Hanv Prudham Pa a r ffi5am of BEraia Road, Binan uimbbrd sland of Evelys Veal laus ICarayl ad Insfailiar of Dvd of Letb- M$-.= =a, p a aay at JoseplaBrat Molal flaquaI a i y I, Ilinlaha seenty- BSuy mmesd by stop chilren Mm. Wiliam (Usai> Pegg, in Tia (Ae) Co, David Tan- iqM.Jca(Ma yau" k , Mrn Vern, Mn. :B z tMras(s irai aim Ien Vern; airo twe jal, n, o. Lama Dos.ofDeM yRaid aid Mn. t (sara Asa) ot illBR 3, aid a numaber .driiaiÊmêand aiM=ra. _ j.. i. yJsi ~ Pua nd aticesTamiley Prallxua, a»by a . - rGowgs aid àaiader Janet ikai of d- M. Pluarama dasemauth gaieratilm.la Mmtlh. Prieur ifaaly bassatad and mas laid le reI st i the Be PmmitCelery leateil ai Illeaer fth aoman ifrlambs adaBai $an oflthe lai. Carlai aid AsiPruijas, ie 1118ma a oflib jKilbrlde ljited sbadhanad mas Ilerinsamas.casdacled Iy RBanAI.licAIhiar ci Cal. Palbearars er. Rblar Oias. Bias flai rKniVal, Maeryla VernI. WillIm Carai ( ) Municip fatirs and ousing Ontaro THE PLANNING ACT AND THE PAKWAY BELl PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT TOW/N 0F MILTON Tala noice ilia application for amenilment t0 11he PaIlcaay Bell Landl Use Regulaton 11104 as Onaro Regulation No. 481/73 in the Ton of avllie las been receivea. Appilcait lana Maraschhello FiM N: 4(17 7) Poposal i: Tocolsruci o single family reidence aid ban oa 2023 his 4838 actes) vacant lot LotB,Conc.3. NZ.ToOol of Mlon btweoen W#w225 ad Thlld Ue oMoIi f Oeuny Roodi. ANIl sudo roolooelnsd Mnhealice of thell MlialsrOf mallIaIpUfe am O inMalg: co Ceosaonity 50W t elw ssricli 56 W»8aiMYSL St li M or.fetr ' Ontaio MA31400,bgsiBUI5f26id 41FMMl5± duf wih MBl aboicaton va tî onédflMd Sheridan C~lg, in cooperation wMt Canda Emnpoyfmend immigration Comission. is off erlng courses In th folowlng cere orened program:- Burington, Brampton, lsssemuge à Qu»n & Z'EIzbeth Cpus aitj AccauntucY AMI"tnt w*oducloo ta No-radlllre BooldseperyplslOccupeBom CleskTyplst FaCus For Clasag Word Prooeabng WomaIn11Tradea& Tsclnolog SICILL TRAINIO App.aatlsahlTràklng Heevy Dui Eqslptsft Msdcans Heany Eqaipnt*Opsraar iduotrlatMantenancs Msctanic Juiollr Pragramemer Mcffe. Beop Toa&Diser Wetdr/PBIr PMer &SkSsw j 81001PW*iwarl asie Trw Job RadessaTrelskg CAMPUS GWM I, Contact your localCmi mpbo ymeait & Immtian ComIssI Ces*sIo dstas** a whor you qui y for spuumNsrlp. If you a ul, s m EpoystContrecouneelor Waiga syour $kW" *te o o tYt gy ol*powashms y epy drectly to 100 Fv ore I oime c* - ip4Nu4# WM IOLLm 30MSm P ola m tlssl ad1 ld sh aiM t- to4!7 aia Q a,27 -35.SBiOdtS nom& nlasOiIasa for losmuna. eg K masIsPdo ALLSEASN CoapéeçilMmefood1 ai a»i Io a g! i onaçoAqipi 10 m*1ai I Bt.eue..om pun Kp i oo cmp RyL 37'1 SRA Fo 8 a mh oa 3372 'Nï E