By STEV9 ARNOLD no leene taat the delay was occasionnai by im- ifgany furtheractioa I Mlton will not be f.eld, Onariso monicpal aftairo fot always leadiself ti those situatons sequii saio . d mnatrClaudeBnettasu»adcided. Tui4ieM"Ise parcela of land involvea inatitis sale wesa tdm la lo oneie »e1tisCeombldu a bit ohh sltidev*lp.s at isa*ui aan,0M r au hms0positive n =us teTow 1« Mr GoW"adaisa Ittav Ue thefulhai wbbeca'n-thosuasaquasdsaadutbav.tnbcslaeshaal elpa., beadaleai. chlç befomt q't t ii<lbsa.U y w tfa, fIai *Ituade tstbinassMW st sesoll ata du thettýý*Wtlýe me àjasaslt N5ti barePula uasthoWin aiardepe bt E antl liisli utae isf ai pas basan a. asceyH avet oe aa du lus the ut ua ga,11ha 40 botwousait t'ad ala- High wire act hâ w wrt prsin Atsbai"ais'1 M ÉMh menalal m m8m- oassseags am st inslta thave tTaus ISs bed iatst isi ad i.ftbgapur aapsueaeAt body #W on te Wun' ma LlA WM trola -det 11muel t wsapp - y wase lzvoin fon he s12t ya vOflUMEliedJenwi-4nD eà u h w e r us Mr z ulawnoatatfo h ILTOdN .oNfsetMa UO. W beuDwast athe012p0eople3 CNT Muahdnr evea iowte U.Boetslte,"ewsonendwtpu eat wroftewsettw& of n'*e launetion T im berl tpeae My=d"M ýsbi mrukn n t' bin t s' n Ri.Hg ie a k d Naan unie, "WWPWWstudy at Drury Amlos elt ss U CeRt« XÈnr buBy STEVE ARNOLD) as= fitedChampion News Editor Children tram Milton Timbarlen develapment aili nat be bused ta an out of toasa M(OL= mi bWse"chawile theira is being built. k Soveral aseeka of study by n special cammittee nppointed by the Haltti Boanrd of fff Educatioot han resulted la an agreement ta have cblidren tram the aren placed in diPý umm.ýet >temporary iacilitios at the E.C. Drury nchaal for the dent. élan 19 l hc6 d SuS M ailaelay mos dawueaid a maton biaserwb#émsh hevqhg ilibaslsauawhytdu wufieai huÜ-,tlbaau uy Mq ulid bave aiom sh.= .w ealty sai'tama bas, ," hisai. ",Wc snst lavolve la t tsort of ttag bisasse asi dont wat tac bosai la taiuS dt uc Ore lsyb, a ita- fera ila ay.a "IW. sbapty base dt Magie puit landuheposl- sattnaa laasta as chii__ an cmplolie .sali. R-. iRiglan =ul issa Canm tld mesaher of<tdu heata ana ialtservtcs sanmittees dut an ap- pllîcttstas thaved naabibia ilil.but dutbt du Rulaiuai ptihe tablianglv p n m ' i "tise.bava bien a-U se i sealy t have As ateupa by local aux bue a*kp.assi Nom. t»Msiel te~ ~ ,M.l5ls a saii es plyt lla ballai ath allns- asa t a ta.. UJ MII. lnala ia fs a 17rus tal sla ialtI il aoaa si.Tsa iPr, avi d tsa- seaSOMi ua tsesi by teabet'fus Mtelliaflaty bfase I lotsepiAl tataeee5?DulgsPit Our toumeY afttractsgolf ors Wta duepslan0<a cafoasa hinelaii na la ise Canaalan Chaanpls = Oaut0& buraisnt sinaseang. The car, calstuy <slaestts. d en hy any ga oue b aciilyhlii u17ta Apilstiso for»asreavadablaatblIbsl»a The daby bqgisWUlta &stagsasstaff at noma Fstaapf J0<M. Sa, sMdai*hW Selas,N- ladultaaslllts .leUpio lest uie. ,principat John Linatsli duh tempoaay fasîlities wuilalhala i fve cass ivcatalty b hasnedai a due Cane Riva.shantta ha canastai tlas1hibi yeas. naah local casaciltars anal trustees have hais presslingduheMnlatay of EduaiaaOasd thant yeas ta, raleane ennagis masey ta canstract anathers choo n the d soall-ast asea of du tawn ta seive craudeil canditians caaseai hy neuslevetapanent. nil Lawsan, italtan SBoaarof Eduaia trste.s duhears, sali naslai d haeaesihooas Chriatmnas tala yeas. Tendlerasduthecan- isttin santract clan, Jane 3. M. Lawsnencptlaesl tai vesai atios foas dueusss tabhai bea saosiaissial ntil dula on s chool sauti ha speasdiai clsaisag hussng duan la anthes faclityasdaahlng mare portable clasarnoma la du ilgIso alsaiy blang ussaaatigherratt. "*Wec cassilisisbas- lag duestiaienta hecaaae ue waslta <sitfre ap more portables foas taî aaseInlahdusystent, bt whis we gaI slght ilaun ta, tac suai ase 00<1 thas due sytirntprasitien asera ont gesitter tdun du rose&ishase," Mr. Lawsan sai la an lines- Mr. Lina sali pareats la due casmanity lad hen vesy sappastive aaslgdhestaaiy af ales- nativs, botthdu gseant cossera lhey salneai as lag stadênta la aduse "Tbey kehais dusa- lag usa anc of tae op- dins e usae lagahlgn bt w. stnt saommit sasselves ta Il astill ae bat in all ail 0thd alesiatvii", haid. Mr. Lama.n âlattbei ta parents, explataisi tat stadin sds it ha aesitsaltedaiIn a vacS ant sos rasiaience of due sellaifoastdu dut FIFw.siiase, as wonab aian OMM era tia>5i,OaIiAlos Anaa sasisbas secam, sac nouer lasy sset hefsseis., vll Gne Stase aid bes assasteai plante have attracted ai niy bayera ta the Guelph lise locaioaitle Jint Wrigtappeaslag lnlthephosta. Set anaiNome Waltoare thestolres 50w auners and plaa la lsllau op the sellaf aofplans ( raom the partitwllb fall-acalesopesstaaasis ly. PuIIod out of ashes ly JANE ILIER Campbettctte wha pasehasesl the CbsssplassRepastes witîe Oame stre a maalh ago A liroat deat of imagination is seedua inta snceive due ormer The lackeaed semnanta afthlb Btraclvilla <teaisal Stase, gatteai by gesasal trea lanventasy have heen lieme thnad nyeaaga, ails aew cleaseda aay atang with duhe aa- auneraado. teseal glasn uhihsbltesed thlb iPa Theichtdinataestoand fssgesli g perly. Fînuersaase visible anse aalass of lasaliai od wt ibhlnoiru agalal, ai thadt siglaclea gsasahasa tliasatesls duhéGopal Ueb . blla- een gsansnedabi iieasforshedu ft- W4wilt ba tuie Idu pat hy sse 09th store arsensah aiuîg. ,ascasdjsgta »Isi Walaci0< Ciiallaadbisa 4. a> 'o.- * ~ 0p MoeScod Section OPM OU»ClatlfW ......... n I-nU E.C. t3swy 1<1gbSe" adit s ailla.........B OpicSffoebkg id y nas Whnou-Itt..........B éé Reai"lte ........ -tt pkier4m PP M Realtas'sChis<c ...... Sa D as h..... ... ... 1 Tl sSection ct-ca .. .........s Plat...sPcil -7 -17-7 77T77=