IMECANAJuIAN CIUMPION MILTON, ONTARIO FOURTH SECTION ydak1. ies e ea fdeeri et t1 1nh u e enbt. lte*yb.llpa Salanh Ioe Stme»lt .Mtec regiomOf.Mon liosandJmqfor ~aop~~lomc,.bl t.M'41ht.i t.oU pmd eu* blllsober and uimtoil 1'Icamat.iiac,. Agbisrm atmtobday ad race t.oegOhet.dey i t. h ihisltdior#JOafL andilla.m. 'h' ahspewl i.suais slated for M &ma.. AndIl l&.m. Tni. dim- pliokgaumats.IOp.m. homina 1edn* t.r 14 iý l mmplaye sb mslvui ýmoatUilv bhpOAll ebram 0* « A r Iot aque u.b$d 1 J Ev.. dat t nhoes. ahbout OUAPpay. là lm% ho aPPOsCaIN il2t8maowt.Iama at t. 8 tidb1emdaeaneam tui lantratsllailt.Ke w h dedeàgkd a a otiît (ne- t. câ parihlat.hi t Moflsos' 011 o millioer tecM idraO. Rucoe rm Umm artsfth yae nr iuai. miternt.d patstire Par. Rmrlemanypara wuoaet.Iecmle omtakepert tewýb pmam iýmod nés .camp hi pul orellrel M toyngfr mtiI hopi- noplm er.cmpmI fo aywa t oreuai the t eof mât.b cky soisfer a sries mut.a hi ontt. rose a .ia ahomplma. At a renet Otario esOe Doubla gbSt.fsbmacd Tsmn id i*Nigara0Falk, Tisy Lambiert, x o c htmlaStuet A".oa" Gon ='iayofciMW 8 L, Ut., wan"o dmal rt.uaosstit.e a Fhia4ltntati. b PtMtil ftan.aifuisa 0 i qeili yfrte .Casmimmmt OanuwhoduecId ferurly OGobeha i Aurait. Jamesqutfied fer t.e Junior Pen- Aowm MeGMubt choisDmat t cpI odet cmpi het snontma trai Ro blaw laa a - Id, YÉ t. t iOtawa. It tub a seperltire tfort iy MeDefle qalpmomtdmrig t.ëSw. tMd mies. how em 0c. Meilfe te ui ea deal of hracterlhicoing hock ram a pwkMh la bt.e fbisgae te uie thierm fe a deterufeaMif~rhiy Jera- 3-idhivadalge t.ta.teiiampimlddPgame &3. No longer bridE MocD uffe ta kes MAluys *a brdesmld and saver te mre botb eieongonl uemthi l eacret! brid? Nt ay mre.cloepoamia e nd taMc fe crteny ofi IoM, ofa c character, third. third. M EJetorercme a 3-i Jake Derngfflowed wftt a bunt OlrpthrTI :turselge li tirlgrime ingle bt . ner haetdatlrd. th nsngmth in ai c..ZU ?ytemidtdle ll m4~t t.wm ad t. ha% ll ut. eer &tie- Mm. elkhier a" Demi t. ~~JÎe= ~baemnWayne Elll' hod and intofoa md-h- riglit tield offi. ic.mhi -bled Oller e mrosi Uwbit run-rbi adeteted Dolgam iand t Sor. oit.edoulled aa ul, eor dgn A Dong MdLaubihnthontien d a bard GeottO'Bien's int & Ao adar t. let f11.14 mbtc mba hop put by ptcht .pt run are a berth ithe bamptmsbp ae left-ielde Derslk Nesiadmirolled ileOhmthea ptl wu mea supertitve tenso ffrfor t. the tosire. MLqdntrndo i double stea1.1E1h UcOlfe mhlch inaly put Ita aljeta amndasedeS m lebuseand toppeil two-U t.gothertforhe tle.More lmpotantly, for an iumlde-tbe-parb mm e rnaf nu Catcher Brat. M, McDu1Ie oercame a n iblgbFyaiala l low ami bmmnced mmiii. t.e ne tram L whfemutln"in Tiinhearetlaif ith. net saven raco home wtt t eoploder fotier nmithe luth i- atiare t. gire MaDolte lUe cbam- The. tourney wme "--te steel the poneiip and, anme menii-eeeded aiesSatorday and ciiPobip te~¶PaeOilln confidence. tundertorin ar miDe= mcndwln oer Ogle 011wImmhin thet.tmbrey mre me moure than IsYre 1log in21 regidar- lt.aub MDuffe rced airerai Wt anal m.. tm*Mn cr « loa, he.le y lsth homayra tai M ecflsie at.tei baflebamerlsatruckn fr t resrla thi tiW r games~oaa Imm in Ibo a ii, may oftebUm of the 1cmipup ont hm- omm , bttiofIe ifont -r charae by Olèe st raee tee in theinhirda uu y hgof iue dt dm pm h h gotratbhe relby tol easIg cit wio apldiytbaoa oaMr e Maaaat Oleg mbwo ir1Msead of smPaid m ee dly ti doe lIed xe. th ,as P holS vapl tourney eir thhree ora corered t.e ield i water. Work crewa ifféerr inw the =ucby -etored t.e iete, t.playing oebut t.e achedulewmu Imo gamnen Brýmuat led ocil hind w hon ploy rcameil. cige mra One acbeduied game wu-el-,td am h iei rotra t.e torae,,adctioncrried wtu, rt. rhtdad hrosh 8= tdrizzle wbh 1.11e tht one.nwo .<trlma t., 10, down f6-cm 1f a yar khomer. ago. t. tact, a lea co cmpried ci a gli Traror playera wt. PFM iWiieel and Broak- noved ta thtrd on vile wudramn upte alow tor 1 lus. btorhecrer. MDuffe geti$iatrcthe champlonmiip d off adeod game. 011w. mad MaDutte receireil ik off for=am$o100liapisestor tersni-ttnaiinsanmd hi te way tiios. ach round-robin mt. wu ot Us. In efes iliruem a ait, McDulte won $400 white Oilen took wabling Houston to home $82.50. thr u. Desptt.fiedng jmt 40 pr cent of the oyed onder rAear clubs, MFL teamo abmne througb t.e ndey. leowerer, a t Ioney addition t. Ofieran ad MonaDiiff = 'M, ttomne advancedin tathe san~~g eo-inale, mbere thoy Imi i5-0 ta Olers, and Tiruway narrowly miaaed qialiling tor t.esmil-finalo mhen M boabt Muiere64 in t.e final game ci the couad-rabn.. Intht.seml-finala. Keit. McKinnon acattere ix het. bit.pare McDfte pust A à A Radiator 2-O. Mabuffe trecb foc jimitor it. themslma but made aIl of them roent. Nocm Mowbray led off the third itht a triple. Ater tiare Norton popped Up, Dau MclaIigbii laced a single ep t.e midde to score Mowray wththt. iret Mciuffe scored t.eaond rui on a error. Nngh Williams singled and moved ap t. second on a peu"e hall. Paul Lrmersa inflld gronder ent for an erro alowing Wllitams t. score. t. t.e ot.ier semi-inal, O01lam trock for six it. n h ift1h lming scoclag tire rima foc their "-O in over Wayne Ellis led oft wtt. a tomer. Aler Ray Tonelli tripleit, Derrick - Neelande produced an RBI single. Catcher Roger Joboston singloit befoce Don Hanasent tbam hot. home mit. a triple ami Ibmn scoreit on Jim Felkeris single. àismi ci the. tag Meanwbile, pitcher AI Few allomeit t.e MILtourna Milt.mne jot two harnamissingles;ta rack op t.e sautoui. Fao. WUtLom n lx Miltownemows down Lyndlen Pufttlq aideany taaglt. ofia potentil Protet, b Mltmn aty Lyndea 3-t t the ontacnami Sto Aecaostai-rud ply- do» m t. ghmm.n Iio gama vu playmd but Wedeuaystatl nhitrMi of cm ofathoflgun«0"it. MIt.n a rma lPm in>uer Loree in t.etiraigame oftht. bee-o ttree mur«" aai be eecod gam oelrdy aIS 8p.m.atHor6iyh.lpart A gosilcromit taitne Ma ploy*anmd at leut ome it. Mark Cotia, t.poyer ut. Came si lea w asro snga*o<e, i Certin e .job Ater Lynden starter Don Robartosi etlred t. iret Uree Milomo.ballerý a, oe Mutnled off t.e s.cod wt alinoadrire Utigit.t.efoncé pleande md ii.tryhigt. drieimalhm@hia @Pury mailM trer .fence fer a tue- Uft.La"y wu" en t.emaenilillu*lmA* afliveilfon, bit.anmamru -t. craIofII*t. ay. Ob eflmlii a and mon aacrificeil tu second hy Len Jlord. Aller a pop> up, Steve Gervas lineit a drive t.ogb t.e rlgbt eîde whtbho coorerled int. a demil.drsg in Wiftnll withtht ird r. Lyndenwuabeld t.junt tire hbt t. t. heàiihg ganse b« UM t b tf ?i th@ idevw mtr 0* m. 1 H' onh baset 1gue s 1 Irm**4 Wholt