i eu-ose ta i aecttrei hen Tran- sprttiand Cmmuctonsoermiiter Jo Sno the liit BUh itglt omris va Rhdurg Asociation in Mito Thuscdy igit MW@dimth ie tact M. $MWi àmilieu sellesWho maties ila iluemttalCabinet minlaes la(Ontario Preesianul01Dvi, mj"ly PC gav- ' MaispononeaiEthet riding asscltons -e" ét - weh ml* t av dren cect- lai et ricule fro asy aersaudiece inlgit of0 celloague Frank Ul- lac's ne, sales ltax arsue, didt muile a ltoe. SO Mr. Snwwisese statue lu equalled oesl ty bit physical se. eos pumlntted tiy tie 3 rcuidents in attesnce m ta taiS off tis eui aiout hise mtnlslrY-pat. Pl stand future. finie laklag vr tie mb*ltry seves-ad*.-ial yeus n air. lanse sakdtise namer fisuiptsyess bu cus aisd Wt 1.70 triem13MOU; iinhsi«i us ueechein ties Umillesn ta*5 siiai mamitisa Mintry oti ranpurtatlo e s ct.nauicstiona hmseisie ntietisblargest minstry i tetisgovus- Mnt. limoe ame 3,We mlua et i flg ays.imllesaof muneicipal racid aid sannota, Seahairpan ad 62 mudicipal Iam qtul. yine e sdr thW juris- ddcle-.-atisaftgesearit eambatigtly. GOTrtanit, aie of the esinlays giet sses slelesmdslg thons, carridflmdhissscs utars lastyesc. Mr. Sww eaihd5Attpaisenguuaruarriedalong tisa Lakeisrilise eacis day-aliue wtutusbis desuklsd le tielat ive yu.s. Mltm's route carrles abouwt37Wper dey. m. Snoaddediseminotyinisrupaissie for the uamagestiofthie St. Lawece Senesay m wellas tise prt et lisuidr Say-dte lagest psaintPurt le dmseetrld Mr. Snsid in ees o per cent of Tower approved Mltn'siytae alleig the cietreetin t a micsro eve coutoweec leSpeynldie tus reced tie final o fMapproval ronthlie Otarolunicplord. Cotnicllors weue advlned ricentl tisat tise Sessmtisad aceepted amaidmrests le tise byle wiich is eiallese aCLesu IttetarCatle Teevsn Ltd o Guephitocmeatrsct tisetoee elach iel inpnvricePtti i Gep ottfour is pleased ta announce the ritocation of hie office for the practice of law ta 24 MARTIN ST. MILTON 876-1179 moy th t cnfi og 01th B hoigtffli kyWa.y adititiorkes-on Hgtieay 401 wese hligisgted in Mr. Snse uunmsdlsitchtihe isn" M y>us. Sosieprob»Mtaiua aie tnesstité WeU h~bO lisra le noua a plobtesIf 15OUsed sts mw yIesmied. Km Mieisk ti= tlsle n ehldaesd net Metaheidleg seeetlla tetas cilg pair 'fêlaUsl5tietesesgm onmest.rweuet lskevleisofucwllshtnaelee iO t n vkceprildet, lRon Ftanaagan Mciut eUe eted aieisd vwlrodidsn ruie setadersoM tlu-ny eau eletud seeietary aid 5111 Meeur,à MUtin ismlnesaliving ile liilgiesC ea elactdtwuwuw Aea Wot«s sinelde Desl0"i ofdut Stuts, p." aa ed ot Nmaeaaea, Macle 0Sb~lioM Actn ad bTaattofiGuugttie Dicuitocuni largeiclude Ries sallantine oM Actes. Rebt germa o BM OOR, Rsgie MIlc MrsOf Gergutien, fut Penttisd oM Mitte. loy Galle- eaytitfUanad a Ba"nsof Gete-the rldng's candidtelsntheulast Provitcil electin Interest rate concern no surprise to Snow Ostiellie i"FPJarmes S30eWliti srsest tt a rirnt NS2 ridldr poil ttised la e iidaita èeicen- ai sisot iighi latatfte andm ienlopmest. Ttseaweru don't stePrimu me one littie bit, Sotie a Progesaive Ceinuative. sai. ..»À it al depSoneoteewosdng fa pardcdar question. A question canb oieddin ICi dIlutront eayo aid gt tes dit- feront rmadt.' Ito Oisville ctdiagof tisaNDP potid mresidentsdW osd 40.5 pr cent weue mmit cotcusif abotitt "Intoles-atil" isigi inSusOt rates. Usumploymontobssand laptitia eue tosi h ind f 34.3 pr cent of taossa -fl The conts-os rgpovinctina get etdilng tise »of mies tas placit disant tIsd euS it82par cst. ins a prisa dsatse tOP blisnset tis Carent emlc plif e govusmait inacia, ctalmlot canvasesnudade--p----tesc t tisigu e-i edy gtlgefe Mr. Swoal layoi eire Ia dmp ee conato d e tilis adthet rat«i. IbeI inruse lli e Uai MWestan lu isaty gainale Se fatl ta me deâ«lut ý we tes- W.O Satesid, a ig atsare tieti to tisuscessiicstcitiiofthse tuduet govarmait, eilcin letut-n. euSla canjseton ehtatise etrutsituation.i Conneand watthemparade and have as silof watsrmelon f eieIf5P 'j' i FoIIow the stars as they swing loto action. June 28 -July 4 -St. Georgees Golf and Country Club Thee s $200.000 orh li-e and lite presti - oals. îrcludog 1981 champion Jan Sephtenson. qîos Peer Jackson Tropltv1 Corne aci as one Pal Bradlep JoAre Camner. Amn Akoi. Donnai ofNorth Amner as mosl demandmql gol cotises Capomi. BOn Daniel anrd Caradian Sandra Postl challege-, toriýd% in" vi oneo proies l&F it miltie if 0ctiesqtautstp estESa hisey oftii rsditu. drimiiic ibisbse. Din' mi"i a me- mbe on gtieatitnl Ti" dot M otlts ulsc (416) 23&61739 A4free iNe ti i et dit a iraers duACI 014o.LE mOTO SUl Somi e We d MUo »ilon »Vc tuomow. th.i-7 ysMiilei MI U@KS. AUZA0 sock up on steaks, pork chope Et7chcen, NEW YORK M0 teak* $20*85 40- 114 lb. 50 -3.02 1Otib. cue 1 as*"0 (Wttti bie sidarloi msihrowma. pippira. onions) 102 lb. asii *4&75 for cea of 20 $4,." MOCAIN Min TScHNeIDEIw POTATrO PAlTIES W»MNR OK'OEftFEST DARBEQUEDELIGHT 11.02 lb. or 5 kg 6lb case 5 lb..bag 6l.c $2e99 $12,e9 lf9 Re n Rag 31 te ma4.5Re&. 17.10 FREH LAN CUT YOUR OWN PLAIN VEAL BACO LEN STEK STEKETIE BACONFr.ah tram BonsIessu 1l.02lb. or 5kg SirMon Roat 40 - 4oz. 10lb, case 3 ta 5 lb. averge. $19*5O $2,o99 $23,20 Rue. en pair lb.Pg*51 TIEE 10E NILOCc * KIM ft, M" à-