Milton Scouts to plant 6,000 trees 7W« nmotcs.viBbePl0-WmCoondIl >uec lo naw pm*ktptlgnO 18w'7rfm for laè"oobM am the Nbwm 8Te00tomI te wM bt. 1w8r cone or Usir poist 885 laso anmm leatiful Cahada, s land ;»"fs blamucepile 8tellaodng and a future S0vi.tarowvosab.clala n, NOeMCaOb sade"l a fon gproject Nul OÎ h8f0de#58 le omSuadt27 008480.l0rais- id BibegosIn 85Ccdiaa Scoting s tenatoual ko4rbd re lies fonds de- dopig ad W come in mOuslfbelp po-- VenaaMped telocal êedand conditins 11e fonde ar ioeduvio gpledges ftouns d in each cemmty nvoved la mntcomsmoslt 808sy on contact vIS 1bcotade w0704a ouseholder. 11in emlisod ith kaowlg bow nay tiens the Scout vOlplant. maes 0 esy 80 determinse 8w much tepledge. l18ee omilons treen 881rencb tus.ity.7 hbe 8 Poac161qhed eggs An Easter tbondi o.sudde0 b ramptete ooo04ns Ibis ecpo eqwre. no0700 coooisog tecchnqs, but a variation of an old nehod. EUs are pochbA then laid in s b.d of ponobeil lettuce andl pastoy 01071. Julienne egtabsadd as 8b0ofsior as a tasoy gaooosh. Puached Eggs 4eW Slttce leas 4 shorteruslor semi-flaky patry sels 1 cm > nsued 78988*84108 coroti. clery, gree oniff) ut into julienne s800840 1 cup fresh mubhosoms. qutered l shliot 112cup white butter (see below> ehacbthe 4 letUce lave. er stgttly by soak ns Ihemn shot 0000r for approxinsatety on Saute mshroomns and shalotinO butter. Spon eqsal aonto in pastry sbcls Ke.p varnsin0100 oven (170degees F). Soute the jablenne vegtable. n butter onti tender.crispapponimlotelyl1 min88. T pocb the OUgu.sinspty tiI pao wlt eoons water te cover 0593one incand bring watrtojus le)8hall.rek eggonoelt a timeios8ta aucer o cp adsip fentyi os80ater. Atways ponclo coj 800the slmisering point. Ooi0og liquid il sttoughe 04cm. Carefuly wrsp eacb O5g in 8 lettuce leaf. n Place Os pastrY obdl .Cover wit4 888hi08 sauce atm garos, viol a tablepoo of sautccd jlieno, eenbl. or0 frw 'ba wuea*oi o Ci8088 ve tha moStt lb ibis. dî toseo. 80n07U4840b188w w» and *U~~40 8au mmit4. en 8848 0b.~amd ib yUl b.euobe pimesimoyow &«,0 coLs etf8m d0fl ain y .19ONI7 in theanot f sw weks, C" MSucoM s 81 W beprmiffl ymnr,pl81lbast 8L iet bnockisg et ysuc do.,, M.l6Ds b0"vetbom aat 0vem plces180110.FaD ut s04 Ambulance talk given go d U*.".cd at so, 0800.88 The Mont, meetig <484b01teS tkBà am" 0of Nms.H Robetso jirtOd froI theBaoard Mont- the Womo' bttito8e vau bld on Tiens. larc g h eles 0088 0088. < el n bbg nsade hY So" il, iMSlstlbebsieo Mru. FR os...eere vta e 8 baniin athé adntbordoNlst- a The Potilen . .Joyce wa58in th chair and li gon Mecr. aoW»s a the1@eh"co te 8* = 48the meetin 04.8theInsttuesOde a"om eSctchbBisckbacowt Wstoe "MI ey8dAtl S~ arCoie. ofHellon O.osty. ',Plansforothe District AMW aon Th.e RollCag "Nmsewlat yenuonskderlithe St M 26weoeaono.86ed. pollutio" wva ao.ered by il maos.eeo min80- e meeting vas h08 tsoiied 018 t0 Mms. W. utsof 0thewbu meeting oere read ly bIs. . Pot- Freetoso, Safety Covenuc, wba oolo.bud Mr. ters081Scretary J8w Spencer from dm lNalto.o Pul Amnbulancte Ses- The oincisl report as8.poetod ly Tceo- c, vice, vbo gave s very snfomative 1ta84 ad hIcs. C. Johnson. so.vo.ed qu8estionsce ambulanserieOI MSdale- Corro.pondo.oce vas read by Mrs. M. ty. Ptt.-sInvi bote= ront mNed..Womenn'o Ho gav eEo.eth encM y A .dase-tomber fer lomiute t800 Dset luaotbadoudch84e o. Apr. the sambulace servce nd the8w vlocation. 11he 2780i 12.0p m. nonober i 84"M Sand the Milton location la Isw on An invtato te theAaosoe NooMsnlstituts Nipsang Av. Mr. Spencer empbaalod the opoet- Fairon pr.4-1.00a.m in4.00p.m aiHfi- ace f gvsg 0807 clear aod exact 1location0 (ad e.bu0F itd rp.-t.o.L4tpI. 80 ItîlI- n cllSsg AmbuAlanlceService. Sererl 04886 470 notes vere rend. 1The stiengDirections mut bc clear and explcit. 1The exact Cooiite ep00 080prosned. Mm.W.locatioo s very imputant obo.n nambulance Os Fce= a.SaI=yCnvnr epotedon the Safety called inan emecgeocy. Meting and test a Finio Aid Couse on Mlon. bloc Correct and expbcit directionlooavetinte. Bsidu 15S directions e clln ambulsance, Mr. Spencec gave 1The Conoiller Lnocsage of<1he eocbce party i Os so on erge.cio.; sienansweclng Isasy queo- ".btrchi valap id. 118hicmmite oing Ms. on. Sscs. . Lawon, Mn E. COlom Mr. Spencer vas gracialy lbsked ly Ms. H. Mos .Pa . J. d Mm. W. Roberton. Ms. F. Joyce annoanced tbat Mr. G. Freornon. 4 n naolag Committeu sie0aln ap- Swan bsd co.npleted the Ligny" o*pand Mr. W. pointed. Tbl-omsttec 1'01 blo. C. Johnon Layson bod înstafled il 01801the ront dor. 1The Srs D. Lovon 'ila. EClbd, Ms. M. Pstter- secretary siS exprees 050 pprecation in 04e son, bic. J. Hoplin, aod M. W. Freemas. A genlemen. nominating Committo. was lao ntned. T1808 The lastitute gcace vas r,'peada sdebicioos Committo. OabIs. 1). Layson. cHS. Robertson lunch 0088 erved by lira. H. MCnn asdubI. .H. and Ms. F. Hose. Rbrto.Alenjyed a sociaIperiod. Twin Ontario and Manitoba Mrs. D.Lndsy presoded for twheRlate District liakmng tbey sbold contact Mc,. Nancy Scboddi Wome 's Iosttute Sprng Board meting Maccb 22 bIsJ. McNab84 epoted s ceverof0 burarien mnd a 7p.m. inAgrcultuore Offioe, MUin. scbolaroldps ccently, ao. 50Haton 8185807 boks An lopessie 8InlMemoriam folloved by a stllSvaiable and 40sol l4bilc hteBancbs mnue's silence. conuctod ly Ms. D. Linsay ol7r Plans wece BnaSzed for the District Annual Mrco H. Wilson, secretary treanoge. Mm. H. Meeoting nHifierest oloaebbMay 25a 1 p.m. Robetso was nouet] oattend the 2b Mbilton An- The 08400e- "Mnitoba" -Roll Cal niversary Meting Felo26 Os Aberfoyle Hall ai evenlg-"A short item of inteomt 0on Agoesîlra Nnoon Eab 8808 ctwedquslt Mato8b"-aso pnsonfoc. Frie bl.Lintof0 M~0W l aecodemad telepione. Tikes for opm bue ,e Bookand picture fr TweedOOOdr Hltwyl. ta b$6.00 tuboc ored and pld ly May 7. Ms. R. Alexnader, Proovinial Board Member Boîte 0' tva criait cbecypie o0080it plate-7 iced )n brougbo ns rom F.Wi..G.-Twùm,0005of<Otario chocolats C"Icse. m ooth Mn78itoba-8504 Aiveroray Celebraios 005. Stnding committce Dsrit Conveners and 12-12.30iCo steliote],t, de'eç teP Mr- PRORepoe bc monte Ms. J. Weelban, Camp- li D. Lindoay amd lirs. G. Be00080 atten.Qoutera bellville ly Nay810 forlilmetgralddsg Os Woe for for 0004 Anniesry Of Erhnd Lu os nJone 1-W Dsrict An". Un. L Jamieson pwmoed IM0i24 ghbe in OCentesoilostume t08bw Nos D.Sherwood, Noodo88068Commlt8teItepor. t NsK Webb, Ns. l. ieHloes. Mo. R Aleander, A Distict Dsplay on Mnitoba te bc espondbli- or Ns J. Srd, Nos. Aice Rose. F.W.l.C. ConvetionI y of Dubin Wlt. A social Dirict Nigbt 0t8wbplan- li gfto ebe lw bo.os ofpoems by Nos. Laura .Dizo. s. d i by s. J. May, Nos. Knapp, Mi5. J. MetabM> en The t80100Consoner and Prodocer Undestand- for Octoer 2 nd imgo' b dscsed aflranch levais. Od H Sonsmary Day for Brend Nakiog tu be April 28 FoSl Board Meting scledilAd for Ocot. 4 pi70. ne in E.C. Drury scool, Milton. If membeos are nt- n Agrcutue Office. Mito erestin a eior Leadrsip course on Bread Nos. . Lisdsay secved a delicioo00lunch. RDAD8SLICKNEO5 dkean almoat anywhue .acsdrvea o LO VACU[NL© Vehielul dop oU on the rosed in dry weater theaieon smlates. Add 800408 Otbe.aoumolaton otitre dustand drt and *0.088 y068bave a haard bodfld- 00.0087o8 1n %er 00cond"ion. 7887700 Evna I Ilgio bnec O I . ..777007 0080 tis renidue loto a take onlg .onut30min, NIRRICK SALES LD utest. u:he0 m. Off the blgbvay A sow., 205 Main St. E. Bus. 876-1880 l«M7- to8 hum laorMiton. Ontario Rns. 878.006 The Corporation of The Town of Mfton PLEASE NOTE NO GARBAGE PICK-UP GOG FRIOAY - FRIDAY. APIIIL L91M EASTER MDY-MONDAY. APRI. 1.lm ColactIon nermay mmad. on lastoMonday M e t b. M.u Tueedw,AoS 1»0 luaday phk"p wU b. on Wednmudey. ApeIl 14. 1Mf %%-à.adypIkupwbeoThwdP. ApglIM.1 Tbwadavpok.opwMbaonsFoWfldAml 0Il J.O. msIhm4l . Eng. Blue Cross Announces Cemsyn Chartso Soanch Supervisor Ontario B/ue Cross The promotion o Ms. Carolyn Charters Io Broach Supervisor, Hamilton Office. s 7aA0700001 Sy Mr 0raerneeH7i560.otaes Managter Western Re gion. Onario Blue Cros MrsCharters suconts Terry OonsIons ho 000e701 li05807067 00000 theToonto buail ofice Tis promotion relects Caoolynsove0000078l170 to deelop g000010enlsosand 84001084benelil proOgams with employeos in the Hamilton- W71worth areli. and her outstandOflg contribution0t70the growth of Bloe Cross Ceolyn Chrters Jo loctd in the Hamilto &-aaOe et 05 eMando., OnOmdo *iLu. cUéo M Cr tu WC 1 by be se th tic 01, ABOUT VOUR LAWN' ~ 77184UWw o~- foryofltoopsomeass0<h* 8774143 oe~uw.çw~SWeUD O558A~êeaIft 7 133 MAIN &T. ST. PAULS ANGLICAN TINITY E8AUI OF THE CHURCO BAPTIST SAPTIST CHU00CH UNITED OFCANAOA CHURCO 0C0o88 CHURCH OF GRACE 00.O.88â«88m CANADA CHUNCO 800488 80A 80:. 8 Th A ET -eBýchR.00E0800 Suo80yAptil 1 82 10d. 0870 1.0 82 77 HOLY WEEK 10.08.m.070 nSch HL EK M.oday Thlday«WAu8MCm HO 1EK 0 10.770*Oois00 GOOD FRIDAY 'O.. og MONDAY. TUES. Et 7:w .Hoeo 000. GOODFRIDAV Y oI982 10.70A Th.£.A 0.R..0000000 P.A0 - 000W 00000 887,00 0800 MeuoodeyThumday EASTER DAY VSpecial E. Ont. 707' CA000 ot th :.7 ý h7EbO78.57a Et«TUM 00087 .74~7 E007080 ooda P" nlos 80. A Cofm000 GOOD FRIDAY T. L.4 ITh*.P»0 ~ ~ ' .077 11w .. .7 0000000 o770Wfth T. Hond W0,"'m 'WednA8day S. 0Cho. 070.AOOTO. 8 Cho, 70 7WP. ,, G." 700 p.. * 0 40 Fiy Emer Smice 8 E-1100 0 .. . 507 T087781 o-g Sudy Ap.dIl 82 8sa0000 p00 .-A.770060 8708 NuýA I N- S.o.Apdll W8d8V E!!NANIY Po F80 ST. JOHN'S 11:W 00.00 LUTHERAN CHUACHOF 70ASO7CHUI6CH CHRIST N7df c01) ROOo0.W0 limm ST. GEORGES 8725M0 Soo.y.pAll/ ( O ý Loý.o Suoaiy, Apofi717/82 j000 -. 8A8 So07 GOODIIOIDAV OoO'77I. .,07c8 ww...08878 700n87gW.. 77 00,, 0A5O7780 0.7 8800"00,0 00. A 000775 71000PA..08800000 o EASTER SUNDAY 10u, CH7 000000 Thoo.dâv 707000770 0000 ma"87750.7 Il. . 8.88887MILTON ALLIANCE CHURCII 5.0. Y- n- lIfflV' h,0.J~ KAOoAP.I., BOSTON -TE rPSo<08., Apil Il /82 8.7d PRESOYTERIAN 008A ESUN770SESOVIC OMAGH CHURCHIN 00080 O77Sund"Shed fS the whole 777 PRESBYTERIAN CANADA 7001A1: 08004- 777 ohoSpm07o S.0A CHURCHES KNOX, MILTON ooý.I.o.o r-G- wM An .I 00,08878-OM 0080,87 .,7m 80.7570. 6:0.-.£-7 .8g oo7o 0 0ü ,.. EASTER SUNDAY EZ77o.o Apori 11182 7 N807700700 .778A8F BOSTON 7070070 3,dr 0 IM 8ff. 000 .NHIGHWAY GOSPEL CHURCH .._ .A 788000700080.IO8oA770.A87.33M8 060700 Mil I7 b..d88 00V 00K GDODO FIDAY 100008791the sooloo 12MON. 70006 OM00707 00 Sun7dy. Api Il 82 0077000W00.A7 GOOD FRIDAY. 79:86a.m. 874000000 '07080077 MILTON GOSPEL ApI/8 700A008000 HALL 930-.7 W- D0.SA 0 w-77 ..di.000 vit-, 0,8 58010,8507mW.hp & ddWd.Mâ O- SU L.,AC0I1/ EASTER SUNDAY 4007VWW887oA.0 ndv pi l12 Apffil11/82 0000. 8A8000..l700900 il0e -S.nWg~ 1100 -0alC-MILTON BAPTIOT CHURCH 700..8 uS.. ni8700 07.0ir . .000cet0N. 1 01,0801,.71, 7.00poo 018o-088 87«W8088.0 Noday, Apoil 11 /82 787 0 . 00000n70.8o 08.870 As i0on. Rec.0 ChnO06F.80o. AN0. 8078 $m Al4oi,8.. Th WMe. 70-00.w 8i 8 brawford lMn.. 0408 y.u r e e SE l Mban - bas 0088 m e a» ofa bave 88 . ymw onelfi 0<180o aod 088.58 U po wnilio4no18 w ul urge 0loINuIta The. Truac rCasada pr*.ct okd 880088 àool cab so. ym so wehyeur aum ftw8b a plot 8w gomwm Yom COWdybave tg Pbole. Bread braiders nei Campbellvlle Bread Ersides 4-H clubI baId t88uy on WedIOUdy Naoeb $1.REtc mo.obe a= voom iatnd os a 588080. 0180 nss. ameianod 0the food set Uour l0bchoS boga Evroepltcbedinsand 8068gb«iW sotblsg forthe lloab 80 os. Parker Wa, s od l . 0780.10 a very sucU80081B08081. ir01 jP nwm e?f You am o 7 : "nr . e olon Nya rulas8ec - my, in or t fvp o Do nU0&W - oimtoou