Aduaustrator.e Sorte dum»b dois ofthe f 4 aICaint retaasesy Mdku saR faibl'. ave . acot o m . = mmil viala io me l.l.s ah.wt - b. asof ardau, . aupd ni. Insud hen. hmar bvayeu bava, Don? Thmasaleaady a 'lm.reuvaWL«tsu ad b taslltb.rand1 Ma i IYeu. Jl 1k. thoii. mot"hbcg "To,ý ur pssllng san 'No. 1'ma. Tby'rea md ln Tawana I Ibck. Andtby're damamed aarindantetaht." Tissbat envu s nt me.acaain thedrase-J i ér.De*it. any sahha& i tisaheMacuehe il 1 wsssilIn uan tnventive mod. Aftead, 1 ssd rebnsnldadtran thebalure of my llecar, wses 1 dsovrd yoscam'tgatia tnasd--bad mode long = -tva. t. bati.YTu aus, tie way 1 bdil gurad il out, drtvng my eleetrieCar, you'd cava Ragt tat. If yau fcsi. d i dd't kcowwsesra yau sera, ail yauhaod todawuatafntlcwltbecrd back bomme. V've always flgmie aicl ccpanias were halc i tbe daai»sof aytInvention. Of cause, 1can't prcve 1. Rut, liane marchesuin aDd todweU lunthe.pautl la ignore thse epportia ftb fu.ture. R. La sgel Lam.os aboahut aTrudeau dnill 7tisecomptletsa lvolvad slagaerthehca 1nt ionn Yeuneanc wld up a MaeEtaac ll wtiut worylng abuut asalrnlattcg physcal Tda us acsatms l. He luin atr t b ly-ngflsb asd bedy-rrascb. Ht., could a doit duplicata lb. famoas sdm«gorthei1 belig uite? slOr tbedsvaslatins sua?Andbhow lis e world eSld il say "fadjedudie" wM a" 1c coecvtctlu No. l'anot lraady for hâ1 challenge1 yel. A Clr m1my ets awer. Rut, hy lise pay for kt &)Mei IOS II.a proftt. He Sp- ~t IAlIaM.waaa ,hrayprojct. lliItstaf rd tianebh àlotime ddmis Finder-kpers even proposiîtion Rgfladeckaapas&aier repoeetepolhce in- c m u w nn a. oi UMo and a MUt. irle IlWh amv »M aI ilua u a S ecele, . alAf Davsof Haltm Regleeal Poie.. Ntnatydeysanad a wask attar an temn ha.beaeu umai einopolice, the fladte la *%*ile Itulla Isi, &Ma lMe. Davis. If the findar dsan't RassI l, tiselasUm #s to auclian wllh prooasdabig raniad tl a bmRg- oanabady bahns inl a cash flsd an averaga of ases a ntdi, Amannsta s ma4range tram 10 ta $5. WU àodb, thse fidor sM la able le re. MWM *Icf TAWeèni d ow m . ffuemu * i0 mÇ IWU almClef m am a M YCN VIO R )O TRTO a vr rm9 m oNo zemn EM i SA lRhsaraaessaasvaà oucom Md hem moidmm. aw %=eewolt"Wt wbo Omww wm un ti. About Rhetnvic of war vearriciorýuur ouners re arens 'nd lved De Edtor: I am tise faliser nE a Young girl, ana 0of anrderad cblidren. We seant e:Retr uWaRyDRtha Paradse Patitin Sullivant . off action on .t e: hRts¶tofsro) tsoaas ad h r RUttinisloWIfjaa~ Walahartam -myosaamesrWhte laires.ilat rs ha mR .Rswanu à4Wby a b"llfMud*a Me tahs sa la auso amonqetnsc h oz Ba debsed adans qsatlunLt Mad bea on . YTatsaatrafacaanon calitlai a a lb tolOi, fer tà day. M tra..a a ues» slnnant 'oraau fBrut dee & as mtlsre nevar b..u Pam repncsd lto te.&Mlolpice, an asdar. .~ requi by bah alls P ola and 2. Ahollais esl -cdthelia hdatcey wri P- -s'.Th-preo reria "m < 1 gererusd 0' 8-' himnattr. Jt ààasWU, iadry Iryl* te ~ fid net t1 e wusol frdesgrma esocupareilsaftlà ta frle andecship, amdaduita flgbt *r*ý b4e bm b U" Olisahir Ray la tise top Iham* jota, sMd &M m m w afoes . otk som psttllictaatuve tocrbigiarpoaitins late I re esRthe w h ostns ircmdanta m déé paol B0" 1 tht ds 'ov-h" o n'a a«pUls a m lty manot tad n ontedr' wuatsma dpi va b ada. a ts AMR aytli.of """ Iaih . al ll. a .dm Ruthar tla 004- d ; m-. finlly fthe VACaWukadoani tis:r are orc aram weW iclpemtlausSFa m" sedun au loca d s tii. the . Idaasigt th. AMla1sie ILttiSopFli" i 09" at m <.. M Isathelabo TW. Wae Me.biser fn. CWr. is l-M eui tr yas ~~~~eli batdcoit Oakau m od snaurc ~FIoii5e, TIC m he D. al ea tsr.ha Iet' lt eral disa. rame t. dsan anaaddheaD. Sutisx akn Dameyg vedr de*Md( isar heNWam thea a Iblawtdcautf ltr Ili etrsela aduay p a uce-lf lis19e xcepttRIlS l lsaion a e eqto lise o mna ateto lasni ame u rvenaba u l. ulted Rtatan algislmod ? H oattrb*d la ans. tacupi a talaratar01utrngtae la labo TI estlua t iestoru" adalatalilcalmaduraga tisaI~AJ OM t tai Iorl"disrsssanastRa8 aYosimvaryrsd tisraaftjla rd las urcountry.hardll Day P--m ed4 ha cn lebots u raller tanliaterai ocnltor.Wsurarmdan dewlli_- -c Dace ~ ~ ~ ~ t Edilmlsal mâts. laa ontiser prestaa, am The Rutar Club utMlilom ae lu- lulb.uit nlag Risn tue lis donatio Daw ad t b aypulel iae ftordckeinaisec l altintlut an won- m om fwit CearDas e uylut'ti.scy bIn put down bh!e rflauba m c mi ote o hi le eela ffl, lng t algi)wbw Ont. leIRuia ydo heaie, dm he M 151, sud la " ardnt sata lTr, a n edmaRuralis eraa an TsclteUnitStafrtes nl h aiî u In m se. - s.t. ~ tempeoauutltin egenla ta Mdl 1 aitareaâesabteourulub a yconytins.'11 tentossulve crlppl.d, Riadr B.s ad MyTise le all is. g at u nf a earal nhrlCalpujct our s ,latn Rotary1 parallaiisa ton Dea Eito: al oftiket o teiBoxm Faan 7be otay Clb o Miton n i- I thePritingSho fo2thedontio deIn dmmn epeinti m o ices prcato ese s wh sporedor nua Rtro enedI toe hoptrn im h Jast suppose there vas inotal dlsarmcaot. Wiat if Coaunist Uiadeclded la lak. ovar Canada?I dacldsd tb.y wanted oit rasourcan, Re califor out big tnl=lRAb=t te iselp '11h uailfut tiir 200cimuon FaMd incdietHow woulttt have basn crreeai itasut mlry la a cater argmnal Tsaonly glueratina provan andh'laed maalisl aWf trt ire tere la dangar 0f tanlng. 1 my d"n l tars*Lmfer Uncle S nMa docr. To naaaa "lnp tisa madnas" sean swustand onaemaed agalsthelb istIabIl ack of sha evaerou sy mayhaewould not stop tb.audmiof ota way of lits, or evan ur 1 ltbtË " sy Ibans t a tans. 1h11 InagIsIur Wbat lb.y boltavadinl, an taal 1IW lb a laseete setat- 1 baleve'1lb.ut fur of big brother and abat haosslgsdo. Tb D. Oatisard amd thse reag of lise psrt risbevawo tsislronato S moite balleve pureels -In a usake balim woRrld. 1say tala.. If you read my laltar ami faIt nuoanger, non desire la alter my opninsmeor face.. taau my ulast aPologeI you fltI anger taan I rest ay case Pleae taink about wta you are trying la do. Thassb you for readlng tasla tter Rineersy \ j .cad fl gnioWaMWd., Judy 14, lOfl6 *Applitionl. for adisi. t. th. e NATURALIZER~ SEMI ANNL9% 5110E SALE CONTINUES!!! BREN IlSHMaidSANDALS U-r050%/0F ALL SIIOEU ARE FROM OUR REOULAR STOCK AT SALE TIME SIZEARE MOT COMPLETE tIN AM'Y ONE LIMSE SORRY NO EXCHANGE ON SALE ITEMS loues: Monday-Saturdty 9-S53. Saturday 9-9 NATURALIZER *. - IA Dear Editor; Our founders are narents and Inved , ', 1