Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 May 1982, p. 27

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Yos cdd ii up t V iteirll Iregu sitn agad efft sih a * Ccg CosI l ; "And," Gesoole was jut llefi sai-t for Inmuet er irst rompetition at thisslevel, seveelis plaeleg in tise isglsY rompelitive lais(u k o sdlaasJamesce Sa e riracpfie 4 ri a alt m ' onher flr routine WoodintheoJunior competitions fhis year compte in the provncial gymndstocs ad bam and an gh1~.L on .a o ama 1 ei-a -ld Krrytiri, hr it ïàt saio v cal ib o, J n aiatpoi ça poosalspa iecause ai a làg i - thse tourtis bost scre A total of 40 compo- as an alterssate last year t0ulise prso Iinca Milen Sprsogers flgog ith am Ummde tise Argo B group. *gc nbos p 6 losslsp M leasietls averpiof 41 Lait week, i was soeclretd MËt e i h umi efn Aud ,* w ln ber lvoaI A ' badassailalails tmw daaol dpwbm la foot il cbaÈ the a:irtço«b mit Iis laVeecme baot m.hk THE CANAMCIIAIPION MILTON, OmmARO S ~~~~~sU WEDNEMYi,1 ThO0>--aS-I addsFRyer to h s sports stabýle bWg bilth amL usil n dai s hWca d u mio sucd dos iltefat ithladunsiorn taco. I1 seel iletduOKA muai caiveitioninl TersinleAprilad talismlsllsolaher owesas of duheaitemedlata eamani," ha ai- pleins. "Bosse of theos ereel ciure if tbey sere ceoi gbock, &Il bod sose bled o probleos and nce oe bm eosed con- inita! le set ear. 111 dont rrs usinî,seslibe t ce ad 1 dido't liso h 1sba and eard.' Techeflely. due club ba bepur- cisd by Gary Tiomis alose. Ho se ex- pocsod te, ail t a grsu a me "Gary Tis- oas à FeleesWite uot-tao-dlstlift- ure. Ter sasses sil he aode publi e nt int.rfleiIatps' hute unIsure Ad Me Mnrs s is e Chamoun ai sia paiseforer liseelg W thse wquc ofethe ai s ae,utile bou da .lie =acelof one in ece Oumier lejuniora m ay ba les mus leo baidie nlis off du. bal. Mre l e epeeled le tie bnossesleler tlie seis Befis Gsodlg iid Thomea' 0ffer le pur- chuee as lie fiirit llee eier dueclub escelved ido po yar "Weve ba! a les vea ofiera batl an Jame h ibsiaseaclifortsltulte tiple ump al, h aelduiraisehacPîciui Garys sas tdu iraI srslles offer" rldoylen Eoblecie. Fie mare. lraleopages C and CS. Gems, Sabres ta/k merger aveciltelechaplon Team representativesof Actas Sabres fhea I a hockey tduts may cil hae diccîased lise possibily of lace t ecesalaf its y t.l le=2 tels "A' reslghtyyears SOMPOR.Par Relis Gcicgnt ducale o e sr Clc le otiser pepeduyMrancd llmeed duthae beore laiieg ta Stroevie os the Hmsever, dueilaii5edlata dvliinIl Thomas briego izede ansi. club,.isi ail levais le cusalmarfly lae t sis -it t as isaiomnton d h u re s l inta Dune duaily Iwo$i, tduclub ras lejoi esarogisil ail,tdu Goodiegs sel the clu cuiciltosafr duth e i pair ane d hbndie. W'eca ettagaey yngr and finaneilldifflelidu. Thse Gondlegc baigislona so uid base and resleredfiieciel 0 Acall ue thed Ie aslisne rueeing dujoura ibe a ycir-rsaasd otcil ofini du osesisn, encept ose cradibliily tethe club. Ma reedita appicatiOm u sti Juy job for eigislpae. We mre getleng Uiorrp Funk) baes du 19e7-74 esicai ot oslp bavetdu Goodiega operated tdu 1.Alohrdviin edalins u m er. lo Rteaed aperated duheclub laomclvas. Punis teoo, bol Ieirihoose bas bees "hooso" le Srie."But cc Utl d. l'osgoieg leoina codM*0is ace Imo yeara leler. ta Plyers dsiieg the hockeyp oasmn. This Thsomas bac olenly sibn e bsdis- sthe baysanad las taam. m'ossure wsol Bob "Pie" L.e becamne d thercoachs yoar, Jefi Machsnad BitiLynchs ave pleassre mtb ap due longue ta rue and ascotinue ta supprt and sales lae Junior$sfor Godtp' Pipefe. Pair eara lter, the litsd ils due Goodiege. a sircesisi basisemas, maaid bave and 1 bopo everyissdp dowset lorget abost club iaely ieeapadbsd u leoto at '1*0ik l'Il miss Ibat the mai," addo liised twae il rase more poessiosally 0. bi albas hii egdu acd Gib ute eBols. "And of the ail tbo boys miso stayed Tisoas' estta gal esgtapoina Reli scaid seiser abo or Vers bad bien U arlp rounds befre meeting 14-aes- slaIlabl'sieoitpidlBtp sbire of te du vigsa tMora appweacbad bylshe nes ownertabelpl t illa 1or the cbomplosudp. Bretaville (Lnch)." Arabor healIntacleistanee oublasy eapacity. wons dut pcir andducent ceaie s sa Playera stayieg ils Pipera came about mht ituasti o cup lsas alin bos he ToGoodiega' marisonse duclub ges virleeputothe dupreviou pair sils iy accident shen no ose eald liebo fsad le ebota. bock taIboeoid-la9sm isain, sila ine ler buttiailutOakVlle&Dd Burlgtae board mme plees. dhps Gemisi pemidosl Zobe MeCandleso and oulgoissg gesoral manager Bob Tait set dose a tes seeba ago silis Sabres' ossigoîi GM Rai Jotlory lo gotlisebaill rolacng ai a possible morgor. Afler loir boira ofital alib,*ilte isad bas dued ieb deidey dnsctfsllaglo electliilf êtlcere ad been eomploted for bolisicamo. How do people peopleo bel about lise possible trasactiai? Tise Gousîsi, wiss isigated lise merger, roled ai liseir gesoral meetleg lest weob tlecainue le pursee sucb a morfler. McCaedleea la bopissg Ibal il could paieibly bo ram- pleled bofore tise aoewhiteio at said, i'is a sop in tise rsgisl direction." Sabrecmaris Jules Raisiaila a major bostier ofthlie joies projeet lrom lise Sabre aleedpoint sayisgsil la theoaily way le go. He aîd il mustisappaniIbis your. '"lisore's sot osougs le sork mils," commeotod lisoiesi about lise tlent sn Actai or Georgeowns alaie. 'Neilisor toami bai aeytiig ta lookforseard le. Mabo tise playsifs and go outin etise firsI rouned." Powmr la 'MM Mohawks start right beating OakviIIe, Deoiasarslleg ailtdu face sl eesig L=ifse seiesonduhe git lait tableg aIpiselvine. boilsr Garney iMitcell. Ricb gsI due vile.lied theo score. Mohawks Ibes basbal. Coshalvlte Mlsshi 5*0ol 3 » aant akvilio Salrday Mlaiashoseed jusi a fwl Ues iru ir el. e-upefo1r ite ram on fourr tadt sd1 clor thIe le c C oaaat Basoau andill.Rove aitn Royale uedop bols mecxttbslbhiaLaiafse Ilws a i dfférent stry Sasdoy a ai lsl iels ors ageo t.bge s blitrpeci ai u Campbalilvllle in the finI aof miaI victoep clu cedtpeal snpaie- l ie a it ereetieg resewel c of IbEsaspitcbodlselfirsl ise iaige duir i.lvary. Formse Mhawk Ricis and ta, so baliera le lse siels balore M archand Ieads Royals lualseir borne oerSsonlesceocêdud -fs _ i - n..1. Mba" started aid sireleealby « hsmdli li eebs mpbll-Wadeiarith enhbustld t10 f-3 Wayne Mrchand lead Miles Royale le as &S Wina oser avilae bo duer oyala' liraI mplsa the du ianlady Marchand pileied as oslatendisg pose and sely Iso abville il, bols aieglesre claie il. ilazàdby osU- dèlesce sbieb rasiri- buled 10 19 ifield sale. farcaird sc in cmmaoand ail duescy e podoce due club , ad ses s3aager Ricis Cleoetes, dut ie of marchand sreed- ered ose ram sidhuot a bit 1 Inbtheecond ced tises alowed lat Iso ram ie dsaita. e eiiilLisistâd Ooslle eesclderad by oasy tu beam7*tand fututotwnss th win over McTracb. Jark Ca- talo, Ries Clemnl and John Turner eaici added ose it. John Turner, brelisof ienGlu rer aid Cement eus drove homse Iso RIta mise Rlckb MeTrîcis ad Kai Armrefadded ose Roi. Ceais Cleet cp l. Secfm lgi dU al osy faul," espiainsetise rooie omanager o is teamslaso a Copieil. vile. "Today. Ibo bi elry as Wayne.lie pilcIsesIa greal fumne." Marchand hid coacbed tise teaos for soversi yars ieore relieqaiaieg tie Job ta Cleosool fisa ear. Cours Clooent ould the reduced respossibililies abmuld blp Manebodas Royalehave a foc soc faces and somo birosser combloulions. Tise Tureers-Glen, Jobs and ss0w pitcbor Dae- oaie up tise bisggest grmup. Brothers Grry and Dog Nayler and irs cousins Ricis and Rager Clemet gise tise lubs a iaoily ailair. le addition, Bakse and Ricis Clemiete are brotisers-is-aw. Cmbridge iundoy and ai BurlnWoO ieni M emm am Salardy ayipStauIhai Eut "Pa s art The. 9ot hlm Royals dows alowsglaut oeomore ittheoreot ai the way tu pcb up tise me Royals'e poood bscormng intthetop of theosecondihoeGar Naylor led of mIls a homo ras. Mohawss rallied in tisir bati of tise second on a homo rue by. Ries Miîtisol ad se error 10 score tbree roms for a 3l-I loud. Jacks Castoton pot Royals se fret 4-3 wils a tbree-run humer ie tise fosrtis bat Paul Ridley returned tise favor witis a tbroe-rm borner ai is owt ie Mohaamks' boIt of tise fairtis for a 7-4 tmad Ray Evans led off lise iftb witis a bomor tu ciao Moisawks a four-n ead bt Royals sIus tfor loir rosa in tise slIst, ircludiog Bears iraI f 150 ronssoctivo Iso-rua iomrs, 10 ie tise Aller Rayais' startieg plciser Rager Clomeot set Mohsawks dose Ose-Ises' tbree ie tise sixti, Ber pt Royale is front 10-. Tise tead cas siortlitod ou Mohawkss sîrsef smo singles and lbreo walbs iroos RBer misa iad replaced Clooesi. le score twice and ie tle score 10-10. Tise igbtty îossog blooged 1u Camp- bolvillo as the club caamrcted for tsar singles and a poai olle ta Peoduco rive ronsanad île aclary. Tbompsos, set dosa RayaIs je acter ijte iseosti for tbo Mohawsbioastod sevoral changsinj Ibir startieg lise-up proaiog tboy abosld bo rated as a poworbause Tise ifield ieatured Sevo Tait aItishird, Paal Ridley aI abortstop. Ray Evanso aIsecond ond Dou Timbors aI iraI, Tios Robortesiu bohiid tise plaIe. Tise mtiield iotured Rileie Keigisl in left, Steve Smsithin lenatre and BIU Dosais inerigist. RcisMilchil i plcbodthe te seeod ose. Mhaws aresme celleBgs clsadai wliia Sjo pos star at hSutODsashS cieluf lis Io lemmessai agabo MBi al~ds 1 m l hg Mbriesla or iévns, Ml brla, o* Aar' wn- Gary Thosc bac pa-cbai ed ilye iperafrc i "Rd Bt Gssdbg lor as uedlelead iasoci of main". Tilsosaid iin talra 51il oibila FWMyerau m toA a lagrogs ai lerli0e mouilleaset ideisha wmba cm 1 Ibs& oat. opl testlThsdy, afler jitle1 dopa f culiiaci, Chasonc u çeeplsliaiiey in Mlton ailbotis du psr oc an telissate levele FAhccled @ailuosoetetmgufculya iera re Iletdu secildeldiecicca bie parleers -bi.9 Tp«rbedisa sil eseat ex- Sl pjisbd%set w alila5108pjieilag paon. *mistn.&tpbmm ar du GoidlagaMbl1osaahaeb d eJsete osa and boe WleMts.îe W alepntff. r 1 ' nm Il le ylve u svsrsy ssem- alse basbcaeelsley snaee suif sado artial sbie iroesF- swarsjclribillytl 1fl 1 cEt hY'es a u ilasahmai bedu lairni sil ock c elitlao.ropse-

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