Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Apr 1982, p. 34

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Dse 8 n r-, aiash -Du~, la enbbS au adid h la 9 s e 09 Me VAIfS Y tam.*3 feriadta. Mue" au badol b e*5 Ol 2", el 0* I iD . isoin AEJMAWAJDNIGT AND DANCE rlaA et 8 lBp.a-Ts b.kkil et NOUB MonehiAeaa he Oh. sA tS. Factorimg Gery Ap@ sud the Flaab ha.5T.icksts MuOwms S.atOy-.415 pr -Al .. CELEBEIATION CON4CERT Feldmy. Ap. 23 et7.4Bp.L-OB sdsy. A. N25 Dr J.. Arassm& PaiPeseet Em*ai d ap&ta b.k u»onite si yeurs oflalIbUW Gspel attataley. A saresd soncet k.mrhg Dr. ad Mn.. sahuiy rsusiGospel IsMBs Jia i la s he mala itla et Essam- An ua SophCecb sut2mCo.mmecital IL O OMRndy. Ar.00M D. AsastesmiVAR be ai the B0eVSSUIUF i.,. and 7 p.uL .hk sedmo. Everysme haraly In- vfl dt sMy or auBOai *ksse 50AVS.a.e.1 RUMM1AGE SALE Ptlmy. Ar. 23 Ios 103 m. t12ua- PAIspics c De Rils- amAms*Bsy MILS. I iez..Ckams.M5a the Lewer CwbhMaO.Gad md elssbhg, AVCTSOP4 BALE FsIday. Ai. 2380e1.30 p.m.-EbPmPms United Cksreeb .03"ki m m- asalmaet ShadBlleallonGmslpbLi». tOIe.. um" m" of . lwbay 401. Pr«esfOe mensoeh mats. Fe tubshisrma.n ploascomil $54-2414. GARAGE SALE SatsedmY. Ar. 24 ona B a. LBte21 man-Tb, MB01m MnerSa.bmfll Asscia- dma LdsmAmtsllaey w.19b. bolding a ~mo " met.0Rotary Park. Aayame .1b. las Bm d.mm.Articles pase cntact Pet Sbsdememt37814. SINGLEW DAN4CE Stwedy. Ais. 24 et 9.30 pa-Ibe CtbeSB. ugb eAdoSb 33*06056 of leiamBIsmI ak heïr 09.0e aodancei la S. Jaep's PrlitHll, M S NrMhaseS.. Haâtm. Ticktos t tDe doe '.9b0*2.50 fes e mbes and$4 Oemimmbso. Pse obsher henuaOlsoelil M-410. Shmdsy.Ar. 255 At .34 p.m.-.Gmsot spsse ar BitlM" AlAS .Cob bc b .=e eiGnt 0.1eskin.Irke inb. As astiIsC tilmai tssns" Alian cse Cb. 9. US bskrehg .10 mbuS oth0e missiomfield. AUl are wel' SUDE PREZENTA11ON gmay, Apil 25 mti7 pas-Dr. lRtichard badeUs w90bcpresentlmg sllées toesm 9h reeatrsip t Nicareagua et the Mlca Soptlst Cb in h litem Cetemsil Pmar. Tis nws mamedicml trip Oe,,Ey SENIOR CSTIZENS' CLUB M Wdoada"y. Apr. 29ntm .3 ,u-ss1 meedag ai LeghshHll. "OLIVER" lbsesdmY. Apr. 29seBm Body, May i et B p.a.-Tbe E. C. Desey Sc@A&soIf stos .1990bcpoe-thg 090" sprg mamunique presdtmof tDe plmr r anient "Glse". l idssaoa ummpesaOtl Osale gae a" mèbr O6te*.s. l bc àa mee male mt E. C. lesey Bwlebksmrd. »chantl Stasa faiien tsai. A"ita$3 sudentBsd museeâlitasa 2. SAJOGAIN BOGE SALE Fréday. Aps. 30 ma" Btsday. May -Ssok Sale 182 cnnsa mMilieuta Blt. lisaomeatla a hrgai ta les desg ce ue ts.and a spgmashod by tDe Oiver- sitY Wamesm' Clmbscd0Milieuta hsder Oe meeamy Oelocal snmeilps. os May dommge aed 90.9s ad bave tDem pahed op). y eaBgBlS40se579-7*l. SP1ING LOJTCEON FeldmY, Ap. 38 rauIM 00.mtauB2 p.im.-Bhfr Pessytehu Wsar e. holdng a houchon ai fi. Dat-'a Preabytehs Cbseek h Cpbdliilie. Fe tckt Psenoai 864-210ser 7"M0. SPRING MUSICALE S"dy. bMay SmOnt.30 p.rn.lbe e ltO CiserlersUS penatt Defr *pis MiaelinhS. Pael'laOjmtd ChercI. Guest mrtieUS b seubes ofthe 9010.Piyes. Adlte i3. stiista il. 'OhbOaue5IImb m h@& 4eu.eubes. QUILISIIow pffeyMay I7 tesdmay.*My -ise Hisamm 4Sses' GsB's 0.0*0souantl qli *» wO'bc0WU m 0"955date mt Temilgral*189 ileset*0Tafalar Rd. Ad Mwny 3SinOve. Alaicg ls. Fe uses u'uaih.coeilMe. jacky Idy eg 111140117. SENIORECiTIZNS' CLUSU8 aoy. lMay #il*-Oouei*ml Big'lât etMohlsawk Race liaek. Fe b'aapemr. Kids -Win a biks chldoat ob lgtle btaldy in -sadrAisoS oeim~lO U9fW~mkAdmSus <oIL Mass 4*5o 91ilaicounety Moite nP0*. Vecrsa s0t - pr pp.Èt, aasode stats et.. .Oqps boe M-intg: 3 b.drorrs, goca600ta.. Matinof t eatueettos. pttiltsbutt tknutss ilatne", toPte, atsaota OtasMica . 6 tW Te.,, se"t«s. LWatps au ebtst es ttottTampe tit14%% ttanc.e tt Mtg. peti 19m. Cal eCaald. P"» eau am wC&OBtl. CSJTO0M tlTIOSALOM4RaL Thouepiltet unitqe Rat*aCoptse lilt 200 lotttaapciplv"otEmcap- latH orn t B metreilat tao. sude 2 ments. FutaeoBMBk Ico*001 idy rcaot St a ot IPOgpatoàau"p9ys" pilot apilmes, bep tta t lde itse. Spot fitaseslgVstlagiintg o wtaC el*lo- leu tatette iote Plaeal OCarcle StonhbO pls, lag Oboleil oete lt soariumat, ortJoBt MtCpt eppot hOykiche. Mt o d lac«pO80.. lttti o.., e. Asble *116.0M. Cal tstgs*Wit- Supe luw3 bate ta aaeoor uglvWt nwu lmutee a 23M0 q. t. Ma.dleg Hre. balttsep. seat-o kttcae. 1 % battu, tstty 0Metng: 4 bedoota. 3 bath$,. tan film l tneetd r. aPt, .009 tbieck ba t ta tesplâee Istttt apto'nwtt int,sp circlertaSck1 wth hasdtar louCt to shols. 131% eaica, tainpipo e 18040pls a 10laremai Otnateca gueO 190* Aag $7,9W. Cai *410.al 13%%. AglotI $129.900. Pionf I te . carse. ailMkMogan. 4 Badtmo o.h t test osiat. sositta10 4 Badoopt, -Statetb" eb ttu m0 ale Mci toe ei41t Mtp. Lg ktpbwn, lltsiBtor f byot, taeedsy amS, lae foIyr, capo.rat Ointa so..maoins. fateil 2eoar aae. Co.e t etretiotal fheilital capte.22 t.splacess te. ain a. 19,000 a end thol. Aahtg $128,0. Ca BSta Brik end Aleecinu hSottathonsos oIDUffm uneAB.O ftasees. 3 bedocpeto 2 battu o.prgeliin.g Suaso 2 miles West ofCaetpbelle tt fcapt. ktte w ah dntate. a, tehd 401. 1 Aceu li atM istge Mapiest Home bassit m itenance me.. top ao andw hitsphtt eontstrution, 3 b.doo, s.p- lrtisntatrt.tamo.ftttes. edorttelîl atbtlivng &diningtpopu mane tep, lau- cle to itacsat eo.tgas. Aketp tdty.double garage &618'x 40 worthop. 75900. Cal Linda J. MLo.. Rodei O$M.900. Ca Liday J. 1 '- w M laple, 19lambaaeotiL-Ptap.4 twt*y tap e tOlhphca: Lao.dsy tape at soeata Os wosbob h:Pto«otsy nly epd &EtoNpsiaprWWca .As.tng $920. EPlaicoueol BS 090* 1 - à. - la AM HMSY P1 souuoTO Utique 2000 sq. t. casmot 6.1k M0 ".ta.et .t-tasttiag, 3w tx36'18blc Stabettt um oaa.4-5 Bdtt..p onOs. oic, 27' touts mo.fan*tBytomsi, 3t0.- Pas. caPt, pattans, ontilepd. up- gaffd d mepg ptmatg 6$m'm.33cau CacataStoppMtpS JssMcCo. 63.4 Acesseti 6.530 pus «Me pstO"e tntd. For m etpss sle*, plsais cd M 0655. To ats 4 Me ab&o,ops.3 âhs ast 55 bittew o, o=tble ivng là dnIghtpm mta iooflot ale caosbthe M*pta& a"tattHotos. tauatoil e 4s0te54N*h0 - rcldbtoopSno wahedwopd tops. Subta a10% Mtg A.khtg*10 Ne.01.4o a ty sSett n.oglW wooded v*Itb me, pond and nturt.... s, is.ta algwt 2-Sts.ty ftur«: CntreMU. la g.» ttv th dpub itsbg mons Ostet. for- "a fivig r mts.. 9.p - com, tats.iY roo wth fireplasta & beaustie oeettY lut- chan t .009 01980&MbeBtinps. Akinq $189,00. Cai IltpWPto.. W av sek iattes lot.d lote te 401 & Mâitwtsa, otbe cirthontse.ansd et fflv5r op ethath d dtit.d optggoto fromtage. Aules.g M9,900. CaOU Ciytet si110000 Sopasa4t bolt b69o. Iop. Upilsdod capsisg m Kin b 6 &M9 taotss.. btpaeatt klte.l.st, iassips.o .09m etils..M wilo p apatt.an32 t tilcaopd taPi" P ms am tw - Dnd ln tits htou 3500on* ilQplrst ogtis StyZht3ypsott oboiiisg ad filsetoiss at-ta itctup, tOasltg room.b.ds.otm es ee a ae o.psl p.oaotmo - rd01ad sstilhhso..2-Ca. Garage wnd pace,0lkPt f te o tteO com, catntsi un eaculmot14% M*4f.1*0Plamaendtus i. e. g wd&«rpaym. tAaMg Donne Syros. s u W.Cal Mdiosgas. CustoNntbotts 3-4 bs09s. o.a a-H kItca.n, cte. ço3*&m.ot oo3 way to., at 3 patta400,,2 tkspta.so.2 t..ilbattu atd 4" om Mdn M *MY romvth 1-2 pt.Laffl .tatttltt e. w passa ti &O ftaptats.. Lttety Cts. st mr oft speyfl . mstyotyetras. Aat.itg 279,000 atnd mete spatattala. Pt. ab oelCacalM M" ~ I at twtlotJaaoMoa. g.PwucamscB0solsa ... 3- o =t seh o, st-aktbs.ie. ph FrI ats..n noa, o4u. malhs. 1sdAB e 79pl0s al OS.ail adnss. e Atetosphe 118MM) LoghPuea o.h pie flhotts. sall panedots.dpoped mmocle- piace. Ws.g hSees ta, tathew 0h Fro.lein Slow,. lh.place 4 eiwotg bed- eon patail. tp.iea loci poend BO ank B.... As.g $179,000. CaUil l gtt. Lecalsd itie opibcingdtaes caGO Tan,.datppltg & schosopwA cota es.- .4 yard. En" yMthfor.m a Os 4081d 9 tapIs.. ut-ta bttcepte &sTala, teist that efoy tome. A*Istap$101,11. CaB Jpo MCao wrctle ts." Vn-oarsa.aM TOAY Ceeo ha e tm tpttttap. 5, h01 euneque3 bodooptebtangao t3 basa. tttatcd wtNbpins. basm là tsolettd Brick, lag opatteboasta tospise.là toge as.ty kt- cew oth atoetd ttt etdsy. denwiotO wet barEOttahbptstPPa. FteStis.pes- s.edy opwn s oit tttnt t&tems CM Sot Ca.u14n *219,00. Gploa casai 2 ate is.g o.h e s.tomaebift 2tomy ttteci in the uebeatabtae Sugd ewns, atit, qealit lhtteghtet. 4 Ba.troors..3 batt.,lo.ttNy tope wittt iepe,. tostKmfloietndry & eo4 tope, Cbalce.o depuontg O&capets. Cas S asa*dy. y. This toto s lacs 4 bsdroosm. s.tat flo.o.ly toon, 2 bahs..extia leo o CadattaailePssa ce& St al & Vss.dos PSM5*9.e01.glutg- .009 % downtett15.75%. Tis 4bsdoo, 3 batita. .at-.e itetusepsat dleieg topte. ilpe tos.m. i oly 1 Ye5 01. Aoblep $119000. Cal Della Lasese.. Patats. H xw toal 4060 p*4tdAgý v gotamttooo.stointeXc*tfWpilcot3ist t5 ougttO. ta sogstim Ha.titat $300,000. Loutttonat20 scruoofatosilWott itg: atmosptte atto-buBt MM m u. t. GaSonle sth tadittloWCae MaS.m tau bRt-ittEta K. ta.Inglsatad eIm- mtitppa2oo nt.datsbo.taM0x36)ut55t baxtatl. Cd tage WwHM. PeatOulLa.9B vb 46.t& caot.tao 130000. LaPso te ss vy ucota e aSey ut .01.4 09oba. Mn*istIn *tssutom 40ICspbeOil.. Thsm ast itoe tWe Si d etlattasdt Md Wa insts. o msae tfu cape. roc ro tatsW dePilntl m Mti ete. Le,.upasato2-pasgas~s. Gaoo towetaan. Cl u ls.sWa0m. Titehs a 104stIlfot 09e 145 «r 014 tons. ottletboaef t e Slse D.uieg ph... ing Pin $279,0 JoantN Suce main Et. N.stld. cte ptetopsltay ewow*s nte a. 5saon a bey .we12 ser as.i thts ly Catadiaesttaatear~sgeSsIat staotOtOi.y iingctnottt itt ite totos' th flan offl o n.ling Irvig.5.. a, atsgaett onialiis.g amt, Gloe-a. pbtbssslate. at.00adlt.ttg toose. tastils ta* Fit.m,,Fec welthDao tc.ghs.et. raptensd acotrykitcttat. Plaita esostat ai oom n nc r.Ataivo senatarn.teBatit.. hstriePotNaV. 90. Plsa. oel Catcle thillor Aemtag $209 .Coli g.WVIthttta a@OU F.asetgand Gwtt MStttp in 23Bot brictk Tapttoreth t. ositthtd ntmMuot As.a 95000 For tatnty ooil lre mi-in Sa thm utt otee bÎvorttts,attat a i tto . .tashppntaand GO Trant Phascal Stutt Toronto LUne 826-9218 11

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