonsClien ofThe Yenr 4% 1k 0iaf p ib tbae Umb B.-- onen te o~CIlY, Slalcrielnli, ke #*et'. Mliak pqgea aiaabs elnl r. Svien eigratat non s takkjinaMse.milylgn plmie Ca hiedmove lanlOtiet tase lMe om smpyorswhn he17 Bthhlm pnie bal soe klait. mai ur eai. paicdll Alatekmsa=dli bt haleive * d eikpaigmgie vlati i ise ohie lareirmnin lammi, pur- ty, M à, g fS lic mesi-il pr mmmioM skMiia li-voli se. atunsfor tir. Adlettt e a "semilet bmw leab mii , ksearm iktma in tilev«"mm w. te i l iap *gbmayiy aa.UOmý,aya, mhuntrbre maie, srvies d t ov eVsiami pebiciela levala-to tÊ UpOirat epla« bkmor km Mr. Saon keMs lavlvii ita k H m l thei*to b4Ire. bWil 0 e iamrdd di* somids stem tirmca e 1.11 w e g SeiMt4bWk trl5ag e.varime W plsy m i ait1thesMMlti sehakblpedfacew Ilsh iii %@murnau ii No c , .Oo iis a e.m 1 bdorté Z k»licla17 O zOa par"e vcyam d lIa kmvii P@@ýà 00M @w Wffid Dib bot ornmm 1 offly et ltse Mý, Wd i.,lime k Uit Fic U- ofe b or mo q dW erue me oit thelà epuitt% 1km ere teldins inelaeiasmeie tin maclt.Lmei attgi i Mdwipldil 1kt cce vqýRi 0oa. Ie, esis Im vae .0t*tomeide 2OYm Ago dln tonDWrIad*oa« TaeiYW moee a e s laet Pae'erifltiiitrct.Md -àVli eftnaemerei s ConservationAeeltinPelslyî ile Cnene bonalaikmh" agate bis eeau . mCadei.abai cl t roead waihiy -sçepu eIhatb82Aaetel s.omaClrcd ci"& a Unit and Motn Ditret haveo heaie" hita, talae w.'- clnati mtIcis. kfellseah* mage0 tisai an Ameciegamien ami bersa.4,t betlevedte bk vtmltlmg ila (biie la selài. -w Dr AmctaFstitiétP M& ambansitb" offiaer of eamil, «Miii ega mit heauseld te have i::eqMdibar sei vaeeiaisi bita aet .simili ai att fow temitsate Ii ss seMii uil iel timi.y. m 50 VearsAgO P'rimi th.ieat tssiaikss Oeiy abouitws'ili itt e ovairen t ovhave taim outii lce. eu tala year amd i lil i.f al MOMIdmltes a mmv vi Wr lhat there aente iiiébrsof dp lanHmâtn.cMii ilill. tas liai fier mneiu kmlle bt Iblivielk o teseams d:moveare Who have ot t 0ei9 lcnefor lisaitpeta, mAsg i1la soeInmcm pisfectlyfSeikdmaontisim bot vita mth ire.ersn, cm e. .W&ade .h ttseiamid1ttir la tisie Cireof lthelvaaIboit DTh deet ftise Uniedi aira Duiaffia, iavleg dscliei la Oeir csbihre, riaei h ieggdA rsia. ilMme, Job ami enlsina l kduo luai deys, to e hamdy Wfer u eervlie wviisi vii ha beli te le tae aside data of Mia C kl"ulclSmm, the edusaamoali istiuionancmi tai msmatly Mkm mitatI»someimli Mies Farete.'ea aitly. tact ixtlerlenceesiie her ataie ity the psti. 75 Years Ago 0 ria= h IAipta tilai.o aie rnti;sa t iJamea Ragil Netsn, emuMaeimt.Bvrl mIser Nese fermerabave hai tii km hausmein iy. Tit taef tlevei hava ot bise cuillbit Il iw UMM"eaut1kitaap iemt a@Mrfa em~ the me of lrm tirtiimii. TVu eaamy r*il0cfM. .Cbem. lual aidSm.grsss, viiiha eeyt hume tât, sacc=tiofunf 1ke sa of 1k imi e eieesicif "tifsa havi »Ii otl. Tithercamihl. c Flirte, cif "Wilat. MW Tlgayti tttowveks ebeviy ilty of Mrd Kemu Clombrcis vii cap.e. Su byS. Riekb e 1k eta vilimew abc, Wi L- lZý

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