Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jun 1982, p. 28

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NO PAPER DRIME Mau Disbtrct 9.y Sem 101ma bc r.kgtbpapse v.dwlug lily a"i ST. PAUL'88RAWMRY SOCIAL SVdmoday. kv. 38,.a te58P.u.-Came haveea bu" go"9.499...wt8<m h. Gram 99.. S. PaON. 02.8<04 (eu. mui *.3.cimi..esis e,5«.U. icees available trou the ehcffc e.. ROTARY CLUBCICEN ASEUE lbweiy. .IOy '. 4 P.--.oArt-.Cammui Bay barbecue ati ary Park. W"aefr su Rteary dgmud amit.tou.4. leeb.t availabbs ORo. htary ..emeseor cal Ly.i..@mukbm4on-au91for Inforemaion. 9IlAWBERRY SOCIAL Feliay. lily 2, 4.1 p..-90BeO n 52e Cbucb Stra.sberry Social am ait couses .alad munai. Admis $8. 4-1 yes. $3. By ticket onty. Fsr eevatmeaU 08894M9. ANIlQUESA PLAMDOIO Storday. Jaly 39.m..tar-4>nmias prw.emesaumubqodenirs ulUbc «Mg10 teamaedofatlq..e I-gt(rom the beeks et dm*l truchs t la..hsree pe.iway, SINSrseee. Ontai. he ek le I. .0à Os* .mréttand babau dime te familier- les Caeaau, wbb <tho avaageet lia.Iebheg anid corat9.g wth aui"us. BAS BONAN4ZA SamsdaY a"j Sesday, Jdy 3 and 4 rs.. 9*&-m-hta£4p...-The eseo.n mbons Boebtil derby antSlsetabocg USd99 Ceu- tre w9.daoptMin weeed Prso.i lUbc gestfflbtamilsoby lb. aident mgir, la. gst lait. lrgot lobteagbt by amigis weseed drby. h01.0et th. wldlfee.. Ie do' in thoelb.won rides. lv. bns dihplay ad Mm m -bns. Fer more lie. mati., cal I.N.alan heeCaa.cm Aatb.cy nta &94i3i. NALTON COMM MIDAL 9.aiay. 104y 4-04 59. Arh.ltors blousaol premenet9.g sp.daevents tbc.ugh" th es.maai l. Fatuui hi. kvday l ua a tRMMcmyoWU<hvwimu atractions ami cs....My aervicese la dm rcs. Perforc.aeeeby mueeeMd o uce cmaups and a eoty styl barbee.. CHURC-01-WiIEEL Soiiy. Jy 4. nt &M5.pe-kviaMy eeing dive-lae ehrb.j@ety .pma.ee by the M« 0.Alliance .a" Em...uas aptist Chrhes. begla thés S..iay ot th Dei" dosI4r pacbing la. La.rlr Plza mt Laricr Ave, ani Ontario St. Gammaari. lo t hlm weck. Maiea Flk, oege issan.get Ga's a..azing gace .lb.the sldat of bomtonageiy. Evryou. la wlc.me te tble bseomiou...lml -serviceaiet0mg amidemvatlmu. 5129955599 ESOURCE PROGRAMo -Fict sessiom Jaly 5-EV.. w--ded ohat Il le lBête ab. oa s.wbat k" et cre-etreseOve med. mate .ay bellte a Great Morand iOwl os eau te.padis ea"? lhe. Hlt« eRgi..Coservatoa AutbseNty l mw aceeptng eglogstmflo fe l' e mNs 9..e. o moe Proga..:-,a day cap eec.bdm .12yeurs ofm aile eIo. iers aay lI mm d klotee agctivtles 9.01049.9Po- tedy. b9.ig. cameobg, awkamin .bi dsuls. pi... ukUs ami Sessiosemotri i0y a namne sors tome cehsIOug nt a MMiet eSdSOpar wfte. AJIVENTURE 555555 Aegai 9 ta03-4k. Pam52.91.4(auraib Aivectr. Weekab oam 9la.m..go11.4g .m.. lirc cbdo-5 Syeere of.opMd. mip.cass aumin fer Ic v ..orema eof ceoft. gosses, s..ugs amd ilei.toce. colu 81. -to e roltr. SUWNER INTEISPSETATION PROGItAM Jnc. M le Aut 5-crawford Lab. baine.vilage a" commeevatlis turea10 b "m. w.eh.u dWmibUiayskvfrne., saotleS eote amm - welb. lido .umeo.the blldes vlage eecvatl.m9 b. tu pris. FASILY PARIE FEMSVAL AgleS S7.8.Canr««rsa, bar. douce. lesmarkets mimMd rsàs-0-4ifaibtm i doee.eêcutlsm, vIlb.ftutu daS kv foaeof obrw,.i Hu»et C.râ Unes î rti et se. Formmuse lufoes Aitmu Sascb 32794010 or owi Ail abord on the MeDoaldoW& ProseIM. uai Ane DU M W i M& hw.L Be am to Miee Iqymwtai,. ; $79M. 3 *10400010 beeeekm .. oiee<e5CWW*n bnCae*p honeee elle4< léihmd osroceem 44>1hwpCao8 bar., chan wth ssolt o oc. 53 Sdo C.cuyed nt Im*eti-lekoshus, oes dshdon bMIM in or5c10 C C.mme hes.dbw, entral vacuum Et n<0 10 «<0050<0< e. osPeAo4ubso nybd.caped 105<15 Pic@.oo u 945<4><100Ce< p<l<*yCtfne, SCeOd." pti. As MI.550P»» olNBaONIW AUMABOUND 2 23M .q. 5. Co.otof uu ieeylg faS«e<04 p 504<00.10. 3 boter>. amis <00 ýW 0 Cu fiopboa. cicle obe ok aeaes h1375% w Oeaclo. NSon o.y 41195. PCaeee 0041Sc Mte Moga. los«800le03 tedrooeee eebopUt sellefihe ad m eos m & w ih lelden, Pumant< dm &Sb00p.ou d 0peoeih deck & a assoeoieos, Vsedoo willold largee laik niertgae . aI otiaîbl rate. Plea.caih LndayJ. MLren.I Brick 5 4<o<seOseO1Y, 5<0050 hom, .3 be4,00<00.2 b5.110.lb<ge Iig orn,00<kit- shaels thdnetOe a. Fi<eChed b50050000< v.eno wM hold 12% eoriega or03 eaee Aking 7159W. Ce# Lndsay J. MLaen. C*NTWAT brick bngao efCeta ioitesh04 a«41 80eo ieplace & ov<re aio. 3but4hase I 15 %%o00eg.go«o0i19M liait aolie tadi<404 o 000< 0004. Ash4og $84.900. Plo0s. calMS. Mogan. Set 80<Og mo<e<. 00o0012 05c5.sso acre, h. 150 s.05r4 OEuly Cana<llao. futr«:O. 0<44,04<pisdooe. t0500EtSocs,. P010<5500. treSCom en larbgse oo<d 0w00g pool.Plsw a.eoOn>gsWneOh EXCULSUTAO Spoebe. 3 5040w .050010 sl<h uple0404 heosctoooe ho00gheout. ss livig EtdeeCeg fSntv,.M0.1<0000550.1- shapedmmad <.0w .4*0.loi -otgeeta,1075% u«oeil»1*. Aki<Ceg 50,500 Pe.eolLedeai. MeLa<e.. mg",o oieeksso h .s olePusDose. .w loi. Lb1d . 76,M. PWM Ong0oo4 âtmt. MUN@i... Ca- $51,900 Ateaombo. 3 hs o 8w 04< 4 Bdoff. 245550= 4efl inplivineeg1«045.40w ts..ei eseseSben h onineeShffl, OMb & 4>dsci ee<teeatteon S <. &deet9 w h. hm.eee. leCin00100Park. $ aMàd e04 4>00glu li>onig&bdskegooeee ai ooeeeubeagleirq g 500510 iuob *b&Go TeeeuCe Fheoeeolet os 0 45.4-ee<bo b..N1*4&0d5m <oo 50 doorse waNseut 10 pelomu patio vu. Pliros1)4% <oe 5*M. AokCe<**»,M. PéeolO Met mO *.00.0 okko1540». M5>5et O cab A4.ee.MaODoud9BionGreen. Cer0.5*H.<hC* au eWs Of eso240<5ev eetom4 n wv000w boum fClisC largo> k9 00*10<hmeadis- 3 50,0w 5<00 e I nerlElm naayarfreemt oCn ooohw.excellent000 aa04edesome, ne,.,.Cv Pe ineo 4 lieeg r0wgaéw&u osnainone iac t1 ,%-Tyu demoate04 Pgano 0.9ev Cusido Ablg 10>401.0004 iot. AMIneg *009W0. p.-sas g 550<.Lse<0eta$89,900, Pleésea Cao Moo *128.5 0<1>Ham. uin lopa, 0W.0 <eb04 SgabtSCoe *7. Ci.te <o 0.0 6 batPpCgend 0 >58<0005 3 5.deos0<.2 5.15. 00< oeable ig & d4.eCeg <0. CIsio04r<c nxo. PeeesaoN L4o4..J. Moes.. Spous 4om «lnkde, ws ulo w s3ede flopiS. E,-*'- t 0000459 gavaleb. P>esoe cdDone<aSvoe Tt* 3 5.4000< toue*0e0555e b.0 00 aep >hg eiyoo opeoad.4 admoe4 oOge 4 <hoooghookia- 0<554.a 540&>55.4 0.e 0w sieCe 5am.0 e 000bm100 400 51<v r0nw 1 15500& 1554<04. Law 589 Morton" e e0000eg500. Adoog *.555. PC.ae ala Ask.eg 5 1,90l0. PC....oeil CWîffl 0<8.St a Maceeue*ok. *138 000 Sacsio0500- valet0landon 0à Co.4 Sedeseeeew.rifain>5fluoreIoi m 045 CIeeeice Doue ~ . 800'P C am~ 0 0.tsoed brickS2-sessw"4135.400010e gel-n 4>itchen, iig 1& dinieg <morne, 1C5 bth$,e.upgraded brondi41000fir5400>55etc. Good ooeegsg.et<14% urneJunîle.154. AWng *0955. a<lent< il5for*$M. pue mw<h. Cah LCe<day J. 94018<0for<@11 (SIVIIIII. - The.. bde- liig ni. Solog 4100 mentw. o. #6, W8O. Bunglow oCh gond 500,den " 4file- et m*o1oe.u In Mseoee Sone. sMo kt4 . sbath & eney am. 3 levait 2. T0<o aet 5.. oeVay s.ou<ec lots inCeop- plgwe 3 .4@00<0. 2 baehe. 40051.eg0<09e> 10% SMCeeoCeg3 or4 b.deee fri 10 eChom f0e.O mt Od <hm004 paoheue.el. .1W.Etm, goW oneae. 7505. Vary atae010. hoavsi excellent5<rate. sm, *10>5094roc. l<000, go150<4io Lse.et *5 00 ColN 0.0.4LmmmeeOO 3 On 'h>m ot, 11.be.o4>f.Iy t0.04 ravine Paie CO NBov Ca.ady. ta,8m o.eee.ee. Ptefroo*511 lo. CoepbWNM s4>I. .00E.. see e.eee.l $57500..For CotiSes *0<0r. .. $*555. col Lio.y McLaren. 81à umogmmtDN 4. 2 Aceties. Lou,04 mm<5 0eee.000, .one .h CUero m.JToxacWSVU 4o e.04uf7rw P' AU&sM SiMIS MW pu me. F<oseag.o 2 Sai.. 2 t80. mm 00510 oC00g pond. Pis.0 Spesiooo hone.on10 ams eesa aehnn.-Lcido anSta Mi W.A mm eh large bien in ta"m got oncii. - <egg fh.ee1,219,9W1tu504555. Ecoele ie.sOs. sq. 5 <4 ofhin ie. 85$26,9W se4s 400.1. 010<0« Stusl.d 2 milesw. se Cf Cm ON.e don.Sple.e rune weh bock 501 P-P terni. F o <e.tet ieeCo.4>sm e 0 Inge Win- Fm m«ont iforrnatioo. role... sON o Doe. 400*12455. Pwmc.. aéCool. 9<0<4>5<or0<41 . ace l0ot ih lbrge M<ebs 1&3 <o Mkxmefot. eseTom 05. pé au Oîoa the,. ysoo.JolaMcCse. 504 oougalow wllh vpaiselvigE garae & ls Cx45 wor0ehop. PC.0 cab Lndsay J. McLren. Milton 878-101 .wvomwmm w 3891 Main St. E. Milton wasuso.Umm me 51 Toronto LUno 826-9218 I EsSL - U vmII1 a 1

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