mhe Canaien Champion, We., Apr. 14,1982 C3 Rakeriry'CaPeIe3m1 wth gir/s"'FrieTineevaauaireant ý&ae-jib George ove C ysierilest eeken n 'day bt s s e apiap It. mi- beek-»a a mdiy euse ta a owela>udBetdt eaispactaa.oavnmla atla Uta Apin I bequt tellatag Ut t. MM bto aarvy ay -ud& oralyrP»a!tad ate 1- a spaclamg CMOItaD àaà têi Ot e aia=laYta Mab t aaga ~t.bumUtte siedtecahe.e h %iueMOiAruatdim at gaadbadma iM§tatreullli-s nencutiemakecbu> ThsceMi ertalS testey (amvsac o m- n MW usabu Whoadpuaad. athe clvay à- theadde al etayito outaacle alvarW bum clah eprmanutsaau ". In te umadselpèete tUdtaacu cdi dwgal ~lChtisgtaus Imak it whaua àmWaadajacM ldg GU Mbos .l 1115 year's m ner eaasteinmtint ai-m ma t t h-utlaOMAe al Elti clii. Iseteaubueaa panstae oubuvtFild o But rset.oua. cn yai-yIf ta - haut e amn m c o aaihesraitcktha als "s oih asemWh but, abu taoilrectly, M sDarryl Taylor, osacb et dia opiinstaminai- . osl-eltchueeda~ay e ctcan MW MW OXIXE ireP tiranseMMbcstlcma =alieta ta semtaa ockay =logn-lint tahamysakdtUeraaSiblfme.' t Bvs lbvemaymspdit anetoaa cslvedin the snewacis cey gâ-m, aYour kdgta iearb gsagh. Y r iavn Suâh halaver, Instediofsttlag boand socos shute theiannuegnual meting Its ltalenesllat peoleait - plnbutin taba- h Meautive membeco bug uben il -c m, M ashow te dia cim, ae ta ipeauo or in aol= people M iba-k away. RaonkruoThieliMURA taal~ao lskig tfera,, blA.àMkaltmwa yao vant tin n idik fsm asasor pauiasntorra-aiv =nyf unabl0m-n-slla poitionasintatanno-vta aita- At umevi- gai tlictam. Nosmua uer danla Utufothe dia bçlurs vaakU*tey put t, vithast FRY, mas b mratanaMtsin Mthtun hoceyMWidim fanaae puuwha vastisi M ymany pili aU:eticidentor anspour lbYanaabrdY aap an baui rai-aine te tharu ofaU arens bea, itot thUte,.aun, bave ti utae ack yourslt Anminca liastuae an overaibudanca M of snauai tse MIIt gasacalmeaing, 1immane nt many people are man lllgtgisftaeir lime as ar te tlasts t e- Stonae Problem? I~I~ I~~jLk~ InaohrFrendchipTornamuntteTown, ri-- infrce bygoute hilBaiey romJohni Dorne Stal e dféataiMiltas Lglas 3-1tuta in taetoordi ÎÎ;uaitasrney Saturay aitMomoral Arma. TeaM frasu taeRotai-y, Etamea, iions a"iOpt- baeservicaei-Isba toisai teaofma thediaTm, MinerHockey, FtruOeaniLegl. Minai-bai-bey, rs-latsccei byaeve-alplarenWhs #cmpedalilp IramteRotary Club catorecou- A gasitlime vas bad by at vasutati. andplans are ablsey balng mais tac suxt yuar. Tham kgo ad ttaMurralyHooi, forcesganlalng the tsuaînant. Cagnaaiug tet Georgetoan Raides vhamsvitataUa CCPri C*bMPMtasushlps vid 131 orIs ia uaCap Pea ove dia vaek- Baluescappa tae sei-lu vit 1a3-2 vis Monday =auiv:"abdljieulaabit alfflg diavay by vw bo s san affltalaployer, Aeos nutyear. Spuiag oM Auna, taetaun s t lit 11%: tc i-sach for Uth fl-e3 asanandmii yl p byh losig formm lima vbas Barrie ellst taras eurly ta give a cuamitonat ft- Utaimng yea- Miott ativuappi-aiacilblhawu coaciblg Rorko i m ieceat playatta. ia-ialy, Bllott vute snly IMilon mach ta vina campl=ubi di-yslr vbeaseassistant ceibh bl d iiRorbisa RalHi-Caps toas 4-t mi-u in ove Delta LenUt for Utatai-madinta B tlle laitvaeek. Rai-tonsvunte final garase "5in Rscktos eeadng tvsgoalaUs i ta fi" ve mnutuapul of tatan. Osntae Jr. B aide, Oakville Baies ealui S. MlcbaelnBumora 2-t ta ter bust-Mf-levas po- inalalnaal-final mes.u Milonsanavire girls soibat taeam ihldmg piatilcstrao.0pm. ai MrtiniStretScbssl. Ilis teanin it ha coarbai by Lai-iy Scott, Bob FowesiandiLinda Hi-miks. Itla-asi dplayera are askedtacsstaitoneofUtieoai-u. A rock-cthabug vackahap vit bc beki Frlday Aprili233and Saiai-iay Aprli 24 at Rattlemuake Peint CsnsrvaimAraa. Ilit. voissop la digaai for imtrastaibagin- sers vhs vlah a sale latrsoduclion ta rai-k clùmbtag. liie = w~~Illfo-u as bute af.ty iachaiqu, ieie n ealop manvaranesaofaljac-- llveidangersandastratanglusfor mlnimlzlng inhecent Muls Ihe CmM tae ivs-iay vsi-babap ta $z asoi ay intrustai i-lmhrs ara askai ta asi tse mmiey ta Dave Meurs, Worsikbep Co-*ordnr, 306 Raige Drive, Milon. He con be reai-baiSls71n. M~S sagaweya tennis club inVites you to join us for TENNIS REGISTRATION for MEMBERSHIP Location: OIMph Li.. nsof iNgbuaAOloufrmat Mohs" sIna Date: Saiui-iay, Apol 17tfaim 1lp.m. îo B pa. MEMBERSHIP FEES: FAMILY SENIOR COUPLE SENIOR JUNIOR WÈ OFFER SOMMTING FOR EVERVONE j3 3LETCOURTS I c» ou" Raris 0i.Lade.0Nouas Laissait Tnvmmm 801@ asntal Asllle JselS Pngsia Iluib Coavaeti MEMBERSH-iP EiSTRATION FRM--- ADDR3s ________PHONE _____ tae A14àaadian Intrmadlt.'A Con- Un. HARDY CCP. The Radu o ay- soneaoMthae-hbut baoey of thesr-at ien Gordon Alcott Aruna on aul four conat th thes Cap pae, New Bruns- wick, Capitala. Tbsy cam mtan the vlaatng eof as "-sai-reona Moasday niglt tailiai-b lt.e Pastaca Canadien tlaampiaablp and teJ. BoMUquCp, amble- matir Mf that crow,,in foui-ganes oM tia but oM Boa sri«. Thue Raiders vere anl over Cap Paean th e spenlag match Mft.e amri-lu min i-ray bti colda't fiai a vay ta, buat Capital ntmider Yvs Belanger. Dspita holdng a dectalva 38-t8 edeina aboist, the Raierscama out 3-2 ta Uts second match te Raiers hagan, but- tag te vtarsnet- mindar comlng mut wit an impvasave 7-t vie-- tairy tao vn tseserias ai mie unch. Il wai mlytae sattfor terad and white. &"ndy th"y Jumpei absoud iwo gammi tassue vlt an ImIaesive offensive attack i-mini- ~¶.bfinal game wun tae mustdiffcuit faorte Rtaiaers. Cap Pela vagu't about ta, give up tse taesewUithoa tlght. TheCapitaleled 2- but tselocal aida rallled ta grb tse serins and advaoce intahUtaHardy Cap final against Ques- nel, Britlih Columbia. The IRaiders had aeverl bight spota over tse seriese includlng Doug Fi-y, who tailed tta seasin ttse Miltan Aermi. Fry, wbo had sccompaniedte team un oThmider Bay viiera ha wau ose oM teir stars, mloaedFr1- days game ti-migb *Balum iti, bdldati taksenlm ongu ta Saturdayas match ta capture tae spa Mflocal feu. Fi-y tank lus thon two minutas ta, leItaelocal fams kusw ha was bers ta elRaiers vin. Ha t ap. from Bitl Hamiltoanmd ted il bacb ta Stave Lysa aite Rader potat. Lyon maie n misate giving tse Raiders a 1-0 lead ad Fry had bis iraI point oM tae serlea. Fi-y, who movad itt cnIre batweea ltay Tuaelit and Bit Hamnilton for tes ei-ia, addad anoterasuit la te second gamaaoftse set. ta Uta third gaine tse tslastad centre acorad tsetiia ni toaUrtgoataintahUt Raider' 9-2 rmunIoM Cap Pela. Aitogh ha didolt ilana tace-otta ta hsip them bang on tac Uts 3-2 CmichbInlis bas bus pieaaed wittaeont- standing eftort tram Fry. Eve te tans have bus talkig shountte wy tse Miltan star con- trois the play and tacs- ottaieben ta's on tseire. Wayne Woo wun sasn- knwaquality whm hac came ta tseRaidersaut tse igaing deadtins. At te torah kaew vastat b. vus an experisaced pi-o. Up usalt atai-iay aighl Wood ai busn baving is problama makaing noms bey mivea bal sllnwing smime rouaeshaois te slip by. On Friay Wooi bad bi vonst nigbt as a SAND BEACH LODGE FISHING ON FRENCH RIVER A Graded 5* Fishîîrg L.tdge. Open May 14 for Wlleye & N. Pikeý Su- part Boat$ & Motors Expert Guides. Fshing Groupa from 2 to 42 a Speciitty. Rates imc.Al Meai10 & CAA 4* Accommodaions. For Col. Brochure & taler- Bont6,R.t #1, Alithn.Ont PM AS bacb witb oolid efforts ln sncb oftse nt Utr" gainas, ia particular on Monay, as tseRaiders ovapt tbree gamas and te mies. Coach Iaglis wuat peasso vol swauai n sawlantae otuartres gaina. Ha neyer reaty tank it tat aeiluuly, ut Isatut mivrdy" commmited laglisashunt tas nelmniader. 'Now tai controtling Ibe ta gis s etremely =hatWoeiintse van te but paror- manc e tabai coma up wit sioce joiaog tse club. (Cuntinsadmen 55. C4) TRAFALGAR MOTORS UL TIMA TE O FFER REAL HONEST SAVINGS ON THESE FULLY CERTIFIED CARS: .1M FORD FlD PICi-UP -302 VS. nuto. PS.. P.. aaa buoPro. li..pckaga, aiaai stelrrdia, 12,300 leva, blane Fcovuiariety. Lie JB1120 $7197m0 1ua PONIAC PHOfNIX LJU 4 di, V6. 8-1e, P.S., P.S., adio, tait daimSt, .. lilas. 57,tookoi3,30i). Lie SA0319 *sossoe 11ua1 FORD FSC PICK-it 302,V, suio, PtS. Ps .radeosac pbumrri wete- mcOro, tO700km23,000mi)i Le DK8705 *593"Oî...nquî 1M- CHEV NOVA -4 dl,.0 eei autou.PS., PSB., taleo.Li. RNV36 431w S0 1877 FOao F6t PICIiUP -Vlo sili, boxscap. Le .0680 *39530 lIt liRAN-ADA -dt. 6cel. auo, PS. PS., rado. rtaitdairoat, aîrconedîîioning tiîedglaîa, 1111 îndio, 25,400 kmi, balanceofetFORD wvoimntyte W0001kmv. Lie. RMA269 $718200 1MalPAIRMOIT -d4dr, 4 ei. auto, PS, P.B. raido, tait daiteut. 11W. rlaa. 34111 kma balaienoetFuRD varta.tyte 0,060 1k-, Lie. RLZ824*690 tua FAIRMONT - 4ddr deluoie, yl uui.tua 980VOLARE 2 drienet 6, autoe.PS., P.S., P8., radio, luinacrtroo..1.tirai. P.5.-radie, teaitdîtroîr. W.W, 0310Ikm ttoiv, 39,00 k (2400i).î Lie. PKtD913 (2t,000m0. Li.. PXHO7 *5787W0547 19M0 MERCU5Y sOBCAT RUNABOUT -O4 tare8ITD I -24ti, auto PSPrado etd., auto. rado, ut daroe. 11.W., 47200 isurdnirosii 1WWLe.NMH777 k(B i,4O1oiLe.. OVfO23 s*4787m0*342900 1077 MAUBU CLAnsIC - 4,,VI, auto, 1977 CIOEStMAUIIl - 2 dI t e lauto, PS.,P.B.i ireeanditioiogtiont iass AM/ PS.,PS roida Le.MJD036 FM0 steo e.LAU429 3 7 2 7 1977 PINTO -2 d,4 , 4 i apffldrado. t9715MAVERICi- - 4d d,, s, uon rndio. Lis. RMA937 *249300 Lie. KRL132$1 10 -------------eez CA I IJALL ARE WELCOME" MI D-9g Fry pli-k up any pointa la tta fiat gameoM the Bei-ian, il vai evideat tut aider maatar Gai-iy laglis bai acquirsi n contidencetantse stick castra. Wit only a minutaei-e- msanaf 0inthetoarth game and ai-verni top face-off men osntse beorb, Inglus i-bue Fi-y a -. I :