TlmeCenodien Cit~lovpialt. Wed , Agir 21, lUj .~ tM50~ *sy. ui arisRae% rewî Lmel fine'O vis. e, taset ai., Fraeq~e ati elgfe the Poul CailiY. ernrel manager etf gi: ABeOw - eolew~àtsêbIgm atety poles, sosil, andaiter malerlal cow*WIe, lIedetg at twetaamgslate h.sourter nie vmb% te s fetad on th. laite bottera Craeterd*Le IdiedneaVllage amd orns- leormnatirn&bu acmsuai t h«r Otit es el clreed treu0beul lihe - Italentroe tb aotheesha.UnMe y dto oslmeday teniMay 2 leclade e dslayaf troqueis 0ne l8 ~tbwmoevamteg Plpwers lm i te tZqa pipes fraie te flalOntario Maasm, Oln-wek hgirndeg , ' tcat CÊâwacLsIrn=h. blet. lit kthe mee e Inndiean Amci- My 2. Thie e %furdét hogoy* > d* * yi la me, Otaro; Indien arttend sigaigswtalow end arrame ite iMEgr sapesent tla shors. drawe eroM ances by members etfte Wod- cereiesal snt t lie fe. lte am! ndlaCultural &MEddtcatieaeCentre et te laite. groond in s bot-air balse. talete.péicnhaBrantford; bird h.ndlng demotnt- TIi. larget-aheolle ajat amo elie tref lthe umofU itae and srrmedaig ends. rations; and a eonservationexhtiibition by specl emios lainned aiCrawford trate loary cameps*g chairsm, Moln thellaltos Regles Coanervation Audlitly. on nïh Li esnt teelAevenue-fr 10 tBfurton, te former ptwesldast etSitspses Visitera wil be able ta bey lunchtet pan- e .talop'en. Saoady, lIspS. AitmestesLtd sollaissol à i h.ettficiale eesplge cakes and sausages durleg te day-wltb efthlie Public en viti tea atemd ititaf cereseosies et 2 >m. Resent proceedagalg te the Craseford Lake cana- CrmefociLaethe isite etlif athetm tives et the povieciligevremesi sell palge. Pis and pesters w elm bae o n accoratély dated prblatarlo e aia vil- cot e rithes ta opes h. elevsled bhoord- oe. lsgiele ýCan .ostsrutioneoite Iret et selit ahich its teh.laite. Crawford Lake ha locatad an a 150acre et least six leegbmth ltImade op, th. Na ester ativitie. soil h.erm inad sieteacapred by th. llallan Rsglan Ceirer- orlqlvUeg-wjlslnlkdfro eCrawford Laiete p thre 1h anleevaliote Athorlty mare tUrne tayenrs ega. 1414 ta1 ît.o~stis s memr, Te trucurefth laite btci oSei n . Ti.forads ar e hlsgrali by vluateers Vilage bUeite loa Canula rébelitth. boitto ta srrangsd ha dietitot loyers, fraieaIl corne Halten, warkleg with 1h. e. lite §Rd le. ecthser.eearttmers t. date acer- Hsltos Itoglan Conervaton Feendatoln. Preserve historj' A 9le of lt e iatry et Nantgpwey,i'awn- aIlle" aboc beteserved . for Wmgeners ÜM, escocdleg tTwn cnmillace. plan ta allow lit Campbeflvile Hietoia soc- ety t puss smaneto the pletues, recards appeered frap lteeap wi ie f.raine lehave bern reterred la Ternastaffiteworeetl t itiatheresidenat lifte Ta HEd, TOWtaNr OF019 t 2:0 PA 7ano MTHEa et- MNITN DISTRIC HION SCHOOLAUDITORUM How to select a replacement window Ail replacement eridows are mlot alike. Thre bestvalue ie replacemret wndows cr11 combine conrenent and ecortomical installation, eeergy eftîciency. and easy cleanrttg wth no fleed t0 erer parmi. ail backed by a warrooty. The Woodoor R-800 replacemenet codow meets the challenge The Woodoor R-800 eplacemttor windoeis desigteto fittrlgt tc, yourreeisîrngarindot rarne Your oatactor can instal R-8000 replemoret wndows in a mattrtof horrs Yacorldeverdo ilyorrseit Energy Efficient Wloodoot R-800OIlare rontrrrtedofo tton-onduOcling, rrgged white r,,,y, that fraya erarm o thfe t0,0on0 v the coldoot ays And o 1mfaIera o, rfdows erertnoer arferyetrciet, eachreflowe 1 COmrpltely weatferstrpedtIo eal out drats and Cold Look fr trIhae flrgy favr tg fbature OltheWoodoor R-0cyorte ing yorreplacemntit 0,00 Essy-ta-Clean 00,10the Woody,, R-8000 yor, ranty yourtladdar ooayCOr efldoaOOOO, be cleaned frorflthe salety and ContiOr4 cf the rts rde of your rhomre Loo to the WoocoorR-800eher seleclrg repacvemet wnoes the are easy-tocla Nover Needs Painting WO000,R80 00S are CoflStrcted Of tl.h gelrodeit, rrrryl Mltfoe, rteedsypainting They donf t,.ock peel or chi and willsayroo loo,g for years ta corne Look teWoodoor R-800 te seblectinflo lacerrnent Wows toritai flerer O efed parti 0. Warranty WyrdooR-8 00 epl.cerenit Wows arde toguarartoeeOto ho freeof, delerts iltrroter and orkrorsh;p and our rtfllatrtt g 01055 00l,00ftuiy Indusrtries Lrotted ofCeltraia Otlrtao.Corroda s orgeat 0,0000 rranlact rrer srply'rng;grror,ty homrestfor 54years Look teWrrdcro og -0oirreplace- ment Windowstat re graraltooo r Cau us today or ed in the ouponr 90Enelhord Drive. Acrora. Otro L4G 3L6 Aurora phone (410> 727-9459 rmTooto (416) 083-4932 Plaesn m orFee caaoeMiwR- - k- -- ~ ~r., r-~W~hfy4 ~ib~ei ~.s W-se' '- ~ ~beOr4 ~ e-r ,r-, o, Cil, il" Fund.ra lât