LVUIZUU'U j Truck stolen WanwnMt out, ifa am S sissiSt. ucly Weauuiy, Oi C ntof bz ciseeg di émulem um clow a 51 riqis 1 adiibebe- îgltanal0- r Gord Kesutsflasbed « S ot let geseral-masager Chacis e%&,.Htu m sd Hark Zaeismîi iSe oMdiM lg aWy luird chair- etlsalntberer. I1gnlthig a biwysummer The Conodin CaçTio, W.d, J5 14, U2 3 ýý4eftç*ReIf? Cia s A speclsiceumlttee bas becs tarmeli ta tudy a plan ta iteegea te te Halton Ch Ideen's Atd Societyer hRg Waflpape membcrs tothe nneperson The inittative teerlthe establishmen tbte study group camne for te CAS Boarliof d rectors wb ch bas becustsraggllsg fer neyeral yeaswtb an asadequale butdgct provideli by te provncial gaccrement. In a ltter to Reginnal rbairman Jackt Rafile CAS president John Grabame saili be sappoetel thecstady ta deteensine wmitIbenefitsta lbrcmaald he tae 9 oçe sgency "ad partlcelarly ta tite eildreca tebse nccda are thefirst prierityof theeorgassatian. e Barlingtes Ceea. Wlter M41ewhectsapperteli single thte ides et establlsblag tbe cemmittee, but marneli roll tat provincial directies and dusires meald tl bave te be censadereli. "Regardiesa aIfmitat we lda mellbe stae w t tce direcctives of Utc Minastry as children'a servicease wc abaulli lerget any ideas about ling a Hatten acio, utits tfl wrtwhleprc= togt The paint and paper peopie througb."besa1d. Oshvile Ceas. Caret Geîaiag marnedt ttît a MILTON MALL 378-2629 simple solation otet prebletes et previing Mon.-Fri 1000-930, Set. 930-00 r.A . evcct isen.16. y mman t tern base Th 55<I oftcostaly. 1 liant tblnk te verly tîmpiatie solationtat's bierlyiag tis repart ta eecaarly teway te go, esaili. "Iftbe anemer mas tat simple il mealli me beaee lonegage." Te cammittce stliying the proposai wmdl be aposclioet ave membera appeisteli by te CAS idîfouresmedhy te rcgien. Regionaslrcpreaeslativm mdil be caseeielrs Ted eDenalliof Baetinglsa, Dave Whiting. et Haltes tes, BraliCtemeellelof#MiltonandliMe. Rallia. GUARDIAN DRUGS. Milesmaq télb «cregin &mmarisgofag tsa btieg bult andbaay resets, mi s aeevlsg an te board i totrs ai- a an a fr* aule cat opir frtogmtWU khol bio, JaeSiervos, Val Capela, Jette Mac UsItedi ayemipg. Stéïrart, Des Malilla. Lynse Gosy, Rev. Jack Bir- Hil Att ISOfi 1101115Dr.le Ilut irreltmas giveâst a #u bickof lest meeb tei MUltes Wsud 2 Cous. Cln Best ali Jette aà eiallmr«e erirclg bth tcecoam- agu àom0se *5.M'? èIIII gt==agttscoet s.amî- T lcamlgnilaneedelibecase ittedt helegal BmeswucsNsestaus afeR& d ~SPIBB tegeslsUnthisareatogcterssthat they tan be nas Cmiurlal~t a :a30 iOpt. mites eilaniopropely leadeli la terce localnecela,' Me. Kanla tbe55dhId lesecralpur ans mjorreei hochta tc lmeethcbeablecto givc tiaas mach ime set- PcllecMid horofl etwcslamdstucba hydre cesacle ahecleisca cvc easmi, bat I cetainly mholebesetelily supportte pebeieteecomlgtr«L tetea dca of s United Wy csmpaigs, "bealideli. Daeselole m oe ineleluumtd atl8,00. A tenisre.mappelateli by U t atas lhcgles While te formaton etftise local Campanlge la s plannling couacil hbhe moeieg sinon laat positive stop. eKasta sati sHalton-mîie Csm- fitlaedtofeta eglon-mldc campelge palge shoa tilllbe thegal. He d-n oià of b« Meeiau Insl MlaMtas for tevant mas&chanc Tis ci ms receorul l it hisail becisany luirger, laah force ebalemas a tc a c . à bo" cuwmOD R rqtedtha mftp a th reptiotar- Mabe chequspayable ta l'ho CanadieChamp- Mg-Ya-ry n llilUnte aycmuage w t hen ion for Hospital Expanaio. AS profit IremteUt aad ~ ~ ~ te h5rh-ciSerAgusi US eg avea a sedifWsy ppor in hecmmity . Hospital forusetfor its planeclexasionemieg. St. Miltn orr taeonsdilteicacod hoàl li. "Ilthomamcclur tosvery ourlytat Uis amctaoieptUesrtlspavi- atl*saamtelysm. coinsaoslty maes resliy to ge and e are lielighted able fer te iponseship et ot oes. Any compaey oe a seedsatub scsisorterdlahuidlsbace lttb"seffort la nderway.'busess eresteliin aibel Io allMe. Feeroaet 871 sele et DoI7 Rd. ocurredmises Mr. Spole tudlog tise boardi of <irecors o e lo coteCam. 24or 632-M allIeroôp.te. travellingsssm si ue on bseay 25, crosslaid pelga ta cealler Gos Gouteuski, assiatel by Nic h fliflloieg cotepanie selidbuiness are eap- oviar tise rssliway anord 1llg od onwitb Gilandry Funk.spotigtemenetwitprzee and/or donations. Mr.Aesaasat.sawiçtomt Mr. Guteuiî te actosl date fteUCacot- GaStager MorniLIli.. Sports Stufi, ana 9Boi Mr. Ae.sseita MisCnar Mr. ~* palla nt yet beassut butatUtlmoldlihety bc Stores. Clemesi's Pit ami Wsflpser. M.. $Pb*' 55W >MC p"c-up Icis bave heu in epteasor or October. Medical Staff Assoriation. Sycî's Plaerlag. lita isctttacifMe. Gastuisaoili 20social nervice ogancies Le Chiches ami Seséd. Vides Fliobe, Gabelelles l a -tisb. se " ^tea"Ie t t cmag. IOlrPoer Buique. Celose Vour World. Largt1s olaftai =HS aubWIto so t m le () ' sess.t agaMWbaamasonreaslltle f gr"Dlmos.per Save. Csos LaiWd., agM.Goutosid n mid. "amidlise mliy may te lio tIsai ..'QalPla, VS. services. Andees Wlaes LMLI. Art qvot toothmo"«rtie"Beammas Nurseries, Miltosnire Ltd.. Fabriciand. A S.scaiTsosta msean rd illon Sl~upotfteoal cmaign is coîsing fro Koshi Glas Lai..Zellers, Pro lHardmare, Milles asMee*e a boeu ftgultra, hm ou many suos.iclà, ilagMbltas Mayor Gord Droit Mari. Frait Warld. Karens Flowers, St. Claie cIt0a n os Sow ePoirt Srida a. Paets. Csambridge Jemeeri. Miltese Resty. * ltoMunie Lsd.. PrestoPoia ouit al TO U tÎ g9 lMilk b (16utBruie la.>, Racers Edge. Hareis groU ci ock Umbo on Ulib aithettlsscry Ld.. Robert Newmsa Shore Lai.,Ma' Posp et srock lln*sbrer os a ccident Worid Hale Stylisîs. Mstly Pic. Elicys Pbaer. aia isi is acduitg, , sc.Rosi Bosseler Jemllcry. flic Tacisie Shsp. osaitis ms se s * fl 5fl~> Boreail' Camera obp. Milton Greessousea. Peter alles Stlmeglo andlce aretys an p r Sherry Inssrance. Maisci Sises lre. Kigts anchomwllas caimbe aa Meo's Wer, Milton Poota Lai., Mles Barber Sbop. aabcasajoslagssllyapsrtsa The nese eperalore of Utc frmer Sherie anYUt CorbeUts teblessie Cusindsam i ssSupplies M. iuislaid Camldtoetcba urU- r Honeaesetup bonne fallomg atmorellhoneUtre bon.(0kvlllcî. Carlng Olinefe Breeeees Murray lisauy. me closure et Utc obsevation sali deteetios base iclWson Penue Balcis Cdlllsc. Asiei B8eerv Pocemae esta aou Uc iaeae t for juvents. (Caada) Lai.. Clements MoIes eami Milon lise fa]lbsutldM r. Kles's aaey repu wu acu Tihehomne, uervisg Peel anli Baton regios, mas cù.rv lerDeige. lsuddlitsveenmf r Y ts an ce by Casatte Lai. Jase 130astce presious bznwas rruîd nd = fi.111 Miton admistative bodiy, Sheridan Youlh Asociation "ctHspial. Iteteliil coullisot fsectios wtlUthlie landeallotteli hy d2 ie MiisryeofCommsnity aSialSericese. Tise homne.mhlch effets lempoeary placemtelo Kes tum ble (2 tu3 days ta lo juvasloes smaiting permanient :0) iq>N A'THE> L,N by the courts, bas becsnastediCasîtta Firme taswseblast wcks Isarecllpse freis os tasre ufacli slly aillaclihy Sheridian aislghcaatagie early culs Yong Vai iAtioasfor Utc pesl Uree years asntes Gudb m Ia afer e usbled 0 entof pflotlofHaltes Culusniat tiasor acceptm isl N E Kebeebdâll. rl residle ilece mi-Jase as July 1 andi by te CEN E Awc b e M l IBttu »Steiolisce, Bilas Mdofetheise meh, feue javeellesbaui t be plceli Heasetay UM.sofUMSuIfol1k i.,Guelpb lui dmOsere« hW balance seli bu tise S-rt sotiely aller Whle ltse dis ohe tcobservation anli deleelles mwdsgbmeaday. banmeceelseenigu, chllliman ere placel ine itedar nIe was ssbstted le Mienu District HoIIspital aclitie l ecstitaintamitton, Kitchene ami Because w»ti teMs ali bruner, but eucapel insajous OimIe. cid la alseyss bsr o sioa Dae Kelaed» WoourtseallLdlsaild theyou care «= =di.tsit0 isuad lu pluie et hm lsngpcrlod duilg tce clsare. =Canett a. about how eeig trmisalrtsobeervatioe andideleslioeitome in -uâmianly llKitceali a chlldes recelvial ham nse t tyou look and feel. l'l Aimoniioe CuftsHEATUNO BIfls! I's our Year-Round One heat pump-the extraordtnary air condtioner that saves you money ail year roundt REPLACINQ VOUA CENTRAL AIR CONITIONER' ACARRIER HEAT PUMP inta e ejst lke a ccctrl aiar cetduluoncr. lacet ite ove. loci. e the samrmer.Bul or heu> pemps 5150 ise yoo loin test hat. Whcc winttc cernes, your CARRIER HEAT PUMP wtt me rk w 1h your eosing tarnace la radote 50er heating bils. CALI. TODAY-SE HOW MUCI4 YOU CAN BAVEI Gel eue fre esneegy sevng asalysis of yaer haine.We I gîcepos s giront price on a nem CARRIER HEAT PUMP y uC ND riô -andi show you hate mach lamer your heal ng bilns YO CA cOIisaM cStbet M ILTON E.B su UA T , L CALL USm M ATL dseL 17. us ^Tui i smm" usaiuomu ai, as tsuto set W