Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 May 1982, p. 21

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WELD1'UDAV, MAYSl1500 THIRD SEC(TION 1~W.On 1ds Edg mi strigttitie gM.n. nhn Ainpuoloenanno hu"flb eolaineU MoIiIOOnoOu" B. a ht WPtl u rmMMIiLprolleosiBrice Mmc Raft'#Ë Ë4l&8;dbtea.oe1" tlisacyhmea. 'tdmthnnnwhâatt9atuttUhak' ottý~ .M mnhrsw *uysI MW lidPatteenosab"utbis effort." Ibo corah tald noplptbsi hWet 1 <li, tt. lnageo.i iiptd ttttnoabmt holohit Antth t* à lot ef penalties doutng the ha viIe *s~pfMOUt.Mr n et * rganMMet, klonlg snmé "Qt tabort<ho 01.>L&a bey am amota bokny clb tint lothi oeion on w wee Te da v atugo e ugam.Elna gotaoso."Itatitnr bytron, caecWho Vaosot Pti o ihlai aetn oi ao U~tBflw~UansL o initaIn ~ aunte "ili e &= Wwbp OWae balsaAut, belltota acrack eti05*100 'IM PàW sere acouleofbeyOsis Pittieti, 1, ployai"L8038e00%ffor MMts nea w e O4 t a 4 îe ari Usofti aasldlydtepptned o -e Nons=ibuntlltcoachcli cfJEStable. W. got flico ~ ~ MMotandi lhey <lin Ugo> ectrqid eenthhaiLnIU ~tbbasoddtp b te~e h ha it c de I aans «aet d i MM106 eW* -&W on y llbu=ttdiciteit Ue hutitt linwt c Jou M ar Uâtlls " paect«efilet Murray vabo Stan lg o- f tUenent andithelimt e ty of litaplayera ta otis OMM. nemee leploya naun bdifférensce inthn geneoit tliepdtaryrnemotelem. 1"t linladay teaon rry mach i beUndrtnlag ra 4fr ltgmne eorytlint Uy lied tu gîvo à4eros R ye , cen Iearn ns"ioneildt id."IelimantintataitUn v BeleyfdiloedthUntttioncfoagn.But, b added,Utan mcf Beltey si and lM.wereby fro,»MIHL successtory atntem Up~0ME*UJf4es aTitoade.MTtavejaevaMad sy nantit pay Un y e -e bo eeditit, bot 1Iceai hi et ilis. itr lea paoeU ogeexéuemarad Une <Mdt»nId. "For e a it ebo b l iy ployad it ie oger eraisg oyt;C U aisse hiuei t n go- ota syaar, Ite iMt ff coarnetetailg w nar <litgnOMM it rointoUmmlocelaboa tyerdm agnelb ie pretaeintacreitibteaM aneit oetitg 15, r5 "'ftahMMfltagtite loqruesybeêtUn lOwa, htinaeta. ear osenu nwot:l M O'04hwsJ. , tae Ortats wu tàg 1 u me e 'Ieyolwjin t e Ula b in onathetefth cgas *w Jnèwor n«gdbt plaers"pr tbýnuceusci tt item comes bock seat ye, 1viii bbal sertd yee," Hasttlféld± ~ u~ ~ ~.*~ ~OVlidiàOhW B midnt "I noud say yhUn jority of pityesn tti 1 te ucf yabsgabetain huboai..se re- teannhlrobitrnmeyr" n4Myon u tltemfuaiuio. Gervais nid b plnsintado e lot of amit- taheaUtofj~a"IO~U natW ta= d flvthUneoer:hing efore comngto a itecta<on about lht MIEL al I u»Chtieho' "eu nto = = in cliancfo 0W Nu auwUm sWt U n :"tuth tjU»jeVMcotuitive andtifVo ea u a aloit oftelé:about gopa rtetaig" b eid. =0=~ ue Wg **a . -laIlobte o nufu naamuempo ive*What ne may bore ta do taatort ait ovor tami ~tad.5aYB' Nta Meis. iaib omotag n -iVi:inelb <tnbdoyears ago. t lion touritaflvtgSoya wb Thwbsni4nquubnlieaithiisny? =ouaMW a oelorr lniormette orgeatioatnaa ce abeout leavlsg, btit Uny niddunt test "itre nbole tmmtwu nlb ulogc-nhy ttcn ifoesio,"laaeflietyao." ooeggio-is mec plsau anod u ttesbc"." the iado Unlsbast Un ablilty t e1i-JEStable défenctmen Jas Marsall opeistita SOISab oie.Qoub, OMM the MiM nin rn idft «esoà"tio fUncom Oud~ rry cf acortag vite linO ovrrfirn ntante amw£ous t ase itss. aan n~ onlhogaber Inganamsit *oailoin ta to :,ristgt n og perit on a peoa <con tabla" & haPet a a bl c evhwsehoollido en'ftethl <toaUn~uaoaa'giaieleraapst." 'Rnloa""i retlUuhipTbaa Edgas ¶uttbBd&@forcent lme WUn timdit il p vite jui U=r *It*cmw ndo cu otba Dbbaeoboi's non Vokntiner tic.. inuatesa nitg trom tmmates tcub» simeI ayomae lcand ahn t hrcamis an ii lyfnR Eiue mand larySeont.Lea tlion eoa ~~~ ~~teninand Untaim e Ne tdudog Tise ge tocitMcLjelate, JE Sttlfornni D"eMercliait ocoteiton eaa.eaomm&i elffort teaput i@ teom aead 2i-1. "Prit7tiI,,~glCJMnob0,.Tbey've t"I lagosplaint hm aB t nrtis ilitbon- Patuant awonidthUn finit of liet tntgoata $7dioohror OSM wnt 0 A *etqoni i nLions Clb Haiton May l, bogtntag lte enn is et tno goea apoce gstag it thU gEr lue b w». =*= "yNou b it e ii t @ il m. 1¶ckets an o cihand arm availaht.seond erioti. Rdge forntritRicharditMurcay Sier tsa oaleUi detWOet tlonm u uneta ealsA(Caeindsaon . Ce) b A happy ett Patesn carrnesthIe fropliy aronde it b.e alter Tbhefiacere Edge captared taseondsi airoight MIHL champtonship wth ani 8-5 in over John fluent Stable Sumday. P'ters«snamtnieit ployer ofth ghàfme with a deteemined performance wbich tncluded twe.gosat e i 500 Eight of 13 MMHA directors indicate they'II stan gn Zigltitnsoiinctudittatpenitent Bob Davidoon, tave tadireatdtboy citI stand fur ce- etint the UnM-83 execotiveocf Milton Mitor Hiockey. MurraeyHood hboipont the pattceeks anitwil cotitilitael inpropar aslsatof exocttive cftlcers for the sonuat genentl hockey omeeting naiest aity (May 11) ai 7.30 p.n.Stai te Lion Htall in MeoralAroiss. Th bt lea jt a tepreparation for Unexmeeting aid nomititoos for sl] position yUl b talion fromteflorst the AGM. Anyone taintetdin o wsbta on tir exeestive ta asake oitalutMurrsy Hond ai 87"M9Ot(homo> or W&5-lS(conk). Theoaoctationtla loolito ftoc membrcho are iltiog to wocl. Jutt ire nombra tenon lest yesr ititicateit Uney viiiont talse part osn<lie stat. Thoy are nrnttary Ricli Homoe, cho tais bld tho pot for tco youra, and dinoctora John Sait, Gercy Brtphy, ScyanoHilm ndoiJion Rodpatt. Tht stlata dots nst mots positions ast fttizeit. AUt positios aresoopen ducisg tUn meeting. The t otheUnstatasontac consista of MiUn Atkinson,, rt ic ie-proaiitent; Honward Scannell, secondt vice-penaident; JtdyfDitlontssrec; and dicectara Vitra Butler, Dunec Csrnlo, Jo MrCaon and Leccy Smott. AU iorvid on Une execstivoltestyean. Amndmienta ta tee asoctatiosn onsatitations wit> b talon durnsg tee meeting. The MMHA 01sir asptpadthee amencimentt Tht tnt soosito ontcoltettarge thee prenont onecoore <ron t3 taeil5oseohors. The oteer tco nombra coulit b itieerstTht rhsngo voulit esable fie ire ronvenor't job o herome s searat job. In addition, tee hotte ioagse aid Tier Two idiviios ouibo nittoi by sepeaatirectort. Thtensecond amenimont states Unat executîve meetings staîl hae aqorumof ns len thon toron iiectet plusa ise preident or tas sominee. Previosly il waî tive dirertors ptus theepresidont orhit s nnsee. Fisalty, the e ecutive proposes rtsanging tUn crent or theeorganization toa tstylo vicrli il b sonnaittee meeting. AU roidenta of Milton or thee ritesonst ptaying in Milton Misor Hockey tee eligihle ta voteandnstand or al position. Hull roast a smash hit Brother Bobby helps Dennis in successful roast hy flCIAgL BOGYLE It cwu publictsasthUnDemnis Ht Roeat. D.t ntt letr lrateer Bobby HIll ta tan, tUn Oplln>ust Cube annela rosat toma itaaohm o rt hely affectio nosthon aoythâelot Thn hilyitynconst, hlghy en- tutainitirosat 5rrMay iight etthUn Cpt- inti t nr w r esa cuternlrd b he more Uhni2WStepmploita etitdasce cho seemai tetaenjoy Uhe rtihers' fteadiy lIitning noms astythtag aise. Tise other rerais he n»ithannutl rout neemer Chtcplagftcli Mmcl and prenenit rolsrrommntatar for radis htoadceta cf TorantMapta Leot gomnes, Date a lIt, former Tuaonto Mope a dftwoCIan Jho "Havie" MdCnny ehir ohnAllas Canneon an etw ttr Lofa. Forpw erounte Ro Brewtt wu tUn sauterof ccramon- In cooteout ta, prevos.route, ebere Une rouatera tavotd tortes ta iiit thUn coateetht pairs uitossnieloa tratgght romoodr ehow cheea najortty of thteotera taM eà vrety of vida- raigitg and humormai jolte. Btiby the, apetclabl naudiaeein U:.n picfhhed ufor muaetaIS4 aid &ories. arg fjl Jut Tenon and BOOMtsssothi' ta dom"et Ult oecn vte bocroJeof tonit. om a cver- - tjoe sdd4#çba uOt niltUn satirise bi. dry Inrish hanevau cci e eivet. MrKonny .rat a surprise iisappotatinont. Meooneit as a gnoat hsmortat itsning hie doys ct theeLeatn. MrKeony kept hta speech short aid seemeit nermas. Bot it cou the Hla ltteryonrame to sot andi tby vore ont ditappeinteit. Bobhy Hidl cas at hio hest, signing astogeaph etre the dosner aid aiter the onât. Hia speech rontaiseit nony remen- heanrettcit isdoys vith tUn Hawksanad WinnipegJetsa scel ou his receot highly oblirineit divonce cite hio vite Jounot. Of is rcent dvore, Hall saisi. "My cite maeone a ndiionae-t ooeit to tave tour million." Bobby sismiatit the fine tandthe aduolation ft-the Uaudioe cho aitlrn- tually nattait hlm play ta Une prime of bis Idfe, cao obrios. Bohby Hull receireita standing ovation trmin the cracit befont aand sftn bis speech. Tatlng for 48 miutts, mach toogef thon tUn tredittoual lb minuteo, ta cou obrlonsly ostjtyltg hinslif. At one peint, U thqf~ raiteranotit be "cwason osanad aneouragbd Hlli ts contiue. Altr tUn rasot cou om- pietait.Huit oued Une micotplonse*git and beli thenfir fur a Uemiauens otse Smssof tbai huaiImt c edabruai by Talon. Ameng Unhe d*gtea: fltbsguabonh. playOs InteUn at- los oke a - - ein bot nonequais.' -"Anet ttre ssy Tomonto Mapie Leaf (assis the audience? What are yon dong in an Optintat Cuh? Sono sights the Leass ent tsrhy o get nothivg.' -"Jits MrKtssy-a logeaisff te -"Jin Letton, do yon linon the sut- tortore beceen an trish cshe ansi a cmnding? Ose teu drunli.' -Somone toIt Romo Beecitt Ita c as being htaian80Optîntat Club and ho rame tare tn get htsases rtarkesi.- Dennit Hall tonli a gntst deat of tine esplsining chy he toh it I olsier brother con thebest piayer to ptay in the NHL ati iv gond ton. "DisiWayne Gretoliy erehbet op John Feegoma9?'*Guy Lefleor cones in v r tht hluotie aid stope, Bobby kept on going." In thteid, thetwIo brotherno tanid tbey'sigrown tagthon titre theinplaylng itays etiteit, sbritly routd't httag <bonvelvoo ta itsit ote aothen. Anong thoenthUnaudilencre n Denan l s's former Banmmta on Une MPH ifie, Jin Peppit, Sobby Mtd's men Ble snd former NHlL officll frent Tise rsatraison fonda tor Unhenvecal putl ect ettheOptimist Clb. A ffluaa a «Wnt avalalatpires an 'f

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