Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Apr 1982, p. 15

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Ta.smeChunme, Wo, Apr. 21, lm C Fishinýq derbies Fesicg de bibg and siaIt, have bien f.dtrdeaemOntario. li Mday the La"eTt" à= r Wd Pl dcilalâ e - emlinaeiehr soia vddt% eine much avtii Wities tetgst W~ , mcele eîd ut t ,btiisamaiy derShiammuitalehave beoevey commerceial siy p- oe m merciai proihicts ii ameadvertil in laa km i eapadlaestehin. atleela Hm tinlOnaio,àyearly clntdit et isilg derbis or teernamaita, la beginlg to, spread sel he rdnm le ww am Il »eM = YQU : not uippoed totfr fin,raea- .tairaibut for glry a"Cab. ti-edfoth largmut dur, moe oer jack rabbi> #m? ot'ncblagteaddvmairmpat. 1I" ho at yen denlt get frains cauusen it at orirter l-laenablt Nbdea"tu.a1 baveslk w meta> u cub, thei» U%4bky, the annua eltdgem.e aid tar=theld sacs January aetWdi m boue WObe kWodf duBIl Ilt weealt r oir Loua doand samlàeola anoime ha a jatiri e a gid ndexpaidys ebng takle jus> terthedislicy et catchqabisg kfi& Gosdoateral cemptitiaudie piceet1Ofe. Ilititl,hoseiver, mo ne od diin abut kig NâulscaiTbw ityhave glvm tiblnàg the elde PahltY:Udmervai FibngincOntreobht di. ecoaiy er mmrUnes itpeoplicea. - eAngli PMt6110nmilloens laOnaioins 1 gtes amperyl a say la nomer- cial derbies ane allen ta the art ofetng. nlie big tderby centetetin lapttingklaullaaiat idier msn, notet di llh.No louger dais the laxed teait, er oek trseord to a ai iexpecte hgtde. We tinkb dis la baing evecnbadweid bydidaite ah a big lla. HmOosBprsmnAsece.aLn ajed a iai uheot s>tlIhe club oai Geidly Many contatantsel or a bain orsapackage ettae- ty steak. Thanks o tha bard wSeerlugcret oprtisais. A gied day seas badl hy aIl eho participated. Tise ruteiier, ubich rimas. a conat- Unes base,ws eoed isn1la1tan aiipparmtiy tdu remin sadd tis lbr Te Ontario Fideratios f Anglre la : taidta die»tada>ae fuber wtidilocal meaihers anddthe MdaiutyetOakVdta Rse'sget ... gamieck innditd eli mting en Marayas JO Stable o ind the icerisg 13 minson teh coines> uhm DeekGritftiha ertrid diminga geal meudi aramble. Dec Hahkirk aid JohonRllyerà auasledonatheplay.C Hieeve, palsties, a JB Stable nin"mi, gave- Edgs terseard tee Wisnan eppirtety lie tha = wesih 2:37letintheatirst periid. Wu est laûh traditionif etnmUcnssae. ws parked ce Bile'e dnrtep aid barbet>il ln ove Ho glose. Pattersn soidErile Ellisn iasaistid oe haeplay. lArry Scott, wseb hdly damagid tendensinlabis haie shes c o hiedihat check oet ha nigt-o hip check ai his blaeline irensi Immate Mriay, pat lTe Edge in faitten a hp-m seiit 4:lt1 remainglin Illa ocoid penid. Ellfisan ad taicoptain Dive l»cKie sistei nBScott'n goal. Gervais said AIFnittley seil repaceiShall lan dis seek' gaiena ineseidi Wds anadEllim. Deug lTomsen ied tha gaie snmites ite third pet-ted. JO Stable defenremai Jiai Marshall wsa credted wilditheamint. Referei Beiba bhanded out fier penatties te lite Fdge, aIl milncra, oid 12 Penalties o eJO tte matoh nisn ad lour mierieducta, in- rldn dn ame misceiducte te Hobkirk, De Marall and Coeonai thauedeofth gane. lTse players tare finsaua a rsIt aid seil net ho itapmnded ri frer play. litissweeeha gams gita aiderseay ai 7 p. aiAdmis- slio la $1t and, if lus> seekns game la aey indcation, parkingsetillheamirnimal. Aout 700attendeduSunday evening. rocminid mnrmje îgt tam and tnecognttion othr year of mior hockryit Milton, lTe Caidiai Champion la tedoy ten'ete ta laiposeau ilaspicts if mne supplemeit n a "ie.dab k o ut te au the mreeiaaiiaiiepaibaic toenteWhoranm boue ate vpowt eiUaqPWlM id miner laitteeb, ise lamliaerronsualy r.- thidde datetfer C'.aimid - almeeting bErMtonMinoHockey. Ai positions are fotr grakai dii Meeting wSebWi byellleld l> icis li. tM lnitecmled ple a%ý' r egd te attidIn syieur emachance to do aome- lis. ciecutivietCEMUtes Miner Hce seauti. Will have areport niât emt. Tseo teaimua ii ia mt etbetpite ru- uttiin major hockey actin. Th the eai, OmIgedetenideracaptared dis HrdY Cqs5 eieieaiatig 0 et omdiate A calie, wtld igume aeep at Quew, B.C.,~e die inbGeorgeown. t>itai aondtinoteeicub teirh uai îl th ie oadtonatiaiaplaydotM. Cnrtulations go otttealn. oe milteu A bepedMd c-W-ly.Dug Fry, Mil- lie'itoppherftdiPaitseyear, playeda be pr Wmi cde' m mai ng ou it ld usr lg Lmes aid takdng erer as i tinn rentres. Mof th BsiniJ.seaais hn s take à4-2 sermes in. Oak"lI bad qute a seba aind appsaned ta bave Bt. Mikea ain dii repa i laisg tyice la dh ii trt re aani, balet twthe dinext din goarai onhomse ici. OiItvlU e wane' bsateno heslce en ymr. Bslcigoe abasebai, dii Mlon Fast- bilf" ta.selaait= aet ta;d.lnnna Me=rleaipberry heem the clidrma i tld aif d vie-puldn denla ilRa.m. a> the Miltoi Curing Club la, et- .e.=e = ..tri1e i gynf ear. Ml lpyera tbbaet hmca= d ti ther ua np mativeo ihaldLoistouch itteay Mut la u kais i-17 MilesnsResty lenMcHugh OM O,6 % 9 2 SI&rtRO51h7e-Na Dve Pel- leyihi43 MotSufe Equlpaient: Onu intte c>a- 2445. lliernborrote Ollirs: Trivor HRetoate04 1374; Loris Felm «ekMM5 liteo. Mtiba OldtiaieraFaidtfl tiai nIats praclising tamnrrme (Tl'uradayt ai 7.30 pai.l in elgym aI Milice District 01gb Schol lTse club w t ed> ho pared by MdltnMatil and ion> necintiy pucbamed nu brome aid gold uefform. Ineemted plyeros 5and ovint areascked ta raul elther B Daviduen t(WB-MI) o r Jer Auge tOhI-3tet. TeMittoteCycllsts Clubtw eti hpttiig on s dlay OfreBer.ridlng Saturdaylfrom10a. RoBler rding isvolvm dne rlIer druins. are the km f eroi- tgh t tto tatu' t un Tttedemnontratiur ýysïaequte Lred.ihey cycl n u30mnt stitts wtbheur breaks betweenssach stisî. lIse Miltowe Cychuli termed the club lait Y.ir. Ie club mutaievery On&"y mndîn g t 9 am..lait ldu teuthir ia Laid> fer aelocled Oet wbwt ike Hynes.Newmme au teelcane. aid Itecretiai depat- menit la fferlingiaipecal coe.for cernes.of aIilitite aognang May aMdcaing for fur~ coseotive wes Il la balc«ly aàJaelDOne couse dealkg weldiai coacling upecti. Each ofl.th fouaselos la lir huamrlog aid thetalc=9tpar coac in at sîe Mlght be a gotd way teapaid taiday morniap. AUl iner eo iplearamh- d aeaul Binie Wrd ai7211iîtaregister. lits Danmis "Hua Rtiton by the Opel. nit Club, atu idaOe i'Yt5 asether bain- huereriday Aprâ 30. Rout organie ClrilHeath lksed na liai diii BtbbyRaullt(Danis, peerer brother) for the bad able nwat iotdbe ailtej exrhasge. ite rout aites rlgially acbedlid for a mondih ack but aifticleit gLsd roeae e unavilabl dring the key aaai, Heatb bai ebvisaly mideiprae ipont- Pifleit wilh aiexcellent arny of ad table rouetera Jidl¶~,m MclCmaiy, terme NIIL A t im tickets remaln. Justgin l ock seith aiy Optirnist memberor call teOptiiat Cen- tre ai 7MI-1. Wlt theb.end ef hockey saun. kings ai mnd ltoaldi okygonnlp aid torien for asotiier =er. = lalatiinlry sebicla se5t ublished esrler eras.etfteclaical d n ticg(L. Vern Gobg aiked me nt te hecaase il mlgbt hurt, heiason augotialleait. Hoseever, Montocame pretty cime te kaviag a Mier Tsee Juior A team sait yiar. Peter Brisdy, oner of Bramtowarrrtth Po vincial Jr. A League, laiked illttn is ga Posible te rbsclbabu eo onillago. Oit ho dectded aglaisat bupflag Fipiraaid Oileisslal¶erTIM osehm oMnlauCui- li e Pridey bonte datai il Messorial Armae egyear teMilton Aeros. Hie didtet o esintervsted orben tearet anotttereaohliriay. "There's no sesle were meving eut ot :iB y Tecrowd fettewisg la piiinaBrampton. 1 eaildesesteMitonsaid sid a teck ailhd inmus but ouicant bhneseback-assd-lordih b- tsee tso armnas ai] ymar. Yeu bave to colt a placebhume. I1setuldi't bave loched Oit dent. Mfilleswouldbavebeee agoodpot ens>s." Bnisdy aine badi a few radier unhisd ceai- ment fordithees media aid Mâtnis teo nis- ier hockey teamos. "One guy bas heeu dire tir yesrs aid Pape r ycumlananilueniciediiheres- thh "-pae ad." Id ho sien aes acarpetbagger ceming iste Milice. 1 weuldntget isvveif 1dm ein rego- ig te eprobleais.' Versald Brudy seisn'tiserioushbut coming ta Mieldi th irs> place anddtl ier Two Hockey cemig te Milice wsnjut a -pipe- dream rn" teffluenltBramptonowser. Justfisal noti on tOit. No one huys dis neyes pagea if I bave any- thiug to d iil. There'o noudnebt Gary lTomas, mener ut Mil- tose R eatty Ait-eu, bai received a griot dia> ot pabticity ii yeir. If yeu seuh hici, dieugh, youil discover he baie'> lovid ail et il and aimte tdiugus ere printid (c.g. Tom Bull heing ai ineligible ployer> selach serin thdiitieas diocredit. Ifl Thomai receivid more dthan obsari ut pahllclty ittean hocause he shmeedsa greil des] ofeergyind eadiasm la building sp a quai- ity tai. Whedbwil itsa lToas or nmeoneils., dieydsaitget the aseelreatment. It's aifortunste tOit endiuismCasn'> ron- Moltn Oldtiaiir Friday Knigkte place> se- coid la an oldtimics hickey teurnamest playe> in Carlyle laet seehend. liriu e1 taia inlaha taurnamint-ail oet haa f ruai tha Golden Houmea. Mibe Riddsll, ai oid- Oietroai Caaipkillvillicas judged mail valuable playirsatheaament. Jia Gordun aid Jim Deadi seeMllten's top sorr. A 1 FORD FIN PICKUP -302, V8, ato. PS., P.. sp luselti'. 00.pnkua, uvsino t aIdiaies. 12»iembea ance FOD annt. icJB12 7197»0 in FIESTA SF0ORTI4ATCI45ACI> - 4 cýst 4 nerad io la.iletg hbuetaso, ns, dotf., W -ecoetud-,e ea eie. 54,10 km., Lie. iXW735l "4»7»0 l1n FORD Fai FiCiIUF 302, V8, seto, P.S., F.. raie, aine heiçint. sentat siren.38,70 kmt23,Otemi). Lie. 01i711 107 CHEV NOVA - 4 d,, eest ntsPS. P..,a. i. N31 318" 1077 FORD FIE ICiIUF - V8,utn adio, hiboap ea LOM 63K0U lmn GRANADA - 44 Ut.6O si4,mmi.SFI.. FB., rado. taiuriet .ahir oditisstegi, tined las, >.W. disi, 26,4>0 bu. hntancoefsF0RD0 esernyoly Is eul km. Lec. RMA268 6718" ION FAISMONT - 4Cdi deuni, e est, nuta. P.S.. P.a., rdis, ruat defrait, .W>. tires two tm, 3,0 k. it24,OtitLeo . P. KD913 $6787» 1Mn MEACSNT BOUCAT NtiNAiOST -4 rcl. nuoe, tadio, mon dot, >.. 47,20O bm2.0ittitt. Lia. SVE02347v 1977 MAUIJ CLOAiiC- 4 t, VS. auls. PS. F.. ir se eitiS.tai, lais OnaAM/ FM seroo.LceLAU429 $4 3 Un7 PINTO - 2 U, 4 eyl, 4 aunnd, tadio. Lis. RMA937 $249"0 1Mi FAICMONT - &atir, 4t e to1, P.S., FiS., raoe roi, defnoît, >0>0. rndiahlett,10 km$a, balance of FORD a,,rtv to 60,0W km lIi VOLARE - 2dtr.s ant 6,sats, FS., Pi, radiotaardntost. W.W,430>00bum 12.W i. ie PHO7 *548"0 M, deUot, eWW.LicNMH777 1977 CHEV MAUCti- 2 du, 6e tot P.S.. F.e .raduo Lic. MJ003 1976 MAVENICK - 4eut6y, eto, .raie. Lie. KRL132 $1611lm 1978iZEPovi - 2 ut., 4cet, aeto, raie, buebntunls, rnar dnt Soe o r Lia. MX0460 *33610 lui te1leu Doenowm»tnm tM aiD - 4s&0,aP. ntS, Pa,tnFn ns tsi aime -WIoI. s 16011s m.eLx Hw ee*500YI 800 tdBBA eu 1382EXrIe P SOP 11,,ýPS a 124e- 2-, ea- "-f AMISagsr ~ssot asig ssuet SE*" A* lmO gft iAINwco s .. j tae-es.,n sensi-ucCnsum*se~ee.~seens ne-ne~,es-.s ~ Rm TILL APvUL 301 NO DEALERS PLEASE mi - , 1 - . ý 1 -ý - , 1 -- -- 1 - - - - - 1 - - - 1 - -- - --- q>l*ý4wf. el -. --- elu 1

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