Drive-in retigion (luehs ý oro un apbibgy dntiaity. lhcallegatiojsa gint D. h oicrüa f, athenend ofthe process any cauncllar was prisecinspectionlie conducedwih fmcmbers of iss it atislel QWUni Uniputia lad baea deait cuti. deparbntaofçiChr'a IetntHomecin Aron. e oW l ina ublie citistUn parmiaion oaIn aMr. Pacilas ecncfidentiltreport on thc aubjeci, &Oocnalcul. Dr. Cla sad tisainspectia on r ondutai harausa Te lIt put of lMr. Pohnses stlo a crai- Uera led bhunalatigations liat tise opratars cf tisa Medhby c.amllars fallocag a langtisy dahateaovar homcwer net taiting prapcrrcare of Une residents. îediotanlcmbdi Acrting Stise repart, aIt of Dr. Cota's actions "It s1.15W ly ii asuis.k" cammanteal Oatiltta daringtise imspection acra iithin thea autisaity on=. Trry biamsai. "[t' net ip te caunnil te der- gvcn te hlm undar tUn Poblie HealihAct and after le abêttitrther actioa nS «mlght ha ie ann a tagilatian. ujcct. Ticeiindiviuel mecilir hua Sa aka Uat Daing islispctinaaccoadin to thereportDr. ohiiaawucotmas" Cacas hiat a medirlne rabinetieiscpancal. Latar Kcn Andaregnma Rgcuadititr, Sid municipal lie asbcd thiiehaopenali again bt hue ickeycrell morillonrsbave paciaauutay protertion agaist l netliecioratali. bel and sloade acUins chun tbay are maing Dr. Cote saidtl atars as forcd off Uiec abinet tatementsasapartetbanr ddlu. hy a n Atan rcalloc ebo wan calîcU tothUicranIhome chum tls noite confisetial materiat pubictiron sy tUic anenr. Gordona Dawr, the rootor, soismittad dci omniniatiative, bepaWhesy are steppin oait a nwrnaffatavil atteaif Uiol Dr. Cole removeli id Uni pa'iutisu an cautd find tbamaetves fac- tatarisc. g arliac. 'At Uiec round meeting, Grald Poncîl, a lawyar DSccti agtmu. Waltr Mukecabsaid liebaped ccprcncntng Uic rmst homea 000cm, reqocolcil cncil wo't le uâsy iaflucedhy theaadvlca f parmisson inaddress rounril. tie was rcjartcd, as a- aoflcft.e" bausémeiellcs bl ise tca feeta warc ocreraI motion$ la rafthe UicIra proisfem qreauut théircardteUnhe etf thiaiities. iarkltoUthesalth andsoocial servicscommittee fur "tculM't buliatat vote ugainst asytisinatÉbat anoticr dlisusion. M.rmnCmmunftv Newspaper - Servîng Miton in Its 125th year MILTON, ONIAM, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14,1912 28 PAGES-30 CENTS Gone-ý with the wind R«c«& »«my my av api ut Un meuma uet ca" Sciumm, ma a" oi Vw smr. 1%ei aerabn wpeniJaai m Uimaoucoieuhtnta m bmmcidgwelaispr«macltosls.Nihtfiybu jue smartu.Kae ISI.ataauli rnuaiS Motr mmeoimmca School named after educator By STEVE ARNOLD Champion News Editor Mltca'a newcst elementary achool will h named after the man known for years as BqUt et »,0< 4tIa trçtfftees votcd at week ta name the Coxe Blvd. school *;- -, ra~haHalton aytam in blii. Wara 1 and 8 trties Ivan Armstrong said the anme was chosen from 22 aubmitteloa speciai committee formed ta nDame the facility. Frai. 1M ta 111 Mr. Foter served as principal, superviaing principal and aocrotary-bualnua administrator to the Milton Board of Education. lIn1ION, whenlialton Board of Edocation was formed, Mr. Foster chose ta remain at the sce"o level and aerved two yeara as principal of Oakwood Public School tn Oak- ville beince hia ratiregnent. Mir. Foertusau, tan, la cucreatly principal ci E.W.* Fuser Publie School i ll serve rbild- cen framnsMUltons Timberleasubdvsion wha are carrmitly ai- tending Son Sherratt PublicScee Providing a sectnd as" in ath is. TIIhuIS arma, i n uth-deaat cerner ci Miace, bu bos& topiwaty 0,the BoEsard fer Us iit ca yersbut plans bad been miaieti y the refuai f the Uliutry cf Educatiite prcvlde thé cosution, aproject. Provincial appraval bua beu t- dn chrtnmat K.W. Pute Public Brso in u aJan- misaingrades 1tri4. la Saptamber 19Ni l il but Kiadergarima ta Grade 5. Studansa ligo tai Sam bMattfethe lest tbrea ymaca of Uir lcmaatary aducatian. sdnt U mactciu fthel Fcter asel cm be EDGAR POSTER accaanmsdatad ilaa vacant r"adne tU £.. OuryScsca tfh N aming a tribute AorheMlase"dca- pravlded ta parants thmougba etaer ly JANE MULLER achool in .ierlo. Coay-whcre ni cuIt tbeir Champione porter lise servcd for fwo years. Thaf was * hIdren Whle Edgar Foterr enniders tise his first poiion, af fer graduating (iarly.çir acmamlg of aarhnoaf ater ibaa tram ane yca. at Toronto Teachera' liin sn f 1lU "catbsc,"iany atiscro ciii ratil Colleta, and îûon led f Uic joasa 0 r mtt<lee d.l itua ici ute ta Uhc man whis î assistntalPI . ipai aivitoria r lit f TtIlpOii M cdty roterred toiasan"Mr. PublieScfoul in Colilngwoad. su at fU C gjcaona. IlWlh six ycars cf cnprienca nder s~ 4rrycoesdl Aarapsbkdescnaaaain tUic is laibcbcametinMilton wlth his alttdR"tqoe e " u Un c achut a" n cie Kaibryn wisa hali Sa giva ai = :,,d, fun carma, te bisniais- stroot nantuelu tBm pu- t of a Isssi caad beSace "acr macclage. tn tisa days cf tUn dlcty 3is anc emyiaYtd persan par tamiiy ican canou c UnMaximuma. fCaatiaacionmage 11)5 'j Ný- re as ig 1 , as ilà er lis LIP