TheCanadian Champion, Wed. Apri7,lM1»~ 4 CAN TRA VEL 4 £ BURE19U i 44 TF n > 1 Citzs4sipAppliatons boing takon. DATE: April 19 PLACE: Can Travel Bureau (Milton Mail> TIME 10:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m. Students are enriched ge g ffi â eagvile eajel a.lct LhfeldnaUihalape. e ugllnctrg ubeguipga 5w idat argae ai PUU.Y UCRfflo UNDEA LLB.O. 11:-St. lla.m.tol:ooa.a. For a variety of fine cuisine, Milton oflers you "The Dining Experience". Milton bas an excellent selection of restaurants which wiii suit the individuais palate. Each month we wilii ntroduce you to one of our finer restaurants ln this speciai feature. I IPIMW1EL RESTAURANT The 24-hour restaurant service ut ilfth Wheel, 40 chisholm Dr., has been popular with both highway traveliers and the citizens of Milton and district for 10 years The 65-seat coffee shop and 90-seat dining rooru are unique ln serving break- fasts, lunches, snacks and dinners 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And the coffee is a 'b>ottomies" cup with meals. Sunday brunches and buffets are a tradition et Fifth Wheel. Brunches are served buffet-style froru 9:30 arn. to 1 p.m. featuring hain, bacon, sausages, pancakes. eggs. buns, salada and fruit dishes. coot is just 04.30 for aduits, 4*1.98 for chiidren. Suppertime buffets Include a hip of beef, potatoes, vegetables, soup and saiads and an array of desserts. Buffets run from 5 to 8 p.m. each Sunday and test Just $7.98 for aduits. 682.93 for chiidren. A new Thursday evenlng buffet intro- duced this year offers a hlp of beef pus al the trimminga. fur Just 07.98 aduits, $2.98 chiidren. its open 4 toi8 pi. rifth Wheei aiso offers a monthiy speciai mealInb Its restaurant and thîs rnonth intro- duces a new dish, chicken Pot Pie for oniy .02.95. Like all Pifth Wheel meals, tes aveilabie 24 hours a day. l'lfth Wheel operates a growlng chain of full service truck stop fuclities. Others are iocated ln Dorchester, Boormanville. com- wall and North Bay. The company also operates a coffee shop and dlnling rooni division called Country Ilouse, with restsurants ln Cambridge and casselman and a new one openlng this spring ln Aurora. Ph.. .1Ciddla nco fer q"pkiimt 878-5680or 87846M4 (Passport information available et ailtâm es) Our restaurant la open 24 IIOURS Featuring: 1.93. go o -. Pie 1 ,y 2.95"e BRETAKFATS-UCE 4Chihoi PoDrie $2i.95 P'h...878-83441 UANTTO ETg b rvoo cm $AlTmSA Imm, T m mm wu v Cmpvany drop v in evsal limeo? On Yoo, MY t1th cotage ad vd, oOs hungy? Or VoOlsdon'i haves iivne t, it godoes-o noirOohatter mo, epe uanyiihingfom 1,0,0"nuvfor ,piii,-op -ojsi olt and m'Il hit vady by elOimeYou got h.. TAEDFASTVC W.A.F-Gl.A Ca LAURIER CENTRE OMM oaf Luagu&o lhd PIZZERIA AND TA VERN Jain uaon.Apris il EASTER SUNDAY BUFFET BRUNCtI Menu includea: An Ayroffti guits aagflaai U TOMea sonuedeup ,mi 795 ,,w egt4e chowmieieaaammaAr ioeuhuVAUMCleAL SUJrDAY BRUricl 15 A MUiST AT THINNhl LOTS TO CAT AT 0NE 0000 PRICB ADULTS *&95 CfliLDRENl 64.93 DANCEBTO UVE ENTERTAII¶4BMT AT OPTrIONS LOC-ATEO ADJACENIT TO THlE INI M"I. 401 AirTIRE GUELPH LUNE CANDELLVILLE 194-U7 7 or 433- 16" Banquet Facilities - PRESENTS IEVERY TIURS. NIGHT ATS:OO P.M.) 1ST SCHNITZEL FULL PRICE 2ND SCHNITZEL liPRICE Schnitzel Menu 1. Wiener Schviizel 2. Hunier Schnitzel imuuhrooro sauce 3. Gypay 8chnitzel 4. cordon Bleu Schnizel lut -Z.« 2AU &Wf &Ws 2nd 190 4.20 4.20 4.26 324 STEELES AVE., MILTON 378.1¶o r CNîCKEN à SEAPOGI ---N