TfoeCanaci Chareploei, Wod., Aug. 4,1982 3 petitioned by Jelinek Watch i etl reid 1epare ,mmservi«sta eo birdie ir4m tgt mIliydre CoaluaflcaWho praaêtehgmllituerk R threatens. àaa Pe a ou felam f e por oeliof< Dl.Coe *sthat dthedu H«P~tnatkm weure uoadedd, tl. earient i10tduhoe eMpoe sial:e h qedel ior eeivn Tha tieglin't=W a t f noi fruddaotn aay requt,àahW É à oeeion renapesana riestli due loappeopnitefortwobe d bf fafriser cudentof CeeWho as He 0180 icteMr.cPwo a"otied s Guelph(<morl IHoptal oifferlng beadewn iacouatalet hm be ù"eWbelliresduhe'iformationaboateis to« mnla Gaeb aayer rePregauting Regonsal staff lailt tem du(Cerunska, tidd ecata maeslut importait farte uer. heingv ek dut ho féit au t thedups'oohonbetween lia dthe st home opecalor ai clieats andduh RBom ilneor edumal of a pauo'ug tuir abiity itea - "rmbkh a 10omemuncatonsa holuanomy cahonpvi ciete nd" tdeprtaenO." <pattyofcr en rvd Mr. Puflsa nid etiaicahave bers dcr- Thotte ueu uth til eoadig lhre.heduAiton caomnity about tdu patient ubo died, lho ceidMb o f dhnia eiafg asaailied aid monay uleri brine a eonsrtu hsfeeefdiem etey ay do't beardà ate oIId eom uewiefr "We bnu that uben tdi ateaor, ho s10, aing ale duttusod rtire iaty beyond duhe gandier action bave alrsody lbout tarted by td u et bOieopa'tor' bensai auiecacoaba forr mategalineamade againno if tdu devetoping uteori tineaipublic healbcrns tr "Dr. Cote 10usaytng thece bave heea aime hecosah ith nece prsiea, tbntthores bave neyer bers anY asaistance, Dr. Cole addid. probans, 'Tir.hannever eu any troablie uitiltes confidential reporot i etthr. or Mmi.Chscu eiik ceoming public D, Cote i liii ordere b bhnri"eaid. lien linted hecause oc Wiliedthe gein dsom set ictnetiy place rooperatlve" attitudrin rc r«es Ino 0tet bhinea, It dons provide citires"Mfot reesntly, tdu opa slng advins mIita a t of homesa dut bave bave hein totalty inroopet slgndporhoonfsrvlragrsme td. staff oettdu Realdi Depir Ur. Pamott s»W lt ho receesty tetepoined responsibilities in th10 parti due Regissat beedquua" sbi for t 10 i- Dr. Cle addid tdates forbatb addkui« tb«CA a à et aaog lis staff uere denlid ao tdmtltfbiomee, despte tdu fart t talton hl patiea of dheu a an agreemnet lthdathe mwolia. abue At a ravstaiotnw 'tii di tlkedut thait ead ma e Obeieve "Coreecpentty," hlu mnc thinu 1lanese posctins of <3er' ametHflan," tact t diohre bave bha hetcid connellus mbon. couinelnutbavemal -Mr. Plasett aearrsidl tPonsof hotng atheirquaity of care 10 dien luitt pardly eapenîie ftdhenkdou n 10 e bave heem scabte to *commniaiâtonsi boraine eeraI of the patienta, or cooperatons ro ittegaodthtetdtuistitahby Regmlontstaff lied dial t i an sentlait dut we nevir beureorltd titeaowners. diat mus ie hmade in arder "Whmsaltnsare made in asklngdihat yoo rep Mnilitce. If these rh Sl tast approaeh duhet hase operater abotudt ho necesaary te, dclive tbea," lhesia, iollng tdut even nlatemiente about since diere ls ne uay cf d dhodsoroi of duhe oihdeat Who dîcol "Came in s notocnsspicionsrcn he su throghduhorekdoor." 1 Thr order compatisnthdu "Af due very ttuayici ihcald give lber die Reglonat pubieheaihi chan c eansuer due altegadions beloe yns go unohetrti and uncestre into W4n reporte. t betiere iM e ansnlng a dlean aid records et due home l establishmnt aid la taking goid caca of bier are relvng proper cere a n:eed &Ch*r 'nu Milten Boy ete F I mnevement lo appealng toc deSurai pubtie ta flnd a ditrict secateary ~ ~ vl for duherganiation. "Wr arr in deastir nant etr oit rancit attdounineneih meings aid type up due minutes, aiueti ai " t lecocceapon- dnre," ald Jbs Strals, prealdont of die local oanin ttc la aian looklng focra f monsty ouoletter Z pepWpeeint ,lm"cr terentadin tA«ttON MAtI hligaereqaested in 80212 ci tr' Strain ai Mi.- 1152 Ubsn te l'387 h<ome). Ywpeu» o fminad For AI Vour/Insurance N.eds effl (4 Insurance amajor iilerest of bis wuaa temaire dt duth preper aid adeqiale irr dt u »ne so hger lavaIiof cars dhu sti's racinent about à kties aidsid ammseof paliente. dut roacwe lbh die Impression doit ind dtadiis un ho- adapoatty jidetdu led. ohe dsores nifftred hy e ai, addlcf diat tdu t tupublie hoaicnures dabout tdira frein lre. wan thingi happes, thry pertise of the average. aid. ,hod heen repurtrd 10 t oulil bave previded tdu enssacy advice and ta cemaitter ara hors. tetheChruniakctoad of donc "totatly in- ecent mondis. ators cf tdu lest Home neative in allowing tdu mlrtmet tO laiS ier lfcclar acen," houreote. Ste seporate occasins acees. tocrecords cnd ad"aoperirnced verbal lowcablleel."' nclidol. "in viru of dir un a nimber ofcfr- de us inspiricus about ent home aid breause co bave acresstO dir [ro due cpd'atcrs, t feit reidinify Iboor changes ernoallowusi lotalfilcour changes do icI occor, it [ve an Ordrcf Closcer letermining ubethor or aubctantlated." Cheruonliho te previde inoperraid curses ctod accroc te patiente te enor Ibat patiente cooltreaLment. By SILEARINOLD) Chapiona NeusEditor Opaiicn members cf Partianoantame gang to eoathencameramidcaendatg a petdda Otit*ipkuibe ln ds M& offi. Itgttaa Cmnvtfro HP sia teeophone itervew em fri tatan et ueeok dutthdupouln uns; dOftioped ln repuise ta a growiig dde cf renomtment cf duhe onnantepetiotes of Pierre Trudeaut. "Ive tbeaaked a hucdaed tmesa nlthe dutat1w mn joi e ai odngrypeson raido tu "Tha may net ho duhe ly anuer. ut1 hiUtnh a lit ef public opinia partlrodar area cau betp ta jr tegvertmeniteaion." duCn nervafivea la addrened tOctdu Gevernir-Generat and aiki Moniatedir'ove Parliainent and olt a generajelorion. Askéd If ho »tbc heupetton ccopalgn wold acliatly moreU Govecior-Gaieral loacationi, Jelinek tells Grits to revoit CR10 éduecent layetofacf2,10e emptaybsaia D=fa lm in1 Hamilton, RaRtni kP Otcioetlo bai catled ipon mabetoscf tdu Uberal raina Oca revott gabnthdu gerrmenti ecatmie policlea. Speaklr n he0 du oaicfCommons Jily là, Mr. Jetieks codeaaed duhepalctes cf duelboca governnet hfreinlh nit even n "btie clip" lndustrylkeDofaicoeuomentale lisait. Mr. Jelliek iald il wun DofamIoaî iraImajor =ao idbn of theCompany. "Iiodl1k 0poota question làotdu Actng, Prime Mnloter or 10 due Acting Minthtatof Pin- once.' Mr. Jelliek bold dueRaie cf Caina. "leben are daey gong tOcroeognize dthaduh govecimenlia internat cate pollolu nid massive deficit bave wreatiid oic economny te lis graand, aid uhot action do duey intend tc take ineat ulth due 2,100 nruly oiemployed in oie commonity lone?" Jean Chretien, Minilier of Justdce aid Minuster cf State fer Soia Devoloment replid. "Madarn Speaker, I llock tdu honorable member lo very unfafr becaousePrime Minuster, tdu Riniter of Finance, aid tdu Minuster of lnduntry, Trade and Commerce are meeting aithidi ime uldi mme tabor leaders 1in1h10shbuding ln order Oc try to get the consensus ue need tebcig Conada hock loto a competilive position in worli markes. Tbey are wcekingeon tduproblea iisvery moment." "Of caoure" Mr. Chretien added, "if lhey iucceerd 10 fetting a conseansuttil 1a Ocduebeat intecentso orati cockers in Canada in do uhot 1a neadedOi nakoteur ebrtng Cacadin uworkers and preducli hock te a cempetitive position, dtha udt carve tdu purpoar tduthe norable meahber lanoeeking. IlOuiS arus e ta companyuliîch producea gooda in lic riding, or etaeubare, aiS ho able teo el Oc goods abcaad at a cempeddtve pricer." Mr. Jetionek eptied, Bk. Clreneas annuor wudd net hotp'2,1lS oauntd ieelonyit. Dofaico. I(kt (btione at mk'AU( wCwu om @ O oIllu R SMcaEepl INDSasoaidoudlpt PA cyOD Nraii Rai dctrOciOaiRS AL* SlTORMAC OM WINcDOW~S WEAMINSTA UNCUJM 2 WOOD ,, mPATIO DOORS FOOM FACTOOv UP5% ~ s*49 O izeU IO Oh -iii. 479. SA VE ONSTORMDOORS PRE SEASON SALE - CURRENT STOCK LU&WOOD AWM. lkln X bick *S .a lMM breatd waitong."* "Il reaty depns o te ostelo f diiipetitios and otbersacterns heeonstry." As an exampte etf du groeuodswil tof support for a chingoeti govuuuMnatMr. JoMe nolod a mqrteor popad phlihod intho Globe aid $5 milliontebribe PierreTrudau nto'.Adonng. In due Ruieet C nosa mreendy, IdeJeinel cbaflenged back boehLb" obrne ste apeak out apia h ueronninie poiothe ugovern- ment duat ai. dong an much dimnage tinU LQQKING FOR A N EW .CAR? LOOK NO MORE! VISIT ACHILLES MOTORS FOR A GREAT DEAL ON A GREAT CARI 1982 MAZDA CHOOSE FROM OUR FULL LINE 0F MAZDAS AU. AT UNBEATABLE PRICESII COME IN TODAVII Am*... dmvnhel iameuaR ff lAuhills moose d. SALESand hERVICE Th le f«rt "tamPblmliM d roidSm QSi sUiME r. * r-quet ~' VACFlN® budt vacu 2flfirqsystem < t i M-c, pore1 tha a e i . No* q N ticr. P". ct. .vvig., .M. îtl,ui; FS - o, ii«gvcvi Mirrick Sales Uimltod M3 Clouer Park Crees. Milton, Ontario LOT 4T% \, à~f- ý l YOU CAN DOIT TOO LiBE 17 lO 25POJRDO ON JUSTBWREKi ?avMiATtE UL DNMWG - N ATuIMtrFOUS erra? OneaTM - R scRalaciOMatIO PML US RAM U EMAINTEIANCE PUANI OAKYILLE BURLIIISTN MLTO 842-22U U"4'4 ýbc o~pen "aHST FUR SALE Savîngs fromn 10% t45 0%, Onatt Furs in stock. We offer Raccoon, Wolf, Blue Fox, Musk- rat, Spanlsh Lamb and Mnk ln the most beau à4fu1 styles and colours. Frs the natural investment. ije o9pen4at Milton Mal 87835000 . 1 ITHE PLACE TO SAVEM 1 - - - ý àm gate