ï8VES FORI ~fl MORE THAN OUR MEAT. Green grapos 11 SALE 3 «/1 I 8 Uns SProdua of USA SALE %88imd Smfm Product of U.S.A., large size, each Honey Dew Melons CONAUJLATMOS TO THE WINNERS Ffl M. PNTAC ACADIANSa M. Beauidy ottavwm, Ontario Mrs. Melody Pietrs St. Thoma, Ontario Marnea Houle Eliot Lake, Ontaio PLUS THE HUNDREDS 0F WINNERS 0F 0 -FeeSpirît" touring Bikes from Sears 0 Rafler * Colemnan Skates Gas Barbecues *"Whamn-O" Fnisbees@®Discs Mr. & Mms Smaldon Mississuga, Ontario Tgm Uk gÉý urfme SALE 7SO R.be .plusdeçasft Hetnz tomato ke" -o 1 itre colt. 2 Ketchup2 m Ohocolateftudge, butterscolch, SALE kuMneglg. 014 Mriipudclingsla 1,36 itre tin GoId Crown*69- Assorted varîetiesSealtest SAIE LUght &Uvetyl 76goont. Chacolate or butterscotcti SALE Yukon MpUddn SALE 12 x 16 oz Am% iNn ~Msnjars q3p a Uquwd SALE 170ML cont. Çerto 99% Regular. wfth onioo. SAI F tenderimaHelnz455mLeont Barbe cmSauce 2 Regulr r intSA Aquafr1s0 mL tube13 Toothpeste Wheat Bread 9 Richinello SALE 62 kg 3 AppW pW PeaureProduot Apple juice 4I Martin choce 1 1.36 litre tin 1 2 l PeatLlre Product Snackin cake f Assored varieties Betty Crocker 400 g pkg. 1 2