hêr fuhur, o mg ad that Bq$" i muaWMnltMw meap= mmm- 0 - -anmin-g & .10 me bu dm aDm .Mdlft& dm arnon thaatde ttagtabe 2 t e fMu.McLnatdW &*tabut taenwaadfalnrHtbSext eSg taclu btmaab m I tilmdoaumssga flw meuaitm te Thea ui enCtmatqioas, d, MayS5, l1%2 I Mnthte 'edataasam ta r e Mafith. teacbara ta lthe day cure departmeut's budget Mru.I MI,, d h, ,I Im relieved, sheusaid but y should reaaty attmin..fauham ofai mDaiea 1.~5 em Opa WliadagWtt udaâ 19 P"s dE Muw mta&n aMt.a atd, &Int X:.bu=s amo bar dgtn tthmbae liv Phons: 032-.057 iftm ge amal iwM X1e7 zy ~ 14t IJbdm'sbasiafetrMOn Uba odyM, itM calt bu vilb* in-at Sauitg a andtI~5 Aie boe ava lf, a. usautbe aad atm cents Koalm liPNrUO J.WKND EVENTS MOTIIER'S DAY BAZAAR SA JPyMAY Si.11 AA.TO 4P.M. Slohaaa Vhrohi4aet,153Branlt,uin (actase trom the Post Office) For 1..b Crafts, Plants, tiated Gonds, Giffa & Bontisl 'Weekend for Two" flaffle, Tae Roon, & Poster Contest, ton. Ore. Parking and Sabyalttlng Slxth Annuel BILENT VIGIL Sunday (Mothera Day), May Stii, 2 to,2 p.m. SecrSihPak, B tdti Feafurbtg antaddreaabv Dr* Martyaret White Fonnder: Society Protection of Mei Unbom Chefl end Wortd FedatIM of Dodone Who Raaja.ctHumaLite. Britg your fanoy ani ffiand, MAIN or SHINE bookcset lsmy NMS ibU Patt . j és. re booka tn C» db a a ...er Tbe booareaammaagd jýw? "Uool mmeaj.tasbybh fn mi oqile Ia'a êm ag, D..aiY mmeaab thae Umm i~a iter am hb Mr m Com ahiIb. adat b w alyasumbacu uhabapi smae c eaetta eukweew ban M* day tibmday. lma tadeguIL inth. e tmatd0( Pt ut a taticl» Sulvution Army lis Maplehurthe A imtb~*m rm bafi aa e. t thastreat MadUgnmaedM turs! atbes,sevl a jail SoSah Castrat Uàbr ipaq.wSta tadvamd ta ebooks i MD autin w ** 4ys t aMr Itoewitnsatoidaates atafatin catit "-- -prsn - h. OUtMita Pidtiboubmr note n' tmomi t te itmiwvat NUfoassebat10 s fbttiuld e m » tui lrds. è mto laa te idb and. at tatabmgdfl*Mtard ma aa tal thptlet ad atac, sa rahas f.mi sui 2.A am au ...g ba taW, rumm albaica at K Maeet'ano nàrh suvMW a MY rm er, b#ai& Wufltts'.la &b iba wW 2b aulohtmt lbtdm eapm th* dara»lm*for byaan aUs bu.h eu a Ua t ttas S d 1h urce w h. araî rin h renh1- tedant giwardEdaU A tant mbtudgttb Tarata tar q~ ovtg SaurdyfMacturle , e = due M' uec a bgw db e utu oi a"a0btàta ____bale da inaat am =M1ayri Wiaoffioyma a aantyWahmai ofam vd e.u mm tNw. Uneiof -Bad **DM -O. ,IiA Th SavatonArmy we count on your help, so WCcmia go on hcling others. For 100 ycars wr've been counong on youu. And for 100 yem you've been supportinua. PLÀgAEYOUI tC0NTS8UTt0N TO MumL ON Cif utAltmJ GIO ILc. 'E~ W~W1~'! met CoeI nd s» usebSIIodon ofotdoar s uit'hanscrpr pntitrbrushea, exinon mpales, wlre bruie, and pool pint Cofmaaifrom a ielacin of MI =Mtc,= yirV"Snabllo, 1(=)iI The paint and paper people Cs.haUaguide. paousaie. StClacawllI match the aauaaaor lfuud aallaaaua au t 30 daya MILTON MML 878-2629 mMendous impor ý,dý lhý;dd!cý ý. three-&nd-a-half