1hirv tm,, romIII ltlen b" lê m i h"l Dr., w"bi *~ i ls * '*Itasacalaaaikh hit1 a«s à" it = 5a rom bus r. usil âd sat0 altn la lb .aIw a ia for son li =h 1 aW restauant te wut ba, hied :woraql7wl lis Dto r. =21l1s are fflos t a futh 10elcltsa le h. Hrgt lUdekea ue mmmbe bd& iiai h. m dutia ag taha ilpreeooatla ws tieaant ri . iual Tbitao 0-wyhw.ve at bu loimmyitlub Ib mi-. cana bns ha. ho., a loti hla t-, aalate ftbyat ah loteot aald a Sla gnlg balagi laan. hmc hm klci. RISTNIC LIQUIIATIS OVER $1 000 000 WoORU0F MAlTRSS no AID6 SÔF DS eBUNI MS8 WATEABED ON SALE AT LIQUIDATION PRICESI HOTEL MOTEL OWNERS WELCOMe- SOME EXAMPLES ARE: 39" COMPLETE BED MATTRESS &Box SPORdO 2 BED-SOFA 39" SINGLE BARGAINS $3 " MATrESS RS viqa -l l ,[r "l1 ' 2'k l1:,0 iil 1rr1 FURNITRE SHOWROOM 40 Main St <Cm"rof OntaIo Opm, 1000 aniAOO pUUYL WM A CAMPULS MIOOSACOOUNT 877M j1 THE HALTON W BOAR O0F EDUCATION SPUIIL MDUGhl ADVMSY MOhME The Specle EUupufon Advimoy Commlttl.. Invh wrlten bd@%f f rom mwy of the folowing groupe who wb h to expreis an opii on Meent or future progrme a aivCO for exceptiomi studenta: A HetontAeoieandl/or eeolalona 8 PublicShe Raeer C Parents or Guerdban of cllre attendlng Public Sçoa Brief should be Submftttef: TeSeoe Eduetlon Advisory Committes CCMr L Chepmn, Cheirmen Tuhe I*I tout of Uduention A dey w@ be Ms mele ln the fall of 1982 for pereon wlehlng ta ope*t ta te brief. If you wieh such en OppIIuiy psss on~n, Mml. Voir Ber"ui by n rb 5C MATTRESS * FROM ý ... 8" f 4 * ee t 0 .0-qb.* - ý e . e- -r - - - - - - - --- - - - - ý- - - - - - __ ý _.__ - - - ý - . - __ - - - - - - .. - - - 1 . - - * -44 4 ý * * * t . 1