iW$~b. epurnfatbllcrown as Cou Ison shines on the mound procnods froin toheavant uta IlMton District lO*W itol asxino non nd" A tl of om tuS -aid JE Stable won $«afr tdu ch.mpi.onhlp. Torrafi.Piiemiup 4M uhileODabvilinmd Cothock «eah Opihaioptlon. T"me. un a tita tnry fae. Monny tan aise, rala.i through ai- raiionad e ale.oer andfod Mac h dlooi WU ionsted or alvon eta rm- lu u homionli gmeJEStable jompoi ahni iO ltha lv-rm ucoi lnng. Bluro mnain Il 7-0 bfne Trrali. tot on the board uli a ainlemn ithetoorth. Ei Lonprlch loi Buro'hilInu ulth four btt, ail sngles. Norand rapa out a doubi. and boomnr, Davo Itarudon tilt a hoeandiLurry Yongchlppd in.wito twoalungles. Couimnoailo umot tour bttoand tructi ont mmn hollnun on temond forBunrn:Jeff tRobertson bruits op Couluona on-htIbld ulth a onnoolsinglei ttntoiirth. lu due onm-i.ai., Burna aurged uh.ad 7.2 ai.rrt ive totingsa agaoulColhb. The ocoofed lu for torni. du uluth wuhnoCoamancored I fvroonuiionSa ltoile the scnre. Burns broko h. d..itocb uli a s-tuoi- btinthdubottm ofthedu uaided by foor canuncstlvn ualhn and Wayne hitCounU's bueoed in.gle. Colbecti ralini for a par ir on i. the. avnou bol Cnuionainl ut d. dou hectofMthe woy lu Thenotii.r nuu-finRalwa jstasa.mati Oakvlllo brobe a 44tieithdiasuin eru 1h. nlith. Tnrruto lutheulead 0-5 ullh uo Zrin l due hulum of due autho nlinlu alch Oakvillln scornluicnldn tesvendhinlgo ahed 7-6. Itounvor, Trrafluo finit wo bollors, Larry Beaullno mnd Dona lelop ualk« nd mdJnft Roberrtson drovetdum hot bomnlugve Tertafix thevlclury. Thea ldiduol amardeu i- ouIl: Randy Couluon, Of JEB tble, for the muaI valuahle pitehor; Burn'Jay NorluodIfor due top bitlur (t for lu); and larry nosolieu, oM Terratox, for tdu top defeoive playec. Primonsf coobor bafs ue donoini hy Carling O'Knnfn Brewerins o luhd ulnoro utole Terrafux picheit Up a six-pack oM boer for theruonr-up prize. froueORSA mo ei KutbgbhOn" Ihu otn 1h. am oUit. a( 002à Md*uau mt- hi di. f bà pAu"menai tuaob»noilal l*namtrddoid 11.00*AM M@i tenus opnundut rafathe 1 -gnL 0mimmi ut vmto tagdit a a lc m h î cadi.I b iyi lnu ii inte ewun &WAtoau gu tmowname thia weekend ton uril t hoü1h.tnmMnodin fut Railtonaei byilU"nIMatiXMSiR fuulh.dtonvruom"uu batt"fftyaniimdioogh CIiy Atglloow uan udl patIcIpai wu * 1h omling ftmeSnk, UniisU Gnat&ngué:i hoche~~~~~O thalonl b.to edi MalmanOtidmm u uthILoag". 'tar my lu h apik-p um fron i dz rea la;=iuta X- Stars Th. ofloavili.11 haa ireUt dre. Ibo throe luo.g m anru udt ho - odineai Wrooniroblu uldi ,an top clubs motinng for d rm. udtmaln ho a The =;z spita tth ie I aM ulit duheiuaur-up wlunlg 017. 21. die Cdu noadnbt" wiudt gM du oulry fim MU, retorani Action guru Frity,ieta.m0 . Saurday ani dusdy action igala mdurajut 8m *.M.I»coasolation fia ndtdfor 4 pm.tndy u h. haompluipt1u >Mi . <k Spiwts THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARtIO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ii, itti FOURTH SECTION Mohawks cl"inch first place CIub's win over Dundas secures Ieague's top spot, doy. EU «t.i It - as Branh.s taineaindor otehur BeOt..Mnhbaukg' drltier tnvo OSmidi moved troum ton .dai he tdum oame' a Snatur- Sonekli laidas teo0te toetcha Dwaniaa hanusnr off tta a bwpa ".ta hem"o. tan rada inl a pitbo( tf aBpt. n uus gafe. Mnboh awks Wou l te CUcrOta tce la d thu ton gun fr die tist dise ie for first time Dndu<bluta' faon lonuSi an invaluabln lI=ooSatiitiay, uhou t. ïr Mu 1-lt u =n.(luayed lime ch- chaidumoagun champo wopoithoa wud o i ullh 0dm, uhlch Dimmna noad i ulla gay ah.ai Mf Mâten Royalin ludh attisforsecuod, noveraI faon luok pet ahala ai Mohauks' sarter Garney MOichell uhon bh.btIcatcher Frai Dlguicn ulth na to.Ong ec aorilr luvolvai lu o boonr alg on. titi Puyhia.C % : th litfn coontiutoabout abosenaI Mohauks' ployaro uha rimponin li tit hï ala railylng front un early 3-2 diludnilge o lu bili a 11-3 bond aflor nlghl uni on-hulf bouma. Chileisrallidforouvn u ia luhd final t.. luningoutiMohawks aallui Vouhe du uith llh tousruntaon l Ih Loth. lhesacumbiotionMfdul woulos nmd Dudou' denat cluchnd first plocn for Campelvilln i thelton Senior BuflLnagun. Il marktbistf fi Ienl1*7utMoawks fi.luh.i Itrul and uhold i glonthe.cluibimarme aoed confience ulinotdu club nmbatbo on due Onario Baunbail Asocitmiroti BW Division uhorlly. bMoha a hauetw Cregeoo rnmololog in loguatynore nlttg OA paCaptvlte'nt nuwnoîtproseUime. End Mohawks ulu duet sunion, tonyllparticipain in due OBA champbonhlp tournaent achaiuled for Lemnglun luIert dii mondi. Donaand iCmptiotlville worm luvoluti lu a relativnty caime ganse unotilduftfth hlung uhan Mohaubs trueb for tour tua, mad a 7-3 toond, and wr oto ner orhed. atrMitchell sartedand wutt 1= tu-thirilueingo hatore baing relinvai by lftly ttup Porrott urbe came on wutto ooutning performance utIl dueigto uhon h. tan lotostroubl Again, aomaeboudu-up ploya on ton bases tpt Moawksclose induheearly g Monihaks Mnpedinlufrolt10 rlg Royals in driver's seat for second ~lao dil jon hi mii ottu> Captoluta. Ontario Bua olAinocatiu 'C' Ihali.h tmiDndon uni ha=el nn-ultafarl abbg haut : f*. atoi off on t oab a ianu ak divIion ptuyoffe. uL tbooga ina ruouiulidu2ai ahrpli u l siml. t onenlal t dii uth e h.u ed& n of u pi in'Tom iWs - uni Io effl * ain touhffDnl WiMtu nBriin inun'oeil lo t »ain. Among 1h. fomryinsal ilniafa o r ip a fr t chine y abou li fI trltu odl.d o- 21ria=,W y. ac __ Breta àotaidoi d adata.nIdit iptowupu omo go w he" * eedu* a ili auma MW hohlintai i.taly urla since 1967 offtdhat.StevutSmitohiadi scored thon Ray Evaon d.d longoalhil he cri. rocordaisbyour. Unfolanlnl, die l onfonce in righil fili md tduhall, uhlcbsaubina ovor duthe a ha " wou uua loto a home tonla poi. Evans ila acZ;;:, Oy ilu du toli lnolng for a 2-i l" bol Dimita olormoi hock oito tnuoi ni hall if dthird lu labotdu Inai. lundth ourto, Mohaubosuotbo toeit mool uuccnauful on-rim play, ton double saeeali t wutnd due scorn. Wto Peut Rt ley ou toird oui Ritchit Knlgbl at firul, <ilghl 100h off for seond niad lieai.pp tuo-tolrdu ofthdu uay douoafo Delgolicnfiroi doun lu secon. Knlgbl rai hbck lu firol uhlch gaut Rlilny eauugh ime lu acorn. Knlfght uta e cnlaiyt iinlu rnutw aloogd frnom . inIlppoutroi Dnannouthrwtrdh all ouoy. Mohawks' big lnmig a duefiftt. Smit l tobuigs rollioguwt on0e-oui ualb. Steve Tait tuooi ulwto a hlgb oppostl-tlald bomor tlu loft. Chorlie Crmte tollowni mne ont ltor ithoa sodo hotam o r ghl. Rlck Mitccell toan doutonoL Bob Evans reachad itt ou a bolchod pay in d tooMliwtocb allouni the upeody Mitchell lu score.. ln due eigbto, Mohawks padini tonr lead wlthor.more rua. Kolgbl bt anoRBI-douoln, Deoula folootni ulto a lto-ron double bofore Tait drovn home Denui uio alogle. lu theninto, Mohuki tome up ulto flut more rune. IKey ftslauno Rlty'u RBI double, Danois' lue-ton triple, Smlto'u RBElon anu uiel i tIamd Tait uapn h a lwto o sacrifice fly. SmithadToit patai Mohuki' le- hll offonceullth tocne hl laoce.ltlck Mitchell, Bob Evan md Donoin bai luo ntcb whie Riley hai a doubln mnd toton ualbi lu tout fripa lu the plate. Tait oui DnonislteuBEI mon uli tour eoch wute Boy Evoms drove lutno aon. PerrolIta u tnlng pllcer whlenDouthlauor tun aoil ulth o e m. John Lthhrige paced Dudou lto 1.0 hanter, oud ixulutan halbdinl. Doug Shorrige ami bilt a bomor for Doniai. Bioririge, Chiefu' ace lefty, la sunforlg front o oagglug inuorlog mnd may nel plti for lto unoko or Impuer. Agadst luuly Brompton, wilurof jut lto gomo nl yeor, Mohawks gnt a hlggor baIrle duo nupocli. AfInr du gapultto unim een utnd, mne In.tdu .ghdi mnd ome lu du luto. Scttf add i - d uthulu T11. Boberadà:mach 'Mf du damage for Connpbellvillln ato lto home tm m d tonr BEI& Doul chlppa'inu uliha huna-bubinido"a-A Mtheuha - Wb carmiSOM0adi ÊàÊi-i