Ouis&Schooer AUCTIONEER $.O4MOT10 TOL 842576 et 12 313 Bt Sil-o usplk. 0nt1 à33 Cr005.. - Cr41cie9 pie- AoSso NIr4u dqeo"bsle f " fom garag, ft* bodoom _M pqfts Rleere 8*3-11.m 430 p Mm Fil Chamopion,.Wod ,Aug 11, 1982 IMLTON ESCARPMENT ho- TO NH UE n-3 0.4133ms, Plus dont, lirepIBcE. large Nl034doR1tB1d3d-~0 li<okgrooto2M00sq. <t. ruera,3 2 bains. all 10 AvalbIIlIe 09R33 vrail ctup9tirig fiffichd 1. 1375 Ba00 7 m o, câble 13TVB11d 112310371.1 Maintenance 00îude4. PORT CHARLOTTE, 1. Tu view Cet Bull- 30,3330 pool, 2 ing310n 634-001 0.005 be4003ms b< Roe4t. arideo 3-11 . . 878-1746. 524 R33k4By 31131 R TOWNHOUSE, 3 PM. 37331M, 331333, J 13334133013, 4 ait DETAcHrD h,= li0nce. avaitil-I forl rent, orne iter 1, August1<th SM3. 1.249- garnie, 3 030,30133 4392frri9.13. 0M75,40341333,303S0. 870-79111. té ORTACHED 410033s, 26 sq. 0., 4 R001 and 5bitrd 0301307016 toge lit- wantid for19 ye37010 chat041317043 and<0 famll, 370,vorin 30301.S37t9. 7735. IVESTMEN OPPORTUNITy TOWHMES" « 1010<$29.500 Pet Uo4t *3 Vear - 12.5% Moutos *LeatBd & CCupi$d Matage49ttp-ouild ifrfflIRd. L@CAlUt Hsonltoo Mitoo. KitCItOtlr - UT 2M8 FIý st. UIITUL MI. Sm 11I.034leuI MILTON ae IoSBkGO TIn L-ýarge, luxuIT hum 1,30-1MUI a fi. 599e$ 9-393aw 5_ Ts dcwLb*opp'gG àu te~...W..9~I3?3 0mt ou PMB 14499 - ~ E J and entrane.00SM pet' rerom 1ront 0 36SK. il. mentit, ail 1.113404. and09 op 043 00.1413ock 878-4690. and 0ri03.10. 0ONE Il. 130 0041001- SoreterieI and en 09371130313. &voilà. InNsr03 services3 m 010 Adolts 0017. No pr01313138761131 orI1 PM<. Caîl s093310 271.6834. tendent, 019601301 ab Ap3rtment, 235 I~IR 0 . OntarioSt.. N..01It00. PRIVATE -Y.00.31 <103 OFFICES cozy but45, us omte Fontfleil, nee<00 Go Butifully o00110 Tsit,103 13. 7. 05 0170< 350 Setme 10040070000.430oplet 1s04 rent. 513miles01115 of Hfl. 25 & 401. 137<70 0B905, South M741131 CtIR.Cati 6371 75is30 EPIPHANY MILTON GOSPEL LUTHERAN HALL CHURCH 356 Ontari S. S. Rubatt,ý,i 878-213 18OW143o0î. Inlh- osO h Rev. ThoasPiocher Lod J30.Christ 870254 Sunday. Aug. 15/82 Suondey. Aog. 15/82 10.00 *.13.-Breaking 9.30 a..3. - Susday Ro145 ..-Sna S01011.4h.1.-Sdo 10.30 a..-013<17 Solotol Wo'131p 7.00 p.13. -Guospel Limn3 to »rhe Lutnerait evc H430, m.tSuo4afl vwodooody a.0o.,.-CKOC110 7.30 ,13-<373 and 12w.35.. CRI1 Bible ReadinBu0g ..Comir a<nd Otosu 350 Au AM 003100,1, 01" TO Ttl3a0Services - "Fe, %a4<0 m3 13337 CHURCH 0F widm100 130003141 n5 il CHRIST dm<3 Chisot 4434 for the3 1412 Btk13ouBRd. West 0u04.Roth. 5. 53<31313.81430 Cox 878-00 TH4E SIondoy Alo. 15/82 PAESBVTERIAN 10.00 &.1..554 S9od0 CHUACHIN am foA4AAu" CANADA 11.00 O.3MOtolO0n KNOX. MILTON Woe01te and the Lord% 170 Main<S. E.. 7-35 p.1..713001003 of The ROo. T. Jý LesOis~~3 the Gospel Oogao43-ChorOkrooo Thumedsy Mr. avio Stem 7.35p.<R.-alge35134 Sunday, Aug. 15/82 '»7T,11 Dosdth. of Christ30001 oý.Wo35<p 03.- 900033 Yeu"' 3011 Roman vice Mis. h Timt03à. <000matom 5ageo, AT.C.M BOSTON 0t<die o900. Mid A.Sou.1u3O460<33< OOwAGH Am 0340301 CHULRCHES .,Ai*o ckw4ft 631. A. L.5000330301 intesti Modwalor l-ud«musqwf Stondhy, Au1 58 the 3S0it aiAOttie TRINITY OMAGH BAPTIST BdRt0h13334W30 CMURCH <0.00 a.m<-0erAm on P.0. BooUsM ST. PAULS 452 AplLn OFTE Ras. W. R. Palme UNITED Sma¶, Aug. 15/82 CIIURCHOF *5.o-01S070 CANADA ON aff Kt0 . ut St300. I1» .<o,-Moeo3g Wo,' The PM. R. T. J" 3594343< p Mir M0 0 Ssutdwy. <A .5/82 7»9< Pt,.-E043t 003<' 10.W4.- W.,- Ssokt Mr. catl sbop service-8300 400.n M - 89.3la 30slll UM'#SAPnTWC9IURCH ... AUM id»M C 9005 OFFICE SPACE RETAIL STORE Triange Square inthe Cou Gy Tho-oa MILTOWNE AEALTY 3 5011,0.11 brick 5011 verî bar. 2 battis, 3arge fenced1 loi 74u120., plum1 nu, and1 93111111 Foul priOu $64,99S. $11.495 110131 or1gond33431570home3o 314717111 703390ý M7 8225. No agents plastie SALE-LuxrU1 093 ,and0 301, 4 op. plia3033, 900111130 313r and provincial §t00n <$5,000). Fr335010. no3 onf17< A3kit<g 20R PRIVAIS Hi-ghal* tire 14-h%. P-RIVATEI gage. 4 5.4,001, 2 M113, 21011110 MIMmI knouffle HIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH 106 Wkefield Rood Pute: 4. o GuoSo Alii<o8Ol&3358 Sunday. Aug. 15/82 1945:... - Surida Schorti esa ailes l1.00 ... -M3-19 Wesup 7-00 i.1. -EvaogolistiSrolu1 Nursery AvaB03ble On Wednesdays 9.350a.1.. Hou, of Po10,d 4014oalYo31 C<00. 7.009p.13 - BibleSEtY atheChO5 Thursday 7.00 c.3. - YoutHou, _L MILTON ALLIANCE CHURCH Som Shos«oubli School MQ Rov. Joseph Eyi$, 700151 Z26 sunday. Au. 15/82 9.45 à.1. - Soo95y 501100<lu 70 1th 13 an* 11.01) .l. - M3513000030113 6.30 p.13. -Milton Alliance A Emma"30 Bopt34 014110-1 CSo.sS Ouonon Store pakig lt Mo000I Mi1330<0 ByTheO Brady F31347 Eoossuno We31003, Nursery Facilito1 AI AI Ser- Tuesday 7.W3 9..3-Pra713 &1 71000 Ctooî5 Office. 25 "Yw'm OnlyA SO tgrOncAt the Alliance EMMANUAL SAPTIST CMIURCH 246 Comercial Stroet < Pateur:K-Camploth, .A. AD.O 870-30 Sundsy. Aug. 15/82 10A) .0 .1-904 804o Bbl Hou, - Bibl Sody «ith 6.35P-< - Ch0u m14W os* Joiridy owoom by te M3130< Allie.<3 and Em-. men"0010031.1 Chuoolt3. et thteDentition Parking Lot, LaurierCentre, Land Ontario34050001. This sel <30503g t13030Bl7 A Mm or .30the033 poopoo %vit 7ritu13 33 33 ago<lm1d acti0on. hrou ndsalina W"dudj 7.3D0p m. MkkmsaBibleSoidy éta Prave COAM VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL DR.SI FWNWLUGO m lu3d *8 FALLDA49 Agu2&.27 so0=43I 7 *lo0.a.13o103l.131*houonmrhum33