91-uv olloo 7 il U Mitono Realty 20 11 8 1 .575 06% $«b kbS» G, L IP - t l .1 Le n il 2 1eh mutâs Cu 0 il 3 f 2 .84 8% Clb 12 3 8Ç21.JO4 7% JAOU va ub ,Il .0. lm U wé 8¶~1t 10 w LfiTOp8a ot.Pu$ 2 4 0 .067 8 gm 8Y8*'Oo 1 7 4 4183 anumNn, 2à 4 6 0 .m7 8 tOlrutU*lted Il 1 :2U80 I0mas Y.? lé.8tduls9 1< 2, lam «. 4 nim ap v. t. pwds; ..vsBaUMaPru. tlm* ltoopcvsilssw bbwfty-lidyRasacy vsGraoeh¶. Knox' "vsEummd lYP. UetIlIe m. PId'. Carn lvillo' 20 19 2 950 Miaion Rayata 20 15 s .750 3 UWW-UlUla u t 0 4.4a p.mn.; 6 W L PV PA P M2pm li73 m M32814 G.n0nehoas Il 48; »ml 1 Pabaso Il0 6 à 20 77 12 Ib~0U0l 214 7 M M- t.amlTimat~c 10 3 7 m83 tan I.U5OM0"m" =25u0,7slas Umn Pmn fusib 0 w IL Pet. a $aiutnfg. 97 7 M- flut»WlutODbMy 9 5.4 in 8 %Di20 n 6 5800 2% Pui u"mguiuss 7 34 .«b *«ol0sei a a ain.37%3 oUa&7c 2 35 .284 LatWnkgltre Tom0tafl89*.a4 ftkpaokvsviad Cactevlspq,e Tasdmrv.?srata. Varemama Tal.isy-.AauPmabvasbarmiu 1bmmay-1aviavOD"Mksa UNMy-aascluvsTa&.ft ftrst place in the MFL only a coOplete O olvvon vlIl po..7 I L' oi ii bwcor Oiers fromttasg the Mlton Fastball bava tta âO.Mdsk ématti Iercefor th club Ows obew" *i l"oaforum lit wee.b. ln m abbrsvletodiachue, sauflhtoby MeDoffe ftew à rdgs8rao.tter8,and ddn't al- 1m0101 $M estao l eldbt4g pOIYs, Br- .d.&J"29abaU tatro ovrtdu mnlum- Olerabrbe lIs" hl" lalb.nUwsndtasnt g. mer Ray T"allirecdi on a ra=, Roger Jolealon toUtswwit a rusucerlng doWuhl Tosutl M" d b. lead te 20 orbis is 14m1-oble in ise th"blatwome Waynsetle Do tearmuted offtwith adouble. BrucMillerad- vanitesi earns witb a single and they bath came bac»e o Gsl 'Urin's triple. Johson producesi dm "aaicno wllbasile, kSackag in OBrien. X&abAnm eet the flrst six imilngs for MeDffe anad wuIsedldwtbte lac. Pie L.ee andi Peter t.fDufe maagsdslttgisoffU mm"sac. In the toainolier gqmsnoaitlb.woek, McDuffe bansked Tirtssay onsfBacrryTimbers'two-bitter beoe FfOs Wttssad loovffle piayed toiat"tie. Peter MeDuffe coanestesi for to bila inludiag s berer, scarasi lares cana and hnacked i n tat luid MelSuffe pattheaslutmpig Tiraoay Mai- fiers. TImbbe dMTisruway ta jaat twois, botisoith twoaut, and struciaot nine. MeDuffe startsd quictdy sith tlare osathie lira, oelin las third,aon e lathefiflis andi tasamare in the siolis. by ;tarter TedMatae.[Lve Noton tolleaed sila a walb. Peter MeDuffe singîmi bhrne Robin- son before Pie Les drove borne twoamare with a single. Peter MeDuffeoaibesi ta leaoff athlas lird and acared on errars beloare belting a sala &bat in Ose fluth. Timber sissged ihame Hugb Wiliama la las sixla befare Rabinsoa baltesi a triple la score TimberseihMcDaffeassiath run. Paol Wanaaker and Moore eacb Inarbesi Timbeco tac doubles for Tbraoay. If t.ovitle baoua favorite teara ia the MFL tl s Fifla Wbet. Bth sins and onassaili twtsiahave come atthe expenaeaofFiftls Wheel. Lal Tuesdoy. Flfth Wbeel asedesi ta rame f ram bebinsi aitls single rca natise fifthad seveatb ta palt out the ie. Roy Dîsegorde tactes an tIhe maunsi far Fifth Whçel and vsesrolbed op far f ive romns îlte local tOn isnga bfre sttinl dasen ond llawing Lasevile jant oaerna andi ose it Ohe rest of tise boy. Piftb Wbeel ot-htiLarnaîlte 1t-7 witb eacb club cammittial tree errors. Pool McConn apcesi Wbesleca witb tbcee bita and tsearus a httes inlawile Kevio Smih acaresi three runsaonsid aa ila iscloding a omrer. Cbis Heathblota oagedoa pair ofbits. Pete Pitcber ted Lowville sih Ires tatsaondi laces nana scarasi shile Don McDoalud, Bill Polbo, Ernie King ad Don Corseoy each drave horne a ras. Denur Ilrp Cîi 87 -1 ,o Dsistalatg auilen apCe. tincabas. apecs of aieOsa nts, Maton sonaplsy tMaton apueed las *885l8lte smlufld domnatstbssindfilsciacng ortb ut fine iAr , a Ontaro orlla Patrik Pamas minutes gas nsmte m«âoreies!oa r nft enUstY Off ap a aofcanNisky IbilWdaY ut Bron Boat pult svrl 8t dmOakeepsr ltt Park. thtbschn el goal. Mâton wus a loy t la ~iyd siu al >Andrew r jcîrb ortcb as mpasd vrascribltaasoi las boa larnuns and rresoaa r re oa. lta abatctra madegaat i~ 0f ie corns by fororards and about 3s yards son a laesrnasa af Raymsnd gg dby las gaal- sa IMalna Wakup the lft wlng keprand nadedsup la KSB on top WUnBlo eeethga. A flcsd-ap t<SBCas- austtionsbeshe a sore- leuaa thtîs rll lr asanaoresd sessnd-haIf gaa t seus wa .80wla anar Georgetowrn I2lan Rabbt ladies' sasser actiaon Sedan 16 Masday at Knamen ODAss Park clvlc 1<88 darinatesi lshe - contn t ram Ohe outuet.o csncatbg miss i as 3W M<WED Ohe scarebsrd Tbat clangos ina athe oaasaans sscod balores Neda isonasa 569 Otja lrd tor g-am. and Judy Metsutis V* -t,__ trov home a tisr, I ariai .,arnraO tram oa direct trcet lli~ UBlOWN te ploudao.towug Of icbtery.U Milton liaites OKarna NaISsa. 59I Lasron asd Pat NMin- laulrw dort sahîrad tlaM20 Jgsatbeepig dutias.Ë Cbrta Harrisonoscoresi the lird goal ram a similar play. MItshabt frona 20 yardsa aoay wan't properly played by thegoalassps aad il earmes itte lasl. DrIsvseat up Warb for lae final goal son- ding aas scecolata Wack asho vallsyad lae hall loto las goal. MilosngpatePhliip Leocb asnt tesîss i a ail darisg tl a ore and bondisd the hall just four times-eacb tùme wsa a taasb-bach fom ane of hie oses players. Major bugs dominate Bolton rolllng to easy 4-O shutout