Theaesen Çlwmpbflue,WedMo ntest h ld1 Oebor ssdi UelClems lafloge art con- lb. wlouer for the Jr.clans was Pouls Day, Gade 3 whogae atalk on Pelicans sy Brazeau the lys rophy cups orloiCecompeîlio The faily fun fair hbld eacb pear at Perey Merry Orbool by foe. Homse ood rbool Asoilsion la schedued for . Junel12frota 12noot 4 p.OI. The Salarday nighl ruchro party at Hornby Centre had die ojoucra. Mro. AMlau Cleoseols. Mrs. Clora Prive, Ms. Edifo Dilrhfield, Phd] Landry, Jack Wilkie, Ralodi Feadierso. uperial priovo, Mrs. J.C. Cunninghams, Keitir Webb, diroorere ten tables ofplsyers. Congratulatios ta Rick Coradisi second sou of Mr. aod hrs. Nelis Cradini of lbe Eighdi Lise wbo graduated frota the Royal Roads College, Victoria, taC. ou Friday May 13. Aleodiof fola spinal service ocre las parents and broter Fred of lloroby, Ont., a1las ister & broher-in-law Mr. & hrs. Paul Larkawicz, of Whte Horse, Peck sit bo a cansaioaed naval offcer in the Cavadiao Forces. CoWgatulations are also in order for Rick's brodior Michael Coradivi wso w iill graduaI. (rous Wesern University, London, Ont.o Jur 3 as a tarthday freetinsn od ail gfoud sishes la Mita Hedi Noah aod her mooder Mns. Eroso Nowak ou their speclal das. A large parly for fatvily and frienda asi beld aI the home, Oerry Road on Ssnday May 16. f 1~ o~4nén tïng Guiding ~sisue 0 tup<,~5doccu055 l val a"b bui asi tes sd PaiS- e-~by mb 000. ai i Mlà e obosasls aalislvsdee *30000raig dee ludiicrafod tub VSgi wS d oasoe r&o et.taa*.s a M 000odl e a vle 0 uaasriatd ha on- a0im5ate be a illm it 1,200 f riser au - Hestaca ae ala cawud athef lb.fasdatou d CE,0Mdalubo6,0 1hff aim ri s leaos uoi sed to date lie BrisTroll, wblcb nums die laiglof dis corapaoet, cromm es is35-are CrawfordtUbm slte--nerGuepbUe amidStelu Ave. inaMieno. Crawford Lake te a mulrc-aosol fo ww me- ruly crrulas. lb. e lais Mfont doep, w9tl a surface area of osly about 8 acres, su isurussurface isater sivor pesetrates ths raid. donns layerat tibe botta. Au a resalt, sedimeut in dspositsdludnlatsturtllyers, wblrh makas ît Possible tdate p subly the maerialrcailud intheeil. Mmre dues1,M00peuple attesuded lb. offiloa le of lb. fuesdralslug ruispalgu atIhedi tb. Inter- Aiju"fty-ePatflthe envahie". Uàoyd Crawford, as u, rtlb. r lelag lhe elévated boardwalk rllg thlirloe. Ma sfasulY boi lan ud for lusuber, aliment 100 Yiar ago. dieu uold ta the oasor-vatioo audorlt te lois, ut hM odin 100 vubiotiorstrois arrois Haitooare tablug partla in hefuud-raisgraOlpallo. The Crawford Lakb site la vwuod by dii Hulasn PitegusConuorvation Audity, wwlarb oit operete the newfardlllisomes theproject îsrsuuplotid. fib HuIlas Iteglan Consservation Foudatlou la a vol- uateo group, de d tid l ralalag fatals for sperlal cssuovatiosprojeoa. M nor tee Party Foreign books et Milton PubierLibrary forilgo anguage books. lsrluds are boks la French, Cilaise, Cuerbolovabln, Ger- suu, Dutrb. Ilaluanod The boos ani banged dre ibes a year and ~therco iqau fu 11100e laleristidra drop la and browis Part o a rotating rai- lecton owned by foi South Central Lbrary Sysisus.tlb boose soO rmulin nMillonutil For lformiation raIl Mitton Public Lirary Green thumnbs Attentiasn Aprtmeot Dwel ero wbo want lv eserise fouir Groin 111mb. Hatan lentennial Muer, ut tub Ontario Stree th ,mblaMilton odll b mag avalluble gardis plata for diose pioplewbo doo't haesa berli yard f diir awn. if yeaire ilalarestsd la .0tdlu taitmaisuabout ts mblaoporsaty plans Conact ffMr. Mariais browaatlli-541. The Ultimate in Residential Lawn Care This is no ordinary Rider! This is no ordinary Tractor! 16 HP. Yard Tractor :Cugsto n AxI 16 HP Work Machine Big 42" Mommi gagebel a0 j5ch 0 o add! pureObse 5Ls .10 p Tas Cyeise LausTuifTire *~~~~~~~~ OWgiOa ie piuiAmaesoaTeBs au nTeldsr OotsaEoaeaeWeiebussdoueuUshfJssuSms aos.o eRdo qpnn .T u oeaota, osotuh.roThe .os iissu a l uOe I T e InduO stasi se .e«Exaorde or M hm edge&tas em ece wl te m es n iiguipmee.aenus C' e