Il i QUICK GESERA WR'ý MIIIu - I REAL ESTATE LYD. BER. otiin$69.9w. MSARI'PEIIT PROPERTY Faos ta tseed 5 aca-slot. pond, brick haoetattlaodnoi ssiisg ls dsls & living rto ttstilfla-piaeslnoaprisaIs osnd paetelot ain AML PRINTING îPhoto Coies rbn asa. asAve.,Unit 9 ta ofW .. 25 CRUYsenChristie 8782095 n, Ontai ShireyZtanaEbs 78-7001 88-0515 MonaBAVAN ApImpO InvotnmntsLtd. ftaano'Sa. MM.tIag AI types nInfrospian &%CotgU&(W 87841M8612 0k5055 EAir ic Ca.bLtd E00890 0plqftMM à s s Ra H 146-088 FotQooaolatOOlame *ENOVAO00 TlntiS 0. nl cd N tt ffuOEnbgOU Twrs530p fflowguSwMalta Gana" 8837 Cash forafdftappe,, A typoiO es lopatirdons J.0C.Wste Managemet - Pant 643 Msin StE sta a b* atnts, BP Canada Ld. Milons Cali Agnt Phne (416) 876-1822 <Cal Jota THORNBORROW 0& Fel Dt. D Goa.~ McC3ORMACK' 24 HlorsaBtantaSottt comp lnsotjhoii -c, lan Service 8786538 or 878 8004 *COMMEMIAL PANIGi *INDUhiNAL WM 'n^ "' ORA' NG MILTON Free sdmMu 375 STEELES AVE. Cali AI anytimne snranwyusstat C &I1HOME LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS Rootla 0Ctt65nerta Peinttnd Papelml " PaiotiaDsign, Sanil Strca l oIWtk Piosting. Stdding Mamn a ideadolkt 181 MILC STREET.tMILTON s Ptio nistillttnad Patios) "Pruing & Taimmting Cali B6 - " Rttiiilng. a"otlastna 878-7788 rtIrnniougir gau cuit- Fran'îY- DEtD Roofing Mg. ps htte ldigint jpantn t o nees a Ils à sisa MstI 87MOO Cal IIVANSOELEN tw~ork Qaiaay okasi __________OAK___gnatatt0d. wI4rTEMO LYD. PAINTING FIot Estins Deigng la Cntrtnt CONTRACTOR DOnts 878-2562 IE5tSaood 1l9W)i For Free Etimatot Date: 878-9M5 &W Rosidmtleila Indutstil NDS OIL ESIOENTIAL iandsanag Cntations.ITEOOO EXTEROOM -1l~ *Owaalaoatsa 876-6137 Monof toî Box il4Milt .>...sol Wnaiaor RSchuberot Ot2H, ANTrRIM AUtpso GadsteotfO.A.C.'t i otn Etpoinced Et Eqnptsd 1 INTERIORS Elt SRnlag hande o att 4>11>6.6po- Papolaanging 24-ht..egec lOcts. b Painting npis K.. 1 It p01 oFetEstlmatos Stisato O.ssstaed MILTON CENTRAL 14 Fe sieé 5-M LIBRARY lmooEt Knowiles Oe r 8%igm Toi. 879cine atan e19-9 Mo.-12nots t p.. Plrbing F,» s55t«M 1 T».-9.305 a tpas RskietelIndutrielOI Repast IttIail kesFtIii onstanna i Goantftd W5aope,, T. 930a It9.D. Hotta Otngatmln Fal -9.30 att -Si3 Poa L Ctn antNO SERVICE St-9.30 -Ar onititontttCHARGE 1ota- oin ttIsat CAILTODAY MILOIN POOLS Si-uz Sales >& Accennarien 87-22 IagatcnIl -Chemaaaôa *AbttnGattad-service 8788770 877346 P *1 'ub Hesine 529 Mtin, Unit 6 .033 M PA"StOlOstwonimeca isit OuSh Nature Go.nnstalation le Ma lob. aobotetstIServicemtiPai,, Clousytml nw Ym * nsMilton Ckaur E fi C MeintOfefOOw P4 00 aE Sound Ld. Paintn -WsîIIPOOiaNalna U0tNO. 1 fimoly mm îa ont , seot llffton, 0, or. u6nSril laest itfood ttnt <6EA6 110Plt IOUte nol o ang l s ,a oi bcInn e att i 5 ln 824 I050t0S82i Sa6none 88426 18 ThanaRd. J U S T F O R V O U R E V , G E YACUUIM DOCTOR 64>nACUtM SaS1ottÇ 876-3394 ISTLLTIN Veculumo AJ -Ropulred uw -Rebtoflt 206 MAIS STREET E., -Guaranteed SUITE 302 Wosk MILTON, ONTARIO - Speedy Service 1L9T 1S7 30 0tdoit.t S Utatet tos Standard At Gace PInsa ONTARIO ROLLSIIuTTER DOOR SALES WVINDOWS -ESormnDoms AWNNS e S Entrnce toOOs Storms-POao Docte Boto. Sta in g In- - ~t ESrmWindost stallation.SatlitlEncloeaOeO Ptio Door Solls. aStitoic b* Window Co. 876-1280 1-276-7794 *61~* SOFT Sierf soeCA aatW ATER S.1 n eRicttH6Y THE WAY IT *Vnid for tsdenl OF SHOULD BE OIL'Gra * ondes nctiItGla 066 IMIIMAIS ST.. 57Ml8 25 YEARS OF Sndic in Haona Cotay *FREE Sommes, Woe olner Salsn laitos FRESatDoie Wedsiatoatawn las RESî tna FREE WaterAalyss GUAE ~ EPHONE Bll iMcOonald 84e9781 Beotoa Business Bureau i COOP CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE 0 FS WATER SOFTENER SALT r in M I. -~ air- 62 IMon Srvic 877-8871 Auo Trck& r66o RECYCUNGO0F WA8TE PAPER CON(SF 1 ý CONI RAL 1 ("Hl" .1 1