-it). ARN CGI>.SONz 4 unerclkndlwsfr ve, Aveuld eDevrCion mhi meJ fe* , Mi POI cémBrun eet ir Am DemarBarm r, am hay mm odmn.O, Atm enk *hlDe BdBae, ' ary MM eIlu, Bb n Bn en. Jerk buân a Pvg iB, uuam ficand VO Oiui ile Seu Marrie, q.in. *pdbimlnc«,0e ilyv.ud Nlolaa lumcennt W'»%AoJc nle' ,WDu b BoMie niina nde - - .det thie et ie m gai 0ab Î andamida i 1,. l =A:eo peart Weii ho had fl.a- weon e l'?~aiet ndel Ate p#yb P bLe invIei ahecOurne ine dh, Evoeyeciuh (l wuandecnaydapilire, dhu m arlboiert a avw eynu ler led TtwI eWyctripa uweîOwud netero- Plie Oiiu attie Sle uBe bclcsoned 1a1 lvi nad &a uei I4ae B sUlon llrewnie Liià benlamn bfebbll Irepl achwie uc repaepllllvoamnola Caine oon ie ald- 29%anli Slb.dn tm. Dv agoe hie &U laht ac the Loi dli h e nne le a lomnn ey. Prat nap the paby f &Md aller edgyofegti)cm o iha f 38lbao. Me0i-te 11eblilet ten H.dla op Il&àf, Priyaitn - glât t by oin h le iad totla Teciaebac ouesi e li holCa ilel dinermalyevryd Daviie kd Up fleua qaI a i rhuerbil.D rn Wlddl ê Lolie= rfatCforE a ed o uaiehred 111e MmrendAM fla pud es bnn a< miel coanu o al l eor-in trplhwilec Dan WtPMUorin &and elrLbngnil lion Squfrl the StI-g -ing and0 0.in. n-i-a - nuIo nMn e-uepei mu« niai,»or io wir -lien. 1 F Mianlnbui t u- play la un"iun. n ia. pii 0 MeOLe .1..1007 lun -Buti purlay Ont id.ia0.[l l Mhage00 niu. n dthfnna ne ..in 0.0. utieie.10.iO..i0 bm fSl tthe Un. Cb Ay 110l k0k .0. .1iiSm . the Lin- -1.p p-01 Bunme. Ho"li.Ony eored, mistedby Lm .1.11 Br.d- pled terie .deferre te, ar . i AtplaC..o hem 0n m n m la Narmdu Lim..Câ mm Ornom Oa .oo Mr 0 ie. uy aealeOn lu.ne vampneoff ,nd.m L0 nb. OnO anna lin M.ia.n &W Mr ie eirie-10 aveaitqWn doa bu.mle. ninmmopêlémaenMM 9"qm w dIbLi 0.q f4 odi ot$e .. h "Oi.NUabe.ilNaa nh *le onemi eaain bynnu blb au *m me0.oua.=' sobbi ned M. mdle O r1.-mly,4 dm1.0. bu. 0 Peenie 0 f0l.. Th Lodoy gohi ntermeieate titie in tennis declded Meihea niofteie Itlni Tenno Club dlplaye enceBiellamiela ab Mlaan iecub bed Ilesenine lelam@ueatowbarment âtBa£or.et ary.iPark. Ine biai n i inalea a, 1the faher-daughter lien inIBMora ad ,ryMorgan deieled John dards =and P ain ul l lheisets. Ilikd P49g end BMleeln Roberts caine outlon. loycver B eyUngir idlMary Brhfir linte linS dnhlndanplonudpvhichalsowenlldr ets. Don i tkuihiad leaind wllh BIB Morgan te doentalNlek Wollasoin and John e aa ean =n &»ln -Mhr u-e. inndi"ab le u a elong mhe.uiatchi fer Oienena ileglua' itle, Blin Hartlliareedbacb a 11.111chalenge froiniBIlMo'a ln nina E Diviaim n egue pley Bidy, Mine galadt!mane revSle by iamnlng Oie bible on TyandagabyaonBaum. mm-lo e-aDy dnnaledTyandaga le Slegle. Benrevere B»bBrndiy (11-0), BleveHart (9-2), Nleh Wollaston (74) and John zcdvards (s4). Iilton and Tymbpdaga apin le hdnblee' eopetl- ionbhenhled ltn tgain theovemil n. Major bugs contiue to raid their opponents Rolnaei.Ml.Ontaro Tre mnesa ito1theeuiniet nll Bey- llrll ajo iniqula oecr r mo nd Wark scorleg tie goal . Ian edeay at Brlan Boit Park. Pennncoed11 i eo1 Milon. enroll e Oie ane on. middle. Warh lrepped Oie bell Inil nlr la flelehbal encoilred oulalskie 10 i-yard ban and nllppid dlfru! cinpile iur ploya Oie bell lelo Oie goal peut lhe on- ar.dOe =eraoi goal. en.hleg goalle. Coach Anly Krkvood said b. fai ble club inlgblhave inpecl a PbilbpLtearh picked op Oie nbulnil buguier matleh ftni Georgeavn lhough he waunt eobedvery ohe.. hnice Oie inildily. Cbrlo IHarrison, Neil Garrett, Vitor AganMIbn. iruck iarly. This Bila and Warh eachblad good bln.l. cuatolnid luI Ibhre gaine .11.0.. ni.oa n...,o... OTAL INSURANCE S For A#I our Insurance Needs... ýme(?4'9 Iflurance 208 Main St~, Milan 878,M00 Fresh baked bread daily ...and more! Brcad, roils, cookies and muffins, baked fresh on thc premises 7' days a week. Plus a fme selection of European style cakes and pastries. European-style deli Visit our dcli counter and you will tind a fine selection of cold cuts and cheese. Wc will aiso be pleasd to prepare a special buffet arrangement of cold cuts or cheese for your next party. SUJAIIANTE IF TENDER WE ALSO SPECIALIZE 102 STEAKS IN CUSTOM CUT.. nd Stoakmttu Bux Spcli Caada Irai. Al'u «A2r A3 *12 Flet Mgnoni -app.l111gn4 oz.an. PRIMAL BEEF * 8 N.Y., Stdp ODR -8la. M. - 88-227 hge) -aèppý 111n..- 4 , *150-500 un.) le 16 f Beel leebel$e37 - pp. 187 un. 8oz. a. $43a app. 77 gin. 2.8 oz. au. -e .p111 gm..4 m..ech. b $8920 FREE:"'"Y FULL PRICE v.m2-0k PEU 136 Ka M NPUUCIASE Milton 500 Laurier Ave., Laurier Centre, Milton -k àrL- - I m Ces*a" rai w hikim Imai tir Tuimnm & iwU BUt. I i lmulai rine ymw $iW W» (10 diuyO g Vmeu, mim Ub e mo "MI l m u m "-." "W cum w bUlq mi OFEN7 DYAWEEK 9A.-IIBM. Great selection fromm d m brand-name grocery pPSI EUL~ARO items&p.u Over 1,00 brand naine products DPU$T to choose froin, attractively4, displayed for easy self-serve shopping. __ A-