,jý pMý, ES- -- -u. ty- tR-- .. - »,% shsdseate.itdshvfsalmtd .ht.&of ite r Lad at61l8Ot bma Lt t' . OMituOf $ubohta otaffl whrattit srctdu The ActarFm .Prau. Ai./Vtfrth/PektairgNara AduaMsa. Aura.. Bnrate/Nmororht E.. Aurma.. ermiNuwarktt<Et. W.shsotEditta Tht Salut Saut,eaIa.Brptea tiudlat, The SurrlrOarPu, ThtBtttttttairW.shed Pofl. Th rta-l-,l- AdratiGt/OainThelb. isartma Idsefflmt. Mthhm/TbarttS taaatralt sM Sun, 1h.M M as. Nuts. Tea MwmusaNamras Wsa dEdima, Tht North orkoitMkro OMM aers.ov% FMdlv S..».. Od*m s 71*. 00~shas bsWaabatt, The SttRkWoad HMIlThm*U Lhea. Tht Soubwhaagft le. Th StatatatisTrios. sotTht Waaddues Vouglsetst uOtarSmSt0t~a O.~sutraesra.oatae5.ttr0faa.ee.tt5«k* taaaa...ar.*.ra... .9mat5~dut~ abr.." Strikenfot the answer Doctors in Milton could jota tiseir counlerpurta in Halton sud Ontarl in a sertes of rase-day rotatingestrikes. Halton practitinners have tan- tativaly pencilled in Frlday April 16r Tbtiiday Apil 23, Wednesday Ajiil 28, Tusay May 4 sud Mon- day May 10 as dates tlseir officea willI haecloaed. Tliere le littie doubit that tse have come to a perplexing state in society tshen professionala aucis as dnctora are tsaling off tisa job isacata.e of fee sclsadultia. Wlsie we sympatisize witls re- ported f igures of what tise Ministry of Healthis l offering, in ligbt of tise resta involved in operatlng a practice these days, wealking off tise job lent su accept- able form of protest sud ,onrt gain tidespreud public support. BsSides thatr tise Province weont lha fazed by it and, tiserefore it ut ,onrt work. ise caveat doctora hava placed on tiseir protest la tisey will return to Ibeir jobs if su amergency tabsta Iz.eW. daod lt few dactrs trtidowenmaaypatient wiso gets ta toucis with tisam-no mattar tshat tise circwrnstances. Tisa ganeral public dnesn't comn- preband tlseir finuncial criis ansdr asu a result, tisey cent afford hi say nond forfeit the business. Doctors wiso support their associationas stance witlstisa Ministry nf Health biut can't ai- ford tise humiliation a walkout may bring them need not rerrry-Ihe association respecta any dnctor'a decision rot to strike. Tise lack of s solid front-ut lat a perceived sofld front ithea publtc'a aye-eil tnt bettes thse doctors' position titis tisapublic or tihe govertiment. As s resuit, tise doctors will ap- peur dsorgsnized sud divided on tise issue and rili ftrther jeopar- dize any hope of renewad nagotia- tionn witi tise Province. Tise media sdvertising camp- aign in last weekra daily news- papers was a good idea and lttera hi tihe editor would ha another. Prass conferencesaia least ttsice a wreek hi explain tbefr situation tsitb respect hi otiser provinces or cotmtriut would ha far more con- structive sud informative. Andr if tise dIIctors feel it lent ton tata hi consider trike action, thesa alternatives souldnt ha conidered ton littie ton tata aitiser. There le a wideapreud mlecon- ception that doctors are extrem- ely tsealtby pillara of aociety tsho live aoma sort of privilaged lifeStyle. fiat p.b4 ts c4&e-we ýnoW17t 0tt kâots it and youthtie public should know it. Doctors in Ontarionenad ties up- port of tise public and deserve our aupport. Itas about time tisey tonie tiseir case to tise voter in a responsible, professional fashion rather than adopt a apoiled brut mentality unfortunately ensconced in tis ubonacience of orgsuized laisor. Lts heur about wisat you have to contend with. Supportauto industry Canadars sillng auto indutry ta facing suotiser tibreat bscausa of a recantly signed agreement between tise United States sud Japon. Csnada a no sucis agreement and bas so fur faised in efforts hi obtain sucis a commitmnent from theJapsuese negotiators. flsat poses a major irent thi tise emplnyment security of Canadisu vorters in tise auto assemisly sud paria industries, eapeciaily if tise Jspsuese dumap in Canada sil or msuy nf tise car they had in- tondad hi seil in the United Sates. lialton MP Otto Jelinek tlinks Iis tisreat le very real and bas been unurcgsft.lly hanunering government ministers for Snswars hi anme very crucial questions for thilsutrial future of Iis country. Wbat efforts are tise Liharal minlateca making to Éther get the Japanese hi reduce tisa nwnber of ccaas tbey seil in tiis market, or hi t leaI increase tise level of Can- adisu made porta included in Ini one sense it seasas strange for s free enterpriser like Mr. JeUne tohi haadvocating anme formaiofpsrotection for an lndustry Ibat bas comnitted tise unIor- givale sin of falllng hi rspond qulaty eou to cisanglng Ne dialuass thse conradiction martet preferences of the Norths American car buyer Iben Ibey sould halalowred hi fada away. Before t15t isppenl5, iotsever, Mr. Jeuinet le rigist in pressing for. the imposition on Japanese cars of some levai of local content ha- fore tbey are ald in Canada. Every otiser industrialized na- tion in the world mates suris requiremsata of foreign industrisi firms operating in tiseir country. It la inexcusable that the Lâibersis have allowed tise sit- uation ta Canada hi dtarirate hi tise point reriere vee face the de- truction of su industry that la vital hi the economir wel-being of Ibis country. Immedfiate action le requred hi conspel Japanese car maters hi use Canadian porta in the cura tisey ship hi Iis country, if Ibay are hi enjoy Ibe profita tisat are rlearly available from Iis coun- try. In Ibe long ruts Japanese and other foreign firma shnuld ha given tax gita Ibat have been handed out an freely hi North American firmns hi locate planta hare hi manufacture car coin- ponets, or tise vaiilea Ibemn- selves. Apparesstly, tle hrals bave n intentione of iving tise Cana- dhan indutry thse breslbbng Spore that le reqirea te meot lihe le l ala o e l 1zýýM4*t profilts ~1h~xr~ ~%~o Aborton and the fifth estate WITH JOHN CHALLINOR % Far la ilt ram mM aatiicsaitntselBrthigitt, Hatos Pro-Lite sud Si. Reraaritumadet by ElctirWlan sd St. pros and ce oa n t. ttartla'a Maaor aruea agab strtlati Matw ia. estlvzarlalivlly 1 bave my awa tsgittaoaatUts attler lTe argaszea-ddt aivitthein-uaetaul atte rpifr in l and, desplt aaetimes ematioal dsbst msdical p-afesaonor tenIras groutpe omulashU easb1sre- bath woya tram fradeand family, I amn w suport iabortito air thlr viesu e« on V rotHals tIL .a ep atcilg aSa paao frastdtba1 the aabject. KReaing Msie baino 0aillstsl fint bsm. tesc ebai lieaoustlalts a se theawus no balace af la bar remrasb we l i uistace tat esrly 7s. opinon, il cessed t be a faruma for dis- reslly casaI), titis Pro-Litar ens t s Sirnliarly. lanray ets w s it la=tuthlint wbre btsllut Msw"d e *% pora la oay lion or 't gelua. wratg. Titis aewsqaper wsltaglptlotly for bar tfinisit bar duty to uggest or van lerapt tla motif y vilI attend "Pblila brama about iitOa yralr apnionaouarabortia utmte edlt- abartiowiere tepublie lut lits apor Rferrllgtg l romea teio have itsd anial psge and, psrticularly. um te as,. toitylinbsar botit aideas ofte arguament. ltasP boisttionsas ut tetais pages' Hoteever. Ira sot p g ta lt e th e tSe5" latllitt lthe tey bave Ira sure Must af youtbave sit-eady ew pge verlenuegrous ts IbI Iey ititisibabies" ibis spse w « untla msde Up yur mlnda lytey. May sey oaier a thiur eaperonal ttak eseions Ucitarges totlit.f coule AbortiaS, lite capial pualiaeat, lau aspitox. balais te medlralIraiessont, sve pertaolaa itat aaly s anidlvlisl, Fair reparllag, wlacit I drnasd o ai StgihtralrSliti 51 natut ainstiutnliet laseapaper. rayslfad my reparlera, meas tgetlg IUWISI5O0 fort f ofchil con came la glIju teit. bth idea aofte debse-4 if a1is oplpositlo periap5lte laoslag But, frara tine tla ime, atappra urasly possile. retorslamlitaevom bave bet au sisd: in thtir qacat la rover say:big Sd L tialg laulite repmemtlstlve tram ttha tectionlug equlpoleouW sdosout everylbiog tat ta laiag place La titeir st. MarIltin aor la Hailona tserapotical ortIoou la. 37 limes cammooty-uowittiagly gel casgitl a bsdaabuluwdoisr, b t roager lia svacuum tclsme. the abortion debste by cavetlag some o olostu a esg t obavlttg sunstarlioa lea serois, lite stiegeti public foramaedeallttg wlit IL. Mrla trvdh aval ltcaie Ireslsalag sudmajor opuralisa. Titis aeoapper bast outgaItcagbt for giclasreba teloitilacoant binetïr Otliistcaafari Con iSflt t Stuay eveniag wba a 11005 eit s a pregnaacy la ler. Mi"o it.sstd.odlrtersia meeting on the aojscl 5ailfoly Rossry Hsvtog eacutlred some 1111,00 Aiueiti Porttb Hall. uborllos ut aysr, Caadsa ssme sabortlon a l lllsei Fac Me ta catilte meetittgao"puitlie viableasleruttivs. èboitlissis" la cWdiiabus foram" la prabably ut ladicrlo u atae lia. reraesiative tram hlrttt Catholir Womeaa Lsgts snd tse rasu represealiag aomoPtiog s lTe are remrsabado nut mortltmy Koigits o f Colmbusala cat ilI a dia- reatiy provides emolias support for clommet§t la Isuggest tat telste la cussion about sitortio-we t iey did. womea caogbt ilatha aiiddle aif . adullteba stsaisiuWte public foraum Il woo public lantae sone th t25 ila0 itaiîon taI bas la lacons.dsrsd nmeaif rastdt meteaisi o f itettSdit cttzrat atMilon atted It ea a te moal lestr ul crcumsacs la lite PWoi- if DMIstorns.u disutiointt ense tIal tay boasrd facrtbae sot wisiagtla slert a fsmily. Ibis reporter slasdsossned.. ý@flffJWcflWj Fightingleukemia WITH STEVE ARNOLD GIs. aisoli celebraled a visay ome year Sgo atian"y heabuhaîtsliy de- fetdthealsesehOuteonce heleasd la tilt hlm. lire-2yssr-ald Mon areslet wthreh aabject ai a frost page slary lanlTse Cutdlan Cbampion me yssr aga repor-t- lag Me vietary aver a total tormi o leatamie. HiiaIle bat boa staved b a trasplant ai boas marras, tram is broter. Acaorditgla at stary, tMr. HlOaulI frtIhtmeaaeteshat la bha iedia- euse aier bbaotla aont tsfmdy gslbaristg at Chrislts, 10. Ha e am ,tasbi aisubuga Geaecal Hosial rbaces adetr indormet blm "yoav aeIesmla, tarat yau lite la Altaugi t heaormaofblondicacet ram rehbheoafetedteassusily fatal iladai alla. Dr. Mclinlga plasser la treat- iag cancer patiesoaitrst s amasilry cf bape. lThet ray caasltet ai a transplant ai boas niarrate.Il la la tha marrateoaitha bouet that bloot celis are probicsd sot Mir. lsasli's mto'ste tea belng desroytha disess. He wte laiLhit eglta o aieapt-o- reua hattherbhancesofai Slatg a relstive tebose marrats teudd be accepabessera maeis la. Te cbances cf tlading su ae- ceptable non-relative wal eins a0,Mu. RikH ml iss aly lrotar. met ait tse reapireracos hreer. la March of tua tr. limUli sapleen resu rstaved sut a monh later hoena- taet dPrlaceaa Margaret Haspital la Torntolfotaceltestcantal. Haeaitderteett radiatioa herapy la dsslroy is aten bansemarraw,.intensive runsisof rbamo-titecapy ta mthseh treat ai rejectita ai tha ass marras sot livsd for six teseta la paairtigi aompartmsant la baIlle ha raicklfahaé- At bust,la eu tld, No ectasces ai "mstieg ""teore ouly 10-Wensd laeaue capsWdsicrie as anao*MIway aut. 1%8iotasaitransplant aperaton du W4 reliathl wasebs aaa isba les ta strct Moa ebis e? bse murne, W" bwua lieu imiuatel Nos brtter. Taday. a ysar aller celsbratlng o vlclory on rha diosase Gois oela l freesetfthaelitreathal vooti bave tled "Su farIa s everconte bac,' laosit lna stelepitus lalerviews. There bave beaut a couple ai ittle prôblema. buttse tskeata btsot camne bact. Mr. Haatt said hs dit experisace semas graft versus ost probesa teat bla body trisd tuorcjct tha larsignmatler- tl a hbat belalrbdueod la Itbot tatsemora. ahave l=pt note. He remains catviacet t baba bu rdofaheadisme alat lala tentabomply La remitoa aperlidrwe Unlisoyiop- luame sud affeslo f the asitsea suifi. Im ot la recobalat, 1I lutIhave il suymracah. lauys casfidaraliy. Evsry focr moote latravels la PrnaesaMargaret Hospital forsa lest la enaure hat tha dlauaabu asi ra- appeacai, bol tare ho la baghmntbt a tiet Tbostestsamaret rssfly Sfrr my "I thinotheyre siperlmmsoling relU me,.blai hata ilH riciaLt. Masane,, tea ymcoalter tha pt-coi- us aoi a yssr afierlahosaced Noi viebory o01W ha 4jU5Ur la bhol Su M "M'5s mtbunghat 15à1goUtlst aut, et., t" *bu One Year Ago Feustte AfirülIilssue A 44-ysr-eli OltllIMilStrcWbs su omskaebalasiý1Mtki 5 OMM 4Ehsiee Mis an a otu a 411lis AIC;=SSjaI!,April by4m déclngtrelisjr uai aid .a su &MARYuls.bav MaIsylgtitlIlstisslu pti- ,ae lits iisrta" tu ItMMsbalfr esso ey fre asla st.Wlite bel,*esbimvu 0" oly. in orhe 92=6 bEbOYIIIUaS ide rangs o Setareid l ulg amai . lle misu itom li dlt tS sirmPmdota. wuma he "Rse re«eCAahsutaabsM tiMUt Siete f A«t., vmârhav Coutp:b-l ltie Po blie - uta r20aallea ils CAgolptl M:[asa5r=5i5' Bo a '- -ay lisiEay M tsl budosie ateu- ordiaalr MW 4 los tes. at.OIles la. cu ust Wsba Uts in lalec Ilswueai teat assasliisrsu satun- ciass he = iS t: l.s 'o i on a oreboys Rema. AsMrit ud bss seas et lth. baveoleaac yory a&ivsa lus Sstalpdi bPkoa No S, on fce opkerinthed Mêesabvgloa rtcogniopneueBati ty blm muass ire tsarthsa "yhr. gslassp H t l e raal a , cm tUsTte ttsiceoaga deel tmse citw y-fvecoal sd a ster esot . aitores I tasmuWt:la s.Oissic> lrate ntns am et W Tba =oaiswaab etei ctsgli teatlalhtfllioe an troe 5a0tlg a iseplr, fL.Riebe aaedus yrae i orrTom sudbi d inssleh de ortegrageteblatrou besa foderat B odis lul Ya ut hlmg t for hsoer ll U ss Brsaothea, vte aasdinamasermetsod aadreelaIl als mebeat Sy lum tomenthasdeullahcaesu on Mosd tes. racg htsd o aige MM bra sisin ha osai dofsy' tgo a ite plo er, teLUt he niti laba te t sdl ettuoh doalsamtlas-llesbad testa chuaretseanmoals, scht letMhe lac so faoaor te e hc ubs roe scesatai het bodlidmentCu.- dsan dit senata o la la 75 Yyutrs ag- silel ihaie the laomeeyu L5-er ast la liGeorget la easIbs o Brampto as uadin air oet soi fanl25sae , autigoas aslhaofh lati Hiesélw fracture his rs. bI 15 W.S ewr came homaie&bula wDak Jebian, mm. e iMai., dst tes