èIosd ffrm Altoogi fireligitîes arrived aI the sme Wihn a trwhous, the font brick ai caved in, redorlsg te buildinggtlita pilie et mouldening Muta= llaliucworkdtruutltitaolght ta pu ataaia faman i traasidw.,cafle tait aMWMUmm isate oaat day uit,,"lat spot aaidanIYatartedupa&gain. On Z~dey of te ire, aanmit f inaratore baid boatemloaded ltaon adjacent taraliore tA fre was bt.eieen te tuatbuidings 10 cradied uit aavag te secnd biling (rom abattirruin. Atitoogit a quaatity aiftoaitare reeved extensaive hitaidomge, opprobiaiely $50tSo waitit o bedroit itestm it carton booms mere Save. Hlait,, Regiooal Police estimait, total damage ai approximteiy $tO,lO. A 24-hoor police goard mas neit *op oi thie preiloonfor moiti ai te weekend 10 "proteet evideoce" and keep away sigittern, as police datectivesanaid Ontario Fiee Maenbli Floyd Roevel madaeteir iitial nearcit throigh thie debris for clors as the ires cause. lIadîng th, i .Wl1),;" Accordig t, police, te boildigs and property mer, jointly owneti by ftier atd soit tmbeeto and CitrineaGlaraade. Pable recordashow te pair hald a $407,00 mortgage wiib te llenitCommuolly Credif Unlitn in âtion. Carloa Glangeande, 26, of Mlon, cotifi-meti te propeiy and biultdigs are itoored for ap- proxliately $M,000 plus ao adllital i tai tor'bualneso interrupiont' loaof bosinesit>. Couittry Pelts'&Firniloee Store olatilillly owoed by Mite Roets of Milton and Dan Mangan of Rocliwood. Te pair alisomit oa secontd branci tlore io Hamiltoit. Bot baoiteooeoweol lot, reeeveroitip lant moitit. AItlitettrmeofthlie tire, te Imo tosinesoewere beiitg managed by Cooper and Lybraitd 1Trooees os bettaîf of Peter Gignac, former omoce of Coimtry Paies Furitfre Store. Mr. Gigitac oold botsores t0 Me. Robterts and Me. Magait last Peitroary. A Metroland Community Newspaper - Serving Milton in its 125th year VOLq~a-MJEIU1,MILTON, ONTAmO, WEDNEUI>AY, JULY 21, 1982 28 PAGES-30 CENTS MWeIf are dad gets cheque Coeowes pology ,n*eaaaudIytouoofits empIoye, that -~~~~~ -~~p S oewjOu,4u*ttradeu tou"od Skilted labor neded TltiZtai lb, y-l h 3-ta -fri = i*Uai iabwsta at t-eite irai amui inai 3.. ralins C.&k Mana OItonait lu de lekitff utictmanad thiner«m- a JOdenaedhlatWnhnib Sla~ talal cauol- ' lday.ac it me t .aM~ ramamaiti câh.éapgu PeraC oae, mes on Il acailrovmry in tambl itdEDrdCon h.ngte outdlactt Cnrat- fie ar Chai tin"Lar et;a lrnthe Board nf Ram. Candspiteml h a anaa akPatont uit tgr- tactfaga Met caata-= et, - tai. Itlahhampelltuaido bscoplaitwuD bit on lraretli fo aIC* gadont-thoao prt ci pra- ane hri n-a vuaigion of ib alleaiaaitneaity "Mitnaeda asdw mi g taDr sefer c cotiamdaaati Dr Coalfahcmr.,ti athomu.hohhn mo- tiaits We o4pro- pel ardfr Catch tattger! A liger euh ahhowsl1i1S1m8« ieeGirl et the Year. Ky.a bufaenes ifpfaylag igan tacMlltoa Day ai tbe Aicaa Willam.a. ai MUia. a raarlag gati isse aette Arican Lian Safari spaaaared by the Milta, Chaiaheraf Coammaece. UaaSatarL. Teemh eeialtain asaetiagiteroar aboasIaa Tt Oaa-cre divetraagh wilidiffe park featarea aore thaa Cifa Saaeiay fa bMlliaaday ai hi hame la Rctiau here a taauaoniexatie animais andbieds. viakac go uNi. litcat tickets are anaatie ai local Champion now narrower width ifU yoo ttiiliere as aimeilg ditierent bhoat tdy dtios of Thte Cacadias Chtamplan, tot yon aioldn'l pt yooc finger on it-ueii, Yu dMd ndverlently. Follamlag t-e bond &et by t-e Caitadiait daily noaaa aotry TaChmLnaittot olloued A heaaduhaat, The Champion wmut enainte aabef ugt fat unbtonarrmer, peaaittotg = O, t-fl«aadnouaniht censahave hoon s aaraM fer te e $&n" l t wt mh.neaylu9tt PlM eutctian PoliceMobtter.. Ediiori Noie: .. Oura Puodeca Write Ssaonis...... Scapisu te painleti slogans of protoit from tilt car font meeti which decloeed discriminatlion againt maie motiteri. mat a symbolic geolare for Barry Bryait. For 15 monlbo te Georgetownt man bas iteen ryof t oblain finoocial assistonce 10 etêtilehtom 10 tlay ai bome and rare foc it tiltoier. 'liteaigl litie'aefottlwere finglly rewoeded lutI week witeit ie recelved but tirait ettare chteque. Witen tic fleol applied toc weltare assistancre moreton a yeae ago ite wao told le tiid a job and leave Kistofier ai a day care cenletthlie boy, thon lwis, could sot cope ithlie day car, cetres mitere ite a placed on a triaibasn Sitre taI ime hii latter tas iteen liAbint toc equatity miicit wold matie tm eligible for te tome boseîn spaid t single motees. Wilb aioit- crnme except a $W.01 mitlly famdly altowaitce chaeque, Mr. Bryantl bas iteen stayiitg muth iltmoter wbo bai ~ro vlded a home for lmantd boiso. Mr. Byat says b, doesnat boom wby tht local weltaee office is tom poyitg tom bonito b, wao bold seeal miots agit be mas sol eligible tar. bol soggeots te taritabout bastsmmetiting t, do mita change in taoiiy bonefils legllalion miticit introdoceti tathers allomance July Alboagi thlie cash bas finally olarted tu l ow, Me. Bryant faits tic should la compennaleil lite te 15 mooto ite bat becs wilbout anS cm,. He mili mail te melfare division othlie Mininley o Citmmaitly and Social Servirais Onario Sapeeme Coart Sepleoibe8 ioan al- lempt le obtain lacit payesentts e flditare due le im. Titird Saction Real Esate ......lIE 8 A3 Realoe'sChoe.. REI Ai Chwrries. . ..e M4 taoraaoDarte REt AS Foarlt Sacono Ait S itni..... C AS MilsBO, -B-yle. . .«ci FMoeanadYou . .....C Mior basebail. .......0 GirlsoSoltball..... .... 0 YottlSoccee . ., Ca sprltoreitoar ... Ci B -3 Girls Siee ........- qS sptial appleuaii K-tiart. (ikili Pu.ce CUdia Opu Calmr Y u rl ami IM do