Net year wmlli e th esta Urne - m de Clouaset Chmeeut, PEat cebile awaers lii IB" op ta troue. ir Walpper Ivlgtî wbee lbe local volaci. re- velde regltrallos. The province bas glaatomilie la Ieatl pases a soir pie cbaaged tea aaecompuwyter pl.mi w e haa a 11h trin btilimosetairte licoene.plaiee lice Winlib pereisi - icielà recoupedt ri lselll tahe essaputees lirth dates sud plates mil stoalOwi b e hsalenthaimeli. paise ralher baa the vaie mhasali». Com puterized icensing lie prepared flar »verandhanige, ee.il0mines Vehiele iawerlbore aller June 1I mlibey a dime toreeew vehiele registrations at year. aicker athe reguar timeens a ery, vaid outil Physcal changez made by a ae proviacial lbe omar'a birtiadae, ani rauraet aIlt imath computer systomle bviosaIat Ceeta bayaàstcer forthe fdamlag12menthe. Pet ced Wapaper, mhi bolimiaslbhelocal Licence platesoalI cololger laeciatad mllh vehlcle registration office, bt te ew ssapl h e lbvehicle thay are atlachod ta bat, Intetil, wmli gees mucettlrlter. liereglsiered in tbe vshl comser Whe a vhele. The office bas beeusmmcd. amaller ced bm two la aold, tlb plaes are rassoved i saion el ickets ie place ofa coueler w4bre four or fbe plaie swao's replacment vellala. Plates cstomnescould lbeserveaieta anse. tlamfuture, currsily ilanue mUtib remtalaMsasre-laalein leu space wlie bseededam the a" rshbtepar- sotphued. chose licence plates reseteal stickesi mliieb a Driveis of paoesger cars and commercial theg of the past alteset yesc. vehicesa aadr 2,400 kg witpay a atadrdblse There are iv molenapecta o hlbem oe-Mse regardiezsaoM egine ise. Cmmnei gtrallonsstem le Ontario, cam flbm abag veirlea3,M00kg and sader are aubjoctIn hatlb o staggeced resemalahissaid e, brth dtes oM cr M iadmomluyc and mopiesdcas liereglatered ameers. Vebile amners bore heforeJouae ili bey toc$li4n$Sreqpectivel. cegltrat an stickers mlacbml iciade eueii Wtb lbeasw computer systen comas anohbr moeth tram Jcaar 1it helbWbrtdte-pia btieh almed et bslplag maliclpllllascolisct e, coothe 1 or lmns, llic rate wich applies to aseb cspald prking ines. Velacie otnes Winlieb manthbehoae lbth e ers bithdale mülieb dter- desled regigitratis. renmal if fines regmaited mteed by dvhtgeaWtesmw lcay 2. is or br plaiesasamber are mpslid at remal lime. tladmsi wf ce ama" "Ivitait« afor Facing harsh... whc ulepl ln wt h imlfea tCeumld trisspag 1) T bdaltcy oM Tramportaties and Comme.i- Jouate lbphtographe et famlly ced freeati.coas m igaie amoreatactive formatioD Crattna raught wmllblber la Mltas serve as t'- setmstI Mre Wb Y~BtM &W anObuMdl rode ulbm e lsMfimia sb mbuled beOtasraetommllblaaier lregbr iy flai omreasof lber visit. la lite ossptomhave bhoistsallat Clemeats qMr, Most Mf bave bas relaled le and Betty Camnt anbd berdasiite, Callice, 1 'à'ly aalong im aeother astaseibo, milIhb transid beeolbonAaestiSepeaber. lier photo dlary illesnodeuhl male sa ai ber visit lanosAmrca e ecage ahodast te fliola mom Criatiasmet inflretti. Tmamweab in cotage coatrynsur Utiiaait it LyadasSmith ced i tomity ced a trp la Brltlah Clamba mtb ber ddnt ced tace ilte btil lie b mbjecla fer q fartier photocollectios. Wilin l Canada, Critina bbad la give op as cctivity michbabu beeu part et bir lite salec. ab mas ix-pears-cld. Uflier abtesmate.nsuapple mcce lase are sot c rasait M dily instauction len clasmical ballet dies &a. ms born e lib a dacer. Sbe ftetondreais of Mbecomleg a profoalsa baries, butlo a y and cet opetrit baet madlera, at puy ad toop or a mores bave metcd er.atclsl p o oec, dac co erbedad butter. Ph. mlii audton or a dasce compuey i zle ut esabdmretcrnesla Jcaary. Athoucajiehibgliho" otbcatin mas com- pletoil bfore seacamebre, sbescellein Grade T I LO 9 Canadisnga=rptIhéâtre ", physicel EN Y K edacation cdaend al LigiatMen taslrict NWYR llitb Schoal . Cmilegtromia fcountryere soer ced hachethol arc lbe main sporta, Ccltlea %as S f K esiapeil learaieg ta play field hockey. hmaitf 2 tek cead hov- ta use a hom andarrom. 2sek tta ouch goed aspurlence, t liei a ie.no02.5 kg m ach.l b dar k festan-d y eng wm an m i l' --l '20« BE WISE.ooe itUasuL ~ ~fle.e,555 0.0, ~ ames ~ POTrATrO PATIES BARBEQ2UE DEL/GHT 5 lb. bag $2"» Reg. 5$&U spelaai 1e Ci-amplas Rerat monetrtccc îcavof J-tmltoC-hidd c c cal depuly-minisers pen Moaday whnalli, local CU as mac tea $etlie rem in be aapy. Theê adâ or eeAy »o«cgt esen e a"ildaum 10=1t,0b sie-a 0 t*hmu. 100 bavesiuo .u eCiabthlb ad*UoW Maseq atuhke b b siguoWb ben usthe , la= reesas.. litsCAS clbd lb mlaltry Of CeMisACÉy seaoervtiepty mhrtlaphlcedA sftmg b e M m e maoof aIetO cldle'a "100 bavat goumtaul lb MW"ey»me ed a Prfowaste, oche Jus Leu, tbaa edbeaslo Umc aaga Ma Las abolleeor oralmembwote lbCAS Pr patieI e. Beom]elu cslsdttWassslgJmee. '11ia mieamars(@MlW dsetdod," bs. L»ead I Yoii con golf at Kelso ced Il coma $1fSorast ildander S ü apas7ida so o am .=Kl e" oaidisth lAU ormato cD12 an fer K&to b llae Ligies c«mnrvtie, Atbrliy, 310Maie Mcmi, Mitan, Otais cf dccctcc Wr 'c wýntravelhcct oig ýl -ck. gc At thilf hcc lc Waocc tias rof the wth thcu acdtcual moey aca ially ee..arCAUS statf harhaureil chlldranon as c mporar w&Yek- oqmro» «%*»iby @,MaeltihomW sm*r" im-.w al oempto mu fil 0* Se Mids oie~ U1 Ray »Msore b Lqbu' eser ECd Bab dorng a1M JULY AUGUST ftECIAL MATURAL LOOINO AIL EAK PIERCINO *5000pr CYCLASII TM1NGl J500 o Ulth a facial and edi- cure «elv à mni'I "DIFAREICUE B R@NANZA"' stock up onsteaks, pork chops &chickon auRnm m n&ECOM ATS BURGERS 40 -114 IL. 50 - 3.20z. t01b. case Re0*$17.00 s$15" I 4-eusse FmEBH LEAN BACON 11.02 lb. or 6 kg Nom Y STEAKS l5ek" 2.6 kg $22" SCHNUIDERIS OKTOUSFEST SAUSAGE 6 Reg. *17.10 y*Wp p.»*of i..e' For AilYourlInsurance Needs M mwn q Inmoto V t4 The following stores and services wilI b. oipu for your shopping conrtnc"e t Minas-Mý on the chic Holidey, Monday, Auguat2 Bavam m Dookara Mlk JausuWOd josemepuf VLMnt maaous WMooCelesage mon a LnsmSd pm IM - MWAbbrm ut to T430NE STEAKS CUTYOUFiOWN o STAK o s 10-201 Frauli from BonelesHot Doge 2.6kg Sirloîn Roat on à Stick 3io 5 lb.avehage 3Wach or carna of 50 e TY]I-.ICEBLOCi