M-,lia genlli botakng e&fnitpacu inn n aiarci W ateste lae. n Region teasem hîch i mltcosepee in iraI Ima reoutîs me egod enoogl in la trrram tillei lac o tIh,' îrg Li tamoi ~JcîîîîsîOd plac ocisecondson Jaltth o as, onaloor. Topping te aistîî Paula Geatale Jeaay DobsnAadrea Gnole, saixta n baueads ixallIon flon woqalfile teTyro B gno ili Adrinnse ellandoiMaieSWod routine. limasJamna flmalWsecondi Il mas jsalfour yeara ago Siriagmo n as oseraIlIn-kplace =iisOttol Coplo sl~IOO.mmWOBla lm çag q. b a rsIl nd s oi amonau qalilliciloir ir.t omePaul& atealieof. = .: r moesi mi 1 e Atihe In= e ll »d osni au ddw à bugum Geodole, ler leeproviscbel dam- tnar".sse odam lUuen "*e s »d uiSla n fir ibosonroie.e.fr th place mlle plass last ye.n, bas Jemes Bi inCoi leyhbli 11a . e a nd Paula Gealola qonleliedwble molpehugnlm I «m- Cbi Rve lc l u n e lise 4e1a1an, W a. ma Kerry Bc-s aBoSisil man allernale. C'etrai h» isOiSOlSiaii1oedmfoAn* wui 1,11elis m eme. aThe provincia lmpbnahpo fr -e s ll e liii an he r elrewfoliaaas .i ms f ilt i mIlILSpelais. aIldivisionsu ecept Juior A ani B Jaetwshl Wwketury.l oIe ars. e uIaImIheAs-e.C COISPetUeaIgyDm- mil be bell et York University May meh ew nolhsî% aITLeiBt aehee OR* emill. iare notligMie Ion rovincIal15-16.19 Jsnior campelition il be HWo clsd l BoilanbeeTts liIqm sieoobsis 1mWda gimveoIaî, tle Ie«M ifI Liai lin laMilon aI E. C. brury Schol tofon ahleuêilliêit» l coos 1e Itae e otsa, Geuly, Lllro, Jense Kywrtli, Hep S. ~1 1 ý spu lits '111ECANADIANCHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7,19812 THIRD SECTION Playors wuIbwhlarUaoft " alo bok a et ohmp0oelagy 0ellIly toemetalaor hoekey, boys eni girls, April 21 wmOl as lO.eplla1lIe lbth w«eeawwroao.uàfe CampwllpoMsa eoe t-.p okeyg. Bu nF eed wraps up year By MICHAEL BOYLE Champion Sportsa Riter Il's becomisg a elcaeitradition. Fr lic pool fese yeux, lie cbamplaasliip Bas Feei boy for an honsme-leogue le.mas wilila Mile.n Miner Hockey bas lcolsred exnlig game. asd e fan day fr aIl ran- Ibis year sas noexccepion as lie ix busme-league divisians canpleei licir eaonss il i ile gamne..Inladad- iion, lie moal imprnvai player oarie fr eacb boaselcgne ¶Mer Tma an Rep lasse as omrded dan- laglicefe.livilies. (The Canadien Chiampion silI once gosliioi lennel alaIe te itarHoceyfearimg a complete rap-up oI al l asss ili more lion 30 Ibam piclres.. 1111 le cnseag 101 April 21.) Th1e MMHA eneralive clangai lin schedslc af eveala for lhis year. AIU msnal bprovei p layer. mre an- aosceil prior la lie divisiana] final. In adonll] 01ployer. fan liaI div- laion mrc presenl an lie ice drlag lie onnooncemenlo. Name. were drasen frose a bol fac prises il Ibhe wmer. neediag lo ba onliheicelin reeeivelthe priae. Upeirs la lie LionnaHall, mare lion 50 Misor Hockey Moma aperai neveraI concessoan llis la kelp psy fan lie day. l l ropiman mony priseswere iaolei y licHockey Ha.saronaaioa. Onlieleit11games pradareil cloae resis ililihe Pas WeGreen div- inaI final reqing ortime belare il as floafy dalid. LasI yean, il mas lic peewee. ogein elin Ibrew e idiy'o achie"ale aeqon- dry ili a geme selichreqired lie avefnse prisie befe il vau flslly ied. M 'fis filaais abrie sumsm"Ory JDCrePlumblsgand Heoisg r.Bedlire.h lieplayof ra ili alitha perferl isalag renard asdltle claub kepl lies sring ilact seiha3-il mlaaoverltle Firemes for the navice cbasepionslaps. Crnie scredalangle goa laasecbof lhe perlais asd reeived excellent suobut 1fOlkOOpinh frontJim Wod Zwon Klely "pe.eleorlsg laise la lhe fir.lper dilia gnal frnm TIrevar Crosford. James cryer maie il 2-0 ili a goal fram Jef Green belre Milael Beal cle.edeo.t lie scaisg five minsie thlie tlin perlo iteia gol IncasChrls Holne. Che&t Unon ebol&se. tealecore aou chample.ohlp In a cliospiaaabip aie. fe.arlag e pair aI Cindeel clabs, Hallon Cassmuniy Credil Uion eaged Milon Upholalery 3-2. Credil Union jompeiloutlis front qlackly mihI a la te fr.l fane minutes, Sean Dealli fireil litli goals 37 secands aparl mt Eric Clrialessen pickng ap Ima assista and Jamie Pearsoadiag one asslal. Upblîleny sarnaseci the gap laS2-I lter in the priai selen Airem let- chier nelclici is lir.tai f mo unessioleil talies forlihegame. Wili fane mlautes leS linle secnd perlio, Mile ilsan pal Credit Union ap by Isea dihsebal pavai tain e wopo M .proseaaaiasicloai 10 wilhils 00neen Flechier scared ithîl 6.32 tllI bal excellent gaalkeepisg from JelI Lar.en enablai Credil Uin no pulbllouith wn. Dolly eidsramolls wié, veose vleaory 11e Peewe Grecs divisioln il masl line to overtlsse perlios lencre Obinls Manrosso wedIn lacp lIse Biley's Koi Nevmol, who bai qouile eàgSseU wiliaes goalsanano aaaolt, screi toar mlaates inlo lic hind periaod liecil ap. Bel el backasutin front midmay lirsegli lie perliodsweasFranki Ados- sos serci frase BresI Rachi ond Flrank Lendvoy. limor, Newell forceil avertlsee whe. le scored an unssaisled ielly lifee msutes fronse endsiofIregal- '111e tomssployai lirougli nearly eve. minutes.of averlirne kefare Nemell put Boley abeai 3-2. Hoseer, ili lieaoganislag ram- mitesatr owark pa eset, Aisonoe.hai is secand oI lie gosse seihjuat Si secnssremoiniag tuffrce ssoden-viclaryaovertisse. Zorly lllamen Oulbur.l SoeuroPeeee GoliTftle Kisme. Claub enpladed fer line uasserei goals befare tlidfir.lpe i wsos ive minutes nId andi beldan lie res of lie may t la oilut a 064 viclory nver Fay Elecînec for lie Peewee Gnld climpianasip. Sean Branka began lie qicli oat- baral ili lie games apenlag goat 35 seconds lloite game fross Billy Bray. TwImislates loer, Mike Bai- Worli maie il 2-O frase Danny Wood belane Rab NcKay oppai hlelasita liree goalaili a mrber frase Braaks and Bray. Fny gel badl inote e amne mdway lbraagli lie perliod wbes Daag Caries pei homea agoal framSe lamne Clanke aoi lIe. rfoaed lie gap tlao single tlBy wle. James Slaclimell arorai Irans Ilrrell Tonealieasrly la lie second perla. Hneeor, Kinsmen Clab esl bock ona affleamPw ili ane mare goal ef«e séeod pe iod ai-u ici o t al"tfor o llvepoinl gosse wlile Brooks aiddi s secoad of tle gae lndsisayse effort peodars ashnlem vlelery Craig MacKllay scorai lie go- aheadinlsuaonce goals mn lion a ssinte aparl blaiteltid permad to g;v Jayne Indimlriat a 4-2 wis over BaperSave for lie banless champion- ship. Ater a acorele.s final perlio, Saper aves lasie Willams pot bis clali aleai I-0 lires minutes lalo lie s- conilperiai frose Anliony Ler.nn. Brai Wells sorci lie eqoaiszer fon Jayne ili ah umamislae &l t Im minuteas front lie end of lie periai lielore Brent Pearsan pal Jayne aeasd 2-I oesa lian a minute later. Jefl Lapalate assisted. Saper Save lied lie score five minates linotl i luperiai seben Blteve Melee fured! an umasaisled goat lo sel lie otage for MacKinay's ,cbaspiosaip produclag goals- 1hir-peri e aly golieHarris la se.loc Gen Faulkiner ignlbed a liree-gat 5ally ili o goal and tma assista in lie tim perliodta Laad Harris taioneeny la a 4-3 is aven Pigment & Cliesicat far thesenior cbasepionnhip. Aflenlehking a 1- lad %ililihe lne fir.l-periai lolly, Harris fiîl beblid sehen Pigment sconed Imo ananemereil tallies in lie second periai. Steve blarciangelo scoreil fon Har- ris shite Rene Bonke and Vern Lanoachenreplieilfor Pigment. Il 100k Harris juil 41 seconds ta evea lie scare selen Seve Dsgaay scored from Faulkner beinre Danny ale. pal Harris nlarnt a eminute Ialerlfrom Ken Binh adFaulkner. Bol Allans ied lie score for Pig' ment o cnuple of minutes laler frase Kevis Kesisrba and Warren Melan- son. Bowevor, Faulkner pravideil lie ddforeSla the game ili lie ine- isg goalmimway lhrogbtle prlio fram Giso Boovleh. Broag goal- keepinil front Blair eApplee eot of the ay preseved lii. Former Mile Aero Gang Fry gela lavolvedinlasomme actiono wll Geor geiosen Relier agalool Thonder Bay la the lHardy Cap plllydows over thie seeeni la the Lakbeai. Raiders advance past Lakehead Th1e Georgetowen Chrysier Reiera bac! qule Ithe advanced blllag when they heeded intoThuander Bey Ibis pool weebend in battle lie Boy Beveroge Blazers in the Eastern Can- adien Int. 'ék' emi-final. They were tnaleil as a Senior *A' leaze se dis- guise- If Iliats the case lhe Bay Beveroge Blazers mnust be cansiiered a con- tending Intermediate 'B' nauadins drag. Th1e Reiers weren't on top nf their game la Frlday's npeser, lokling slagglali aller o bampy air trip, bal they were slill ablelanalindoa lena Ilion inspired Thunder Boy leom 7-I1liefare a sporce crnsei of 750 in the 4,500 seal Fort William Gardens. On Bariay lhe Raiders picked up their gamne cansiderobly as they lree- wbeelnci lleir wey tla on impresaive 11-2 iclary andiao2-0lead in the benl nf five sortes. Thet hird andl final game of lie liest of five set mas lesthon clasir fnn lie Raiders as llsey sbawed lIhe eflecla nf lwa days in a balel rson, wianing a 4-I J= Wt= the la t bot the BOI Hamoname iebig sootnner fnr the red and white contnlng noe]ses thon elgh gals linle first Imo gossas of tbe serinsa odilng a single in lie Ihini. Nnl bai fnr o larmard. T'lal mon wilboal is OKiAIer- mediale 'A' ail-star teommales. Hamillan asnaBly plays ili Gary Fri and Peler Slargeon, bol Pri cnlin'l malie thie trip and Blargeon was reraperoling in bospItal aller undergnlng bnee sargery flllamng on injary lie rereivedin lagane lire. aI lie Tlmmlao set. Stargean la lmiabed for lie seaon liaI Fard milIlibe back sben lie Raiders lace-off ai Mall P' ridoy niglit againal Cap Pele for Ithe Eastern Canadien Cliampianaliips. Wili Slargean and Fard ast aI lie ine-ap Hamilto lia sldwili Ray Tonelli and Milton Aero star Dnag Fry, who lsaong wili Tam Boil maie the tripla b elp baoler thie Raier Uine' op. Bull s0wlmiled acion la lie serie. buit Fry oaw a regalar shift, laabing e. if lie sholi liave been mearing roi and mhitle ail year. Fry coumled lbree asslate la lie apening pairnoflgameo and cmld bave scarci aoeler faur if nseller aame bai luarananthle net. Il aine lire. Fry hbdancauplo mare chsances liut cesiit fni the bandbe.- Eaatern Canadien Chamlald actios gela onderwoy aI Al Ion Frieay at 8.30 p.m. and bliehat aI 5 alfair. Gamne two is Salaniay aI 7.30 p.m. Medics T-C champs for 4th year in a row ta wbal la quickly liecoming a rai- itian, Milaon bnci & bonis minar aloms blasled Orangeville to-I Solurday ta capare lie Tri-County cbampionsliip in Georgetown. Il marbeil the Inalli saccessive year Millans miner alom club lias caplured the Tri-Counly tile. il woo a relative cakemali for Mdiics as lin easm earasnterei lilîle trnable anditeIbas lttup ao -O asibalare Orangevlle scaresl Iain only goalsth le game. A conslatantail-aronsiteass effort coupled wihslcody goaakecping fruse bali Ryan Tamman and Richard Saliba seha splil Ibe nelseinding dulieswa credilced ili lie in Adrion Meli apeneilihe sorlag for Mil- ton ai lhe 6.20 mark wili a goal tram Dernan Bain andl barres Boots. Tbree mlautes la1r, David Wiwcuaryli maie il 2-0 ili o goal fram Rd Olirayi and James Green. Jusl 23 seronds 10er, Grecs adai la thie anslagli wili a marber fram Colla Bradley and Rd bilaon befere Michael Bonning camplelci lie lIrsI-peridblila tram Paal CarIes. Mcli liniabeil the iey silli lree goals mhdelianning scarei Iice and adai an assiot. Grecn and Carte. eacli ltolled e gnal and lwa assiass white Wlmczaayb taelllei twice. banny licamisli oueda oal and as auist mIlle ldrayd and bilan chipped in mii t n assista eecb. Ralie Dct Papa, Beals, Bineand Bradley adai onceass acd. Optimnists in a hole trail Markham 2-0 Breokomey goals scoreil in ascli of lie tlinee priais Olloweil Markbam 1a, taIse a I- in over Milaon Opimiolo sinon peemees aai o lm-game tendi n tinir best-of'five OMHA cliompionelap smies. Morkbam mon lte opener 5-4 atuniay et Memnnist Arena before golag up liy tmo ilitlite victory Bonday et Markham. TIse tlii game mas playei late last nigisî (Taesday) la Marbiase. Tlie forli gosse liscaredated fon Milton Sparts CentreBSatariey ili the f ifli goiag bock n Markbass Moniey if necessary. Opiiseahave corne ap ogainel their tasgbest opponent in lie OMIIA playiemns. Markliam lias sliomai superior clecking ability linasgliasl lie amie. andil ilOpis sodasn in tlie gomen. In lie npener, Marlialaelai2-t and 4-t alter the firsîlmao peris. Optis cloaci la mils none qalckly bal Mrblam restarci lhe lmn'ge.l mangla a minute laIernd leW onn iesplle a late Milon serge l in egomno final minute. Brai Jous s oreil lie irt goal oaItBe gome four mtse.Ios lie sart foc Milton ili on anassislei effort. Miarkbas goaie helet i mili Io goala larbodiog one. ili ion513 seconsi ..1l liprli.1 After Markham uppedteI na e3-1 in lie midle frame a, bllI cCaoile. narrnwai lie gap le a single tlDy mill lireelins 11laIe fraise. Pont Alten and Jones assistai. Leslian aseinute laler, Morkhose scoreil a lig goaI ta go up by tmn once agoin. Afler Jason Bariomans îlat from Be point Ironnithîe range to clone lte gop once agais to ans goal, Markliam basnced hoch asinute later ta go bacli ap liy tmo. Allen finislied off tlie araring in lie finatlsinate miii e goat frose Guri Harrison and McCanilsss but Mankhom efeclivety held control of lie play in lie Milton case for thc rent of Bhe gome la prevent Optis tnom seounting any snrt aI allacLi Maninam out-uliol Milton 23-20 searklsg one of lie fbm lime. Opuis bai lieen bath oat-sIaI andl leld tu such 1cm nliols In tlie second game, Milton came ast quickly ansI belore the gome mon Ima minutes aId boag Poallon pet Optia aliasil1-0. Adam Madiandi bonay Brown asch e.nnei assista. Wili Milton pressing base lie ensulng face-off, Markbam plcked op a Inosee peck fInne baskamay goal. Thie mas fooei by breehomay goals la e.ch of Bhe final Imo peris lo praihoce lie 1-1 final result. Mrkh4m'a iciplios, mel-bslanced aGtack bell Miles off lie board liereem 1 dae mîy. Oplia asI-eooltle home aede ale 0 tlliMill.'.Jho Marry celag sp W um ous dm suaves.