878-2341 191 Main Sti«t. Milton OPon MondaY.Friday. 9 a.m..bpin. 878-2341 THIECAN7ADAN CHAMP$O 9IIO lN >91 99DO foi 99 9999 an7988, 4908 the b 8l nso&a of 999999 8.3881849 99980, 8989980. orot8y-in Milton989 District0. uv3 e.8189. 8and 1982. A si88e99W9Paul. 98833438379May26, For o8. o.ens 8 the9930898 98 2, 192.0.2 divin el;90U081999 84 98 Florence Lna, 9899.54. 93999888of Calmer 0 8808139949us93881 'Mr".ON0388409?1' neer 0 88 g Norme8HuloueMltn 09 e,88. o9on et the S.98488 0'98 * 88boat 8 Ir.88 14Homs, 89989 9 re 9 81b933881 8498.8 98 o99899987 88994, 988*8993 ment En;iJ 99 S88.89nu988 Fou9 lo.988.7MayA8h,1371 198.07la 9847. 399,al 188<.w 099998887 May 28o99,h* Ti 990May peu end 1ots 2. 593Mr*. 987fade 898& 88Y. Oser898899r9of989. $<aY. 09ive Dixon end4 049. 9.8999897 98898899898 Milton. Alto sur999734s898<38victoria9ary99, 078a99998.9939 98383 98g. 9.999980 88.39 of Orléans, Ontario. 88889498 $99, 9988. F9<98939 Service 893 and E9d.e, 439499849 9988on89 98ýnday. Barbare89, 8888 80047 249938 et 9 0 end8. 334 . a d.8 Milton. 9Infor8.nt9 9889. $98818 United9999081 9089.8497 09999988 - H 189 11CICO<?.r ed1. nu MF Lý 99990.9 Iq 984-8 PIANOSII26" CONSOLE Color S500. 9s799grown.9 PI N SI .. Z89999, 999 09 4899i99.Il998939885 894d&qurnte. Garden Centre, 9897 ~O6 p.lal ~ $350.00. 89Phone 878. 999 25,.99,01189So0th GAAExpansion Celabratlon SaIlli 72856.9, of89988,909. 853-240 HOME OWN ERS CELEBR TION d.OAl unici89omaroofK3994, Sherlock- Soit, antiques. B8599 ondton9,9$9 orbutf Manning &S Lup8 Pianos .peiaIIy sale pice4 8findshed. S998999 098. 878 I767 __ 9oe99.as.99fl4bpi~tohsaî Coli90. on Piv t 98 REE r90089of9fin C M 1EL V L E877.77l' 9soiture, 7 plae 1VanG1le.st House of Pianos Dope OUvoNEED living roo se, 7 place GIANT sugvmyjm f wteroý corg ? . F,,r« 4.-omse,, t, 5 pac G RA E AL 81888wy$hat8a.toW.o.oo.0 oeil99398. C Joie4, dunette, ,9o9904e8 A ES L M a.3,1 M eul a9 5.8. 99<333490.8439 878A2110. __ temp, T.V. se899 or Sat. May 29th 98.90V 998 99In S37 995999917Cali 8789 Opni oemn t1p.m. «Cterr: t opi.;,,237 oe nac R aeMy30th CM M M W FREWOO-irc AmliferLacls SF7 Corner Wilson-Woodward =IOA ~~~"Campb.iIviIh and Area" WR !OLD GLEN MILL 899ras89 dg ndtayo821298S Cipedlestl994icsesc8l y 2ok u MZii Z iZMI" nwon. Vn Olnulaam.13515000,,,9 lk $934, 881M m ,Ain,& 90 es 20 ec.okcais oso mhtay a 19..Oâv Unlov mualoof oh.6.anhorCatlena 7and an.87W-LandBOY 99989,tables,99$25,09$,5,2hallf stand.9 297199 las- A.99. 98 i 09 AVR Salemsicwoithe eSiorChitnsBod endmal; 8portr me e - _ Io. '03. 853-1682 5999Et9in Ikenoai 8 8-26 7322 Garage a Sale BOURMA OGO Ught ek«h ý9T'S 908 alesTh99 S rvice grosED.w "03.72MeosD9.. 94C,9, ofTrfga RGd S L Nallx. n o a 319.9849499 8950832 el. 83.89.00a t 000 9p 9.m bwy. 2a N., Conditio, $20. 88 ned rpaie. 7~< 8 Multi Fd7 mily NE9o.9o9099G 99 ad sites 4974.. 7322.s7Garage Sale83, doN.. IflIWLOfl Naure loico o I T'S THEReelThing 8999998499899 10 MacDoad C'es9899 .9h890 Ar t h f Anique a le et** F82-363 c frites, 890 9 rosi4984liner 999and 979__ 8 GARAGE SALE ROIS7999839.8 3P 99rts1' C 1.999 aS. 9MSu. Ma MayC29Rb F0R1ALE&7007 499 d e9lle4&999 f 899, .34omp ae 1306 9ilb,2de9Si U,,,î 70Cathy prtaif, 990. 899S,99 99, Oen99939 L b . thn fi Se.M 9, 9 9 AenT& le* ItU. & 9«9ic9P t 9999999eeknlgh 0/998 W94 arse 9hS99908 a v RAGE S ALE 89.9908. 99909 98hol Im itations848 990 99999999999 9999, 9919 99 ains , i alps. eay29102 m 007$. for.I.. al s.to SA.TAC lMh 61111 £ai SI8 U23«3 aWNe992U9PE DOUBEd c 2a10 4Cnes oxeslvd. GARGESALE FIREWOOD1 0l04 /899 miTle5, 72. 7830478 9Son 3939Mexce0lle M09 P R S B U PNC H R C; 7 O R Y F r ., 9 - me83 , 4 0 r 9 8 1 9 9T C H E N c a 9 7 8 9 8Bo a .7 4 0 9 9 9 9 9 7 0 9 9 9 3 9 9 9 S 7 o 8 Io m .Iy 98.OU8 rr s e a "dai 550 v ro us sz s; sie89 9 3 4 8 8 9 0 9 9 9 7 9 9 ,89 0 9 9 . 9S . M .y2 FOM ourlSALE r4 1 fi 998890090, aNo099 , 99 999 GARAGN S ALE SNa. ste.GARAGE SAL su a8,3aMi3li 3 ,For 39u8t. 9 90 tic0939 99, sin"7,9. St.anSu. aama Nicholso & R*v. r999898989, .9-18 9hron7' off 159900 9a.m. - 3p.m. 28lB aasfIe C ù2 Il: Ils par Mm9999rSn. 9ia987 a4or987 e9388 mm0and F388 O94 NA T - J4 a c90 b s4e9 n 9GAR GE9SALE 989 GARAGE SALEi .998989 I 4962YAC1 8eatat icesPoR o 99998, 2 h Ba, ay99848. 9884. jogh, in999Chrcil E Annvelay 894o, 0558909 0flad, n ccUdace P9JsR 0MI acooi SE $0. or 8894,099399 949939 au... ? 2t.37 el98 May 29 09889~'OO 1 Drduit. n 0ta uls 099$we$go. OL DV' ~ AEt haS 4dAEr 5 1. r,1 eeno,e 293 9f il hnaarasî lod wIhi Oe unci *l:SLE d. 09"0 JOCKEY 81994989 9349:i 9 8399 Crsc GARAGESASALE"'n 9<3. 8y0 B rinla redataedbydteo 809 0093990oSrVIE 94994998981.950h 1. 9Staal ing c offnet iavortions June 7,1992,lardlitrogitaul ite snsor, photo copiea7adard 92M0990 90999St. ~~~~~~~~~~~~A S R E -a(iu i tt u9<aîl a ne ao ie88 00989 89<19<989039 99 MneiI899 80uve o.5Et N.L 5 G$9908AL 840800289 P8eU.ta388 lndriend havep. Auweedrneeatrayd, 899and 9989. b9singled bette.99309 9974 Pa 9 9 '30 9 9949999097M y P trCtrgnilmsmaergnt it ln n 3994. 489. 34 sMRAd998899 88 9989 939 9 & books.9999. ~ 999 paliers9399 98r9.a99, 99 T59o9 991 989 8 LoonFP 9 8. .mULT-FA pmILY 261990 99990999 Crise 13491r txe.ase u u itet R.F.A,949909 999999 09wer810 91..clin,99999.079 La A WN S L 8.9d'.. R.R.T 1,cMollet.tBonRfGl0 sale.o aar eaIl 9 or ~Ici089h9998 w99o9e793P9999119111- Filera. wiaA Stand,,b4.8 FOI, 9999088 F993999S bs8 499a098 89 Cai 99 889999.'oie 4 99l fn drs,999 19 10, t4ms, GA R iGE oSL brch reCai91997 l M w 59)986593 90M Black 93999fi 9 999099 990 W098939 Ao S2-M.MILL ENDS.lis Mill SRE.Milton0&09883l 33989 898r8.a98949fo8789.90 SMOCKBostonC H EDMNOFECTR599-922$ 08.W 9Lb. 1 -99 - 398 9999 on 9900 aul 839897 99 2339 7mit 0gras- 99999,99 999999990 99999 849cite 994988989< 998,8O9 4899 BICYCLES99<349 e884 o9f749 and catcher,989tore 907097 9.909i 999 9909 YomDES OYWEES ale p 908 89 8$149.77 99' 998ser,9 &maYRD Shl AESLEE95.o9.98 aG-lE SAL 2 1:32 .11. -59$99M.849989OS POO 888999888 ngroM 9,,99 7379< 10 894 89 GAAG SAE 9990.0929 date. 7424 M ( ý 5191 9 4-3619JOCKEY $3 0.dowa9s888 s, ..M.& ,999 g0on94 8987 99lands4 8399 70E 59the99Municipal-0999SALE9 9 Set.90M a9489 9 ,exir- NY 9993939999a sale 89on4a8999387 99Book 8700. skis, 39car 9r 22d9999Smt3 99Va9cu0um9580 9s08 a.MI200E ~ 89949 884 ,9,~ 8943480499 ~ 999909 729~ 999 89999 0999. 9ST2F3789 LaSrierBlAve, krerle I. une7, 982 an thoug outtheses on, .bove goRund0oole 87 II 84casette98 co99929 94 M999999 Dr999994099artices,9et 8-28 9948994 9989 889-89entPROPAEpon99the9 899990com.plote. ith90fillenH rîtag .9.09-W--98oreand more. 8839 97 99 7 6 ilion989999999 9999099h-999999 99 9Et999999999 9898849388989 G<98,938 89, 70. 9989 an[. 9999 and99909499 9909990999999 99990998798 Plm l%: m and ad h ve he wees Estr 9909 8084589 p. alk « 1$9900 4 78 .009 8.09 9.9-1,99m 33 22. 1838. 938. 98998 89999921 999949t n 93899989999998 498.E..DAVY99n.8808gaies9front, raDt$1iAl. sas9 8 .,j23 . 79,, 999 9837 , Mlto In onjnctonwit th Sgnsp5sed9-M-1000.8943N. CIC soWIre- porcel 87e.1771.un-S49'89Co 53-851 My2ob,1Set900ay929 for Pwd«, wedings LE1A1P11O0191818 C RPORATION O.THE9CI0Y99hls7a8.9Costa M909ROO99copost a_____ 99 889tisn. h ln 1-OF9ULI G9N 523 8 Foz are 87-6874.or0 7 8 4801 999. 99999.9 a mG el3h9.89. 87 th8 .,95ar, advisedf that therea i O O E NI N 99 ,822.011.22 38999998. A . to0838 raler 0000 0.m. _ _ 9,9GARAGE- 997000 77 off 401 ter 20 * cou 10, Mit 9n- 88998part9or 9994.874 9499_99i9 9ad. 'A mile 9st o.fr99v, 09290 989934 1 cf APROMEa T 893Sillage, 9 9 999le9999v4ice409for 0majorFRM RE PAR INGformor thn 3Cosectiv barrai 983 baillis wood 9M8AR C9H 88 GARAGE9SALE990. 0999 Ma29&990. 89889 4.9.99t09.brra' O s9388' 9 8 , __ 79 9998 48 494 D TRI AY 'a steel$8 co8rrier, c99 8 ÏiÀa , '799. 99 rom 49 ,j99 09,98s permtted n Town Stm tS.Laurier/ Oronte 9881Street . yuspcfcain. t n i q 15399 8019.8 7909498b9Q G RGEAE gSo3oER9O8A999 il 949MIL Eniing veine,8et . e8978. 200 98888988n. St7speake. 998848tub 90and5c8.in492 9er44-4 142 N38 Pol«. 8< 008899143 . 1,98w $600999h.8838_934 178,99 3888u3 99989 88.00498 88 ai 8.0 «C . e c698 freezer, ol Heate 3899le9549 9894993 and9 sports collct o h lrEo, u itr eso 49<89 98.mle. lec 8. tyle, 988 it, $100 , ltte78-947 9799 MJ88 20e 99.0