YOU'YLL BE SUR- T~ - PRISED HOW c ýLJ _KAREJOY E-oit be4oee o. and t e xl Op ci-e ew t.1 e -oo ue,@, edeuca1rt oce leRte ~etam Amt- . miou eau W 335-74 haie, .t-o. Om litefty teido"ul -4 -,4 nEcepION8W éo008 S Mt F#d oitonpelet wa - ~$- ovete EtAUdtStCAOtemocec eeidein, à tcey c.e- PuttmAlU Oeyqedoffice.NUUSJW M mm 92 90et-4eqdg 980 llatpte Id 0716 leetum, 1w. IAOYA CtOteolyMtouee SEAVIE CAREER in tructht. e1878.45 Sma enioatoos&te îe.te train tfort-T mWedeeeey teen, Imite dueeceomn t cles A icetsee P O e eOPti o tcve". Itervewr ? ap- ~Ieon cotctlMevo Thoiedateee soana Cet876i878 Oes .Transepert ou Se- a..nom.... Drivev Trelitew CLU"-m Incane Tax ATeLe <1011 Bus or tutk eliale- iOe tNe ASEutav? p,eered Loction- Ron NoweII F2hrcrlpcdefor GeO4meeot.Dey ShioeteelmmeeeNaltte eatte863-3=433 m lttePlèelea on 878M1 '>25 ;e*v&Im.'tv Mnt $AeIpi14U.At calefte v WO lt-et-néaietliCan Slve Yotr tce01 Ci am. ~Cleaelng :126§nal.CI Plaet applyin .le titelteIo: probierne HNAVING A r te8E You l Love PfiOBLEM là COe Tht Ctadae CoMlng h1omle toal hk Aoyou CtttPieii A Cleae joute m hrc 1l1 Mlet. 1tcClie Milton. Otett Cai Tue. .20F.M. r LUfl 8761672 fLNONt e De truyet a c cete oT ME ect'd it tIteete !tlmffate...Signom i orte.. oet %vi emrelou mw e hm eMM eitped ereeotnel 119 pice flaiemîco Me-eRcopde ce yoi oftee abdty 19 .t.ce ItevitetEtser t ace lp. itppoitent 50 liBlit ed a ot; t otet eceeai. tr winerce cec i otm ial lelotpm c CLASS A mees art Myue- teteth t-0»m MECHANIC mtedor .ccein-o. Waeied Ifeormen t IDE eltel te Aplecenpeetot. - - Mltet te arriveet at C1 BonisEoe. ne - 18mmr e&M . and a aveet5P ComerOf Mi. fl p.. 10 elredl hui l Coe, et at, My ee Oeete ptyide FC e ete,.itti. N. 25) & LI Miltet tice i e aelet. OeI1tîLt,. e. 02717 Il CL8,APIG lady ilo comlenocee. W. t eQoi rl.Ps c.i celecet? erete e teeIttraiee fit r@Wlrt. Fgu» ce ece c- Foc- El DISPATCE-W@ meloncetcdlPIOte eqohre e Haiydar o peeloi Actet.Thelo b e In-_ 7-13 coNýta tttet-e rdvt ed i"Wi-EXPtRIEttCE ciet &Mcoare 'iiOt-eeder aeellee - lhoti.etc.,.Maille sellet tervaete parest tepetacceten e~el.sec l ubs'8e.dieeif kstetch e i le uctietit etc. - lee 0Treeto led ett e ratésree. oaiD- icIntty, ced relate 1390. ci trottpotleton_.EX- ERIîmec Actet rt 9 7 7 va Ontaio.l* veve.tt11t O WAGENZ MAIRSTYLIST rosi INCOME Ta. CAttTT. 4di 4ar !lC tet0.pic ieceSYMeteuette sumell F- ettteteec t-pc, e lac 'M',c1 TeeteteIyted M4 d1i" acce 0.11, c eecatNc WW'411,Etet-ot euai. i18.4 X 3e ,euhm eM 18tONT ACCORD AI PUt.._ 63e icedl " 1 t3PRELiJOEOPV.34 ato, iclled. e i8el BUt. MVA23 " 1978 F0880 VAN. Dt0& SpemicelCpt " 1t77FORD LTO WAQOOe iJotE. ste,. à , 'a uP-H"f Lic. oU itere Speiel ed P., V7. <p7i PONT itC t - pcCp a tati Ot WItet rtely 0 vu. tA lpae FIiATE-Oit e priCe. Lic. rl . teIC. Clii fPécl ettld. wn CO,-relv. 27=20 = 011 pt. p. acte, airI pt4 i tRaSPE s tMI FM t, Csatt*t White LIc tlwSt,.lt-tee rock, asosS l 00 caoo eOOtgrain Sida trlm. 6 L Fr ' " itil.. 8.18, t t0.370. Coeeettiitedî ÎRD -winow ,,QOALTY scarcev- ctîsh,e4 0*itrcutlce, cIdMa.eo Mrié. con roof lnd 1970 41 RtEEEeavo F7801... Vitte. iie32i 1974 SYG88T TtAILEt ilaOltla le- tiepe 6018te/te. 801. A-1 centllic. M0-140,. 1973 2t.,001h WOEEL tee KAMPEt. AC- DC hOou. leffe 6,4 71<18e 0<81 0ecer, 3 pe. bth, o. ecel air tereace, <ful Ite tetIOtoend Te n tet-. Eccelleet ceed At,8to.Ulm. U3ý3".e M17fRUDE &W," aabotIXil DoraI Boett Sales th Semcec AL'S MARINE Acton -0- 110 CANOES SCOTI-Keci el n Filegileecellat Fieelaet cacito. Iorelce Flettlet, Met- ePeints,. ted- CREDIT RIVER BOAT Co. NOR VAL. ONT. 12* ALUMINOM bout 0<81 2 cremu«W2 litelactete 01$8m, off nit-I contimon. Mu 12, ALOMINUM CretIlirer .1181 cire «tfe loct.n 3hO.p. nei~. Atite 87.00. 1976.diH..excelete02 rodtion. sou Ponaee DONWT miesSTHIS OPPORTUNITYI WestlenCeadte uoget ed moitsoue- cesrful Food Seie c Cpony hm extp- aoded Io Ontario. Wt èrtIolieg for ec- cliem dWetlbsogth8roeghout Eastere Cacade. $23.500 lne«tmni raeeti Full traieig provided. Contact M. Lao Buchanan, Canad a nci»Directo. 9416) 49-481 NOTICE TO IEtALO POVWELL end CEUIA POWELL llldeenoah icielIre end oe, Item dO fet tac CIlae ie,. Unit10 &ait reoc teApiti21, lm 7end tle cpeitet le datef $0 for o mo*Maeso tle i of Ste tet ntpi ty 81.1 dmate I ten6tiono mte eUimt oe llcitc ee rmen ilammm. Cn Maltktlataic tamit-onPiepaiiyMeaetee, LdI 156 jIme sl.. Suite 330 ilmiâto. Gelait, 639-4400 UNSISEVED AIIN AUCUN Sit, AM 1lot 1982 - Pelocrito.75-100 lutact core. 200 poles 010eeee OWrut -Il Ct-bIIIII, ioVh ugmr eIult dses, &M lcaeslgonuml CuuIOl.e e teed 1141 Fr., AMrO9. PeeeIY OPaiegtduy teWtFvrm Slpply. Lteaelt8tl 8MY. e. 062. Foie. MUA $mu. TVUShlm. 41224899 NOTICETO ANDO OTHN IN THEI ESTATE OF MARMANS? LAWRENCE Al. PERSOPIE oe of MAAGAET eOAT- 8SON LAWROMtCF, e o du Tuer, of Mmoi, in te Reioiel himi-c- iCli,,, COf at,e Wdoudecattel. w10,. ldIe oIrte l4tO day of Jaeeli'y. 1l8, aie taiety equWed te und lhe utdetleonor bte r3ot dey1et0t lm u avtou et ta itbctel tact-g eo- gentIoe, te the c ite cf eOlch0. ceai trec al hm notact. 010s2801 day ofh t.l,t INGLE. CeittiEMOS1 2021.Jartiotte,É ltheEaculit- NOTICE TO CREOITORS MNo 01011 IN THE ESTATE 0F KItiGUMILL. dteofl1l6 0e8ei, Som ,Sout., MtOrga 0, ine. *»d Ileg-ttiMueicptvit Otett, fn Iv fth 0 e <tetee. ofditalot ai mtieiledlyof0Nttei.c FI es Lmue,. le- IdI t e the t- O lette e»d10taeatof tdite-norbutt 10 Tm. elutu lm8 prou0 date ot te 618 thegai ty e ot o W f, aiieetder 0150Mailmefle e Mict.dm18e8no tin ieadon a ted SciD tto,. onHU AcIt, 1tM.l S10Oe i tedCha- Selai« ordEst --labod UNE. ANTIQUES. COLLEC- AT "TON UVESOCI C X$As Vin fti ta &m «,ffl__ O F OP MP O ouNO. 10 e'W 36pieMotet let HMW. ATSNUUOM O tWte- tMdme,18 t. TUMSAYUVL: èeP*L 3c 13 e 8 sel pie; Noble 3 et7iBP.,M. Wtht 'MWllecei t ie CCROY US«T: 1074 CedIteIII. 2 dew u ti; 3 di #08 g ou Pistate telprela l-e dett, OR»ecWee, t*ktd2 "eeMite ta Jetatit ldte_ cddNeoe,,Eteatt#@e Clade, i t 10t ,i, ack "m; w"« otechar;tiue e ic moc an- O t, e "ett Obk N»tu bue ctlcitin d*co te 01mcm fme tar, il M.PFmtte; ew ht ,.du*laMe moue prdont mcd ILL8ItF 00. ce - --d-e.21 UnT Fdlellete dtaim w C itel-l100 it Mm t aaiiqe.t ad eemt eoeGeE tidget Kkmweteeteleti8tpet etpaeledtt8 t. kt01123dyljy4 toutsuite in dut imetc/wMg .ie c n atga 210 6.long S.-DncaenPovit ta ote ot 6cotte.; 3 pcetted. teettett.eteedee; .tecec da ; Iete teteele cwiettt noie clieti,, oootevacum cluai de cote , haot bée tI ma "*'0 000e";ite ioccg cotr;e; toisoe ite; Metnar cUit; ochet ing. C"te; coce htloct; 2 cil pintIcet 18 lea "= =tBti80 0 Anna): cenomsi Otietet o onées; cette ta ted k epr h4r -t ea ic.ocmouiklle pouaie, le u8k tEpicor )fçtm, 0immmowcomtmm gmr 0echiéoes tov e dhmt mnat ofup 6séxcn àpO t o MNOMu- Vdoodo@, 3 M.P.24mtte; Cht- Monte fo ti, 300Mcum" e-O ettetil «W U W te* 1, 1 itppemetaW UWOMIege - phCtedltetteePtebo GM.C. 88,8. 7 mtlle 90 m ut ti ltipee.ime «»t Fu CtO~t~leWMM , hm.;Fut D3 *el . Ob htam pt, M ioni eti N. .273 MP.OOie mt lecce. itof iffl tew~c ith Ileuer eadOta8% 0t , ,=tt *eM" e8O.dmedlc. UdtetttttueeqAedeeeeucepeaio iteeethduleitSwan Auct1onoer. Word Srownridgt Phn:87"4730 AUCT16N SALE For Gilbert SGeorgine Htrnty Good Frldty. Apr. Sth et 11A.M. Latadct, le Mttte.Illth@Feliocrsine o Sie Ceetiu 4».Th tueoictabledîil$.. NIVIII D10 M188'ietOt d. Ciee 418W8 The tIe NPl2lttdsc 1819, tDe 08420c, Oie @1111 HNF TOW y , Jetetaeyomidc. 79MI, oTCY Jeta Feel 111M).l-IHummeel -Voluoite (102/0. dItetWM 0801 ceej10Itedetduphc ld, 000 Otti hbu cOail ehlteIC 19161; 3 dttm t / cOtte Pro hot ely ttp base, t pUtie e «Mattieptece Fi. te Ubatlepoct elctailm et-obtet td08ct Oeetttte O i pletem mit 80thto " kut Ocew teyC 000e. 101@M; mid W ut, ot tol edaVi cOtte.opkecair 81* teh teetteit l /c *da@ mme iht- icued toMet Waeilce ecOl t* WMItte,-uleeotck ite pedetl hm« ouled tpkhW l ,d 888101001 cuit-I tct.c eith"11 ailsedttol Coppet'e-- de. ofisa.. CO..Ceaeeeat. e13-Floicca cern pi.o witntypeatt113 %t11;muletah pvn uetdow;M.tP. Littegcto; t»i/eedeceel 1MDteetteettileeit; l tou dismoe i cg Il4. M)8; maltice md*eg bond (w. cM)v> taey 8dlM te t u h PM"tein; 2 Ceoetee mfle1 PC. WtMM cOte set; 88y1 omt- Plate; leccy deilte. digmmtp"te la.Fetet 14FP.late, pot ct Eat. mue-Wtm,,«,Gemen ca,pieat ud Ob. Pet .01 *M. MY KM@ 8Edwat cp;Met talest d1018 Cllaeosle ti hpepte, stetil epee- 4cOP epptle oed W;Siaigvtee ee -taeqou ite oiC utitieWMcOt oac lttlpidaeootleadem MvplcONiethpcone MM*&* .3 SM ofChedseDltteetlUI;CuieTtl lut booko10 12 OMMlue tactofiLv*dcmo Mm C ilCède 0084880808184PNOPE M~eW Ma. Weeelellydan teten haut OM, OMbMtdvmèittdtaeeuaepoee Auctioneer COule A. Schouten Phone: M32M7 Lueate.elow,1tcu teM tems y- ile m M saui 12t Frcw omplC aoe &sdwmo Tf.3138»71 3Svl4hedieemteue, tlaePM, 0ted etletelmie lal,$bu*aettmd gar do ole IMmocueAr diitg maeu- teniontatieWr tst n 1 ),4 pe as. eoem mite,,4 pce.t»clitee. N,2 ocetotdcenci t. cotbe l6e 84 ce",dm te,2 Miemont lampte etao hee iaitiit t uv Tennme Cashtrutoenchimqe.t iti mOnmio re80088 op e0ieello laiec-t eldnts deyeo le. Aeetitev Donald W. Mlinidsme Seaige. (41t8 Mun7 AUCTIÔN SALE On Wedneedoy Evenen APHIL 141h. #t6.30 p.m. Leoedtt Rveccel roto e lieto ta ."W1e Mitloet rthe lirecede 614-he Aitud Hall te MocteSt. UQUDATiOI c fi Et teCoopvrOleteDom hEtai theupltc Ocreee, mWood Gmt-. ,2 emeilGuettt Heetc, Lemp ON, Broue teCooper isle, Briet Clavci. Fireplace leetete, 0100 Blue Cotte, O. ut- coutier,8 . 0tificiel FicsieplAeitplace Matcht«. Hanoi taeuieCcers eniMpc. ou. Tht Cettplttm eComet -Au MeeOdet Iethide ith Slotmthe te loihanseteprtipal lting): 4 Gteo dosEtOculans;21hbrts h Seced* i.eareette, 35 2rt;23 eult Won e.pba gries;t, teeplace inert; pitcloi-tn ee; dele loge; tireplace cempeloc e alein brise. eeppm., blait te hemfneebrutes; leegsterlo meiotet; tee- natie Oi gtte;larg ipen ad clett; lielongtenaitt lamé 1 0118y. double coppar hn08, 18ptt, 106 plat-s - ete, detIm n es un;eti; t c large Et.1100 epéiteot; centi mode; cee, h fiete tealed peile tpts; ceppe tcuet ele; ceppi lt 1l wtobute rings; cpwpeite: oipaione; olc petite cMeft $ten; tbetaseptàin gs; cippei i19e; brs*ite ecvit Delf Dite hoie lile@ pe. ci c18ey e;$ma#. mar.lar<gaeObrtseatieg M9cmn lutet 14tibuee mcodai, r; et pitel oued O Pot; bruets Ocopoe, 09 lampe. caedislW"; 2uco lampe. tel maimaimey toc, mit Euckt, etele e-e braet ft owl t tiee tek ttethou ha figurine;colpie, ditorgee t waebrn ue tes; boc. biseocloetpmt ppe epiett t; uinetatcatI olcdense tc; mppm o10 plaquet. Oet dut tcoceee teli coppaecsourds; oucey teecytp c. complanoem t- e/liSentt-i; O0100 b"0eie plame,. ig &tetec.2cnom eeeioce, compite td).antique oc1ot4 iwer tecitete 0,01 pgt-n mte. woenedmc, lîg. FIiLaLdes Et Geneeeel1 I ecomeiecd tahec o hmvuraotycmcitof you iepWeeld cim- novnu lceoccouig tte Sel. This lea àcempate e=opeleeitioea tuim er Aeiee ppeytaite e t ndpresterV ticeiece tcoaetodte aMW vour treitt O-ee ooppercoleetaee Latte eped twmvgtletp busiee. TENIS AS OUS 018 0108808 8 M8 OIR LD. 0..ectlc oardmtle nwnt epnsil P8EVIEW. FROM 4OCLOCK ON SAL8DAY. AuctIoneter Chris A. Schoute Phono: 878-2678 W@rd OroMdge - ONCOU . eeAucicttp AUCTIONEER Furniture Sales P8IN::;;;1u Phone 818-730 au -w BACOIELOR girl 3Wu 6106108 for tueli l g I i? collage or iperf ot Inorrcel Milton. 878- ars ,,P«Me 3842.Im0e , eoticete cccicecete. 1er ere MhOuee. cottage, s8e-ataî epprccmaoite220.0e t- te May or Jclit. t8en 3t SPRING B-ICtTbKe.y cetc pu[ Moniy oc Wle)t tAct poc,6î Use MILION-3 ttdroont The Champion btre 55 arMntt coni Ails NW 3-111111,011 affIll, oic. epe-471 FORT CHARLOTTE. FliF-Fv roml, mulie? tereete itdlt, neW w s70-1711.