aow ~ ~ ~~*~Pyi ~ ~ S 06 il Itii'Pp~ IaI! prn bis hIe i ct*bad!rnlal d tl iea Inoclub travets te GenWllams ilm n elaugura game of Ue fient ney. RgrJhun otmitwtî îe fiet fernor t-i ed.n cdyhîr euv vOieO h giii>'> t-hcy rcv dni anaged t v I nthe">secondU iinîg. Murray> i'>iî Biu îëvs>v tîicii>eiiîîh vi'>tii ith n>îvd'le Vlodi'y THMCANADIANcRAMQ.KN - I MILI'N, ONTUM - WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 11182 IIRDSECTON A air of close seconds llcg verthe bar le liaireéman el MM» i.Dslret IdegScbei wb.fe Rbei aencele.t seoe.d la lb.ebidget *gbi bgbjeap. Il»eslary re. MDIII..ll..lam ebo lb.e1NobJumping . eteK evn BIlecreltI b. cmetàaPeel-Ia#m.trcrd Ia eiplaolg lb.eveat. 11b. mut, laatrlag Uthe op lons. lii pravlacal ebmpolareprlai ed Jane 4-5 i Klb*xbq. Mamy aUner bille. clbleese a' - M la Dog Mmit --à Obeils1%11 m Tb-rday a the endme e do wil inspaeOemireadoma ere. lbeeea ila.e m lareremak. gur te b.I leSpSpott Ne-M e ebcbmpls.ebipoet £llob* . 16 b.ela abe Omere rate.e onpageCs Thruway' neaOu-mwml "gang ocMu nl aflDe. ledcIIIb.=.sla tr.99 mh.. tis et lsrine. aI nwcB Week a et 40 iL BncI Iree laaia04 wu eu,~ in clber rewsa, lbcohr* On«e. .gw bcufe 4 mmcl 3-; 71w lIbe olnd mokoano &4; and IWWiI homed he n.nne Lcavillentsry 1"0 willb hulr Brl7Timber alUn 17nr Uod.BoUn eq - laler, prcobly e. Mondsy amn aaked, Bruce Odsa.y acled and Dematil Gland aed Don ttcbnaldtoBlelwed 541h Mooe l l. mid d hon Mm e.wmmet a lmuotrted Milleaneb.lli»g »o-p Whgb o hopI le Un dered Ibre.bils e thUe la» scm isn't quite through aalbe Icior leeUMM ac MeDide eo" s qudk1-0 lqd Unrd tebonHearne slagme IlaMMnnatdàhrdwbe.Woym e hlltlpolIbollea t* 10bcamne crmmd te acre nthunenI UB iMbtbtoo aedes chace WbUinaaaslacJedand ceond it, b.We ~ ~ 116.dlvee i om .on »errer Dileen Urete..d imora acnrno~ BEL Olloreied l. crtlahe'in4 umibe la . e.te laok Il Sp.aaSeoawo1hoaop~ao.alvindglaeh ~ eioe.dlW0lb.Ia -~ .~ . . ~ o A SUCCESS STORY is beig vrittre a E..Drury alhun .performance of terySnmg abile. es itheb.revaunt B and Pee.llaltlruck sas! field champ- Several athttes are re-writing ochool and regloca recorda wilh every jemp aed rmn. Soea ole rcmlag tbrough wilh excell- ent performancesaaurprlalegeaveunthemaselves. lirnar accompliahmenla are a credit te Uem- selvesanad especlally lbefr cmacho.snho have gveon upmnehfree imetetecin theathtetes. A tip of h. hat gon out to Robh Blonhcm, at E.C. Drary. cnd Brise Cannant, of Mitton Dis- trict 11gb Sehlntheir mrh mith the atltem. Maey Mitonisanament mnder nhat Gary Thomas wit do nt. Aller ftrntsponoring and then huyng Miltn Are. Intermediste 10cm, cnd thon throegh hes cempcey Mittomne Rocty, sponnsoring juot aot every aduttcnd id' sport in tewn, Thomas got tegether a gmoup et leur ther honckey' laaties te purcbase centrot et Mitton Junior Flyers. Wdte Thomashan roduced lis aare je Aerne Io na- fflb (thesunie as Ftyern, there is ltte deubtlilawmut previde lb. guidisg sprit hohied the two frendhia. Along wtlh ave De Papa, Jo Auger, Gmant Turner ced llowie Scannell, theo greup promaise. te provido Mitten wth a weUl-run coupeof bockeytean. Ilsa an interesting group. Dl Papa hos ladta standing efe lapurchane Plyern lrem the Gcodlngc 1r eyeraI yonrn. Ho han ceachod et tb. Major A tevet with London -Knlghts cnd monl recontty haedtod Acten Sahre&n olnd lîve yearsa&go. Auge laperhcps Ue ment volCran hockey mled i h. grnup. Ho ptayed proeoinal hnoy (c bm yonrn cge> and hen cacdhed and handted bothtbe nior and inermediaton. Turner and Scnd] are mere ievotved with enac hochey. BoUn lave sons neho pay and Scancetl is Ue pregent second vire proident of Milto laur Hokeyoxecutive. l'en acre Ue cuh itI have a god icenciaI hase et lisadisposai ced mith Thoman pro- mcllag thectuh, anythingcanhoppen. The oe jinte ahote dent might jent lae Une Aeos. Thomnaiabc ig panfer -Ue cuh fer the tnPl-O seune. But lae crtainty wuinde nant t10 ricin Imo nom venturenon eeyor (if th Aeeos wet Il. A. Sococdty, junior hockey n. cend bas stweys boen, th major attraction ie Milten. Wite Millon basa egond potentiel, yet utcpped, fr an inermedlato toam, ils prospectsufor c junior cub are excellent. Spectalare are lwas more intoronted in a decent brand cf hockey aed 1 ouldet h.ieaur- prtsed te sec Aeren tcya e Un ml B tevel or even fli up sbnp, il net Uis yesr, Unon non> Gabers are remioded ahout Ue Chompionos Cburlty Golf tournaneet ai Ue end et Juty. t> promise. sblea gond time. Application formasare avait bte on Page A9. Day. Turner goes distance in Royals' win Yen mrgt jent aay Miton Royats mre ntar- tiegteTure IOn. Stalfedl witUn Uneeomemben eci the Turner lamily, Rolein the etaren ovents on Dave Turne pitced a o mplte-geme in whdoe heoUer Glenn Turner rneceld for Uree buite and Uroo RBtn t tond Mitten pont Une nemty isnproved Cambridge Rtangers 15-7 Sendcy at Cambridge. Pitcher Davemwan the big gununs luronsthe ctub wan roncerned altowing just tan narned roaie Ue rentent. Dave lieda ne-ltte geing for five inning ancd permittod junt ive Cmbridge ite alttgethe. Ho attowed neven watbencd tmuck outaIfive. il as Ue pitcherus fiet antieg oetthe t982 neaaneand reinforcon one of Royats* aeab spots-on h. muned. Royale buit up a t-2 tend ofter even iningo ced Unon pot ltamay wilh a ninermn outhurnt je the eitUnlnnlng. AS tctd, Royato anteaabed a 17-it attach onsa bosl et Camhridge hurtern inctoding former leammate George Moore. Gen Turner, Rlch McTracb, Dnug Ncyter and dontgnted bitter Wayne Marchand ted Ue charge ajU tire hite apiece. JackhCanteton and Ken Armstong added twocfûtc oach. Il voa a diferent club Royass aced in Cam- bridge Sunday thon let year icten Rangern, Uen knowe as Pirates, cantd enly steat tannen ced ininbed Ue eanen witb jont one ie Se far thio yor, Cambridge hou matched Ueir wn total. Thol came ai Ue hands of Ccmphottvitte SaturdaycaiCambridge. Afler c cornîmu fiet openini. Itoyats strud for Ime es n tae btop of Une seconid. Aler Contlon singtnd. Marchand reached one an ocrer. JobeTurner îyto third ofthîe cIaon)ilove homo one mun on o ground eut sant Marchand came homneen Arennrongus single. Camhridgens fiet it of the garde, a snogle by Hotcbiuon, prodeced IRangeen' lient on in Ue loatb ctoing the gopto asinglemttn. Hoeve, McTrach ted off Unr fîftb nîth a double aed scoced on on eccur on a baIt it hy Dnug Naye who soei on Mrchands fiet et threcotaecâiveasingles. McTrach bet home Amstrong te the ith aed Mrchaed ingted honte Dong Nayter je Ue soventh for the 6-2tend. The ftoodgales npened for lainthe Ueighth nelUn nie mes on fiveeile, loue wotks ced e easpleofaltd pilta s.WadefBaer cnnected for aa-rn single laine timng ichglUn nTurner capplag tbeaiming ha boau-tnaded tripleancd Th,5eletctry pots toyale record le 2-t. Theoclub plase tohigbt Wedncsdayinlalurlnglen o en coa Wb n.ran cd honte CampeH.Bvble UMêailaetParb lnewal;peonimes le