1b canadsncIssIsIiùf.m id., M..si,. lm *rm aW - " dma*0M..e .g m aistoi Odl Wb"anelitâssail tO¶plot di rd Zbw t vnlfe b voe l b* r* Cm. leininalriw oa" l nd, bat toeoin Plii el dleoislratw ofice,nId" 0 Ilgltml t a. lais ot=odl carry ast îley 4 es: "llbSiti t e a sd U do a b ai c sr u cl e. ite li e e M . t b es can'ocrk wtllb,' sald, addleglbhat iil~er cI l he pecw l edlaoOkinly = ig armt appeseodby cmmse yur ip ln aidd itaiotilo lu cosd iorite ite laf ramSb "osreonr me u may ast alwayo m lbe eo es wl a Wte mu- jai m. wit Garys smbar one roquesl," lu adW agan onaselo. "e eo aebapayfflI UFFU pamphets conteih propaganda Fodratgavrs P-- p"lplloa a blealb iectsa"areespailiy 'badin ara acnodeydmaZU*Wl4bati "paiwbo enlier fron mfreaWY lb. antbssnttie scadt a Under coretpblarncrt. Temm conalritIDr. Peer Cale hbas alrl a pragrana of lesling hlu... l inasda pampihle of is owutla ait dislamIse lb.levai aiflactalded local roUeMalsnladoal wlbtiste gas A maltrefloed Provncial 1.s1 prodosa.was ltroiaced and te Regtas tr= ,tom Idet M. anlwua aprogram w'as saspended popotes ittet.iloismalarlal l W allOd n an atounarostat by lb. la maay boum w ile lb. assitane nofederat govermneal in aanaI granehfriE ba odesmigamsment. aaistance wM lbluprovlded ta IhMa ms.govrsintlbua non iomeowsers 'anting lage cloa te banasddulietfonm c i a i otsatim bouweverl.Poafl dinroverlon leal as il drIa dcrarba tesing prgrantbanbeeo atapped, bol formaldebydo gue re» ona telaefdacalprarantla solialy bamms.. amlisllbprobans. opeatisg yel. ovrtower tilGuelpit., "Tits tibothou s fot just related to tent tour1 Unden qonstiocoighy toto ls.ye oe i BOtes, Mr. Enua saibe la certain ttat nucouare danguos la "hbetbcauseitiafinsmanufactures esica»wavit. i t w wtamerwvOae edangeros sbecause sgs eluk ociconks tat radiales ta danger lita opinion waus t sbared by KonsetKoas, an loctronle asglser aito ban desisodneerai mlcrsavOtdltrsilsoOsteta, iscltding the one laOd aet te topt aifiMt Canadian Place in Toc- oeln Mr. Kmal»laserves as cbaranaioite o- wane mbcmmttloe aifte Cable TeWiio Opor stars Asociation. He explalnod taIt e gretet concentration Oi radiation frtite mlcrns mi in te trams- for an am of &mttOerasfronthe base. 1A bat poit, lusald, te radiation tat a Persan wSsld recoeewodd amant taonte one-millionlt oi the accq*ablfederal standard. "If a pecsn ad a leakyt icrwave ovetteY woWud rcove a far 01 dose oi radation tItan waveé an the po i fdente et lioirea- 'Nle prpeio m atewoultdtaloasa fwe4e-ar parcéiali sd asnlthe'ouI nid,1ai By. 25 i pay- sWe. fiwu OM apoosd talitheilr5llW ual nhiC«llt in Iwasboit W of aboi 0pR cool nâmnwueskec y # inT 001broaséntaines aboultitmeqnlyi wuli. irur"MCM"W= woi th ", "iitcbers wo atitn te be a sal frotlb.a.fect IsliatiegeirnTrit,"l abIr an tfl on snbnlaca-ble pnesr tZc&, u yevo ttiserodal a*et p&ac1la aclatoams Pterccaodiooa Mnge.o uep =c. Plluain e alte balit ee lite aw oa he MpleltaervGeaidsiteosete ben addudela ortceF"eu.adat i oal tlt cI'e sgalo gtrteBffastl aonsbae diallyusadveraeea ale esin w stawrt l'Or sy crires mnte itansed, bof aselit- front osa.. staos lta ylalfontoerot oli - -seolative a ymara 111 nsbrK.seboron, ad be didol lbhinb lb uiiplBu ad lb. jurisiiction ta dent Mr. Gtldiog1 'out ortocaoblallo'oed temn leluet- alan 'oittan pemsd msyway. . coga=lar 'os leadiog tecesidat'o atlackonlt tnatia oas rlm o Stan Bujsk, presilni a Toron=abnt elor- Nows. troniscmcaand nsOgibor o t ite. I don't'oasllalive inon aeaw'oecel'g tnt aia a Hia apponttte lu fried alive,' Mr. Bit aaid. "tdontbo effective tntc wtcean.lanerba osofed anyooe tattbeybhave ately. dos evecyhisi posible ta f ici a pcpr site frLc fl value EXECUTIVE MLATERIAL non It nn s ted u n aeig n ntpe asto t . an 6 tonv .dTatln noaiatia Jaci Fraers lairstootSti t esvatue at ____Shirt Spot him j 53 Liýo Loasen Itaalfs Mnel t n mal o cton touer, he aid, mirwaves woutd be fottosed intoa pit w Iud beoniat1y tghei, t stouid st amount ttocne ne-tlnnundtb ot the tedeca t anad- ard "an a fecoon woatd bave in be inaa balico Mr. KaMnnadmited tbt thore Uia boas contro- vac suarraundlsgthe standardstused by thfdaca govcnstestt ta meaatwe talerneave radiation asd ttted tbat bacaue nf tbe argumsent tbe standard wao reduced bin 979by 90 par censtfron thie original tevel. Aabed il lu tll bave any concernasif bla awn ianttty 'ece living nartbe tawer be repledsiuopty "nase atali."1 tn respone ta stber cttscerlnoraised by tbe resi- denta e sald thefrt;sty atbwici the cablê agaoodetaamtted woldgt Cle tbere i;-Wosdlbe o terference wtb li te te=e= signais the residensacurreotty reeiveor witb the olaation otaoysatllite dlsbestbey may tator instal . let teeviaionsa jtmt areo't capable of receivlng aoythitnginis of mety " e stalad. strr.£sal d oaside te aacing. titalsticrowave radiation in cotopetely diuierest fron thte radiation asaociated witlt Xrays, gamma rays and nucear reactions. HOURS: imm.TO Mon.ta B.at in mtoSpm 878-1230 emtm* Sunda 10 a.m.to 4pm Ohd Jl. th" would get froin U" tower, - - the tegmieu.