i it>ho« rumrrge SOI CA PMR on tecb 0 eer d fololngMnW Mno Gtwel inhet MnEler imermfiMn ANAIOUIVCES THE OPENING 0F eon wecomed tedusta te duse- M odM re nCFieMnC MiieiMot niM ob rovnitge.M S D EG T ýin, orWmS hF raerwa r MSArDCApEIG Cm4TS IMM meSetirng diu0--01t elS eltadmpmoa eoergz. bW t.OWA Chopterfi du iODE Waei on aidey Mr servlesiodtislcbeailnnm Et~~~~~~rAl ag iuiSntelnbva mnd a att o hidid o hafo owervu a r uslaetws Omne montabo -oMffl h Wiln a~n àb fa gM*.nerldmaa wug se bed te &adosfer l pt4 BeMM Mogt Baaka gde Oaaboral t»fr t W o hll a ylé.w â e r A yetf mmInnwE-aedye.CRcmteseeeprv fheapvnnelmon m tig ste llEhm ldo AprU 4 ani iS t duRo we C e xct oe le HoI en.fa leugolo eting e hobuled A1Rsegmn. enaMtieyerIdu onoof u ns ao dea e ary u fuso e oa rdeat Kore roté ngubi orw enleGrebZ; " HaS, mmesI epaal'sUohld f5est h oneda afoa, Aetit.ery nde ve gtdast U ol pet, du Corlog lu o a y venlg, AlotU101h, =Flbpenednttofrsnfar lh sn e cmaetmanetlngwliduhsn AizeonHb nCnuberh SCerclelbyt CofondapnIiIS group:rowin Hamilmeeti g llb hl Bread. Mrs Harold McUure pr-icied of 41 Bremptoat prebyteriefland I brs.Eda DuO f serre- toryue t iaemeeting were mlreducetiby dia xm~ mo edeh okoner dttlf m. bk<5o amihaslzed avery maaber in 1014 pant anti basa dty le WMS. wrk-dze ma-1 thatmoMbbnw hoal eta eWoUrld ay oft Pftra An lgerdtngquie wueendncted te show w Cmesadnwomnen omi ek ingather for tha butter- Ment of the oaonaity andcburch. Smm. DueS aplahtadtltheprsgam fer eblidreand youdi end avardafr saie. Mm. J.C, Mnàd"a dm*Mkatheguutte r er mssage. Ra lfward bmagowuae anaiemI redhle Umembers aftte- ding aflonenotuaand luncb wuenerved hy dth bzataasMn. lHS*8--nand blper. Th onby Bueli4H1 bad hir slxlbmatngl thoe finocia partn Sturciey evecne AUSe thiar laade om. utr u ahethemefr tdu daeratiana put upby doris Opm&W ead Bni Staynor wllb a en otre of demorteti@a nd buny rabhit. A dali.. but npper prepëned by ui n titars wau eJaydatf p4m by tha girk en their guelt. Aler the mel gae of eurbre, mynlec oy, Ouie board nuir made for e very happy eveilg. Iba matend atlgwuaebled Asril 5iand record buba noutbehouenpltad by AprIt 12. fa iroJect Makn wead, radszand oter yeaet fonde bun beau Stephenson guest speaker Dr. Betite tbMoCssauid in Mine doi, sel ho dia guit speakern e diaadaimé an effodil toImeostehbledWby MUdicnattedlind ech Tahe catio Mlintrs atndance was con- frmed et dia MardbilO meetig of Hitcrest UCW, Msr9b, boed by Mn. HaoRivttniad Un. L fa psaadnt fMn Jeba MMab spenad tha meetig wlh theapoanum « iqar'nd rll caS! wae aiiawered hy Io maers and one vviter, ex- pwening -How te haerdith. Cliva Midietter aed fer vebuateon fer Con Pac, whleb in a pes te asiabllêaai for thea dat. Hiired et bpleto rrea ph«ttglpblc dlacaysa a agebe e the dacherch dina2nd. b haeyethaiseat 'Pive membon ropure n t n da Hetn resb- teonal Unted f5trcb Wons &manuatmetngi Ferairy, aileUMn Roy Wilson rend a report on SocilliaticeadimidCd Aholia" byMaàrdi l se. Euchre Door the themo - faeWMBUvmbU Dhpt. of Knnx dierch met at the omme of MrsJaamonn Teeudy, Marcb 1M wsh ladies prent. The Preledaso, Bilti Marshall openad wlit e reedlng by t Patrick, followed by the slangeof -YaWho fa amenof JeasnBeer, "end thesayong lin mof thbe Lod'sFPrayer. Adfine Markey lad tha devotiosal perlod, chos- ing ,Don" as hon Ibeme. The arriptue renadlag was inken froin B. Jaon S. fera are many di- fernnt types of dom, eecb wl didfferont purpose. Low don Ihatladin bu wor slefulteeds wiD hlave un sospedand nalformed ifwe enter ton malY. fa dur we chosse fr inmorrow shbmdd ho e lerge door duat we cen eter sti-ight end strong. Teresrsof etrnty are wlilzsutbeadmr. Joan Pillrre led duhe trsduictln teontr stedy hook on P itai. Thl esseion deit wlds acom whlh wseqtited te prjudce plus power fbera are han kintinf et cim-"inidlmtandi l"btiutinal" Examples et feacb le ou Society wreducribd fam Bible taces dut e are only stewards car- ing fr a wrld that be o G e ba. 1fa world dom nut hleeeg te eny particular rare and asmebbu Biprameey Inteeiyu of<ted. MAUinimankind are mambera of oeafamsdy andi racim l a sin t divindustt fedy. We nmt lmoana another Ow anctnm eailingdarty Mayal fea d dilb uedic- 4-HAlerova -H SloeFont Mn.mB.rd Tha Meeting strted of it wlthe 4-l pldie andi roll. lhe ledesbledreviewed us, o wbat we badino rlng te hppiza pry wblch l beizg eld on A Thons. MerébSi.Tiim bero werein four groupa brk.uinte two leaminefor dhe bakcer toBelge tst. Mn irhad madie ti us eoegea -dote fer the meeting. Thmin e one a.djeIvirn wtb O1Cenade. Tehe m banvtd mtbermmiatbe ln jarY volbal ge t Uehue5chol et.15 P-. te 1902 LN7 Sport Coupe 8 pmin Everybody ent over la dhe Devin's home te Tu-tom pet, luminuer whaele. AM/FM a bava du party wllb punch, piza, bread àhmi bon . VEW d'oeuvre, Ms.Bird and Mn .Win0teldbad recav- dofW.SE07 ad lng etemmed redromlefroin the membersof the club feror att bfer the club I wouedd&16olite le dudmuhepwideeit, Lynda Wùkgftegv- '"e treenorerEaine Qmning h - - emnalonNG R OT R Anmse Crry, eslie l kaid tho eaureporemr Marie Devins.hank yeu M. Brd mnd Mn. WIeg field. fae ragoter Btrday ight nuchrehbled et Horny Cntre on April z bed due followlng prize- tinners Mn$.Isable fhompeos, Mns. J. Shileds Mns. W. Maon, Mns. . Tubker, J.C. Cuningaem, Ed Par- sonon, G. MrGivrey, Mns. G. Reedbeed. W. Greenlees. bere were il tables le play. The terkey dinner betd at Bethel Cbunrb on Frldey evenleg weo as usel e very ucresofol evont. AU tickets were ontd and the mat en- joyed by ail. The pro- CR ewoea sig song ted duechoir and orgenst Mn .Donoven. Uul.uVDean le a patient at Oakvllle Hospital and Utat M. Perry Merry la ill et ber home. We extend best wiee for tboir racovery anmi ope tbey are scon butter. WEEK iseette, hunÏdredo le -iLNLJIH PETER R. SHERRY MNSRANCE ALLH AU Fm WUI MILTON, ONTARIO 87"774 È411) 0 INSUR CE! KNIGHI NSURAS1CE BROKERS UMITED Un'. KaruFerguaino, e graduale or dia= ,do Sre et Hnuring. Sue le a fosndlag member tof Hrdi Haieh ce0sOaraeeeio, ho eae rging canar da the d y I.by affective taie 0 ex. ining ,oimunity servicea surit as ionmeAM teVcoinOrder of Nonses. a e rgenlzatlon trovidesa eneaded and atelcome amecate tha pa- tient and famiy. Hospice groupesa aire ady et- abat lnl Oakle-Treilgar Hospil a nd Joseph Braneospitial. Femiy dutons approvel le seoary hefra hebopce groupcan et. Mn.ý Ward Brownridge tras le charge of the de- veoal perind, eeelted by MUn. John Beflhoddy, Mn. ffareyonre andMRir. FordWicbeen. Fet Pronidot Mn. boumsBinebett presented HMetratIlCW wtaebraue gvai to ehoued by at the progidents. Mn. JohnoBellheddy premeetedthe spaaker Wlih seuIl gif t. fam meeting closed wtldithe Miizpab Bnsdicion adnrial houi'. SPECIAI. RATES - 2,000 SQ. Fr. LOTS PULL IIOOKUPS o OVERLOOKS PARK AND 20 MILES 0F FESTIVAL COUNTRY OPN f«AF lailhu on"Mamdi FUNCEIII". A- MGA4 V 1GAS4UNA , WYARON y» NaE9L t'fln rIt\M.r1-1. F4 44,t404 1.4414Ie 'OOa. e"'0 tde SA FAY Et SONS UMED Mfeh.,Hetine aideShoM M"nta Bee MILTON - phone 878-6533 INTRODUCINI COMMERCE CONI ACCOUN le 0b"' THE NEW COMMERCE COMBINA- TION ACCOUNT IS TWO ACCOUNTS IN ONE. IT COMBINES BOTH THE BENEFIT 0F NO CHARGE CHEQUING AND THE EARNINGS 0F HIGH DAILY INTERESI IN ONE CONVENIENT ACCOUNT NO CHARGE CHEQUING, it's yours provided your minium balance duning z complete czlendar moth is $200 or more. The uzual service charge eri l ot lx zpplied for chequcs and withdrawals paid out of your accoufit during that month. Ezch per- zozsalzed cheque is numbered consecutively ansd identified on your dezcriPtive zttecmecit for easy recognition. ~HIGH DAILY INTERSTMID MOCNTHIY helps you make the mnost of your mioney. EVERY DAY VOUR CLOS- ING BALANCE IS $2.000 OR MORE YOU REAP THE REWARDS 0F HIGH DAILY INTEREST PAID MONTHLY Mites n attad ten uimt ro change044tout0444 Judy Ream - Another DIET CENTER WINNERI 1 taitdepemad md eeriiy ootbl ess ,1e oon1.Tino 1 tàk tafieM bond otd 1-t se1 tDtCtu. t ed the rowm &M dm. p-,t 5stii .&. OdAte aet itio, yoU CAN Do rU T001 L. 7Ilt.o25 P-444d4i4.404t eiItO! A4d -11l 40h , h-rto ktue i44off. fS go No nalTS . No IDOUGS - NO CONTRACT NO PBEPACKAGED F0006 CALL TODAY FOR A FREE INTRODIJCTOUV ,~C ONSUILTATION 876-2221 3540 Ceavs4e Court 35 Laestt4sRd. W 042-226 IGTHE IBINATION IT.0 A0. Thzts hi h daiy interest earned on ail your money. And, on those days your balance drops below $2000, youll titIS earn a rate of 3% per annumn daily inerest paid monthly. Il's guaranteed! So, no malter how much your account fluctuates froni day to day you keep earning interest on every dollar every day. THE NEW COMBINATION ACCOUNT. TWO ACCOUNTS IN ONE. One. yo u can use it az a chequing account only <arn dzily interest at the 3% rate paid monthly on your everyday money. Youre also entitled to no charge chequing if your minimumn monthly balance it $200 or more. Two, you can use it as a savings and chequ- ing account combined. Just deposit your everyday and zavings money mbt a Comnbi- nation Account. That way youll <arn high interest paid monthly on alI your money every day provided your daily closing bal- ance is $2.000 or more. TH1E COMMERCE COMBINATION ACCOUNt Its avalable at most Comn merce branches. Ask for details at the One nearest you. Youll find its a great reason to move over t0 the Cormmerce for aIl of yotar banking needs. CANADIAN IMPERIAI BANKOF COMMERCE bru C Pette