Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Aug 1982, p. 35

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TME CANADIAN CRAIWON MILTON, ONTARIO F1FTIU SECTION augw50~g Dgbdyli he 4« dusoreglrns hiudyeur x. ie.Mica Engbou msysa acertain evant in due und L"nda irby "aled t htsI = eeeerPlcl = jbad"heel etadmla ia emere dlttlcodt casernety test yar accoSled 1r emore actuel business community, the police cnd0 $Wshaelae tuc ciiic ecgecoa, luIk l N d Iselefr Useir poitscOacry enlysa a ee lcuaeeUbldt j tut heISUmielvea h findouit Um n ou Dl u o a cgiydi d s slrra ia"«.gsos o l. dM uadtcdtuvetastetdue »s.Juat homevere Milton hue been it «aolute ryticge, sperviseraetgladelaat pI1and lygulrmm natcure ,duecaudue du clatiedca avallablu trontu a- prbe.Ts MU«POMeLoaBetkvilla.idXilixn. sluhaest esapawer do ael secescardly reftt ent u-- b h ainlpolm h "oith uVhlamure Ébtt giaoais Aecerbg letu noupervier duhuentamer ems- huatibidensi u l retfwerh as caeald have apeclal report ilascefollowa. Seeaso amnas ;dwwm o agpee1eelohu lu isplayesesituation "comparu was t] aUser touni Jobs on duerou aller reglcerlsg walUsatory on page one. JANE MULLER LINDA KIRBY jobbIeedl*Id"au I~lgusJton eathe MU- a MmlaxTerosteWct. glene i me Despite retard higb nsmeosuietLay 0< la du t. aOmes l q nosiuubat gY-.I'ba-- lesteluthibomc Eughem le d ta Umtna'î pr and e generci eeslc downtuca, ou- ave, hiiëlolbo ca o luies er lsegemee lacbreer Si . lsynàrrdiet duplayecsacre stiS dencailegstadeet emsplst.u nmbc.im Ullettebilgale. a emsporury bule ise aoewrbo e ulocal eski"o la fiN ecj~~ugsbtcaou g.' Bie commiensde tdu pwerleretaso h@ cI du lapcemntaiofficers lui iouething la do alU Udcb bu i m h"me tuan #us"da. u"plaemntOM orde an sJbbad esplintebos uptierviser. MisesJobb ancciso-e au a i n t c e o w r Aaywi- - M.ubar" seanhanson Whave suie ad very Stephenesumae ue visita e t popetve e- E u a i n t c e o w r ui i" *mm - egapplayou ta itroduce du "buu M hirlag staiensa mut, teàg MO et Maupowernt. bu h cmrnged taeebchvsitasuat yer. cyJNULLEIIjob eltering c crndcecidt p progris leselt Ln" .e l ioadey tojau uaonto xgaigabout 3e par eot et Pehape jobssutdilcuki ekun eeplempthtve'erluik11e ta lied but, se fer, blus had serepUies 0*n *8lemt eot-P"I*asreoieleesi elinlai us (Usas trou deeu sisidefforta o e twduyW osge- poynnltuscdtcJ.hll le rudusree.apcao e ub glas.i~ ± et~ lelhýg mesdu"osa 0 0 acaae jbmes tryleg tu asth des alh usins andsioure Posearcade, obopping suD.orber grdai and cornpleled inteuatesost. à-= lm"; io pMr cci lags due anaeb bu n c thUe local joarkret regarileésoueteievitabletduy c&U have seouedug in comno-Usny are "Ils a lt harder ta gel jobs ae,," seggeita oomuria l a t era tablIofsI477 asi joat élut lsn rall.ilo* 16comparedwaldu97 iiieppoiients. oyoungad ueoupiyed. Fred, wselfu n a job lu esataler quitsg Young people inx d utry reprendutesontacheel dsrueyesrsc&go. sigificat prtinCeofuiepetiasad ~The 19-yur-oud, aho aimslcl e eluechaeieadIy 1eor noObvos ruassos.Caugit inxhd -i-lclinedi, le cedecting unemyern insUuance w sard uie oettduecoeerny, Ibusesdu Stiseluo eanditsced epeodi dhe, ai steck car rae suiot ~J< Tpracdicul set. expecleace, tew à"kad ix ced ekns hhh" edecatiosaualdcsues elu hbardestîhit. 'I lut. ci Irlesxsilh diplernae ced dsey're sel Alarmfiestserview$ alUs local aaougixyed wat.ieg," uyaFred. 0f' oeoeoAI eenagou scled by du s easpaper documnt de adesita sueof he NBore edecaled aquale- duhe tiuggle t t Uaieescteveset. At dthe s aee dry shu shes or .0.5. in (b-n "RP~ Crimerne x alla inlamosdu IUeoIe, blaS«4u toig telaicSeetMiloala, itàamset dueIoulo crmaswlalcO.lbuing teduî câbleg mue. ber le tact,ely &houtà par cenfaclitul llalaont- lvlty inxBllion e dose by "*hariere" preol. Mex. Per du esmel atm lr lecournllted by duo abi)iéaleacvealte anetc e galy-eIltaàceu» ait et per pommuru er te du ui1.mm-q" seoscy. Se Peler WVihlleha, bludai dm e rne roc- ani aramaouefer iHalls tglosaPolice, ut- hnaut. os*y 5 gar cnt of du ppuatidosnitu Aîmi e pagr cent oftpopulaono, dqoodig4 agea du siatiuonconule posi le commuait nmm sehoaew aure1alutie eg e bel gondler,"hauld rlgbtru rooccgbut ifdu opogrumty tledmccer dugpressureixeon, 0lhym detil.' " Me lue etd a doleienx.ix de umerofe oltanesa onaritui by Obus btane se»agleasI "Pe ropus.'.b.d set chaegei aver tdu "Ride amiaider on.McWulacet lefit itoac nsop, lUy w oiefl doI asi in ad"hor are = y' - g c sudehasiu a umd alU elur hi m o W X t halaeser "b "At ou trneyou dlte» nceyyoudue r ee- «gouixvuvedinxd"t. "MeOluthra aclat-Uorgixggeatares, statkt sg Identfication, er eCeI can cd geaixg ccoualein slber peopl 'aueje lathdupurpese Iavinsg et id the Juvmiisection,,1 ws UxPbW Lte MMe 094ancd 1l-yeroldc Tb$ cie. ix aWPbog In9ciens bu PtCelpled seesflree ltuiMabah a diage t Itome nu- ght. VU A fle = mcegl oest appebended (avu fetr'$1 sud pliSaebrouegil ove tdu "lie preb ea ltetla%opdn't rutize tdu "PuPOplemestI ruSa. hopdftdog lea Useftasd duât theY eueahave acrleslaalrecerdforsit.' Fer UMat reonsalane, mnsu ehgw case i gruveculeofeade. Sgt. Vhidalur boeevu utaat sese-Ibird ot cdl resddtal break-tacas. could lu uvaided if bomeasem ea aere care cul achut securleg dueirpreesim. "Ahout s-tibrd oet du break-linsnHaitas sre cerneittlainixbhunes ahare tdu doue er aledeas aerae lt uised. "Tt iset a breaien smuil co c aalh-ie", lu mi Cash, credit cvards atjewelry oaesCng tdu p »la U tue bu ae. Bctlaslabncccern qulosot,caseras, out ag ~uirsiall watc eaoully teraed ietaqslchrmney. Sgt. Vhillkeb ncrges u=tareele ehaore asecre ofet tiselr téeeasoeus er deutoursare bringlsg homne, b lisa l e o r property. "Parentsacruepoulhlethd"uyhoulde'l alwayeaccegtflgettaoevuee. "Ovtessly, fduor soo er desihters cre Ct werhlegcendlhey sotiepugdh a oswaere re clethes, asomeds iggltotlerlght. "Ti fl seetnuyoehbavelt e u uacies cd "But, c lot of crinrni aiovlty, hewever, could lu reguacei Il bIde wure clucil Ct esore etleo. Moin te cesee etcàki sleulixg ua teru ilIea pareuregoieg ta ck qustionu." The Hattoas Regloosal Peite Departe lrnse r. icurly tsssslderlag developisg e prtgrae sirilar le "Ogeraties Aware" (sos e liag uued lbreugbecldue United Statuc) inxa sve ledisecue due crnseqanceticrirne witbaschociluhdes. "Tho eth e ofdiscussionsn ee u ogic and puer presuure aretdu biggesl probleese In delleg sith yeatbfl e teders," auld tdupalice sergeasl. Ho said tdu gregraes seeeld lu shoilar tleaaIle eiDles useasand d ieclede speaesandtours oftcrrecdesnal centrrs. "Pur presuere hegisu as ecriy ausenaior publie ut" hewlreblds bldonta place grul lImportance on uing partofacgraup,"hacsald. A jeveadle court diversies prograrn waz reeelt- ly lauced hythria forcel enl wityufsgltend- The pcject lascivestdu paricpatfparet wlu are ievlled le atteed, wllh tholr soue r dac- ghlesaagrrnlgasMatu et eloal policecstatio. tn arny casou, duhe ciuent nighhave sarraalei .ly ca1Mars repcixsued trou po"ul du ynutb, lut by tch hd evnd chu l dssatidm usalaisse nesmreoelae "W have b.d a ' pr.ou Io a r i- haouedulutdu uulasbg. *1le bauasltoItlael Ily facethe fie, I'luc l from prctuienut" Urnie persona] accleants reveal Bore are contet,for thetirnehelsng, sedh thelrusituations. The aaosyrniy aofubjecta oft4etl~ eerviews*eii hegprolectedlfor lb. gsrposn c articlrd d Of the 10 Yourng people inlerviewod, eighl dropped ouI t fhlgh whl aller achievrng a raxirnumnof Grade 1<. Wble muet quitschoolas a reuait of lndiag NUi-tire Jobs, thers quit alrnglyi ta gel oul. Nearly hall of thoce wlrn ted tu cnpiete higb scbrnl are becorngx dieirnuioned wlih the werting world and are cousidering returng te sce"t, but dthatopidon te te lhern a lent resort. "If 1 realty waited a jeb I thixi, 1 could gel eone. Ifl' cerndeagerale 1I rnegel Ce," aya le-year-etd Ted. "Ilteetlihejmt retauissg" headda. 8eqe hejeoba mrnth ugo and explea il ho douaitida Job hy Seplernherhbe oould relerele Grade 10 for du second Urne areuad. A lundmn say businessesi By LINDA KIRDY CbaaapluRieporter Wilh aneseadraled iC ooemnployeea audon tdu recail tet le Rochwel nteraional in Milton duerelie ot uireh hoeefet ulecal paet ern- pleyieg seneleor ethers teehieg 1er jobe thie ynRrerevenextyear. lies itaatioetodthernicallant ie hardly es- cepties, lut duhern 1efr rny industries, whe. laced wilh tUglo ecnaornie coneditions, are ie the rnidt ofterngraryashatdows orielaf. "Vie wrdd nest ho ie a poeiaion inlketh Iew onPleeeouati we have get everyhody esee luci,," conirrned Bob Miekle, indsriet relations rnaager fr'Reckwellie Milton. Masy ofttdu 5 pilantead 34 effice ernpleyees havehem eacoraged le ixhe their lulidaya durleg tdu sornrer (slew sessoandhed upient ham heneeperadng wilh a eeleocrew. Six people have he recalled iletdu lest ahile,1 saitd Mr. Mloke and dure ilugoe tducar rndustry1 rey piehop inte uest ew mrndua Caaada Valve Lai. leet year hlred leur aurnrer tadeele. But, lait Nevernher 11w ernpleyees were laid off, ced tdu renadt sien nChirinl et aurneer studeatatiblaYsecr. Claude lazeeby, geseral rnaaacbarog nmaaager, deese't teresee any "-rured" chage ilte u ext 10w rntlu, lu ad-à rnltted.1 P.L. Rohertaca masufactorieg, whiehchernier dseuxeerat t e a lour day aerh aeeh in a rneve4 le grevoit saff uit, alehlrsen mer staff ths Yseror adddioraiernployees.1 la addiidon ta dube hrler week, il waa stiti aee liy offaix people, aaid DiaeeCeeper,. One CE M le'. oident ced wed eetalhedi butinaeses, PL oberleon hlced esly Cneeeues- 'aaopnClaayumr,dhemld. Fra"nkelSlcsteral Siedl LaI., whleh luet yeer biredaix POaple dss'lg 5the acrnrner, hadseo peos ti tixear.t Sevessty regsaler erneyou seere lai oft ced haveeelyetheeorecufled. Rexel Garpeey Issulaion as uachuring bae hlredtwoecrnerablueràgtUdoyear.i Accrdln eleutat naager Bnh Roheri e d twe stadoeta Werehred ta werh as duepreductient âmanadetaarplu, 1 A a- ixdualey, RnSud, lugne a uactaringc "Usapriag lolieg acséietofetacix ever tdu len ouple ofyea.t Wld, Uree achillase,»worbleg, several oterî tad-tle emnplya ere hired laut weekb. ad.1 Toae Lai. in Mdlto hred hree atadataibi anrnmer, buttdut aurnber waa ieler redaced le lue, dueledinutlcleel wccb.t Ceamurnece GlecaLai., coulima oueofthedu largeet'eespleyers ixnUde accu tal ICpixel ernpleout, le inxàbheter position due ether Wllh se layelts n iagiI, Use relatdveiyse Mlton butinonslslred 12peoleiis asesuer Tutlàeelght ewor,lusver,dlhticarner.9 "Vie have huse sel et funI capaclty aed8 anticipa dut 'a"ellgssUulalh cef fd tdu ee-r," sali DeraceChepae Uhlb»ulr Crg. et Cnada Lai. in MUtesv bue Ouleieybutsdupissais. allh lay a nt 4e MMhBIIPSsI nr crearn-joteh dus arn aoids. "Theres n sensue leobing aroosd here, duere are njse nlu e du lwe," aya Ken, c diegreededd ie-year-old. He cliirnoly lue Ct o e tinessiha uap- plied for jobs widi ariddeven ccceptlapplicatonse. Viben ha luga aearching tar a job la Torotoaed Streelevide e fu nnd tdu situatineas esaiune ainMilton. Aller quillieg achool he stayed ai c job wllh c tuomber Comnpaey for lwo yecrn, quit ced gel aeelhec jais lrrnwiech lu was laid off in Apil. Ken lue decidedinelet hie country payIeacy ced leacb hlmca etrado le elecreelca dsrnsgb du ar- med forces. ..l wes geieg ilejeis wlus 1 iret tureed 17, butll went bockbleecheel ftraesenesler le finish Grade le," Ken explidu. if hu qulifseiefr 1the arred terces, Kenas prolenadllu e lved, but lu adrnilo yuaUshave be"hard li" hy unernpieyrntn. He saai lu hacet heard luch trrn aay o etu umrneos apg liuon le'surtld ="% " :ahe'beeejhbutieglfor tivernondus, 17-yecc-eldBrenae lue yel l in e up ath ber quacry. Deaplle ber lud lach, due Grde 10 drog- outI le crnernled le aveadieg caree ix oigb ace"l. Aller quitling acheol, Branesfactrnd c jeh whlch lceted fornirsaud. Bshe ao ired wse l ae diecevered sho eas nse le eeugb le aerb ai th b jealua doiag. At tdu poiee'l aSde usylhieg-trern ixclery werb le waitremieg. SUluaslus eernlled mrny appicaionseed ie regielered alUs Masgower, bel her»areh continues. "I lis11om sereauld lu rmore jobs for ysung people. 1O acet cjob ced l'insel gieg blutet echel" reoda clais. Use le loutso enig ail tare ug l e ufaU] alunsludenle vaccl teujobrmarket. Bob la speedieg a lai oft UrneaiKelse Lahe Uhse dcys. He lue tollected uaeerployeynelinsserace eefilu 1r a year ad hie rulue basjOuI rue ocl. Sixte quildeng 1gh ached ller twe years, tdu lU- year-old lus lud severel jebs, iecludieg construc- tiCe, ail ixtananenaceeaededd jobs. "t wasl a job 1 li1e sel1 cold stick aidu t," eob aye. TIse leak job markeltrnauld terce Bob blute acheel, lut tirs e lS eep loekieg 1or a job. HeUl nserc utla er trern horne, hewever, au lu figures tdu ernlyeynesituation le "abutltdu urne everywhere. " Anee tarted leehlag tr a job ou seee cs seel reteeor duhe saerer. Aside treestdu eccas- ieeal habyailtieg job, sbe haselt had rnuch luth ced reteodly reglelered wih tdu loal studeel Maepeaereoffice. "I sarled looking jusI aller echeel gel ouI. The situatien leai'etty geod in taw-l lue, a lai of peeplealuogeojobs," sluBsaid. lise l-year-WdandinCelerelars le atcheel 1er Gradel0inteutal. Joe lea a ell-ceetecsed "usernpleyed, oducted bsr." At 10 years of ugo lues debatieg reterelsg le MOilesn Ditrict Higb cheel 1or Grade 10. Oc- casiesal Cres werh and a eliot esca pzza saher have buseduhesl.y ernployeyn e uceuld lied. Ho le reglelered alUs Manpewer cedsuya lu goe there aUdute l ut wids se reward, He ie dieceercged hy 0the tact tdut est repleyers requlre exgerleated wseerueaed aeadere luw lu ait] everogetcsny experleace whe o on ee aiS hire hies. Srad was cuhed ta, leave acheel lest year ellerua tear.year saUnt, dring aloch ldu e lu neaged ta atturnulale rSly 12 credile. He balauem eesary job washieg aladewan ci ldg gruebut, alun due Csommer a"., a eU lhie job an e hoUaddinle due uaerployeyne figures ente agaie. ThiesUrne he nhagieg le laits ccoucse tbresgh Maegewar in comnpuer pregrunlg. Ho cdrnix ha dld aed len cheel alun lu luduered le atteed ced perdiculcrlly eejeyed data grctng. Durixg tdu yecr Brcd lue beesi Cet of achel ha'& heeneernleyedo ad off adBsaya jobsa are easy in, led acerailses o e ea "OIve preccaclly lved actrnegwertforduhe st Ustree weeb," scys Cathy, c te-year4ed Grade 12 graduale. Sle ueicajobca&a-eieysou atter graduation les yeer lut, alun bueloeyer quit ber job, CaUys servewereeo lr equred. inxpuuinitofWb" e Clle -duhtily ueet gper" uici semli naks ber a aclllid uOy sisele àleiig ourugoue Cmm - ou.di have iqM e e »lu wll ues.'« Iacki etc aldamu t.' iutgehm wrled n moitoulDqalpesqi e ol vlouladuwwils. Pesitence Iands a job Special Report ýZ Aogthoce bit hardeat by job murket are today's yooeth. Chaumpion reseerter8 am M..uner.. Amateurs bump up local crime stats c-.

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