students vwsi îviauur Halmete. m ieauhi la ia à P teei lae hope the Prra: n miii i tees n eana- mlii WlI. Del Grades. a 7adatdSM 0m . hang kenmI c or aerge Miesresiamite widas', u s hthig prgrams. tligaiarse The name was changed to reflect the obvious gyJLtIE B OURNE SpeeWt lbe slhaCbP§mf A umm change im a prarainm -Y no- se important but in the aseofOe Parent-lifant program-fornierly the Infant Stimulation lia pregrarn wacha '"We wyen is develop- menlally delayed or al nul for deiay ifants, op in 24 muehsoin the Itegimi Mf Haltan." aye prograus coerdiatorrlililyPraoïa The prograoniuaes a parent madialion modael, lie idea hig lie parent hi lie muaI important pernon n the childu flIe. Cerlainly pregram loeaclare yack ils Oe chld, uba adds, but il s o s0how lie paretwhal hi do. The parent in lie use Ibat in gomng in carrylte program Aliougb Mi. Parsonand the 1acbon yod entg Of Haton Reglo'e big g-ee admiislirative building on Breale Raad i Okvlle, mml uofthle prgramtakes place i h home. T'haîns where Parent-Infant prograce vorbers go irs of aI-lhoy viilibhehome and moa an asseu- ment. "Frnes Ibal nuomomet we wcidd have ete arean the chld la delayed i," nope Mie Parsons. -Ton lie asenolie e voucddplan a prograis' 10 hp thechld reaeb hioptmum ptenial." TIb poraewmdd ba panoad il ithte parent, mnent = mehle home. The prograni pinnsed dependsonustliaage of lie dhld. Oe problon, ami wht parents wcidd liha 10on eefor tlia nId, ob- serves Mr. Parsnso. labysittm epaicipais, and veeig parentsecan ba vstedin lie evmninga. For intance, if a nIhilahovig problemu 1in o- mg emalimuscles and eye-band co-ordiation, art- iviien wodd bapannad to corec t010 eorb aput- ting theright shapainahélas.Ooe cue to mabetelbic vn os eah as takig an iecreain or a yogrt contaier, aad pullefg a haeoisie top sona chid cou drop chips thfniigl -A ltoftiagnyoucan make aihome," ays Ms. Parsons. A phyehilierapit la aise se staff ai Oe progran, towr ihcide ngosmtratls île a prevenlative pregrain. mc Oal lie earlier yen nat lie lum yen have in catch upu, eoplims Mrsn Parson Tuera are los Mofiingehappen'ig deing the iont yer ut a cbld'n lie, sho poitsel.tThe brai developses'iemely fat drintiss ime. To expiais' obat "devalapmOstally deinyed" means. Parsonnoten Ibal Oire are cetain mie- son in an ifante flie, broad general guidebines andthe nomoi s quit variad. There can ba ueveral reason wby a cild gt Council Planning meeting Thse Norh Hatos' vi.ld ad = 2nesda- & Dietrtt1gb oel ilhli a- dmisasionnsfee.oh in lie Norh: Ae vo FuWling lie Naeed The p=oit r: lire. Aen abolvohan an intret in public h1cm- mg.m. laly 111 tee lie camminiety ai large. M. Brt Ainld who la intereted in gi-Bn IonmesndMlr. Pi Caroy ohmo It oaiat ue privais boUaleg. = jopete Pomeroy hou» EijoyIt et GC restaLIrE " Chinois Foor " Buaineas Lue a Futly LicOiti " Ta-OuI Soi b"b(%i" shoeays. 1 In tieauOieePareet-lofant prograno deakw~ithreegroffpeMUdren. oaa gr"ep lcladen thonsechUdren Oiay ar oe gong t1010 dvelopiesitally behid-ntih an losa who have bami bore ih a phyeical or meeta handicap. Thes Oere la a secod grup tOat'set rioli for delay, sborbasthe prematurely borior theill child. A tlird groap iocladen chldren who are tnt de- inyed, but the potential for delay lu Ihere. MmeeCao ho the chiidren o dolescents, or Oe chldren Of homes wberO parents dontbkow os ota, oimdate a chld. Mf e, inaOene caes, il ou imply a mater of teachigpaetieiloR, saysPocnos hIe Parent-lofant prograu, wicb began i1071 gt omct of ils rerral front public bealth nurses, but liey aino camne fr. pediatricina, tamly doc- tors neff-referrsyhiand conimunity agencies. Ms. Parsons aye mmls people suea amlly dot- tr aller brt, amd be checks omt o haby'm-ile- Il's an intuitive lhir with parens wbn reinr tliemulve, nIe says. bey may have heem raadiit books, andiaiing to uler parents, and imay havea tealiglatnsoeehigis wrong wili llieir baby.- But proportlouny fow are seif-referralu. Mos camne frous public heaallbehcasu of lie waytlb public beath syus'mworka. Public healh nursesa eltail l firt-time moers 1amidlley con pcb uouswhoer 11the baby needu tu .bareferredornoL. taI hoapilals, liere la a public halli liaison ouas wooa in onmtact ithvilsutetric and pediari deparlusl, and oho woudd hnoW if haiSneel theervice, saynlMr$. Parsons. Altbaagh the pregr a uadmmniuleed by th 1101100 IegimialHUMallDeparmant, fusdiog fo r iR w , 1 i rc m th il Ta cnact tie prsgrama cal lie Hallon Begiona p ltalDeparmt i 2251or ffll3. os-Blood la meall Bea ie RED CROSS am Blood Donor >D4D) mmpt& btaveri) i., Staak end Seafood ncheone Id undar L.L.B.O. > vvicO it's worth the drive ta Acton saturdgy & Sunday 11.00 *.Mn. te 2.30 p.-. SLooklng for Gireat Entertainment Mn ninis the Lonnge M idlaye and Satoidays MIS Wr.a TEDARC D Champlea Na proâs baisthe cfeuerai ..has.le H1tooCaild&-' 'fIat'a Oie opinion cM Ha direcio t M Oe Onaro liW Ar hi favor Ma mYo tbaa M e mjr or lae na t , ho C ald. hi a pales enle. Mne IetreMor epii tednew yT'l.are a.a maor e cowmplat eversi o quant0ganAW a lait7get- lede pran a a liBa lgoveromefll to change hr br eiduao o utc o o f nefeore that wuI d hvo etda mostaa m. --lid 1 , ý Il hac hildrn hc s c Mc fs-îioa- adu iaianetýiiLo sAidSociety. Woareie skgoa îiîft.hanhcs Ima "Mr Z wIk.s ssspS cry zwerver anxecutive more rasullty for ir bbaiorbut sboo0l tZ'd frao asp oi ervocsdd,d. ie CcMuelty m&Wn-t bha domabeho aaid" d**tajt the t eOaae utfr et - base Z Pa % Mnem offlim ,n ,y a it gtg ho *.CW* liýmalad A en ha oe gfd o a ha aw aalaudf-C le C" r»t y pr se Yu Ofluihir Ar la W iisaOaa oaie be oow, Io b9t M MMN th,.* Irem 00 yalra ta i = L bl.t p jg" lit h~fe oliy citt, hli ad I"la balag sahied -ay i .inidolp wtbthmoumOO. itiyiiseac. tedo»pr da~C~adde4 Ihene aremevor d hmla Inte ne PaRenta I uPdosedta 0f oltaa stoal O ie val bI- lialioOEteh dta»e"a ide," ho naK i- ceadingaand caa be coaltcot cci0itM of i e at ea dhaa na ouiia fala i I rttotlteva fn tt they do D«pparMr. mWirv!Ufaid. rmsap'-d ue pm" Te ac aap laIs11,e -'bW" u eamayneasenome oaemeho.ten.yi1 *d kt: M '"' Of-oayre ci w iran -ffns t ued e a th i i ...o r ai ha l Il s ai5lt>h tllthea . 7s yeare ug, bt ou at eid cciquenfflOatOUhavrdotsa. aptiror efr nult yar. gava their aPprova hakmJ weabtinOacimesl5thet wtald have mch Methet F reglai comodilté«sgo through ir la Oms' aumttO iem tbaora DAILY * ipeclal taulgat revie LIJCHEON commttee OFECIALS Under Oie systeai sed Pull Course front throgh poposla tret Canadian ai aif eapaadthmr Cuisine 10Suitl ta Ia aaadll Cin- Liv. DEnte 10 Oie admiaisrat-oo satordal c. ani fianlce emoiittee Band: D e. an m lnly Regiooal comil. Theme: Ai r The ne troe 314 STEELE gwmdd have Oie baatb 71 a amd ocial àsrvicca, planeing ami pubic si vorbi and adminlira- oe tion ami finance com- I « mittees go through their nbudget proposais au Wed. 141 to early aa Fehruary ami UàMA Oes' make recooMalin-1e se dations inthie speinal ic reviie comsottae. ** - d -our feelng wa ciat- the comiittse thatas se reeponsible shoild go jor tlrougb lisonbdel âe a ert le hoeyente - lb Regosal acioiOn Jacb Rallie GI said. *Chineseet Canadie FuS *Dite Laoheon nenale *Home DOIunne *Paknniiet eatae5Oe.M 0.0.0. feu n esqume DANCE t< o eTAm SHOWBAND -dhm oatpopaar bafldil Caanad" HOLY ROSARY HALL,MbeS noOOGATS IN1014DANCER For Ticket lnf0VliificiC&# F21 D ls ic laid Hanti SuoflIa 0eST aSCHIZL ULPI 4 1. CodoWaScsntu 1 4 gyîftULUAVF., MN-TON F me -no id Continental the Wisolc ramily îrtalumoett elends ky. Apzil 1 7t1 Die Flatte 5 oaîtrlan IiIght 1AjVE. MILTONI 8-i8= lx2 7:E TUIE MOHIAWK INN CANIPBLLVILLR. ONT.. GUELFU Li" AT 401 Toc.Lin.<416 4S5liS1,0)!99S4277 OPENM MXED SUJNDAY, APRIL 18,lMN PLUS -rophimte' TOP ToTn Tms PST AMU AT 1 P.&tMSAW pRE.REGSISTEAAT THEoPnIMSCENTRE <I AppLICArioNSAT OPwoeMueI 31crou.ALt 9»12 IT 'i "Miaula *J61 -j FOR ENTRpiMIM m