on eniscourt costs or Iast time Sý TEALINO A LINE ram a movie. lmvetlotetvwai'tige % Asmeremti eta i t.t. ido""h mrts,, aeofla ter- 'Wu Y-moar . e ème * cua t e .l s'eonVte UIUtoaepleleileteaciaA 90 ie tciella.l.e "edin Wle«d et Villei ait ffe or mainarmocdiete fwe Ta helnt. llceky Amsotei lai au t réel ae iotry tee tram ouidalem.S* rlmal.ro.amel. liau mai holing duhe mp car lhic hulaitveolh.aifaely ufflyw .chrch"hha taha = *# JVdabb u tillai h.ccyhae béodlegUmm. reatt. aicthejbu Oeah teailt.rutea emoeratlat.g, hmm* h . "bcM Vt aiaaie»MtI bobtahlaa d eta CabhaOuçalyLeput.tesrly lhaid ailor sorvbtgaàlwu Bmtaci piapoff tu". ade, cete I llueiete B hozbL a.i duteageava cempoxllvachh vièc e -I Tit. Yer, it vil al prahahty c at &»Lt. Gailiane.oeys ha laeviit. ta aý "*" te du taa vy for. raiihveiyueilam. tbus at.llsdait. Alloi Th um ba " S halédutramap Flirm. llaameaiai.ea teu m aid wcdmudtdu up atu m le y Webnight. uc Areme nst pesd, t o » ay y &mam coelaindu e praper geaif t et due And&aioraa, &@uiinealedua. Somahove, Il doesnat saam dué aleiphitvaived t. Tuimea va Gadlim et Miltai Coimeil litait ew Watdllti Prld asyethae- lIAme, lym eMW** l i.reat ai inostavaineeothe dh.'.gt, 1 thewheo'a M opposition fogheaus leaarlattawateamwoa'tga. tvmlfMIBpepAroaatedtooperate et th.Ialoaedlt A levai for SU-ns thay vimd't have mahompay. As ea yeuey <ueyt no, oaly aachah, ColIgwoad, haraglatered for th.pai pect.Jw vlr Tue raepae er y wlth =ti.p a- have gSm by tha I*jâ maot aldah'playera va tu bltaeppait.d wth thair vdubt h.Mai04Cep "tY. e by have iKaàd a wlUhr*iata e- Whlla pbym a a lveya ha fond if tha prica rit et th. lut. A levai, lai. = playera vouha bc llaed ta ,tabw iBh ha".Att..Sbes AMd G.6Oru*a Ganhalhava decldad Intilrhai lhaisteo wu leta~~~tea h aava, but 1 tiens(pli datat, ruiner hwalvy> aatot't h. ratilied i. tlm.forlapaeeaaoa " 1h gaps My th.y ravisa, the pra- Aala, ii t Juar B tarnasmey ha hack teatha04«m entral OnaioJr. B Diiie pphaed t. h. MtraLange..uht wuo rejaatad aidt.oo.eideriag tldiag lis B chub. Slmialry, Bramptona atareata baveladlctedthey wa'thb ak.k :ZyvarOMAapskmaea apakama satfer pieot ofthelange. la local hoakey auva, Mta'. major mldgstComets havaaorgeolad thelr tirst meeting ofthe er. AlIplayers 15id lyers ofagelinter- estlal ln p&aylagwth Comata tht. Yser lbey viiirecelve formaton on à dry- liatret.lng prograana ertaxit.v ai 2ioldret. fan, th. meeting wtt h.c oiaad te theaCoauaity Rom ofMUnion Spwatg CaIre. Ail plaers arae akadta wa.r ramit.g ohom aad sharts for whet lkalMa.arun thraugh. ilay player aietreted butounehiato attend, oeIl maager Ricta Hon, et 054- t lools 1k. aajor hanaem hock"y coachanad aavioa gils aafthaâ coe larry Sntt ln lryleg hi. haad. et tth- Mak.ag. Th c.h it testa, whlah i.- piamgealaecous a.lJrgeIad car euh et Sanineail 43stealaStar- ?Ilaiis ha efllawed hy e challenga efIhilI em. featalagTary Sraadt'a BldllaphgWuSwWulaLtl.Sutin. INE £heai hln iaille . . .C2l 01e» r ektrera Tilruvy C2 avuaarc enateus egele. . C3 MelavalebutcChiat.... CS Basa derby startng at Mountaberg I%. derty vIl beh hld aver 1. euayf« e. m .m. w hyi la . .. due MIlobg vealeaifrom O .m. ta tagim fil, uaga t.haauh U ldat cer , du trgi fai =egty agite rer .dadpta o tlaIm a(e aui. e ely iiala.du. w ad-imeis d1ae»& a u e sfv i Tua. &A se*l amd aidiâ àigt.* Yeu* foccar... ........C4 Ple a »ea........ci Irheegleil. Ca Chaipim ewsa.aHtta Loa rtnnis plavers wllo'o broc drastalie a step closes bo reality Mon- day aiglal. Thte wha lava.coavalIaid tdu MU- tui To"ut. b.kfitasit ai eemma mi failc aithmgouefôr tdeuona- sbitbna d sxUf . l cm*05. »d a aa eidahholeataehaleasteau t ed araatb a.ruratdhth c Dvrypragaty. Caaim la. er.Wthtae tel ki fer durjatt specladto e. ii,ltand tht leatg vOl h. .pW hava, a.- trdutlou tram tdu tavu, prAial Don Luogad, tai.. lrfaaar, uld dth t.neddltlaita pr.vid lagsoiot It ove, the tennisclub woundherro $53,000 4-on y,5i ir due 10.., lu h. repait oser 0riv liedrd ecomososded that the s s alie Possein.Of1k.efaciities carrently usit ydthe lb Rtary Park imstaad. ln addition thu e.giva. tte ubt, due lova violIalao nuh.s e W5,000 oea- tributionitlatdu chama tram ils parkai dadictto.fnanad aothar $Oeto frava it pura] budget. - thay viot oaid bthe du lavebuttopar- ae.dy hyeducluhaidar a five-ya.ragree- mnt. Th0 laed vit h. l.eaeed ftmhd Provinttal govrmait for 10 yearn vita ti.aoptioa.offlcyearsach. Althoegh romuit gava la eapproael ta due fienrial arragements and toa. ly- It,. a e along atnslggleanad tdu voathar biste aactly caansrated, but Gen Ahh.y Gl Cm»làt.bock Lnsbape. Tu.. atkoaoly-rekeovaad li.k. rar.lsed due sad of epproval f rom bols tae Prafes- aIonaI Gollan Asociation IPGAIad of- tfie"a represa.tiag cousedsigoer Jeck Nt.klaaslaat waok ai il aidarvail due intaif feur linpections tadlag upothduCenaide. Opa.. Accordlsg la Deumie Lgar, suoctet agraaamlat vlth tdu PGA taon eappoara la h. a. mrensa aimajor coacara this year. An al- togh th Ins ae not yet inaes gond con- dtt asutduy wva. in1977, tdu Niclugroup left land greaiukaapan Dan McFaul vita due h.preaieWdthatthay van, cary pleased vita theimpravaments easad e. Tiaejob bia heea, s-oInguaid anduousonae for the raca.tly ined MeFeul. Uposs arrivai at the Akh.y frea. Autralie whon ha manogait anotelhr aiNkidel'. top-lavai golf couraes, Moad aid. "I ad la glvemyhbna double aIlla," et cama af the conditinaud tdu ltCGA ovnMaoam. "My iret a.ttioadin tago ittagreau. Saineaif Im hait o.ly at 50par cent tarf (cera1s, 2e*M4). Fram her 1went tadth tet.vy$am labons ,"uMW Mlalrecaty. dLige, wv ecpabeotultt Oaersai etd cou.stalag gnouead aBer prataha ees, aipreseted ptmaIntuth. - lav allovlag 1h. mayor la aig ana.agree- rouocdi arat.mhottda'lbc.osmed oaty ment wsith the cubdota olafl .'rrren- at therargst grssps in tssa serd that taxmooey slouldble spent by e'e're surerw e'lIon10,000 vot.s rallier lbe l.i..o. prajetl dthatwoutd bavaedthe taaaoay 50,"sieaad. msaximum haaatlt for due maimem Toi., Clark Boy Mat. said due agra.- aemeropepdeanodtth.aav tennie malta la h. igaad olta de ub aa oldd ,cortdd'tfit interduepian. keap tha lava fnomay direct lavoIr.- «ti la anaalltagroap leokgtforasome manti t taaffaIra, oduer tdu raqeira- aort o aeial traatit aidduy saam maitslaidaoutithuconfielil. la, tht.k ttour porkata ahattd h. vida Hotdesane.amplauihat theagree- opanafor them, haaald. menl pravidad iaaaa protectioa for due 'i'm ait canit.cddutt dur'. aiough lava tay raqofrthe cdubtta fleanaaal latarasintatenisnt. t. aa ajasify tht.,' fiaanaltat til. heaeddad. "I tiel thora ara htter veye Paeu Calilfor 25 par rienoft1h coal of tu$paid theatova'is moaiy tkaaion toallt- tha courtsaila h. ftanctd tlsraugh ialikettat.." Provincietal a. Il due grala ara re- Tisat commeat drai. criticiem from tusead du. duelava addotaubvilit Cur. Blancha ialo h. argued thet that portionaofdth bll. (EkapionTHE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO S p îrts WEDNESDAY, JUNE m, 1982 TIIIRD SECTION Defence spurs major bugs Great week includes win in Ontario Cup Eajayt.g eaeptaidely useaesf waak, mato Onatro Trea Fruit »Mejor asasquta soccer % au Stfoor e. Clatf. Dataaa ad atr-mg gaalkeoplag lad he wey for tha meajor bhaas ai tan.uit- acorad thair opaaaats a y -oohad mergk of.0t- . 1h.lt lurm es. Goalleapar Phlllp LAasho h. for Mltiin w.th outaaadlg efforint eah gre. Mato cach Andy Klrkvoad eaed wlth prldeaietLeechas goal- coafi de . h ail. defenae. The only goal whlch hbut Laech val Te ii. va vernt ttelly ea Prle. maton. dfaed Clerkeoa va leuetha twbs e rllar t. the weel i. Pekaelton a lonctaibyscoares 0of -iMti M and 2d-0 t. peri.g rata Stardey et Clark... ta htweaa,' Mlton. dged Kitchener 1-0 'I¶irsday. Inta h. Onario Cap gare.eg t Clrksean ady et Brin e. BilPak, it was ega iaework of h. datanad Leaeoh vlhled t a. ltZL.A major- th. la-yard hbo- Dalaad.re GI.. IPonterad Drd Hermana aisea perfarmaed vail Seaday wth Hrmiemapreveatial tata eppsita anthar for Clarkoafrom gattleg The teos l iaroagh e ascorieus first hall. Matoa .aored Una gemea .nly go al m inu tiaidusecond half. 1et rir athegaCak..via tramt e Clarhaon frverd and peeeed la lai làeid, uho wuioeuhit10 yarsende h. Mita.. hall, laid h.. klcked e hlgh haon over tdu Cleek e dat.. datais .a i a, l" th'e ees"e eald ead leoad the raoskyr. linthdutop 1.01 cerser of tdu goal Clarleen oetrafledMah of du pLay fer due remeader oaitdu cotat.Go play by tdu Mta, data.aid saima Mdit«es Chat. Harison (rghtl ilpa th hall pat tvoa ark.., îcargl10thammulvesaled demaig theatur its earatarea pt.yara durlag MittuaI1-0OnOtaro Cup vlcory Sesday et Brise ar aCark... ohial maet ta gleit they wseul h. eet.g Mitae Bai Park. 7h. vltery oepped ae hnlliaot wa.k fr taeMille. fore ahte. aide vhieh wau ait four gaetn a ltseod ja sintgle guil t. crezy bouncai enaetitMillont.narotact heatlag oneaployar, Laid mt-raead 1w. second hait. thie sbutoot. otharsaned, fnom about 20yard, aboit loi. Stae, ei ai d Harrison peced the Mito. receiv.d a icare vîth about 10 andt kard itjeta du kcofaihdunet. acorr. wita lv. apiaca vIts Jef mitesilaft la thea.ge. hai Leachta s Harriion tartad aid fiibad tdu piay Truawei aid Wark adding singles. iajarml. ioftariag tronam o reached for Miltono asecond goal. itarti.g tram FuItr rama up viih. play of the mascla, Leachi playad je plia. Mitoa's hait, Hrrison ae a gond paeu gafeeegaiest Kitchener wehh bloclait tisa dafaace,,egea, drai. rave raviav I. o y Wurk wo. at onemaad reced oa hth ve s haadad laS, a. open net fram Kirino.d ton ils performances dams thaesiag. Ha croaad dheU tala o ealiag Mlton t., aerna e alm -0 Wl, earllar la the wvek.l.ie dfaac, liai h midle ta Harsraionvaho sida-stapped Thuraday et Kth.ner. aevd jast e, goals iallia club'. int onea defaidar end lated a shot vhltts Leach madaes20sasinthta.gama ta- six gamai. Beaese .0 Ihet, the club detiecteitoff s Clrla.. dafeadar foin th. cluffiag about 18 ohich coach Kirhvood sportsa e s-sein, oa-ia racord for an goal. sys coudd h. uaad tu illutrate a goal- aidefatitd Muat. Leachi plaed vol t.plckiag sp tdu heaping taithool. Satordey, Milton kauceit licisin Ilie shutout. . Colt. Crias. scorad fonMilton onasice taie tram e a corels finet haltu la e , Lait Moeday et Mran Bail, tMilla, secondaeffort ftramWark. Gnoves iiala borma tvo saront-lialt goals in produrt.g rollad epsa 4-0 lead belten Claka., ihot vu tloclait but thehalelh.aucnd ta. vin. sroredad valkeit ewey vitha e6-1 vin.. bocktu lahlm. With a datadar on is boule, Lidasconedlbheftinet goalon.agondasolo Milton strm tubce.inthdutinet .lght Griava cemy sida-stoppai thdugoutte effort. Prom lut inside h. Clanhai miaulaisad eddad ome hlèreteduiall and placed he driva loto the vacaed half, Lid pclait.p.a lova. hall. Aller a out. Thay acarai thtra. mone t. tae goal. pravamat of th. pattngsurfacesiwhica drav publicouragatfrom Niclleusast yar. 't think hhe a limntetheduprotlams. Dans (Meal) ality ian ecagi. visiter bilI, and go aead aid oceraaad, tas de. woner.. . i dent anticipate aiy pratlama oteugreens," ud Leger. Must otthegreens havea h.aiovarsead.d et mach ai feur imai, ai McFauI replacad tdu dt.aad C15 vith PeaiosBord. Namhar il, valir, major ra.tractuitg la haa. undar- talire, racaatly raraivad ilsaaith coeang of orait. "W. put ie tolly lai. green a. Nambar Il,' said MeFesI. "Il bha h o eaitfor- wardabout 20 faet, and shftcdbackaWdladth tllfI... lest yair the gger appsechad tdu greeniparpaidiralar (t<th ad alr), bt o il s ah.utlae45odegraeaigleand aaereabh.tnsix o ight fet frimdheater's edge." Accondlig ttae graeeaepor, dhaleoist. est o.ly moenc asaeremîdt ai taevasaI, btththtre bunkersadded mode l mm ret a gaholeoi. Cenivntly tdu greeatin ilt.play. Mefail espata IltInohrady linaitdmavel. Haevy rainael actlvty aely th prlag hm crealt eàsow dvdud u mtelatoahOl staff. Wet graue t.harder ta bp tlmais projsorly aid vita ma"iofen du ffey @^1 due big mcasry ha rea.std t. Mr4ga this year. May ainmfail vas mon, tasanineamii- metrai atace thar age. In fart. acciirdtag ta McP'eul, oer vaalaid gae taecourue mnon, raisfailithas.thdusmal montaly averago (64. miilisaatres) Arady inJune (tdufinst 10 Iys) 103 milli- mtrmes tallie. "Basinilly il slows d.i., the moviag.. . va bossait hait e chance la tiltateep dthfain- vays or thtees," laid taclaul. AIl du sdose ait hurt ta. ptoyatotaty oaitdu couin, for theaveraeopglier, but il dem kaap tha neot lyst lse uo tla duruface ofthdu earlh vhai tealwiould prelar tduy dropped "1Ifaat." Whila thegreens or han. ta.ta i klaus eslt luit yaar. a namh.r of gesuallil graepd togooher ai "hoeu.lipg" wva. ah.o attacked ky tdu PGA Tour'.leaig moasYvwiner (13,759,4%l et tduand ofIail. "Te oamalgy tdu ihlatimmli ch àolt'a. Odl *courtthosetut oosd olFIàapu elt fceeue" meut Mc Pae lelf ee«f0"ineeva tram due PGA aid boew-mostqil 0 - O' ey 1 F 1 Abbey in great shape for Open -I ww