Relwelut Ioaè sn'4t dehydretion 1) Are naabalùalbOItd vcatarn oet an a sntreddnOiB? Vaie tpoodlturo ng ao ntaml0w tith thon dorico. Tartca =ouco nci- pet otaaraihitioi fat as a ranult et tho esaccma dom. TIionodaviean aranot ffective in hbraklog Up" fat depaita ocichangng dia body compsitin i ay odir way. ore idiriuil do, otavar, rciera»txtion baoaftltaand ra&ictiniof tenson. 2) What abu an aa a.balht point amd eda*aeitndedpfledla'Imeaway fat? Weigt l latbe edutio ofwalgt. Thi laoncao ho tmiporacy oc eanoonahty par- mnanst. Dahydration hi theblm of body watr, whbuntbarorugb nwoaohg oc itadura 10t reahcewatac eni t hdir tapa. Dahydration ptadab dyt water baaane chtb bd titiregaian - onan il coby canhiig ay watechtmooanm&d 'Ibwcaoc, an Individuel wba déhp*vtoo wltt rabydrteas anonas an hotartsa ong or diintlg.Laguaiibt by dinthU (La. satn tatar r lis diao ara anpondod, on thot dia 1 t.cahoiaarnoerom tidWoduepntho> dia nagatiracaoiehibalance Ibt cauta i a walgthom wbcheaun hoconidrd reat 3) Wbt abetnsaman andnstnapba0bo? Saanadstoam batho encouragameatig anidbanco a wigt toua dat cao hoconaldarad ooogb 10o rflctad i a wlglt rabation. ovrr, bcasadiat ta dobdratin,diobaody wil connerve watr tbang dioennet fée houri and theowaigbttmwit horoglnad. tPleaao not: Thrai growing concrn arnapyicceas diat auna aid tonm balla maybe detrimental attb. itLatastrass tenot tolortad ted by nit rnddl-agod people. ltataotura ono tadt auat exhaustio. Th daogarsofM haut axponoo reaicreannd if on idiialtrataneiaballsa ntr onorcio., wban dia body itrylog te cduc. il* tsom- peat.1 il Wbt abt abbootond aid ptlaho oant-mand ambh? lita nmm a rtinaapplian to dia ana of dia non-procana awat sui. Tboentureofaitdi maloiat createaauot ovhtoot i wblc dia body lu worbig. TIhi hat causes nwathig and banc a waW*lems. OnnapbgaIdihlmofi wter tilt ho regoiod ~naut ng and &ching Davucoo dtheanâ» adeofa nocoon materWaI aicb rti béatIa àpactlciar amo Of dia bOdY presst ais1CaIo Ivoaing. A rmnt ldrarada cammission daciion hoo ratictadlartiing diae dovicon anca dia aradanca io pport of thofr clairna n hi sittlcianl. Ta ranarcb itattir e rvanino arideoca diat apot raduci, idir by but or exacciac iapoaotbla. Icoap Fit!! lnCrt crshed otfor ht icludig a humr ttoanstooî and haaptog Stokes wîotas inMlton O)Itlm rSW0PitchLaem acton t tafk- a bued éhru in t y and wesiOUanataaho- W thra &a em t :way. IBtoady d«tuWl play freni Municadtnoircausea. added tour ita 1tediaeatack. Job.Bribthle&"ao Doug Crayon addad traa bita aploca thitb al)o Dow bt aosingeaand a douh. Wayne Loblmail odaàgndday at the plate toc st"kowt o bitiinddga homwoanda pafrai tripla. Chria Carlton liad ~rtta udiv4c-tva oudjU awhié eno Basakutl, Jh W, Dan Dotilvarand Bob Wlbderchclpped iho tub daMabits aach la other gooion.MitnRalty rofltlod ao M-12 vlclocy ovr rankat S"maite biale .10Aba= maiatained legrip on second pae wlitan 11-2lWtn oveCara-Fta Raditr. Prrankal howed op toc il$ ganna tdiMittovo wtdijolI omen playocomeaod taonmatch. Mltowoaoithit Staatr by a0-25 marghl. lienMajeaaowu MlMtowe'o top gnvtlbitivabt m»ctudhtg a bomr c iatelaBaciyBadnont,Bb Tboburo. and LorneGonàakalsohadbowiiacn Rusini's doubl apeli s Str ons JuW aRanolaol it a ncorl*g poition of un first Mnna =oatm ned ta* Acton hotd on 1tetr o mrin h dia funU hock Malon MO X- Braht nbiglasItas Stas 4-2 IMOIO lan &Mvbbaena vwtdi& Otdtlnroc Fanbail vidae aid thon ocad o one&" action Monidy Bob, Davldusn oigl niglt ai Briano ot DaB" apSm Park. _ DlPaa rc Mattont pitehr Daveand Davwnaf lad Man Arllo crao lto troblawli two ila apoet eanly yilding Ito a Gda Jh~nnt traiglitsinoglesn Olnd ad lntnad Ranalani. junt thdi d Han Ma "adelta Acton httr i he needia nleo ganas,cooom o thcei iaI big hit X-tar, wbo hold Actoo odded singleo ibit secod ptace hi the ronlinahetop of theba iaga, taval tb fStooliaod lit dinloligo Scaborotigh ailn tor a 4-0 land. weekand for a tour Ge,«.g Utbot thedia - iamant botro rtocl ditaScafoc Actoo te hom, oest Mondlay f- gan the tot donpeta n 8:30 P.rn. tat h alowlogi10hitWMton Otlu Wllamn at Sui whclait 011 mmoon iBent Park ftut lb.» iS 9 ans othr aa g i frM10twnewralte htseach Top fer Frankal Stel wara MAmIl atenditarol a bomer lMi Fmb:z uiui abel"oa .totautaonditfTyono iabthn Squlrts rcr first vlctory tammonBonanastar ow .0V raoc ioula rirt *vialhpaal4lalimUnerc Loagnaplay lat do hn a lmn BitriMula toin 141 i[ioinàý sniat a of t ay10*but eot- a niobdy ga* th h altaregtw d» coloot. Glidjeawu aa tIt opoctodby dintaunuv- Play-c am wal Saipcai vnabattmovo t"nobail Up fboit, lb. Banoaaioctcear& fla tad bondi-pa lllIaanminaacowutado.but, vldk AinGbobiegt btbodgania alarm itho0 Ih mmmd ggwo theia er, recntved gond rapport fronP&tdCrmonolaMGeaorgKakW*mbna. il"ta vo Bwonaoalarplayo vay lnChirbm oal d U onOcai.OkvdiataIMon D0istrict Bla Sdc obelyordyvenirg. Tlouettr Suubunarhnso Sean Devidson Ifires two-hitter to lift sbantam Lions to win t e S nDavlâoodirea = ~ Bwwnontehi bt a t teoida and atcuck Out vbdo Pald m navn 1 tu Mdtto Uona cCaitchooad Dan Cl ub bantam n obtBtooglahi Mt Om. 81141l i rep ap0 lhtot wl0 oac id ovar Bocliogteonlait Clarb npped Lion tk Tioonday etBt Stithn.a-a i a TrlotiS amt . Davithin aitovad iotSundayaet dclu*t id a sngle walk in dia u, surm Inpdohg - Mdlto piear Dan to m S ad wa bâhedlanglaiaionad sine m hy nrigdofanca hito and dm00 talla -ý Ualao hotped hia whda ntrtbing tut fuir Ig oto causavidi hi bat Mark Sayton, Deni or hlttig a tripla and a Poun, MebiCutaboa ad to muie a aila Dan Davkldn pnJ biad too'S i Far=iclo conictaddiec h o igle to a( singlas.aaub. Kitchener cools bugs Kcitchenar madae gond string of one of the bot- the tinst hait and thon nbsP, w. caot attocd ina tha laavallowht ttat o n il. ot o ob hato 2-0l another arna11kDibetis hi hotit aittaocro Kitchener to d tba oltwo mnutesoneo ng twi en route a 0 vanlagaf thedialnd in front Un mnd oftheM Witi ovor mietn Ontario tha opoilg halt. taklflgtheasirit oit .ot billon had a few gond Tran Fruits major Howaver, thon dia the Milton piport 0hacesbu moitonc i n poteami claaood aniaerw tocig ron Pol-ntonLangoa puy the nlact otheli enoad 'ahda 10w olyeno dia nt. JaiTrinitai Wohonday a1 E. C. hlt, i th id did d- IiouIthoajoot flig had a gond gana tor DrryScoo glrlng iton o d ad c," sau blonMilton as dld goalia The lIou wou Mdo's vantaga whateoOaver coachi Andy Klrkwood. Plip loAch tho tint hin nina beagua Kitchoeier opoiiaddth ia f w're golog 10 wicoldo't bh thd on games bhcalriig tdia--ohg mldwaY liniagh thlblagooa champion- anof thdiagoalo. &%m outW Soltono orcainaaI Most complta dominalim o0Ponta 2-0 Wi ovr Milton Mur- pbynCarpentry in Ila lto an iocoar action Monday at Robrt Baldwin Se".t Staady Boton goanioaph preanlad B Miton roon gatollOi n B dia board wondy Marob and Lion Joaqwo put ict staady afforts at mld- the field white DacletMi Kraoato and Amanda gl sonnt w mow Co part of the action when the big names tee ol July 26-August 1 -Gien Abbey Golf Club )orurmiîsshecoc:itemeot anddramroof johnn4Miller. Tom "pipard 1982 e 73rd Caradiar Open Championship. Masters Chamor Cratg Siodier hîach as this foros coue challenge% And the t nikoaacale:aà $425.000 il t os rludirq 1981 chair .. total pocon MW IteataJackmon orPaa Oos is.Jack Nichiaus, totj ra/rsito ieg Pte L-ee jn paie