You You can't judge the value of tbis- home by outward a'perane.d, From the street, you .c Uy neat bungalow. It is flot until you are inside, that one cao apprec- Iste ail the extraa, the cuatom work, the quality and the spaciouanefla. The foyer leada to a formai living room with neutral tonea and an est-in kltchen with plentiu upgradod cupboarda. Cloae by la the dining room finished in brick and atucco featurlng arcbways and iron railings. An exqulsite master bedroom bas a sitting ares, walkout to a dock and wall to waII cuptacards. On the ame level are a mud room, lsundry room, huge aix place batbroom, two addltional bedrooma and a cboery sun room acros the back. From the sun Mjocn see the glant sized Walk out and you are on a beautiful codar dock overlooking ThlawZ elneroudJool tw large rocreation moins, bath- me ceorna, workao, cold room, M additional kitchon and a fourth bd bedroom. bei This home bas much to offer for ame $9S,500. An 11% firat mortgage la ot due until Jure of M96. Lot u show you this outstanding homo today. For an appointment Wo view, please contact Milteuno Realy Corpgormat7S-2315. can be the judge iY roalorS à-oic Faalmaa are harily araud ae ina thi Imwi pchs dah. Il la aisé cmmvcmlatl) bumim tapsaay h'emmthemilwd ag arca andmdilamgrma. t____________________________________________________________________ and cared feaadmian m. A Y TULY 21 1982